Absolute Honor

Chapter 899: Almost dead

Qin Fei knew that he couldn't just go up the corridor to bandage his wounds, as long as someone passed by, everything would be over.

Now his only way is to get in.

Especially before the opponent may have sent the attacked situation out, quickly go in and kill the sniper.

Before, I actually wanted to keep alive. It seems that I really overestimated myself.

The members of the Qinglong group are indeed elites, and Qin Fei didn't know where he was showing his feet.

Maybe it's because I didn't speak Portuguese.

Maybe it's my own English accent.

Or perhaps his appearance has betrayed him. At any rate, he is an Asian, and he actually appeared as a waiter in a hotel in Rio.

In short, now is not the time to investigate the cause.

Qin Fei struggled to stand up. Although he felt that the wound was very painful, it didn't seem to be so painful that it could not be supported. Maybe the bullet did not hurt the internal organs.

If you hurt your internal organs, I am afraid that it will be a problem to stand up now, and once the organ is injured, it will cause internal bleeding. There is no other way than to go to the hospital immediately and ask the doctor for rescue.

Qin Fei raised the fn57 pistol that had been replaced with a new magazine. Instead of standing in front of the door, Qin Fei reached out from the door to grab the trolley and slammed it towards the door.


The stainless steel trolley knocked on the door panel, making a dull noise.

There was no reaction inside.

Qin Fei waited for a few seconds before rushing out, facing the door in a kneeling position, and shooting three sets of bullets at different heights, high, middle and low directions.

If the opponent is still standing behind the door of the room, whether lying down or standing, they will not be able to escape these three sets of bullets.

After the fight, he rolled to the side, and then rolled behind the wall by the door.

Usually this kind of tactical action, which is too simple to be simpler, can be easily captured, but now it has caused Qin Fei to suffer so much that he almost cried and called his mother.

To his delight, there were no bullets shot back and there was no new movement.

Qin Fei stood up cautiously, fired a shot at the door lock, and then cautiously opened the door.

In the room, a corpse was just four meters away in front of the door, motionless, blood dripped from under the body, stained the carpet red, and a p226 pistol with a silencer fell on the side.

Qin Fei stepped forward, kicked off the p226 pistol in the opponent's hand, and then carefully lifted the assassin's body with his toes, making him face the ceiling.

There is a big blood hole in this guy's left eye and two bullet holes in his chest.

Qin Fei shot the opponent's vital parts, and this guy was already hopeless at first glance.

So Qin Fei hurriedly pulled the trolley in from outside the door, and then closed the door.

There is not much time left for me. After all, there are at least 20 bullet holes on the door now, which look like a goddess scattered flowers. As long as the passing waiter pays a little attention, something will happen in the room.

Qin Fei pushed the cart against the door and immediately notified Old Fish in the agent's headset.

"Old fish, the sniper is dead."

"Are you OK?"

"I was okay. I was shot. I pierced the door and pierced the stainless steel service trolley. Mom finally pierced my body armor again. The p226 pistol is so cruel!"

"That thing is one of the seals' favorite pistols." Lao Yu said: "Would you like me to send someone up to find you."

"It's okay, I won't stay long, gather information and leave immediately, but it is estimated that it will take a bit of time to treat the wound and waste a little time." Qin Fei said, "Before I leave, you do one thing for me. The first is to inform you. Raleigh, Mister and Kunchai in bpe all have his numbers. Tell him that you don’t need to walk out of the bpe headquarters before my order. The second is that you contact Kobayashi and Yuri and ask them to be in Caesars immediately. All traces of me have been erased from the hotel’s surveillance system, and no clues should be left."

"Understand, I'll do it right away, you leave early."


Qin Fei stopped talking and cut off the phone.

He checked in the room. Near the window, an original desk was dragged here by the killer. An Israeli-made sr-99 sniper rifle was mounted on the desk. The bullet was loaded, and a small tripod was used next to it. An observation mirror.

Qin Fei leaned on the observation mirror, and through the high-power lens, he immediately got a clear view of the situation at the gate of the bpe police headquarters.

Sure enough, it is the best shooting position.

Qin Fei looked at the ground, and found that there was a big backpack on the ground beside the bed. Inside the backpack was a big box made of green engineering plastic. The inside of the box was all grooves cut out of sponge blocks.

Don't think too much, in fact, this thing must have been used to install this sr-99 sniper rifle. The killer disassembled it and transported it to the room, assembled it again, and adjusted it to zero before shooting.

Qin Fei squatted down with a grin, rummaged and searched in his big rucksack. After searching for a while, a smile appeared on his face.

Sure enough, assembling a sniper rifle must require an accessory kit. He found a green canvas bag, which was full of fine gun combination tools.

One of the most handy tools is a pair of pliers.

Qin Fei took a bottle of strong rum on the wine rack of his choice, then walked into the bathroom, opened the lid and poured a glass into it.

As soon as the lighter was turned on, a red and blue flame appeared on the top of the cup.

Qin Fei grilled the tongs on it for a while, and finally poured rum on the tongs, and poured some more on his wounds.

The high-density liquor is like alcohol, and the sourness that drips on the wound is unparalleled, and Qin Fei licked his white teeth on the spot.

However, after the severe pain, I felt a lot more comfortable.

Qin Fei lightly touched the edge of the wound~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and felt that the warhead was not deeply involved.

After all, this bullet had already penetrated a few things before hitting himself. If there was no body armor, Qin Fei would definitely not die today and would have half his life left.

This is also the reason why Qin Fei can go wherever he goes, no matter what the situation, he will never be empty when he can wear a bulletproof vest.

Often at critical moments, just a little bit of blocking may be able to save his own life.

After determining the approximate position, Qin Fei stretched the needle-nose pliers in.

The slightly hot pliers touched the muscles, and the sensation was tingling but a little tingling.

Soon, he clamped the bullet and slowly pulled it out.

This kind of feeling is really uncomfortable, because it hurts, so the biggest difficulty in simple wound treatment for myself is whether I can pass my psychological level.

You watch the tool pierce your muscles, and then you have to hold back the pain to pull it out. Many people may not have the courage.

Finally, the warhead was finally caught.

Qin Fei took a long breath, wiped the sweat on his forehead, cleaned the wound with rum clear, and returned to the table, found the cotton swab prepared for the guest in the guest room, and removed the cotton on it. On the wound, he found a bundle of black tape from the assassin's rucksack, and tied the wound on his abdomen with his waist a few times.

Finally, this simple operation was finally done.

Qin Fei began to deal with the scene, wiped off all possible fingerprints, packed up the things that had been stained with his blood, threw it into the toilet and flushed it several times, then washed the toilet with the shower head once, and finally put on the body armor cover again. Put on the big denim suit before and put on a baseball cap.

Looking into the mirror, Qin Fei felt that everything was fine on the surface.

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