Absolute Honor

Chapter 943: Must speed up the attack

"You have your own autonomy now, and you can decide by yourself." The ghost said: "You will be out, the military orders are not followed. Moreover, you are not a soldier now. I think the old man must have his intention to let you out. If you If you think it is feasible, do it yourself. If you need my help, just say it."

Qin Fei smiled bitterly: "Yes, when I decided to give up all my domestic identity, all I wanted was this degree of freedom."

After thinking for a while, he said: "This time the CIA intends to send a SEAL team code-named'Bandituo' to rescue the agent named Dan George. Mister's plan is that he and I will use the DEA Commissioner's I entered Mexico together with the SEALs, and rescued Dan after finding the location of Dan, and then snatched Dan from the SEALs."

"Interesting." Hearing that Qin Fei was about to pull his teeth from the tiger's mouth of the SEAL troops, the always calm ghost seemed a little excited. Don’t underestimate these guys, but you two may find it difficult to deal with one of their teams. It seems that my team is about to be dispatched."

"My tentative opinion is that my crow squad will sneak into Mexico first, and my ability is not weak, but if you are willing to support it, of course the best, I intend to make you the final trump card, if our crow squad encounters Unexpected circumstances, you can top it up."

"No problem." Ghost said: "In this case, send me your action time, or you can send me your location code, and I will track your GPS location."


The ghost said, "One more thing."

"What's the matter?" Qin Fei asked.

"I heard from the headquarters that your plan to trap Morris failed?"

"Well, accident." Thinking of Morris who didn't follow the routine, Qin Fei really felt like a tiger biting a turtle. "That guy has such a weird temper, he actually ran to crack the website's database by himself, even He Weiming and He Weiming. Yuri didn't tell, but the two thought he would reply after three days. They didn't expect him to do it himself. This is really weird."

"I have to remind you when I have time." Ghost said: "Now the domestic anti-terrorism pressure is increasing. You know, our country has developed rapidly in recent years. There are always people who don't like to see this situation and are using various methods. In an attempt to interrupt the process of our rise, peripheral military intervention and encirclement is a strategy, and one of the most important strategies is internal subversion. In the past few years, our counter-terrorism forces have done a lot of work, and the armed police have also sacrificed a lot, because There are many things that ordinary people don’t know about confidentiality, but we, as soldiers, are very clear. Due to Fan Tianlong’s personal experience, he is now a sweet pastry in the eyes of those subversive forces. Many things are related to them, although the old man doesn’t. Say, but I can feel his worry. The longer the time delays, the more comrades-in-arms we will sacrifice if the day is not broken."

Speaking of this in one breath, the ghost stopped.

After a long time, he said: "Do you know why my soldiers and I chose this nameless road? I just want to solve some problems quickly. The same is true for you. You have chosen your own path. If this matter is handled properly, we won’t say how great we are, but even for our comrades in arms, we must do this, otherwise we will have soldiers sacrifice every time we fight on the border, which is the last thing we want to see. !"

"Understood!" Qin Fei said: "Don't worry, the fighting will of the X mercenary group is currently very high, and this time Fan Tianlong made a mistake. He did what he should not do and touched the family of our team members. , And now Kun Guai has sufficient funds on hand. From now on, I plan to switch to an offensive posture. Even if we are not knocked out by Hei Sun, Fan Tianlong can be called out. You can let the intelligence department stare at Hei Sun. I believe it will wait. We pushed him into a hurry, and he would naturally show his feet."

"Yeah! Good!" The ghost said again, "One more thing, if you go to North America this time, if you can successfully catch Dan, remember to torture a person's whereabouts. This person is very mysterious, so far we haven't figured out his Identity, but his position in the Black Sun organization is very important, and he is also the person Fan Tianlong values ​​most."

"Who is it?" Qin Fei's interest suddenly rose.

Unexpectedly, there is still such a person.

In the intelligence Qin Fei currently has, Hei Ri has four strongest action teams, and the others are some of the most important figures?

who is it?

"We only know that this person's nickname is'God of Wealth'. He is the key person who controls all the funds of the entire Black Sun organization. It can be said that he is the person who controls the key to the dark sun organization's vault. He is familiar with all the flow of funds and the entire Black Sun organization. Account, he is more important than the hard disk in your hand. As long as you can catch him, I believe we can investigate and deal with all the fund accounts of the Black Sun organization branches all over the world, as well as all their sources of income, so that we He can cut off his capital flow through various means, which is equivalent to a person having a blood vessel cut off. Without funds, the Black Sun organization naturally loses its vitality."

"You mean, Dan knows the God of Wealth?"

"Dan George is a key contact person for the North American drug trafficking network. I believe he has a very close relationship with the drug lords. In this case, he must know the God of Wealth, because a lot of funds are allocated to the criminals from the drug lords’ accounts. Day, then the God of Wealth must come forward. This kind of thing must design many banks and underground money houses responsible for money laundering. If the God of Wealth is caught, everything will be exposed to the sun."

"Okay, I will try my best."

The two chatted for a while and cut off the call.

Qin Fei stood there and digested the conversation with the ghost just now ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and then walked towards the palace.

The palace on Malo Island was originally owned by Gary, and now Charlotte directly gave it to Qin Fei as the training base office of the X mercenary group here, which can be regarded as a foothold.

Compared to the office location, this palace is too luxurious.

Lao Yu and the others came back from Rio and experienced a big battle. They all sat together drinking and chatting.

Only the polar bear is the loneliest in the crowd.

Nadya is dead, and the polar bear feels that she is hollowed out.

Even though he is a former GRU officer, the iron man is also tender.

Nadya took good care of Yuri for many years when he left Russia, and regarded him as her own. His daughter Elizabeth married Yuri again, which was a pro-plus-prosperity.

Now because of an attack by the black sun, Nadya is gone, and the life of the polar bear has reached the gloomiest moment.

Therefore, when everyone else was drinking in the palace hall, the polar bear sat on the steps in front of the palace like a belly, holding a few cans of beer and drinking.


Qin Fei sat down beside him, and the polar bear glanced at Qin Fei, but didn't say anything, just handed the beer to Qin Fei.

Qin Fei took out a can, opened it, and took a sip in his mouth.

"I know your mood. When it comes to age, I am still young and cannot deeply understand the feelings between you and Nadya. If you want me to comfort you, I think the best way for me is to drink with you. I really can't say it."

Having said that, he raised his head and drank a can of beer in one breath, then reached for another can.

The two of them drank silently, after drinking for a while, then took another one, and continued to drink.

When the ground was full of beer cans, the polar bear hiccuped and suddenly spoke.

"Qin, I regret it." 8) For more wonderful novels, welcome to visit everyone's reading academy

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