Absolute Honor

Chapter 933: Boarding

Rio, Maua Pier.

A Toyota van drove into the port and stopped in the shadow by the warehouse.

"Is it that ship?"

Kunchai pointed out the window of the car. There was a large freighter on the berth in the distance, which seemed to have a displacement of tens of thousands of tons.

Qin Fei took out the monocular night vision device and looked over there.

"It's Jasmine, a Mexican freighter."

He turned his head and said to everyone: "Kun Guess, you are looking at the equipment and Barmond in the car. I will call you later, and you will let Barmond answer it. The others put in their assault rifles and only bring pistols. Follow me, lest the crew see us fully armed and frighten them at that time."

"There seems to be a lot of people." Lao Yu looked around the pier.

The Jasmine has been loaded with containers and will leave the port at 12 o'clock this evening. The sailors have already returned to the ship, and the chefs and handymen in charge of logistics are carrying some of the last supplies on the ship.

"We will try our best to be silent later. We mainly control the watchmen in the bridge and the deck crew in charge of the gangway. I estimate that the rest of the people are in bed most of the night. Try not to disturb them. After taking control of the ship , We acted according to the original plan."

After speaking, the van door opened and the group walked towards the Jasmine.

On the gangway, a short crew member stopped them.

"Hey hey hey, who are you!?"

"Look for you Captain Rodman, we are his friends." Qin Fei said, "You can tell the captain that Mr. Barmond's friend has arrived."

"You are the ones who are leaving?" This crew member was obviously sent here by the captain to wait for Qinglong and the others, but he had never seen Qin Fei at all, thinking that this was the group of smugglers arranged by Barmond.

"Yes, it's us." Qin Fei answered directly without blinking his eyelids.

"Captain Captain, Mr. Barmond's friend is here." The short crew member took the intercom and started calling Captain Rodman.

"Let them come up, make arrangements, and set sail on time at 12 o'clock." The captain's reply soon came from the intercom.

"Follow me." The short crew member waved the walkie-talkie in his hand, and then strode forward, without turning his head back.

Things are going well.

Qin Fei secretly rejoiced smoothly.

I originally planned to call Barmond in the car to prove his identity, but I didn't expect that this verification procedure would be unnecessary.

After boarding the deck, Qin Fei followed the box and walked towards the other side's container which was several layers high on the deck.

"We will leave the port later, and we will probably undergo another inspection at that time, so let me find you a container that is not full yet, let you hide in, and then seal it with a fake seal and accept the inspection. Don’t make any noise at that time, don’t blame me for not reminding you, don’t provoke those inspectors if you want to slip away, we will fix them..."

Before he finished speaking, the short man felt a pain in his neck and his eyes went dark.

"Damn, it's so long-winded!" Eric put down his right hand, turned his head and said to Qin Fei, "Boss, do it now?"

Qin Fei walked to the side of the deck and looked down the ship. The handymen in the kitchen had already transported the last food to the ship and got back into the cabin underground. The surroundings became quiet.

Press the call button on the agent's headset and say to Kunchai in the channel: "You will bring the equipment right away."

"Understood, boss!"


At 10:35, there is only 25 minutes before the deadline for the final boarding.

A light appeared on the dim dock.

An SUV parked next to an office building near the port, and several nervous-looking men hurriedly walked off the car.

Looking at the Jasmine freighter, they seemed to be checking whether it was this ship.

One of them said to Qinglong: "Boss, it's this ship, that's right."

As soon as Qinglong gave the order to board the ship, he suddenly saw that there was no one in the quiet surroundings, and he suddenly felt a little alert.

He took out his cell phone and planned to call Barmond.

As soon as the number was normal, I suddenly saw a beam of white light shining from the deck railing above the gangway.

Qinglong and the three of his men were already shocked, they immediately dispersed, drew their pistols and pointed them at the man on the boat.

The people on the boat were taken aback and hurriedly hid behind a circular pillar.

"Who are you!?"

Qinglong thought for a while and said loudly: "We are friends of Mr. Monton. He introduced us to Captain Rodman."

"Are you friends of Mr. Monton?" The man still did not dare to come out from behind the pillar, only to hear him shouting: "Why are you holding a gun at me!?"

"We were shocked just now!" Qinglong said, "I'm sorry, but we are nervous."

"The captain didn't say that you also brought weapons!" The crew seemed a little reluctant: "This will cause us trouble!"

"Don't worry~www.wuxiaspot.com~ We will get on the boat later, we will definitely follow your arrangements, will not run around, will not cause you trouble." Qinglong patiently, now is not the time to go crazy, and leave. About is more important than anything.

"That..." The crew seemed to be in a panic, so they said again: "Wait for me to call the captain and ask him."

After speaking, he started talking with Captain Rodman on the walkie-talkie, as if asking if he should let these people up.

"Boss, this fellow Luo Li is wordy, let's get rid of him!" Qinglong's men couldn't hold back anymore. Have the members of Hei Ri ever suffered such bird air?

"Are you stupid?! Kill him, how do we get out of the port? The police will come when you shoot here, and then you will start the boat!?" Qinglong lowered his voice and taught him to proceed.

"Yes..." His men finally suppressed their anger, and did not dare to say any more.

Finally, the crew member above the gangway shouted loudly: "Okay, I will come out now, don't shoot, I will lower the gangway for you!"

"OK, everyone, I will not shoot!"

The crew walked to the side of the gangway and began to shake the winch, lowering the gangway to the concrete floor of the pier.

In the dark corner of the container on the deck, the old fish carefully poked out half of his head, staring at the movements of Qinglong and others.

He retracted his head and smiled and said to Qin Fei in a low voice, "Fortunately, I joined a Mister this time, otherwise I really don't know who I should pretend to be a crew member."

"God willing."

After Qin Fei finished speaking, he pressed the communication button and asked in the channel: "Eric, what's going on with you?"

"Everything is normal, the captain and them are all in the cabin on the bridge, they are all tied up."

"After Mister takes them aboard later, you will drive upstairs from the right, and we will proceed as planned."

"OK!" 8) More wonderful novels, welcome to visit everyone's reading academy

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