Absolute Honor

Chapter 948: Maggie

In fact, the best way to defend against this kind of knee top is to raise one leg horizontally in front of you, so that you can block your vital parts and use your leg muscles to withstand the blow.

It's just that the two of them are too close to each other, almost sticking to each other, there is no room for Qin Fei to lift his leg.

Therefore, Qin Fei chose to fall back in the same way as conditioned reflex. The back fall had a sideways twisting motion, and then he grabbed the opponent's hand and threw the opponent out.

In terms of strength, Qin Fei was completely dominant, and there was no problem throwing a slender girl with only 120 pounds.

The mixed-race girl immediately understood Qin Fei's amazing power, and was thrown out without any chance of resistance.

She turned over in the air and landed flexibly on the wide round bed in the room like a cat. After landing, she was half-kneeling and stretched her hand into the scarf behind her.

There is a PPK pistol that has always been very exquisite, which is very suitable for ladies and a favorite of spies.

But she felt empty!

The gun is gone!

"Looking for it?"

Qin Fei's cold voice came from front of him.

The half-blood girl raised her head, and the gunpoint of the PPK black hole was aimed at herself.

"Be good, raise your hand."

Under Qin Fei's order, the mixed-race girl could only slowly raise her hands.

"Don't shoot, I am my own."

The half-breed girl raised her head, and the blue and deep eyes looked at Qin Fei with gems, gleaming charmingly in the dim light.

"My own?" Qin Fei smiled: "I don't know you, let's go, who sent you? Drug dealer? Or the CIA?"

"Neither." The mixed-race girl said: "I am not from the CIA, I am from the DEA, I also know that you are not from the DEA, but you will use the DEA identity."

Qin Fei was slightly surprised.

This girl is absolutely right!

Is she really from DEA?

According to Mister, DEA will send someone over, but it is said that it will arrive tomorrow. Is the mixed-race girl in front of him really an intelligence commissioner sent by DEA?

Qin Fei can be sure that the girl in front of her has undergone strict military training.

Because Qin Fei smelled the scent of gunpowder in the charming scent of her just now. It was the small particles sprayed out of the gun after the shot was shot. It is not clear to the naked eye, but it will stay in people. On his hands, arms, and body.

If you have been practicing guns for a long time, even if you often take a bath, you will still have a faint smell of gunpowder smoke on your body, as long as you meet someone with a keen sense of smell, you can smell it.

And just now, I also noticed that there was a thicker piece of skin on the base of the woman's index finger and near the mouth of the tiger. It was a cocoon. This cocoon can only be seen in the hands of people who hold a gun for a long time.

This is why Qin Fei suddenly became wary of her.

"Who are you?" Qin Fei gently pulled the hammer back to let the mixed-race girl know that he was not joking: "I will give ten seconds to verify my identity, otherwise I will kill you."

While talking, Qin Fei copied a goose down pillow with one hand and grabbed it in his hand.

There are many ways to muffle the sound of shooting in this kind of hotel, which can be achieved with pillows or cushions that can be seen everywhere.

"My name is Maggie Joyce, an analyst from the DEA Intelligence Department, and the person you are looking for in Haiti this time!" The half-blood girl looked down at her chest: "The evidence is here. Come here if you have the ability. take."

Qin Fei was startled, Maggie's behavior was more like a provocation.

"In my shirt, there is an SD card with all the information about the operation. You can put it in your phone to see for yourself if I lied."

Through Maggie's eyes, Qin Fei could really see that this woman was lying.

However, his eyes fell on the fullness of the two groups, and his face couldn't help but blush.

"If you were a person sent by DEA, why did you do this just now?"

"I wanted to find a Mister joint, but the stallion seemed to be looking for a woman. I was thinking, this time in Mexico is extremely dangerous. I am not familiar with you, and I don't want to work with two breeds/horses. That would kill me."

Maggie made no secret: "So I want to test if you are also a male dog thinking in the lower body. If you are too, then I will give up this mission and tell my boss to send someone else over. Not the two of you animals."

Although the explanation of the mixed-race girl Maggie sounds absurd, it seems to be very real. For me, I don’t want to cooperate with a guy who can’t move his legs when I see a woman. One is like this, and the other is like this. A very desperate thing.

"Well, I will give you a chance to prove yourself."

Qin Fei grabbed Maggie's phone on the table and threw it on the bed.

"Didn't you say that you have information on this Mexican operation? Put your SD card in your phone and call it out for me to see."

Maggie picked up the phone on the bed sheet, and then really reached into the three-point shirt, took out a black SD card inside, and skillfully opened the phone and installed it, then called up the picture, held the phone and put it on Qin Fei. before.

As she swiped the pictures frame by frame, information such as target mission information and map routes appeared on the screen.

The information looks very detailed and does not appear to be false.

"Where's your credentials?" Qin Fei asked.

"Who will take the ID with me when I come out?" Maggie said, "It's just looking for death. The bosses of the drug cartel are not stupid pigs. If they fall into their hands, the ID will kill me immediately."

Qin Fei thought for a while and found it reasonable, so he asked: "Then how can I verify your identity?"

"Mist has contact with his superiors. His superiors can verify my identity. His boss knows who DEA will send this time." Maggie replied quite smoothly, without hesitation, and did not seem to be lying at all.

Qin Fei lowered the muzzle~www.wuxiaspot.com~, released the hammer and then closed the safety of the PPK pistol, inserting it in his waist.

"The gun belongs to me." Maggie said seriously: "I like this gun very much. Give it back to me."

"Before finally verifying your identity, I think I'll keep it for you temporarily." Qin Fei still didn't trust Maggie. "If Mistre confirms your identity, I can return the pistol to you immediately."

"Big man, so courageous!" Maggie raised her **** lips and glanced at Qin Fei, looking a little dissatisfied, "You still don't call your animal friend? Have you finished? Let him be done. Bring up your pants and come here, call his superior, don't delay things, I don't have the patience to wait for you to find flowers and ask Liu."

"I didn't look for flowers to ask Liu!" Qin Fei was very dissatisfied with Maggie's words.

Maggie's eyes suddenly became charming again, and her watery blue eyes stared at Qin Fei and said, "It doesn't seem to be right, maybe you just have a guilty heart. When we were stuck together just now, I thought you were reacting. "

Qin Fei almost choked to death by Maggie's words. This Maggie must have grown up in the USA. Not only does she speak English with a pure American accent, but her style is completely open to Westernization, so she is too wild.

"Stop talking to me about things outside of work, I'm not interested in you."

"You are talking nonsense, but I heard that you Z people are relatively conservative in this regard. Tell me, do you have a girlfriend?" Maggie asked with interest.

Qin Fei was too lazy to talk to Maggie, took out the phone and dialed Mister's cell phone.

"Big Breed/Mr. Horse, have you finished sowing? Go to Room 0403 as soon as the matter is over. I have a woman who claims to be a DEA connector, and I need you to come and confirm it."

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