Absolute Honor

Chapter 940: Change

He Weiming's plan seems very good. Although on the surface, he and Yuri have sold Morris equally, but apart from this method, there is no other way to find the ghost of the online world.

With regard to network technology, Qin Fei can only say that he knows a little bit. Compared with top hackers like He Weiming and Yuli, he is almost a kindergarten student, so he can't get involved in this matter at all, so he can only handle it with two people. .

As Weiming said, they are in charge of technology, and Qin Fei is in charge of action.

After Qin Fei left, He Weiming said to Yuri: "Yuri, in fact, what do you think about this plan? Do you think we have betrayed Morris by doing this."

Yuri thought for a while and said, "If I changed it to the past, I would think it was a bit mean to do it. After all, Morris is your friend and I, but it's different now."

He Weiming noticed that Yuri's face was changing.

Become a bit blunt, iron blue.

"Aunt Nadja is dead, and Uncle Nikolay is dead." Yuri's eyes showed uncontrollable anger. "Now is different from before. My biological mother has abandoned me and my father since childhood, Na Aunt Jia has always taken care of me like my mother, and Elizabeth and I fled to England, and Uncle Niclay has been taking care of me. The reason why he died this time was to protect Elizabeth and my son, Lin, you can understand Does this feel?"

He Weiming was stunned.

He suddenly found that he hadn't noticed Yuri's emotional changes. As a top hacker of the technical nerd type, He Weiming was very high, but his emotional intelligence was average.

Yuri has always been in the same room, but he never thought about the psychological changes he would have caused in the attack on the London Gray Rabbit Defense Office.


Nikolay is dead, and so is the lover of the polar bear, Nadya.

Now it can be said that Yuri and his son are also different from Daitian's enemies.

He Weiming had always worried about whether Qin Fei could unite the entire X mercenary group against Hei Sun. After all, apart from Qin Fei and Kun Guai, the others really had no absolute motive to fight a powerful underground organization.

But now things seem to be different for me. The operation that Fan Tianlong sent the Qinglong team to execute seemed to be a perfect plan to put the X mercenary group in a place where no one can recover. I didn’t expect Qin Fei to get paid from the bottom of the battle, and it actually came. A big comeback.

Not only that, but also completely condensed the X mercenary group into a rope.

Now everyone knows that even if they don't die, the Black Sun organization will not let go of themselves and their family.

Not for myself, even for my family, I would have to accompany Hei Ri Bong to the end.

He Weiming felt that Qin Fei was so lucky that even God was helping him.

"I understand, nothing is more uncomfortable than losing one's own relatives." He Weiming said, "You mean, did you agree to do this?"

Yuri picked up the mobile hard drive on the table, placed it in his hand and looked at it over and over, his eyes becoming firmer and firmer.

"Since the Black Sun organization attaches so much importance to this hard drive, there must be something they are most afraid of. I must crack this hard drive, and I must let those **** try what is called despair!"


The two were chatting, and the computer heard a beep.

"It's Morris." He Weiming glanced at the screen and said in surprise: "He is looking for us..."

"It's only six o'clock in the evening, and he usually won't be online at this time..." Yuri looked a little strange.

"Go online and see what he does with us."

Each of them operated a computer, entered the dark web through the onion router, and logged into the private chat room of the three.

Morris looked very excited on the other side of the line, and he played several signs of excitement when he came up.

"What are you so happy about, Professor." He Weiming asked.

"Hahahahahahaha!" Morris looked very proud, even a little forgetful: "I'm so happy!"

"What makes you so happy?" Yuri felt something was wrong and hurriedly entered his own question in the chat room.

"Didn't you say that the National Z Corporation Payment System Test Contest? Remember? It was nearly 200,000 US dollars." Morris asked.

He Weiming and Yuli looked at each other, and both felt a little bad.

"Remember, we mentioned it to you, why? You decided to do it with us?"

"No, no, no." Morris was still very proud. "I don't need you to do it with me."

"What's the meaning?"

"Because I started last night, and it has taken more than ten hours for Dao this morning to finally break through their defenses, find out the loopholes in their database, invade their system, and make a little joke there. The system is not bad, but unfortunately it is not perfect, I can still break it alone."

"What!?" He Weiming was taken aback, "Did you break their system by yourself?"

"Yes! Isn't it great!?" Morris said: "It seems that I am still young. Where does the trivial matter need our three swordsmen to work together? I can do it myself."

Both He Weiming and Yuli seemed to have been punctuated by someone, and they were stupefied on the spot.

This guy actually attacked the system by himself, which completely disrupted his plan.

According to the plan, the three of them would attack the system together three days later. Although the traps on the website are now set up, no one expected Morris to be attacked so early.

The original idea was that after Morris agreed to join forces with the two, while attacking the system together, He Weiming and Yuri teamed up to track Morris' real IP and determine his location.

Now he did it in advance by himself, that is to say, everything was wasted?

He Weiming still had a hint of luck. He hurriedly got up and said to Yuri: "You talk to him first, and I will ask my friends in China what is going on."

He hurried out of the room, took out his mobile phone from the balcony and dialed the country.

As soon as the call was connected, He Weiming couldn't wait to ask: "Did our trap be broken this afternoon?"

"It broke!?" The domestic technicians were a little surprised: "No, everything seems to be quiet."

"Fuck! Nothing!? I just received the news ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ that he has invaded your database, you should go and check immediately, he left something!" He Weiming knows Morris's ability, he What he is best at is to decrypt the website's administrative account without knowing it, obtain permissions through loopholes, and then leave his own unique mark in the database to declare his victory.

Cut off the phone, He Weiming returned to the room.

Yuri said: "Morris said he was going to bed. He was very tired after a dozen hours of work."

He Weiming hurriedly sat down in front of the keyboard, thought for a while, and typed in: "Morris, we said we would work together. Others are serious competitions. What we need is that we formally sign up to participate. Otherwise, you won’t be able to get the bonus. Do this by yourself and others will not recognize your achievements."

"Forget the bonus." A sentence from Morris popped up in the chat room: "Do you think I am someone who cares about money? If I really need money, I wouldn't know how much I earn. Okay, let's not talk about it. I'm going to rest. I thought what a powerful firewall and system are, but I didn't expect it to be just ordinary stuff."

After speaking, his head was grayed out.

He Weiming stayed in front of the screen and said nothing for a long time.

The phone rang.

He Weiming picked it up and connected. It was a domestic telephone.

"Wei Ming, our database has really been hacked! The intruder left a sarcasm in the database. He doesn't know how to do it, is it Morris?"

"Yes, it's him..." He Weiming sighed.

At this moment, the opportunity to track Morris was lost again.

"We can't find a trace of him... There is no valuable clue..."

"I know that if he invades alone, you will not be able to trace his traces..." 8) For more wonderful novels, welcome to visit everyone's reading academy

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