Absolute Honor

Chapter 922: Xingshi asks crimes

At five o'clock in the afternoon, inside a safe house in Rio.

Qin Fei used a tactical knife to cut a piece of Brazilian barbecue and stuffed it into his mouth. I have to say that Brazilian barbecue is still better, at least better than their pizza.

Pier 2 became the focus of the city.

Almost all the TV stations and media have sent reporters there, and there are more helicopters in the sky than the police.

In fact, every Rio police operation attracts the attention of the media, but in the past most of them were in slums, this time the exception was at the docks.

The two sides are still twisting, but as the police mobilize more people and more armored vehicles, the members of the Qinglong team in Pier 2 are getting more and more struggling. After all, the ammunition is limited, and although they have heavy anti-armor weapons, it is a pity It will run out in the end.

Bpe even dispatched tracked armored vehicles, but two of them were directly destroyed. From the TV, the wreckage of the armored vehicles could be seen emitting fire and black smoke under the camera.

"Unexpectedly, these Qinglong teams are quite capable of fighting." Kun Guai stared at the TV screen, swallowed and said: "Fortunately, we didn't face them hard, otherwise the few of us might not be able to fight. retreat."

Qin Fei nodded and said: "The Qinglong group is one of the four major action groups of the Black Sun organization. It is known for its violence. The Qinglong person likes to fight directly, so most of the selected members are veterans with battlefield experience, and they are not afraid of death. People, this is why I don’t face them head-on. Rio is not our place after all. If we are in Africa, we might be able to form a big advantage with Lao Zhou’s strong platoon. If we fight here, we may be Suffer..."

While talking, the phone rang suddenly.

Picking it up, Qin Fei saw Raleigh's number and immediately pressed the call button.

"Commissioner, I hope to hear good news."

"Of course, Mr. Qin, your friend Deloni has been determined to be exempt from prosecution by the prosecutor, and all the materials will be submitted to the judicial department, but he cannot leave the police station for the time being. I asked Garcia to send it back to the bpe headquarters for protection." Raleigh said, "But don't worry, there are no ghosts in bpe."

"If it's just Duncan and the others, it is true." Qin Fei said, "I leveled them all out in the suburbs, but I want to know that if so many people died, the police department won't be held accountable?"

"No, Garcia and I pushed the attack on the inner ghosts, and their deaths, we pushed them on Delas, saying that it was his behind the scenes who sent people to annihilate." Raleigh said, "I think the prosecutor will accept this rhetoric."

Qin Fei thinks about it, no one wants to complicate things. One deras is enough to make the official face invisible. Moreover, although most of Hei Ri’s strength in Rio has been eradicated, there are still some that have not been taken this time. The people involved, in order to protect themselves, must be clear of the relationship between Delas and the accident. As a prosecutor, Robert will not be against these people without any direct evidence.

"Well, I can wait." Qin Fei said: "Please tell Colonel Garcia that his daughter is safe with us, but I cannot release people for the time being. As long as the sight is safe at the bpe headquarters, I will be released. He will let his daughter go home and fulfill my previous promise to change a secret new identity for his wife and daughter, and arrange to go to Europe or Africa. Of course, I think he will definitely choose Europe."

"Understood, this is also fair..." Luo Li sighed slightly. After all, Garcia had a disgraceful past, and Qin Fei should be wary of him.

When the two of them broke the call, Qin Fei thought for a while, and thought about it slowly in his heart. He felt that Garcia should be desperate to protect the sight. After all, a person who is willing to sacrifice his future and reputation for his daughter will definitely not kill one. The irrelevant front sight against himself, let himself find an excuse to kill his jewel in his palm.

Now is the time to do another thing.

He had been very busy before, and Qin Fei never had time to think about another matter.

This incident was about the attack on the London Gray Rabbit defense. Nadya and Nikolay were dead. Although they were not members of the X-Men's Corps, they were the family of their brothers after all, and this enmity must be reported.

The best way to get revenge is to bury the entire Qinglong group.

Now that the sun is about to set, Qin Fei speculates that if the Qinglong group wants to break through, it must take advantage of the darkness at night.

Although it seems that the police have already blocked the No. 2 area, no one can guarantee that they will not escape.

After all, the Black Sun organization has deep roots in Brazil. They must have other branches, and they must also have other useless armed forces.

These people and the big bss Fan Tianlong behind them would definitely not just watch the elite of the Qinglong group die at Pier 2.

And he once vowed to let the Qinglong group not escape Rio!

To accomplish this, a few people alone are definitely not enough. Others must help.

Who can help yourself?

Of course it is i6.

The gray rabbit defense was attacked, and the lady didn’t say anything on her face. At this time, she must have been a wildfire. This old woman always looks calm on the surface, but the British Empire has always attached great importance to her own face, although she knows The backing of the Black Sun organization usually does not cause any friction with them easily, but now it is being murdered on its own territory, and the old face must be unbearable.

It's time to put eye drops on this lady.

Looking at the situation of Pier 2 on the TV screen, the two sides are still stuck together.

From more than two o'clock to the present, after more than three hours of playing, Qin Fei felt that something was wrong.

Three hours is enough to mobilize more powerful weapons and armored forces, or even directly mobilize the army to kill the Qinglong group. Why does the police seem so confused about the transfer and have not been able to win the Qinglong group?

Qin Fei had to take a long look~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He would never see the Qinglong group slip away under his eyelids this time.

After leaving the living room, Qin Fei walked to another small room, took out the satellite phone in his pocket, and dialed the lady's confidential number.

The phone was quickly connected, and the calm mezzo-soprano that the lady was familiar with came from the other end.

"I know you will call me." The lady said solemnly: "You have a hard time fighting with the Black Sun organization in Rio. There have been too many things on this day."

"Madam, it seems that your intelligence work in South America is also very good." Qin Fei joked, "I can't help but open the curtains secretly to see if there are any surveillance vehicles downstairs."

"I'm not going to find out where you are. We are friends, Qin." The lady said, "I only monitor some unfriendly or hostile organizations so closely, but I still know your general situation. , I have to say, I admire you, Qin. If you tell me now that you are willing to join i6, then I can guarantee that you will be promoted to a continent’s intelligence director or field operations team director within two years."

"Thank you for your kindness." Qin Fei stopped joking this time, condensed his relaxed tone, and said in a slightly intriguing tone: "Since your intelligence work, madam, is so well done, why don't you I can’t monitor my own territory? I thought that my people are the safest on your territory. I trust you, but now I have lost two people. You know why I organized in Rio and Black Sun. Is the Qinglong group dead? Because I want revenge! Since you said we are friends, I wonder if you should give me an explanation for the things in London? This is the way to be friends?"

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