Absolute Honor

Chapter 896: Converge

In the side street next to the Bope headquarters, a black Volkswagen van slowly parked behind Qin Fei's Nissan suV.

The car door opened, Lao Yu wearing a peaked cap got out of the car, looked around, then walked to Qin Fei's car and knocked on the door.

The car door opened quickly, and Lao Yu jumped into the car and got into the position of the co-pilot.

"Old fish, are you here?" Qin Fei asked.

"I finally saw you." The old fish took off his hat, glanced at the back seat, and saw Mist sitting with Qin Fei, he looked a little surprised.

"I'll introduce to you, this is Lao Yu, the deputy captain of the Crow Squad, the core of our mercenary group." Qin Fei first pointed to Lao Yu, and then to Mister: "This is Mister. , A former non-commissioned officer of the Delta Force, was framed for carrying drugs in Afghanistan. I guess he knew something he shouldn’t know, and touched the drug network controlled by some people inside cIa. So now he is also being hunted down with us. Similarly, he also wants to track the Black Sun organization."

"The Delta Force?" The old fish looked at Mister, his eyes full of distrust, "As far as I know, people in Delta often mix with cIa, why? Fight in the nest?"

Mister said a little displeased: "Everywhere there are good people and bad people, there are also good people in cIa, and Delta is not necessarily all bad people, is it weird?"

"How fresh is this kind of statement." Lao Yu laughed slightly jokingly: "It's the first time I heard that there are good people in cIa. To be honest, don't you people in the military hate cIa the most?"

Lao Yu is very knowledgeable and has been outside for nearly two decades. Almost all retired members of special forces around the world have dealt with. It is not surprising to hear from their mouths some interesting anecdotes about the period of service.

Mister knows the truth about the old fish. In fact, people in the Eagle sauce military do not like cIa. The military has its own independent intelligence agency. For example, the Navy has its own intelligence bureau. The 6th Army has even set up the 6th Army Intelligence and Confidentiality. The headquarters, so they are often very repulsive to departments like cIa, because in most cases, the tasks that cIa seconded to special forces members in various services are obscure missions, and sometimes even let the military back the pot. , They are very upset.

Lao Yu didn't intend to target Misted, he knew Misted was telling the truth.

The intelligence agency of Eagle Sauce is huge and complicated, such as netga, netI, 25aF, BIR, etc...

To mention these intelligence agencies, ten fingers are not enough.

And many of them are illicit projects, that is, they belong to a certain organization and are not disclosed to the outside world. They only exist in rumors.

With so many intelligence agencies, of course, there will be competition for interests at certain moments, and even secretly tit-for-tat.

Seeing Mistor’s embarrassment on his face, Qin Fei relieved his siege and said: “Old fish, Mistor is now staying with us, and may follow us back to make an appointment. After all, he is the same enemy we are tracking. Now the drug trafficking network here in Rio is obviously also operated by the Black Sun organization, and Mister can provide us with some goals."

"That's not bad." The old fish nodded and said, "If you have a common enemy, you can be friends."

Mister was offended by the unfriendly words when the old fish first came up, so he still didn't say a word.

Lao Yu doesn't care what this guy thinks of him, it doesn't matter, let alone a member of the Delta, even the commander of the Pacific Naval Command is just a fart in Lao Yu's eyes.

So he asked Qin Fei: "What's the progress of the front sight?"

So Qin Fei briefly talked to Lao Yu about his 24-hour actions, and finally pointed his finger in the direction of the trunk of the car: "That congressman is still **** in the car by us."

The old fish raised his hand and looked at his watch. It was 11:30 noon. He asked, "The sight is still in the Bope headquarters?"

"Yes, it's still inside. The surrounding surveillance probes have been hacked by Xiaolin (He Weiming's pseudonym). They are under our surveillance in every move, and the front sight has not been taken away." Qin Fei said.

Lao Yu asked, "What shall we do if the commissioner you mentioned is unfair?"

Qin Fei smiled bitterly: "Then there is only cold sauce. If the sight is sent to the high security prison, I am afraid that it will not survive for 24 hours. I think the only way is to kill the Bope who is in charge of the **** and grab the sight."

