Absolute Honor

Chapter 903: Deduction

Watch the armored convoy slowly enter the city.

At each intersection, one of the police cars will stop, stop all passing vehicles, and wait for the four armored vehicles in the middle to pass before speeding up to catch up with the car team.

From this security level, it is no less than a visit by a country's dignitaries.

At least Raleigh feels very relieved. There are a total of 24 BOPE heavy equipment in the four armored vehicles. They all come from the most elite fifth company in BOPE. The official name of this company is the special tactical company. The counter-terrorism mission can be described as the most elite of BOPE's six companies.

After crossing a block, the convoy suddenly changed its direction and drove towards the south.

To the south is the suburb closest to the city.

Hundreds of meters away, Qin Fei and Lao Yu stared at the road map on the laptop and the red dots on the signs representing the armored convoy without blinking.

It seems that this driving route map is correct, and the convoy is indeed traveling along this route.

"They went to the outskirts." Old Yu said.

Mister stretched his head as far forward as possible, trying to see the data and map on the screen clearly.

In his opinion, Qin Fei's logistics support system is so powerful that he can hack into Rio's police work system and steal other people's instructions and data from it.

From what Qin Fei just called and communicated with his back-up technical team, this team is not in this country, but in another country.

From the unthinkable, this is not something ordinary people can do.

Mister couldn't help but have some bold thoughts. Does Qin Fei have a military background, because where is it possible for an ordinary mercenary team to have such a technical level?

"Aren't these guys going to the outskirts, aren't they easier to be ambushed?" Mister saw the route map clearly and couldn't help but said, "At least it's not that easy to be raided in the city, the outskirts..."

He sneered twice.

"If it were me, I would choose to arrange the route in the city."

"Don't use the way of thinking of your Delta Force to think about problems." Qin Fei said: "You are a soldier. What you think about is how to improve the success rate of the attack, or how to improve your own defense capabilities. Of course, the city can make it more difficult for the attackers to get out. However, deaths caused by large-scale gun battles can be avoided in the suburbs. BOPE is essentially the police, and they consider the safety of citizens."

"Walking around the entire city in a half circle on the outskirts, and then entering the city from the west, the distance and time will be at least doubled." Mister said: "The risk will also be doubled."

"They are now a fully armored convoy. Unless they use anti-tank weapons, I find it difficult to deal with them. Moreover, BOPE is a special anti-terrorist police. According to the information, there are 24 elite anti-terrorist company members in it to protect the front sight. You think BOPE is a vegetarian. Yes? The Qinglong group wants to gnaw off their hard bones, I don't think it's that easy."

Mister felt that what the old fish said also made sense.

The name "Skull and Crossbones" is not for nothing. In Rio, this is a special police force that makes criminals fearful.

BOPE can be traced back to the establishment of the core special operations company on January 19, 1978. This team is the original form of the current special police combat battalion. In 1982, the entire company was assigned to Joe from the Rio State Gendarmerie Staff Headquarters. Croatian police brigade, and changed its name to special operations company. In 1984, he returned to his old club and changed back to the original name, the core special operations company. Until 1988, when the jurisdiction of the core special operations company was extended to the whole state of Rio de Janeiro, the special police combat battalion was established and became the BOPE of today.

Someone once analyzed that BOPE is the most powerful special police force in South America. They are trained in accordance with the military's special forces, and they often cooperate with the police in sweeping drug dealers in slums. Those who have been accustomed to life and death are no worse than any special forces members.

"Well, you just assume that I don't understand, but..." Mister frowned and said, "I always think something big is going to happen..."

"Aren't you nonsense?" Qin Fei couldn't help choking at Mister, "Qinglong talked to me and vowed to kill the sight and us. Of course something big will happen today. Besides, I really like this route. , Even if fighting in the suburbs, it will not cause a large number of civilian casualties, which is very beneficial to us."

Lao Yu touched his chin, and said, "Qin Fei, if you were Qinglong, how would you choose to raid this convoy."

Mister said first: "If you just want to kill the people in the car, as long as you have enough equipment."

The old fish smiled and asked Mister: "What would you do? Delta sergeant?"

"With two Javelin anti-tank missiles, this convoy will all go to God!" Mister said.

"Ah, the Yankee is the Yankee, really simple and rude." The old fish smiled: "Don't forget, the'tiger' modified model that Brazil bought from Da Maozi is equipped with a guidance jamming system. Also, look. Are you on the two sides of the two Tiger armored vehicles? There are thermal decoy launchers. It is estimated that their own weapons company installed them after they came back. Do you think the Javelin can be sure to get one with one shot?"

"Huh! Russian-style equipment is nothing great. The'Stinger' missiles we provided to the Taliban in those days didn't make their Mi-24 suffer a lot?" Mister looked contemptuous, obviously he didn't catch a cold to the Russians.

"Your technology is very advanced, but it is not omnipotent." Lao Yu said: "You provided the Taliban with stingers. In the early stage, the Soviet air force at the time did suffer a big loss, but later all the Mi-24'hens' After the helicopters are equipped with jamming devices and thermal decoys, your Stinger missile's hit rate has dropped by more than half compared to the previous one."

Mister's eyes narrowed, and he stared at the old fish and said, "Why are you so clear?"

"Don't think you were the only soldier, hehe." Lao Yu didn't want to continue arguing with Mister about which equipment is better, and turned to Qin Fei: "What do you think?"

"From the perspective of the route and the protection intensity of the BOPE commander, I think they have done their best. It is also safe to say that BOPE is still very professional."

Qin Fei said as he pointed to the fleet configuration list on the screen.

"You see, in their plan, a police helicopter is also equipped to conduct reconnaissance in the air. From the security level, I don't think there is any major problem."

"If it were me, I would bomb that **** helicopter with a stinger." Mister couldn't help but interrupt again, "I hate snipers on helicopters the most."

"That way, people on the ground will get an alert and then react. I'm afraid it will be a lot more difficult to blast off their armored vehicles." Qin Fei said.

"This..." Mister was a little confused, "Anyway, as long as the firepower is fierce enough, and a blast, whether you are a BOPE or a SAT, you have to die!"

Lao Yu couldn't help but laughed out~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and said to Qin Fei: "I like this guy. He and Lao Zhou should be able to talk very well."

Qin Fei shook his head and said: "I don't think that, Lao Zhou doesn't like USA special forces. What he learned back then was how to deal with them."

Speaking of this, the two of them thought of the situation in the future after Mister and Lao Zhou met, and couldn't help laughing.

"Boss, we have already arrived in the suburbs." Kun Chai, who has been a driver, said suddenly.

Qin Fei looked outside the car, and it turned out that the dense buildings in the urban area were gone. There were trees on both sides of the road. Through the trees, you could see many undulating hills around. Only occasionally could I see a small wooden house. Not so prosperous.

"Be careful, stay away from them as much as possible in this kind of place, and don't be caught mistakenly believing that we belong to the Qinglong group." Qin Fei said this, and suddenly remembered one thing: "I don't know where the position of the Qinglong group is now. ."

The feeling of being in the bright place is really bad, especially the words of Mister reminded Qin Fei just now, if the other party has an anti-tank weapon and shoots at him, wouldn’t it be over?

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