Absolute Honor

Chapter 905: Chaotic firefight

Raleigh stared at the front sight, thinking this guy was crazy after taking the wrong medicine! ?

That's right! Qin Fei explained to himself that if there is really no way to go in the critical moment, he must open the handcuffs of the front sight, and he will help him.

But now...

"Quick! Something is wrong!"

The sight has a much sharper battlefield perception ability than the average person.

You know, he was born out of the underworld since he was a child, and he was rolling in the slums to survive. He was instinctive to watch his words and looks at the dishes. As long as there are a little clues around him, his sensitive nerves will be stirred.

He realized that something was really wrong.

No one is stupid enough to stop an armed convoy consisting of four armored vehicles and two police cars with two ordinary vans without any bulletproof function without a gun.

No one is so stupid as to stand in the middle of the road and face dozens of professionally trained and well-trained BOPE players like a crazy person, not to mention those from the Blue Dragon group.

If you dare to do this, it's not that the opponent is crazy, but that the opponent has a bargaining chip.

And it's an absolutely awesome bargaining chip, so awesome that it can make all the police here throw a rat.

Therefore, the sight knows that something is wrong.

"What are you afraid of, we still have..."

Raleigh wants to say that he still has 24 commandos from the BOPE special tactical company, a small police helicopter in the sky, and a sniper with a sniper rifle in the helicopter.

As long as there are not two Transformers in the middle of the road, even if the van is full of people, it will be difficult to capture this armed convoy.

Before he finished speaking, half of the words were still in his throat, and suddenly, there was a loud shot.

The horror scene appeared in and outside the car almost at the same time.

While Raleigh was still hesitating whether to unfasten the handcuffs of the front sight, the BOPE member sitting in the driver's seat suddenly took a shot, almost hitting the neck of another member of the co-pilot and shooting.


The gunshot sounded particularly harsh inside the Tiger armored car, and Raleigh felt his eardrums tingle from the shock, as if they were about to crack.

The bullet directly interrupted the neck of the BOPE member on the co-pilot. He didn't even have time to hum. The man leaned on his seat like baked plasticine, blood splashed immediately, and a car window was stained red.

"I'm sorry, brother..."

The driver actually said a word to himself, then turned his gun and pointed towards Raleigh.

Raleigh didn't expect that the driver would suddenly do something to him, and sat there stupidly without time to react.


The handcuffed hands of the front sight grabbed the driver's gun-holding hand and lifted it up, and the bullet hit the crotch of the BOPE member who drilled out of the roof to control the machine gun.

The guy screamed like a pig, rolled into the carriage holding his **** and screamed.

"Fuck! Shoot him!"

The sight yelled at Raleigh, who was already at a loss: "You stupid pig! He is going to kill us!"

Raleigh raised his gun sharply and pointed it at the driver.

The driver wears a body armor and a helmet on his head. The only place where he can shoot is his face.

He still snatched his pistol with the front sight, and he never thought that a prisoner could have so much strength that he could press his gun firmly on the roof of the car and couldn't move it.

Raleigh is also a policeman after all. He actually pointed a gun at another policeman now, and he couldn't pull the trigger anyway.

The front sight cursed impurely. If it were him, the BOPE driver would have already seen God.

"Do it! Stupid pig! You pig hasn't seen it yet!? They are all ghosts!"

"I'm not a ghost!" The driver also yelled, after all, everyone would be scared to see a black gun pointed at him.


"Don't shoot!"

"What are you shooting at!"

"Don't shoot!"

Both the front sight and the driver made a quarrel between you and me.

It was just a few seconds, and the outside of the car had become a mess of porridge.

The small helicopter in the air seemed to find something wrong with the ground. The sniper sitting on the edge of the cabin pointed under his finger and shouted: "It seems something has happened!"

"Let's go down and take a look!" The pilot nodded, indicating that he already knew that when he pressed the joystick, the fuselage began to tilt forward, slowly lowering the altitude.

The sniper put his sniper rifle on a fixed cable, and through the sniper scope, he saw a jaw-dropping scene.

Armed convoys on the highway have begun to exchange fire on both sides.

The two sides fighting the fire were not the people in the two vans on the road, but the BOPE team members themselves.

They are in conflict!

Only ten seconds later, five or six team members have fallen down. They were all shot at them by their own people without warning. Because of their body armor, some of them have not died yet, lying on the side of the road and constantly tumbling with their bodies miserable. The ground shouted, blood dripping all over the floor, looking very painful.

"What's going on!?" The sniper was completely dumbfounded. He didn't know who he should shoot at. Those people were all policemen. They were all colleagues in his special police force.

"Who should I shoot at!?"

The pilot also shook his head: "I don't know! It looks like a mess!"

He pushed the microphone beside his mouth, intending to make a contact with the headquarters to inform the chaos that happened here.

However, at the moment he was about to start talking, he heard a loud noise.


The fuselage shook violently, and then continuously began to rotate, like a spinning top that kept telling it to rotate 360 ​​degrees in place.

"what happened!?"

The sniper was almost thrown out of the cabin, and he quickly grabbed the handrail next to him.

"There is a problem with the plane, we..."

The pilot looked at the beating and rotating instruments, and started to deal with the emergency situation in a hurry.

Before he could say a complete sentence, suddenly there was another loud noise.


The front windshield of the entire small police helicopter burst unexpectedly, showing a crack like a spider web, and the center of the crack was a huge bullet hole.

Almost the entire head of the pilot was cut off ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ with a little skin and flesh hanging beside his shoulders, and his body collapsed on the flight seat.

"Oh! God!"

The sniper and the co-pilot screamed almost simultaneously.

The helicopter completely lost control and was falling rapidly while spinning.

The sniper saw the ground like a huge wall, and the helicopter was like a high-speed car, slamming into it!


A ball of fire soared from the mountain bag, followed by thick black smoke.

Almost at the same time, Raleigh finally got heartbroken when the helicopter exploded and pulled the trigger.

The bullet passed through the driver's face, smashing his head.

Because the driver was wearing a helmet, the bullet did not produce a spray effect on the back of his head, but blood splashed forward, spraying Raleigh's face.

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