Absolute Honor

Chapter 892: evidence

"We have our own powerful technical means. Delas once stored these videos in his mobile phone to check how much the evidence had affected him. As a result, we recovered the information in his mobile phone storage chip. "

After finishing speaking, he looked back at Delas, who was kneeling in the corner. The latter was like a frosted eggplant.

In fact, the video and audio recorded by c and his friends have been completely destroyed. At that time, Delas just put these things in his mobile phone and checked them to make sure they were correct.

After confirming that he did not leave any other evidence, he let c's mobile phone and memory card be thrown into the fire and burned, and the things on his mobile phone were directly deleted.

Unexpectedly, these things can actually be restored.

It's really bad professionalism that kills people. Of course, as a parliamentarian and the elderly Delas would certainly not know that things that existed in ordinary hard disks and storage media can be technically restored, but it is just a matter of the length of time it takes.

Some people even think that as long as you delete the things on the hard disk and repeatedly overwrite the messy files many times, it can be a hundred. In fact, it is also wrong. In many cases, there is even serious physical damage, or even smashing your hard disk with a hammer. Intelligence The masters of the organization can sort out the fragmented information for you in the broken discs, and then combine them.

What can really make intelligence agencies and hacker masters have no way to deal with the secrets that have been deleted in your hard disk is to make a special degaussing tool with high-magnetic magnets, degauss the disks of the hard drive, and then place the hard drive at 1oo degrees. Boil in boiling water for 4o minutes.

In this way, the information on the disc is completely destroyed.

This is the difference and cognitive dislocation between professional spy training and ordinary people.

"Who are you guys anyway?"

Qin Fei's words aroused Raleigh's interest.

An ordinary foreigner would not have such awesome methods and techniques.

And looking at this room, it is obvious that the three people in front of you killed them. From this, it can be inferred that the military literacy of these people is definitely not as simple as that of ordinary special forces. What's more, the equipment on Qin Fei's body can't even reach the bope. This level.

Qin Fei fixedly looked at Raleigh, who was looked a little gross.

"If... you don't want to, I won't ask more, I just need evidence." Raleigh hurriedly subdued.

"No, I think you have misunderstood." Qin Fei said: "Commissioner Raleigh, I didn't deliberately conceal my identity. I can tell you very clearly that my friends and I belong to an elite mercenary team. The detachment, the person who was wrongfully killed by your police in Rio this time is actually one of our team members. He is just here to look for a **** sister who took care of him when he was a child."

"But when he went to his sister's house in the slum, he found that his brother-in-law had been killed, and the sister and her daughter had disappeared, and there were two killers hidden in the house, so he chose to kill two people, but he didn't expect These two are actually policemen."

"There are so many things involved in the whole thing. I won’t tell you, but it’s to protect you, Commissioner Raleigh. If you want to live a few more years, it’s best not to know the organization and internal affairs involved in this incident. It’s our grievances with each other, you don’t need to intervene, otherwise the more you know in the end, it’s not that I want to kill you, but they—"

Qin Fei pointed to the corpse on the ground: "These people are all from the same organization, and your congressman is just a **** in their South American branch, because you still have to do your part and do a fight against corruption. ** Disciplinary officer, not to track down the things behind it, and for me, I just need my brother to be safe, nothing more."

"So...is there any evidence that your friend was wronged?" After all, Raleigh is a police officer. He has formed his own code of conduct within the framework of the system, unlike a mercenary like Qin Fei. Sometimes some extra-legal measures are taken.

"Of course!"

Qin Fei took out a mobile phone from his pocket and raised it in front of Raleigh.

"This is the phone of Congressman Delas. We have restored it through technical means. It contains everything you want. Of course, it also includes the self-report when I interrogated him. It contains very detailed arrangements and plans. As long as you put it away, you can definitely ruin the black congressman and enter the class room. I will make a backup here. If your evidence is stolen or lost due to some factors, you can still find me make a copy."

"Admire." Luo Li said this from his heart, then took the mobile phone from Qin Fei and placed it carefully in his trouser pocket.

Now, he no longer doubted everything Qin Fei said.

The armed men in front of them have a sharp style of doing things, and they are considered exhaustive. The methods can be described as professional and professional, and they are not what ordinary people can do.

Elite mercenaries?

The implication is that these people were former members of the elite special forces of certain countries, and formed this kind of team after retiring.

Qin Fei said just now that this was a grudge between him and the huge organization behind it, and it had nothing to do with him. It seemed to be true.

Delas was also unlucky, not knowing how he got involved in these disputes.

In Rio, Delas called the wind and rain to cover the sky with one hand, but in the eyes of these people, it was as fragile as a cloth doll.

"Commissioner Raleigh, I'll give you one more suggestion." Qin Fei said.

Raleigh hurriedly said, "You said, you said."

He now admires Qin Fei so much that he would not doubt what Qin Fei said.

"I think if you use this phone and the contents as evidence to find your superior ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ maybe this matter will be dealt with again." Qin Fei said.

Raleigh's heart shook wildly.

Recalling that before, C's death was after he requested an investigation from his superiors and organized an investigation team.

Within a few days, C became a smelly corpse and lay in the ditch. His family was completely wiped out.

Obviously, there may be ghosts in both the police station and the investigation department.

Raleigh had doubts before, but he had no evidence at all. He could only swallow the broken teeth and blood into his stomach.

"So..." Raleigh hesitated: "What should I do?"

"I suggest you find a newspaper first. You can trust the kind that usually exposes scandals of big shots." Qin Fei smiled: "Pass one of the videos to their reporter Xi in an anonymous form, and then just wait to see it. play."

Speaking of this, Qin Fei looked at his watch: "It's three o'clock in the morning. I know that your Rio TV station has morning news at nine o'clock in the morning. You can try to pass it now. If you need help, I You can do it for you."

Raleigh remembered the technical issues Qin Fei had just mentioned.

I am not familiar with this anonymous gameplay, if it is exposed, I am afraid that things will be terrible.

"It's up to you to do it, I believe you." Commissioner Raleigh sneered.

Qin Fei saw Raleigh's scruples, so he nodded and smiled: "Okay, I will help you. If a short video is sent, I believe that the morning news in the morning will be immediately fired. At that time, I need your help. I do one thing, if this thing is done, you will be a hero, otherwise..."

Raleigh was inexplicably cold sweat on his back.

"Otherwise, everything will be over." Qin Fei said coldly.

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