Absolute Honor

Chapter 956: Cavalon Town

Fifteen players landed precisely on the grass in a forest. The landing field was less than half a football field. Parachuting in the dark puts forward the highest requirements for everyone.

There is no guidance on the ground, it is completely positioned by the GPS on the wrist, and it will fall into the woods if it is slightly misplaced.

Even after opening the parachute, the parachute drop still has a degree of 5-6 meters per second. Under this degree, if you land in the woods, it is easy to be penetrated by the branches.

Senior Sergeant Major Sith now thinks too much.

The three dea agents were better than he thought, which surprised him David.

Even Maggie, who looks Jiao Didi with a proud figure with a nosebleed, is not inferior to any SEAL.

At first, Qin Fei, who was worried about the problem, landed precisely in the center of the landing field. He didn't need to worry about it at all.

Ciss felt that this time Dea had at least enough sincerity, and at least the three people sent were elites.

The fifteen people began to close their umbrellas quickly, and then they all hit the edge of the woods next to the landing site in a tacit understanding, hiding their umbrellas in the bushes and shrubs.

After doing all this, the poster players spread out and formed a round battle formation, squatting on the ground and waiting quietly.

Qin Fei knows that this is an inherent tactical mode of parachute special operations. When you come to an unfamiliar area, you should not start operations immediately after landing. Instead, you should find a concealed spot that is convenient for defense, and then observe to ensure that your team is around There is no threat from the enemy.

All this is going on quietly in the dark. Everyone tries to use tactical sign language as much as possible. Every team member who participates in the action wears a throat-shaking headset to reduce the voice they make when they are talking.

Everything must be extremely cautious and must not be taken carelessly.

A few minutes later, there seemed to be no movement around, and it seemed that there was no armed forces of the Seta Group in this jungle.

The drone operator Ramos unloaded his backpack, unzipped the zipper, and took out an rq-11 drone from the inside.

In the backpack, the drone, which has been called the "Big Crow" by the military, is broken into parts, but the assembly is not complicated.

Ramos penetrated his hand into the hard protective box in his backpack, carefully took out the drone's fuselage, and then the two wings.

The "Big Crow" UAV has a wingspan of less than three GALAXY and weighs about four pounds. This type of UAV is the most equipped and most practical one in the U.S. Special Forces. It has been installed since o4.

Members of the SEAL team often use the "big crow" to detect the enemy and obtain first-hand battlefield information.

Don't look at this thing as a big thing, but its data transmission bandwidth is very large, you can shoot ground movement at an altitude of 10,000 feet, and transmit the picture to the controller's display screen in real time.

If it is through the data cable, it can even perform a fixed flight according to the pre-customized route, and then the operator can project the image into the observation mirror installed on the helmet through the c4i individual soldier system in the helmet.

The flying time of this thing can be as long as three hours, and although the sparrow is small and complete, the operation interface is simple and easy to understand, and the assembly can be completed in less than ten minutes-which is why it is installed in the front-line US special forces s reason.

Qin Fei silently watched Ramos assembling the "Big Crow". This was the first time he saw U.S. military equipment at such close range.

It has to be said that the US military is relatively mature in this regard, and p1a has only begun to equip the front-line combat squads with similar drones in the past few years.

"It's done, Captain." Ramos picked up the assembled "Big Crow" and turned to Noland.

Noland pointed to the sky, made a gesture, and did not answer Ramos.

But as a subordinate of Noland, Ramos certainly understood what his boss meant.

He immediately turned on the sensor switch of the drone, and checked the status of the link with the drone through his military laptop with an 8-inch screen.

After confirming that there was no problem with the link, he bent over and lifted the "big crow" to a slightly open place, raised the small plane above his head, and threw it upward in front of him.

The "Big Crow" buzzed slightly and quickly flew into the sky.

"Ramos, immediately manipulate it to the sky above Veneto's manor and keep staring at them to see if there is any new movement." Noland whispered.

At this time, correspondent Max ran over with a satellite mobile phone and handed him to Noland.

"The hummingbird calls the hive, we have landed smoothly, it's over."

"This is the hive, we receive your case."

Hive refers to the temporary headquarters led by Lieutenant Colonel Wharton in the Port-au-Prince base.

"Honeycomb, we are now three kilometers southwest of Kavalon Town. The coordinates have been sent. Please record the mission." Noland's voice is almost inaudible, but the throat-shaking headset can squeeze his throat. The sound from the vocal cord is filtered by the instrument in the helmet ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ so that the voice can be clearly delivered to the Port-au-Prince base.

"Hive received, over." The other party's answer was still very brief.

Record coordinates. This is a fixed procedure for special teams to perform missions in dangerous areas, because no one knows what will happen in the next second, and even communication may be interrupted by local interference, or communication equipment may be damaged, etc. Lost contact with the headquarters.

Once there is a critical situation where the team loses contact, the command will send a search and rescue support team, but it will rely on the last recorded coordinates, which will help shorten the search and rescue time.

Therefore, the general seal team will register its coordinates every half an hour when performing tasks behind enemy lines, except in special circumstances.

The senior sergeant major was not idle at the moment. He used the time that Lieutenant Noland communicated with the command headquarters to check the equipment of all the soldiers again.

Qin Fei silently watched the skillful tactical operations and meticulous procedures of this SEAL team, and noted their characteristics.

Although they belong to different units, for Qin Fei, he will never underestimate the seals, because these people have gained experience from countless actual combat, and they are worth learning by themselves, even if they are used on the x mercenary group. A lot.


Lieutenant Noland turned his head and cast a look at Senior Sergeant Major Sith, then raised his right hand and waved in the air, then stood up.

The machine gunner Lester was the vanguard of the entire squad. He got up and walked towards the woods. Then, everyone followed him and entered the woods in file.

Through this woodland, you can see Veneto’s large estate in less than three kilometers toward the northeast.

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