Absolute Honor

Chapter 950: SEAL Commando

Early the next morning, the three woke up early and ate a buffet in the dining room together.

It was very early, so there were not many tourists around. The restaurant seemed quiet. The three of them chose a place to observe the surrounding situation and sat down, took their plates to the food counter, picked some food, and returned to their own. At the table.

"This is your identity document." Maggie threw the two envelopes in front of each of them.

Qin Fei and Misite brought them and opened the inside. It was Dea's work permit.

"Your information has also been added to our database, so your current identity is also true." Maggie's beautiful blue eyes were hidden behind her sunglasses, but Qin Fei knew that the girl must be staring at the two of them.

"In other words, are we two members of DEA now?" Mister took the ID and looked in front of his own eyes. "Dea Anti-Narcotic Squad Operations Department... Captain."

He flattened his mouth.

"I got promoted."

Qin Fei did not speak.

Maggie looked at Mister with a look of disdain and said: "This is only a temporary identity. We are only working together temporarily, not long-term. I don't care what ideas your boss and our boss have, at least I I don't want to be colleagues with you for too long."

"But I'm willing." Mister stared at Maggie with a fascinating expression. "If I can, I can cross every continent with you and fight the disgusting drug dealers to the last minute."

Maggie glanced at Mister like a monster, and suddenly smiled scornfully.

"You are really childish and cute. You think I don't know your resume, Mister, don't pretend to be a ghost in front of me, I know your old bottom, don't forget, you are still cia Pursuing secretly, we have already taken a great risk to cooperate with you. Don't play around in front of me. Your livestock-type uncle doesn't suit my appetite and makes me lively. I will sell you directly to cia!"

"Tsk tusk tusk!" Mister's hot face was put on his cold ass, and his face was unhappy: "Don't be so unfeeling, at least we have a common goal. You think you are adventurous, don't we? You think twelve sea1 Team members are easy to deal with?"

"Remember, although our goal is Dan, we should try to use other methods to distract those players. I think we can consider the combat plan. At that time, I will advocate that Dan should be rescued and we should take him back. sea1 At the back of the team, I will find a chance to get rid of them when the time comes, and then find a secret place to lock up Dan for a secret interrogation." Maggie said.

"Well, how many hours do we have for interrogation?" Mister asked.

Maggie said: "Generally speaking, we will choose to lose contact for 24 hours. After we take Dan away, we will create the illusion of an attack on the way, and then detain Dan for interrogation."

Qin Fei couldn't help but ask: "You are dea's agents, detaining cia's agents, is this a violation of the rules?"

"Is it a violation?" Mister said with an exaggerated expression on his face, and said, "Does he have evidence that we imprison him? We did not imprison him, but save him."

Qin Fei was stunned for a moment, and immediately understood the meaning of Mistre's words.

It seems that the people behind Mistor are not simple, and even cia doesn't pay attention to it.

However, as Mister said, the United States has so many messy intelligence agencies, it is not too strange that they compete with each other or even tear down each other.

In Dea’s eyes, it must be clear who is making waves in the problem of drug/product proliferation, and in cia’s eyes, in order to achieve another purpose, obtaining profits from illegal transactions ultimately serves their so-called ultimate purpose. , The process is not important, in the eyes of intelligence agents and spies, the result is the most important.

After breakfast, the three went back to the room to pack their luggage, and Maggie drove the two in a jeep to the US military base in Haiti.

This base was built in the country club golf course in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. After the earthquake, the military was stationed here in the name of humanitarian assistance. Due to rescue needs, it was necessary to clear a site suitable for landing large helicopters and transport planes. There is nothing like this. Golf courses are more suitable for reconstruction.

However, after the earthquake assistance was completed, the U.S. military did not withdraw, but stayed there, so it became a serious U.S. military base.

After checking the identity of the guards at the gate, the railing was raised, and the jeep drove into the base, and followed the road in the base to a hangar next to the apron and stopped.

A fifty-year-old officer with two white beards, wearing a camouflage uniform and a camouflage cap, stood in front of the hangar and greeted Maggie and others.

"Welcome to you, I knew you were here when I received a call from the guard."

He stretched out his big hand and shook the three of them separately.

"My name is Wharton. I am the deputy commander of the base. Are all three of you from China?"

"No." Maggie said: "I came from China. The two of them have been working in South America. This mission requires two operatives. Both of them are very powerful roles, so we transferred them to help. I'll give it a hand."

"Are you Maggie Intelligence Specialist?"

Lieutenant Colonel Wharton looked at Maggie, "I heard that dea will send a beauty intelligence officer over to help us. I still think in my heart that generally women who engage in frontline intelligence are not beautiful, but I have changed when I see you. For my own opinion, I must apologize to you, I was wrong."

Qin Fei murmured to himself, although this Lieutenant Colonel Wharton is over fifty, he still likes to be glib and his style along the way with Mistre. It seems that the old American soldiers are relatively straightforward and like to tease.

As Wharton said, his eyes fell on Qin Fei again.

"Chinese?" he asked.

Qin Fei nodded. He had obtained his background information just now. Now he is called Jack Chen, a Chinese born in California. After graduating from college, he was admitted to DEA as an agent~www.wuxiaspot.com~Two years of work experience .

"Nice to meet you, Lieutenant Colonel!" Qin Fei smiled.

"You still have an accent in English." Wharton said.

Qin Fei quickly laughed at himself: "Yes, because I was born in Chinatown since I was a child, I have a slight accent, but I am very familiar with Chinese. This is my specialty."

Wharton nodded, he believed it was true.

After all, due to work needs, DEA often needs some staff with language expertise. The Chinese in front of me may be able to join smoothly because of these expertise.

"Well, then please come in with me, the people at sea1 are already waiting inside."

The three followed Lieutenant Colonel Wharton and walked into the semicircular hangar.

Listening to a helicopter in the hangar, Qin Fei recognized that this model is the famous Sombra. In fact, there are a few Black Hawk helicopters in the p1a army, so it is easy to identify.

However, the Black Hawk helicopter in front of it is slightly different, completely different from the basic s-7o model.

Around the plane, there are all kinds of green pvc plastic boxes everywhere, and you can see that they are used to carry equipment, weapons and ammunition.

A dozen SEALs wearing vests and no boat camouflage uniforms were scattered beside the green boxes. Some were lying resting with their faces covered with penny hats, some were sitting and chatting together, and some people were throwing **** at each other with baseball gloves nearby. play.

Seeing Lieutenant Colonel Wharton coming in, two of the SEALs got up and walked towards them.

"I'll introduce to you. These two are the commanders and deputy commanders of this detachment code-named'Bandituo'." Wharton stopped and acted as an introducer between the two sides.

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