Absolute Honor

Chapter 889: Insomnia investigator

Raleigh Garcia went to bed late tonight.

Recently, he seems to have insomnia. Every night, his sleep is like a naughty kid sneaking out to play, and he can't coax him back.

In order to ensure sleep, he locked himself in the study until late at night, and then drank a sleeping pill with a glass of spirits.

This approach to self-injury still failed to give him a good night's sleep.

The recent time has been difficult for Raleigh Garcia. As the investigator of the Disciplinary Department of the Rio Police Department, he has been under too much pressure.

The reason is because he got a tip three months ago.

A drug dealer, C, who was in the slum, approached him, claiming that he had strong evidence that Congressman Delas had secretly controlled the Rio drug crime network.

Of course, as an experienced veteran investigator, Raleigh did not easily believe what a drug dealer said.

These dirty guys are not a good thing in the first place, and the reason why they rushed to find their own note may be largely due to infighting or fighting for territory.

Some of the drug dealers always think that they are a different and smart person, thinking that they can use some specious false information and clues to deceive the police, so that they can sit back and watch the tiger fight, and achieve the goal of eliminating dissidents.

All this saw evidence in the hands of drug dealer C in Raleigh.

It was a video in which the well-dressed Congressman Mr. Delas and a group of heavily armed men in black dragged a middle-aged man with tattoos on his arms out of the car, which looked like a bastard, and then asked after some questions. , One of the men in black put a gun behind the tattooed man, almost sticking to the back of his head to carry out an execution-style murder.

The video is only one minute.

But during this minute, Senator Delas had been standing aside smoking a cigar, looking at the drug dealer in front of him like an animal.

C said that the drug dealer who was shot was his good brother.

He was killed because he bought a batch of goods abroad and sold them privately in the slums, and the people in Delas had warned him a long time ago that he must be honest and ask the designated person directly for the goods.

Raleigh could hardly believe his eyes.

This is too ironic, thinking that Delas has always been a representative of the anti-drug movement. He is a red man in the city. He has given impassioned speeches in Parliament many times. He is responsible for the police's ineffective fight against drugs, and he is like an anti-drug fighter.

This video can be said to be a reversal of the role, which shocked people's chin.

C said that he has not only the video of his buddies being shot headshot, but also the recording of Delas and his men's first time looking for his buddies so that he can only buy goods from them.

Originally, his buddies intended to use these as amulets, but he did not expect to provoke a murder.

Raleigh is a decent police officer, and there are indeed not many police officers like him in Rio these days.

Moreover, as the commissioner in charge of disciplinary investigations, it seems that fighting corruption is also his due responsibility.

C's request is very simple, a sum of money, and then provide a witness protection plan to help him change his face and leave here to start life again. After all, there is no place for him to stand here. If all the evidence is handed over to Raleigh, he will be no more. Any amulet will soon lie in a stinking ditch or even be thrown directly into the sea to feed the fish, and the dead body will not be found.

Raleigh knew that he had touched a large and well-established drug trafficking organization.

Congressman Delas is a person who turned his hands for the clouds and rains in Rio. Not only he has close ties with politicians from all walks of life, but he is also a successful businessman. His current wife Angelina is also very keen on charity. The disabled police also set up a fund. In the eyes of many police officers at the grassroots level, this is a very prestigious couple.

To bring down Delas is not easy, and it is bound to cause a major earthquake.

After a night of deliberation, Raleigh finally agreed to C's request, and returned to the Disciplinary Investigation Department to start filing the case, and organized several capable personnel to form a team to start this matter.

But on the third day, when he applied for the witness protection plan to his boss, something went wrong.

C hangs up.

The corpse was really thrown in the stinking ditch as he himself said to Raleigh.

Raleigh went to see the scene, and even C's family, his wife and two children were all killed at home.

The murderer seemed to want to erase all traces, not only that, but also burned C's home in the slum with a fire, and directly burned the body into black charcoal.

Later, Raleigh was told that his application had not been supported by legitimate reasons and evidence, and C, as an important witness, had also hung up, so the investigation team was revoked.

After another week, Raleigh was told that he was too old to be suitable for the work of the Investigation Department.

This is obviously a typical sitting on a cold bench.

Raleigh is only forty-two years old, in middle age, old? This is a big joke.

But of course he knew the tricks.

Even his immediate boss may have friends of Congressman Delas.

The Rio drug crime network is too deep. It is a bottomless pit. Anyone who wants to go to the bottom will slide down the abyss and not turn over.

Raleigh was almost desperate.

Can't bypass the judicial system to convict Delas, do you really want to learn from Batman, take advantage of the moon and black wind to find Delas, and shoot directly at the culprit in the forehead?

Raleigh still doesn't have the courage~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He has a family, a wife who loves him, and a daughter who is sixteen years old. He is in high school. He doesn't have the courage to put aside everything to fight against evil.

Not everyone is suitable to be a hero.

Tonight, Raleigh looked through countless materials in the study as usual. These are all kinds of drug-related murders that have occurred in Rio for many years.

He went through all the files of these cases and sorted out all the clues related to Delas and his men.

Although he dare not be a hero, Raleigh Garcia investigator hopes that a hero like "Batman" will appear. Once that day comes, his information may be tied up.

It was late at night, and Raleigh stretched out and looked at the small alarm clock on the table. It was already more than two o'clock in the middle of the night.

His sleepiness was still late, even though he was tired, but he couldn't close his eyes.

Picking up the wide-mouth glass on the table, he planned to pour himself a glass of strong wine and take a sleeping pill.

This way of eating is easy to get into trouble, but Raleigh felt that if he hadn't eaten like this for a little sleep time, he might be able to see God in a few days.

Just as he picked up the cup and got up, the screen of the phone on the table turned on, and the sound of sweet music accompanied by the vibration of the whine began to be heard in his ears.

He glanced at the phone screen, it was an unfamiliar number.

After thinking about it vigilantly for more than ten seconds, he still pressed the reject button.

Recently, he has become timid and cautious. C lives in a slum and his family has been wiped out. He has to be more careful. Although he is no longer a threat to Delas, who knows if this guy will Hold a grudge?

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