"That will kill a lot of people." Lao Yu sighed: "If it is really like that, I'm afraid we will not be able to leave any traces, but it is impossible not to leave behind. The identity of the front sight has been exposed, and they will follow the vine to find out. When it comes to the X mercenary group, we will become the most wanted criminals by then, which is very detrimental to all future actions."

"But we can't just watch the front sight die." Qin Fei said: "In fact, we were hurting him in this matter. The reason why Fan Tianlong played this hand was for me and Comoro this time. They ate it. It's a big loss, I guess it's going to be facing us head-on."

"If we grab it hard, I'm afraid we will really fall into the arms of Fan Tianlong. When we become the wanted criminals, we will tie our hands and feet, which is good for them."

Qin Fei said: "I can't help it. It's a big deal that all future trips will use fake passports. Kobayashi and Yuri can get these things. They can hack into the database of any country and directly help us modify a real identity. So I don’t really care about this."

The old fish smiled and said: "It's just that our reputation is bad. From now on, I guess, except for warlords in Africa and some countries, serious businessmen will not hire us anymore."

Qin Fei also laughed and pointed to Kunchai in the driver's position: "Now Kunchai is our employer. We only provide services for him, and that is to kill Fan Tianlong."

Lao Yu was stunned for a moment, then laughed, patted Kunchai on the shoulder and shouted "Boss", making Kunchai his face green with smile.

"I said boss, old fish, you two shouldn't be joking about me. I paid and I never thought of myself as a boss. I just can't let my brothers do it for nothing." At this point, his expression suddenly dimmed: "Old Yu, I feel very sorry for the polar bear this time. If it weren’t for the news that I got the things from Green Bank, I guess Fan Tianlong wouldn’t start so quickly..."

Thinking of Nikolay and Nadya, the expression on the old fish's face also became sad, and he shook his head with a long sigh.

Qin Fei asked: "Where is the polar bear?"

"I didn't let him come, let Yuri stay with him in Comoro, Nikolay and his brothers for many years, now he is very caring, it is not suitable to come out for battle, I only brought Zhao Xin and Eri this time Come here."

"Enough, did you get the retreat route and weapons from Daniel?" Qin Fei then asked.

Lao Yu nodded: "Well, at 12 o'clock tonight, board the speedboat at Rio Port Pier 3, and then send us out to a Panamanian freighter called the Mermaid outside the port, and then pass through Cape Town, South Africa~www .wuxiaspot.com~Go to India again. When passing through the Strait of Mozambique in the Indian Ocean, you will be close to Comoro, and there will be boats to pick us up."

"OK!" Qin Fei calmed down. At 12 o'clock in the evening, there are still more than ten hours. There should be no problem. If you really want to fight Bope hard, the sooner you leave the country, the better.

"Boss, it seems that Raleigh is here!" Kunchai said as he pointed to the parking lot in front of the Bope building.

Sure enough, Qin Fei saw Raleigh's old car driving into the gate, and after some inspections, the guards let it go.

Qin Fei picked up the phone and called Raleigh.

"I saw you."

"Did you see me?" Raleigh looked surprised.

"Well, I saw you go to the Bope headquarters and just walked in."

Raleigh stopped the car and looked around.

"Are you near Bope headquarters?"

"Yes, I'm waiting for you to bring out my brother, otherwise I will do it." Qin Fei said.

"Don't mess around!" Raleigh hurriedly persuaded: "I have obtained the witness protection order, and I will transfer your friend now. I promise that at most you will waste your friend's day, and you will be able to get it out after you figure it out. "

"Okay, I'll wait for your good news."

"Wait—" Seeing that Qin Fei seemed to hang up, Luo Li quickly called the other party: "I want Congressman Delas, I want to arrest him, you can hand him over to me."

"Yes, I will find a deserted place to drop him later, and then tell you the location, you will pick him up." Qin Fei said, "But the premise is that I want to see my brother leave Bope with you and return to the investigation office. Please let him stand by the car door and let me see clearly when you take him out later."

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