Absolute Honor

Chapter 908: Go and stay

"Thor, I have known you for so long, today you are the most handsome!" The sight sat in the car and waved to Qin Fei and the others: "Boss, let's all withdraw!"

Everyone rushed into the Tiger armored vehicle, and Qin Fei asked Mister to bet Delas on the Tiger, and then used two suVs across the road to obstruct the team behind.

"Walk around! Get out of this ghost place!"

Jumping into the car, closing the door, the Tiger armored car disappeared on the outskirts of the road.

"Boss! My sister, mother and daughter were kidnapped by them!" The sight said loudly to Qin Fei as he drove, "I'm going to kill those **** guys!"

"Som, right?" Old Yu said, "Are you stupid to be Qin Fei? I got it back for you long ago."

"Really!?" The sight was overjoyed, with a grateful expression on his face. He looked at the rearview mirror and said to Qin Fei: "Thank you, boss! This time for me..."

"The sight, I should say I'm sorry." Qin Fei said: "The Qinglong team came to me. The Komoro incident shocked Hei Sun's boss Fan Tianlong. All of this was set by him. When the Qinglong group came to Rio, they also sent several groups of killers to Paris, London and Geneva, intending to kidnap me, the old fish and the family of the polar bear. Som mother and daughter I have been rescued from the people of the black sun. It has been sent to Daniel and arranged for them to go to Comoro."

"By the way, where's the polar bear!?"

Qin Fei mentioned the polar bear, and the sight suddenly realized that his old friend was not in the team.

He and the polar bear were the first to know each other, and they were also the closest to each other. Of course, the polar bear would not care if something happened to him.

Everyone, you look at me, I look at you, and they don’t know how to answer this question.

The sight seemed to realize that something was wrong.

"Boss, something happened to the polar bear?"

"No!" Qin Fei said, "Their father and son are fine."

"Why didn't he come to Rio!?" The sight asked.

Qin Fei sighed. There was no way to hide this. He simply said: "Nadya and Nikolay are dead. When the polar bears went to London, the office of the Gray Rabbit Defense was attacked. Originally, Nadya and Elizabeth were the same. I went there to seek temporary refuge for Nikolay. I didn't expect that someone would directly attack the safe house in the office in the urban area of ​​London. Elizabeth entered the shelter and it was fine, but Nikolay and Nadya were killed."

"Fak!" The sight immediately understood why the polar bear hadn't come. He slapped the steering wheel violently, and shouted, "I'm going to kill the gangsters of Hei Sun! These inhuman and moral bastards!"

The sight of the sight of the underworld, in his eyes there is also a way of stealing, anyway, it is absolutely inappropriate to act on innocent women and children, and it is even more disdainful to use the lives of family members to fight the enemy.

"Where are we going now?" Old Yu asked Qin Fei.

Qin Fei frowned and said, "We still have to go to the prosecutor's office, otherwise the sights will not be cleared."

"My old classmate has already sent someone to wait for us in Volhelen Forest Park. It is about six kilometers east of here. We agreed to meet under the big cedar tree there. He will bring the Bope team to meet us! Raleigh immediately put forward his own suggestion, "We have to go there. With Bope protection, it will be much safer."

"Safety shit!" The front sight of the car suddenly exploded. "Did Bope **** us just now? Almost killed Lao Tzu!"

Raleigh was speechless, and thought for a while: "Those are just a small part of the scum, I believe my classmates!"

"Lao Yu, what do you think?" Qin Fei asked, looking at Lao Yu.

"I think we still have to go to the official for help. Since Black Sun's Azure Dragon group can even be bought by people in Bope, you can imagine how many ambushes are waiting for us on our way to the independent prosecutor's office." With a wry smile: "And in case they are all policemen, we will stop when they stop the car? Stop? Kill him? Then we will be in the headlines soon..."

Qin Fei frowned.

What Lao Yu said is true.

If you plan to solve the problem in a formal way, you must do so now, go to the independent prosecutor's office, bring Delas down, and clear the sight of the sight.

Of course there is another way.

Now that the sight has been rescued, you can go to Daniel directly and leave Brazil according to the secret channel he arranged.

The most fatal thing about this is that the front sight has since become an internationally wanted criminal.

This will definitely affect the reputation of the entire x mercenary group. The x mercenary group established by Qin Fei is not an underground mercenary organization, nor is it a free mercenary. He originally wanted to build a serious defense organization, and use this name to fight against the black sun organization, so as to bring out the black sun organization. , Let them show their feet, so that 2o3 troops can take the opportunity to deal with this organization that never made mistakes before.

Fan Tianlong is indeed an expert.

All the secret situations he arranged were interlocking.

Send someone to kidnap the family members of the x mercenary team members, frame the front sight, lead Qin Fei to Rio, and then use his influence network in Brazil's official and police to deal with Qin Fei, no matter which step Qin Fei takes in this step , The x mercenary group will become a mouse crossing the street, let alone fight against the black sun from now on, I am afraid that it will be overwhelming.

Poison, really poisonous!

"Boss, or let's just go back to Comoro," Eric said. "The sight has been rescued now. Som and Mother are also in our hands, regardless of him."

"Things are not as simple as you think. If the front sight does not reveal his identity, it is okay. Now he has been on the news and has become a popular figure in the city these days. If he escapes at this time~www.wuxiaspot.com~, it is not equivalent to default. The crime of killing a police officer? Don’t forget, Brazil is also a member of the Interpol. Do you all want to see the front sight on the wanted list from now on?"

Qin Fei said: "In this way, our entire corps will be involved. The politicians of all countries will be the rats for us to cross the street. We don’t even want to touch them, including mI6 and gdse, which have established a good relationship with us. They will avoid it. How do you fight Hei Sun afterwards? I am afraid that as long as you go to any member of Interpol, you will be a thief, right? At that time, Fan Tianlong had to deal with us personally, just stare at us, and then check our whereabouts. Tell Interpol, understand?"

"It's better to be a killer." Eric suddenly sighed, "The killer doesn't think so much."

"That's because you haven't revealed your identity yet, because your mission is still successful every time. If you fail, you feel that you still have a way to survive? The same is just a discarded pawn." The old fish couldn't help refuting Eric: " Qin Fei is right, we can't just leave like this, otherwise everything we built will be destroyed by Fan Tianlong, and this guy is in his arms. I agree to go to the forest park to find Raleigh's classmates."

"Since you agree, I have nothing to say, you know, I will only be with you." Eric said helplessly.

Kunchai also immediately stated: "I will follow the boss."

Zhao Xin said: "Of course I do not want to be a wanted criminal. I think our boss is right."

The crosshair said loudly: "I also agree to stay. I can't drag everyone down. How can I say this is because I missed it. If I'm not caught, everything will be fine!"

"Okay, then go to Helen Forest Park." Qin Fei said to Raleigh, "You lead the way."

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