Absolute Honor

Chapter 929: True and false SWAT team

In fact, as soon as the firefight was exchanged, whether it was Garcia or Qinglong, everyone understood the other side's thoughts in their hearts.

Qinglong knew that Garcia would not let him go, because he knew that he had done some shameful things and betrayed his subordinates.

Garcia also understood that he must kill Qinglong, no matter whether the opponent surrenders, Qinglong must die.

Before the action, Garcia had repeatedly communicated with his subordinates. He carefully told everyone that this time the opponent was absolutely beyond any criminal organization members that BOPE had faced in the past. These people are well-trained mercenaries. And the weapons are sophisticated, and by standards, they are enough to deal with a regular army.

Garcia's reminder undoubtedly made all the BOPE team members involved in this operation excited. Before they were dispatched, they took out all the most powerful weapons in the armory of the BOPE headquarters.

Taking into account the firepower of the Qinglong group, Garcia drove out all the Ulutu EE-11 armored personnel carriers of BOPE’s home base. This type of vehicle is generally used by the regular army and marines in Brazil. The police force only has BOPE. Wait for a few special police forces to use.

Compared with the Tiger and TUP, which weighs about eight tons, the Ulutu EE-11 armored vehicle has a weight of more than 14 tons. Because the armor thickness is more than 16mm, it is more than 12.7mm. The heavy machine gun is basically immune, unless it is bombarded with a machine gun of more than 20 mm to penetrate its defenses.

The roof of each Ulutu EE-11 armored personnel carrier is also equipped with an M2HB 12.7mm machine gun and a 7.62mm light machine gun, which has considerable firepower.

In addition, it has long been known that the Qinglong group has used anti-tank weapons at Pier 2. In order to maintain the firepower advantage, Garcia asked his subordinates to take three **Am bazookas from the armory, which were specifically used to deal with the armored vehicles of the Qinglong group. .

Just now, the leader of the TUP team was hit by the **Am rocket launcher on the hood, and it exploded and overturned, causing the team to stop.

Linde originally asked all his players to pretend to be BOPE, not only because he wanted to enter Pier 2 to rescue the trapped Qinglong group, but also because he felt that the only real BOPE SWAT team in Rio that could stop his team was. So they chose to pretend to be BOPE, which can prevent the opponent from distinguishing the enemy from the enemy, and the Linde squad with the identification device will take the initiative.

But a hundred secrets are sparse.

On the way, Garcia heard a request for help from the police force at the dock on the communication channel. According to the police report on the scene, someone was posing as a BOPE special police officer to pick up the Qinglong team.

Originally, BOPE always liked to wear blue and black anti-terrorism suits in urban combat, but the situation was completely different tonight. Fortunately, BOPE’s team not only had back weapons, but also had a team’s spare bag in the car, which contained a set of G3. Camouflage.

This is to deal with special emergencies, if you chase criminals to the jungle, they can be replaced immediately.

In this situation, it is clear that this G3 camouflage uniform has played its due role.

Garcia ordered all his subordinates to change into G3 camouflage uniforms, which effectively distinguished them from the fake Linde squad.

The Qinglong team and Linde's squad were suppressed at the beginning. The leader car was hit by a rocket and fell directly to the ground. The team members in the car were fierce, and even if they did not die, they might lose their combat effectiveness.

In terms of numbers, Linde’s squad was in order to make room for the rescue of the Qinglong group, so the four TUPs were not fully loaded. After receiving 24 people from the Qinglong group, the four TUP armored vehicles were filled.

In fact, the Qinglong team and the Linde team combined did not exceed 41 people, and Garcia brought out a whole company of BOPE, with more than 90 people!

The advantages in all aspects caused the two sides to exchange fire. The unprepared Qinglong team and Linde team were all suppressed in the middle of the road. They could not escape at all because they were surrounded by BOPE players.

These team members were already furious about the attack on their colleagues in the morning. Now the pot that killed the team members has already been dumped by Qin Fei to the Qinglong team. Together with Colonel Garcia’s confirmation and incitement, hundreds of BOPEs around. The team members can't wait to fry the Qinglong team and the Linde team.

The bullets of the M2HB heavy machine gun tilted like rain. Although the TUP light armored vehicle can protect against 7.62mm assault rifle bullets, the protection capability of 12.7mm is not as good as the thicker version of the Tiger armored vehicle used to transport the front sight in the morning.

Soon two more members of the Linde team fell to the ground.

Of course, these people who were shot basically had no way to survive. They were hit by the M2HB heavy machine gun in a vehicle that penetrated at close range. The human body simply could not withstand the impact of this large-caliber warhead and the cavity effect caused by it. There was no call for help, and he went directly to King Yama to report.

One of Garcia’s men, carrying a **Am rocket launcher, quietly climbed to the neighboring house. He planned to stand on the roof, bypass the TUP armored vehicle that had turned over on the ground, and directly bombard the vehicles hidden behind. .

He put the bazooka on his shoulder, then opened the safety, and used a sight to cover one of the TUP armored vehicles from the scope.

Just as he was about to pull the trigger, suddenly a bullet flying from the air hit his chest and pierced his body armor.

This BOPE member rolled down from the roof like a sack filled with sand, and the **Am rocket launcher in his hand also fell on the roof.

"There are snipers!"

Garcia looked up and saw the helicopter flying in circles in the sky.

"Watch the sky, at eight o'clock!"

The BOPE team members under him heard the instructions from their boss ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The M2HB heavy machine guns on two of the armored vehicles immediately had too high a firing angle and kept firing into the sky.

The sniper on the Linde squadron’s helicopter was also shocked when he saw this, and shouted at the pilot: "They are shooting at us, hurry up!"

This helicopter is just a police helicopter. After all, it is not an armed helicopter or a military transport aircraft. There is no protection at all. In order to reduce the weight, many of their parts are even made of aluminum, not to mention the large-caliber heavy machine guns such as M2HB. The rifle can crash the plane as long as it hits the vital part.

The helicopter hurried up and fled the dangerous airlift.

But in this way, the sniper was pulled away again, unable to accurately sniper the BOPE team members on the ground.

On the battlefield, everything has two sides. If you want to be safe, you have no chance, and if you want an opportunity, you must take a little risk.

Taking advantage of the time when BOPE was competing with the helicopter, Quick grabbed Qinglong's arm.

"Boss, I have a suggestion. You will take a few people to break out first, and we will hold them."

Qinglong was stunned. He didn't expect that at such a critical moment, Quik would let himself run first.

In fact, Qinglong can of course guess what happened when he stayed.

Although I have a helicopter in the sky, it is only an ordinary police plane after all. It relies on the sniper on the plane to pose a threat to the ground. Now BOPE’s firepower is too strong, with a large number of people, and it takes the upper hand. The convoy was stuck on the road and could not change hands at all.

The longer the time delay, the less chance of escape.

Quirk stayed, choosing a dead end.


Still not going! ?

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