Absolute Honor

Chapter 913: I want to make a comeback!

"Daniel!" After Qin Fei finished talking with He Weiming, he immediately called Daniel the "Magic" again, "I need your help."

"Boss! Why did you call me!? Didn't we say it? I will arrange the retreat route for you, and then you will do it yourself? I will not intervene in your affairs anymore." Daniel's phone call came. With the voice of the news channel, Qin Fei could almost clearly hear the wanted order for his party playing inside.

No wonder Daniel is so nervous.

This guy is just doing things like selling weapons and bridging to make quick money. For this kind of broker, the smartest choice is not to get involved in the trouble of the client himself.

Take money to do things, and then make a clean break.

What's more, now Qin Fei and others are already big hits on TV news. Almost every radio station and every news channel is broadcasting their wanted warrants, and the police also offered a large amount of money to make enthusiastic citizens. Provide clues.

Daniel didn't want to get involved with Qin Fei from the bottom of his heart.

"One hundred thousand U.S. dollars reward, let you do two things, do you not?" Qin Fei is not stingy with money now, for life, money is just a shit!

The problem that money can solve is not a problem.

"No, no, no, no matter how much money I have, I have to live and enjoy it. Even if you give me a million, I don't have the life to get it!" Daniel refused immediately, ruthlessly.

"Listen to me."

Qin Fei said: "You are not at all difficult to do these two things. The first is that I need a clean car, preferably a van, which can seat about ten people. You only need to drive to the outskirts. Just leave the specified coordinates to me, and then you can turn your head and leave."

Daniel was silent over there.

It seems that there is no risk, just give a car, one hundred thousand dollars!

"No, I also have my request. I can only place it at a distance of 3oo meters from the coordinates you specify, and then you can get it by yourself. My key is in the car. I don't want to see you again."

Daniel reserved a hand for himself. At least he is a legal citizen so far. As long as he doesn’t have direct contact with Qin Fei and others, there is nothing wrong with him. Put the car nearby and ask Qin Fei to pick it up by himself, even if the police finally track it down. In his own body, he could be sure that he was stolen, and the police did not know what he was doing.

"Yes." Qin Fei was also very refreshed. He knew that Daniel could not be forced to take risks for himself now.

"And one more thing."

"More!?" Daniel's voice became wary.

"Yes, it's a simple thing. You are very familiar with both black and white in Rio, right?" Qin Fei asked.

Daniel said, "It's okay."

He was worried that after he boasted Haikou, Qin Fei would ask him to do something too risky.

"Don't worry, I don't need you to take risks. I just need you to let out a little wind and reveal the location of our retreat."

While speaking, Qin Fei looked at his watch.

"It's 1:15 noon. The news I need you to disclose is that we stole away by boat on Pier 2, and the boarding time is 2 pm."

"Two o'clock!?" Daniel was a little confused.

In fact, his previous retreat plan for Qin Fei was to board the ship and leave Rio at Pier 2 at 1 o'clock in the evening, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon? Qin Fei meant to advance the time?

"What the **** are you doing?"

"Don't worry, you can just leak a little bit of wind out for me. Of course, you have to keep a good grasp of it. Don't make it too obvious, so that it makes people think that you didn't leak it on purpose."

"Hmm—" Although Daniel didn't understand what Qin Fei was going to do, it didn't sound like a risk. To put it bluntly, the ship he arranged did not arrive until 12 o'clock at night, and it is now on Pier 2. Except for some insignificant cargo ships, there is nothing.

After much deliberation, Daniel measured it and thought that this business was still possible.

After all, the remuneration of one hundred thousand dollars is really tempting.

"Okay, I promise you that you can't add other conditions." Daniel said: "Otherwise, I will quit halfway."

"Okay, you can arrange it for me, don't worry about the others." Qin Fei said: "But you have to make sure that you will drive the car to the vicinity of my designated location within 20 minutes, and I will locate it for you."

"Ok, I'll do the job, don't worry!" Daniel slapped his chest.

After cutting off the call, Lao Yu couldn't wait to ask: "Qin Fei, we are going to leave Rio immediately!?"

Qin Fei looked at Lao Yu, then at other people: "What do you think?"

Everyone looked at each other and seemed to feel that Qin Fei was leaving Rio early, but why did Daniel deliberately reveal his whereabouts?

No one can figure this out.

"I see, boss, are you planning to let Daniel deliberately arrange a fake boarding point to let the people of the Qinglong group take the air? Let's leave in another place? This is a way to move the tiger away from the mountain! It must be!"

Kun Guai slapped his forehead, cleverly inferring Qin Fei's thinking.

"Well, since you all think that I am going to escape, that's right, then Qinglong will also think that we are going to escape." Qin Fei asked, "right?"

Everyone, look at me again~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I look at you, I don’t know how to answer.

Finally, the old fish said: "Yes, not a blind person can see it, Kun Guess is right, you are adjusting the tiger away from the mountain, and then we leave elsewhere."

Qin Fei shook his head and said, "No. I don't want everyone to be wanted. If so many policemen have died, they will all be planted on our heads. Our life will not be better in the future, even if we are in Africa and others take us. There is no way, but we can't stand firm in Europe. The Gray Rabbit defense must not be thrown away, we must be engaged. We cannot be underground mercenaries."

He looked at his watch, and then said to Eric, "There are fifteen minutes left. You will put on your makeup later, go to the front and get the car back."

"No problem." Eric replied readily.

Mister had been squinting at Qin Fei. He felt that Qin Fei's arrangement seemed not so simple, but for a while, he could not guess what medicine Qin Fei was buried in the gourd.

"Qin, I really want to know what you want to do. In this situation, do you still want to make a comeback?"

Qin Fei turned his head to look at Mister: "Speaking of war, maybe your Delta is pretty good. After talking about tactics, the people of Z are really your old predecessors. You forgot the war in Northeast Asia? Do you think we Did luck drive you back to the 38th line?",

Mister was stunned for a moment, his face was blue and white.

That war was indeed the last rare setback for the US army.

"I want to make a comeback, and it's a complete comeback." Qin Fei glanced over everyone: "I want the Qinglong team to get out of Rio! It's all for me to die here!"

When everyone touched Qin Fei's gaze, they felt a bitter murderous aura, and their hearts trembled!

This guy seems really angry!

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