Absolute Honor

Chapter 961: dispute

The two tall, dark-skinned members of the Seta Group nodded, left behind Veneto and turned into the manor house.

Soon, the two went and returned, but this time, it was not the two but the three who came back together.

In the middle of the two members of Setta, stood a man with Jin Biyan who appeared to be in his forties. His hands seemed to be backcuffed, but his waist was still straight. From the perspective of temperament, this man seemed to be a soldier.

"Mr. D!?" Garcia saw the visitor clearly and was taken aback.

He immediately turned to Veneto: "Are you crazy!?"

Mr. D, all drug dealers who have seen him only know that he is called by this name.

Everyone knows that this is not his real name, and no one uses his real name.

Mr. D is obviously just a pseudonym.

But there is another point that everyone knows, Mr. D's background is not simple.

Because Mr. D's background is like the thick fog that begins to diffuse in the woods, it is hard to see through.

Only one thing is certain. He has great magical powers, deep background and great ability, so even Garcia and other big drug lords who don't put the local government forces in the eyes are willing to bow down.

This is not a joke.

The meaning of Garcia's words just now is here. He doesn't want to break it in front of everyone. Veneto is Mr. D's manager and puppet in Central and South America.

This means that all drug delivery channels and intelligence guarantees are provided by Mr. D. Mr. D can tell them when and where to cross the border is the safest, and will forge some documents for them. These documents can even make it easy for them. The identities of various companies, civil organizations and even the military are unimpeded by patrolling the tightly guarded U.S.-Mexico border.

This is something Garcia has never seen before.

In other words, Mr. D’s background may be given by some big figures in the United States. That is to say, Mr. D is just a puppet, and there is a huge authority behind him to support him. Otherwise, why would the police and dea do it every time Out of the air?

In recent years, the goods of the several groups present are all supplied by Veneto's Seta Group, and the supply channels are both in charge of Veneto and Garcia.

It can be said that Veneto is a figure held by Mr. D in one hand. In the ugly way, Veneto is just a dog raised by Mr. D.

Now, the dog bit the owner.

Veneto is crazy! ?

This was the first thought that came to Garcia's mind.

"Mr. D, please sit down." Veneto cast a glance at the two men, who immediately unfastened Mr. D's handcuffs.

"I'm sorry to make you feel wronged, but I can't help but prevent you. You are my nobleman, and also my shield and life-saving talisman. Without you..."

Veneto looked around, with a weird smile on his face, and pointed to the sky.

"Maybe there will be planes throwing bombs on my head."

"Veneto, do you think kidnapping me here can solve the problem?" Mr. D moved his wrist and looked at Veneto indifferently, without fear in his eyes.

"Am I kidnapping you?" Veneto's eyes widened, and he climbed onto the pitted face like the surface of the moon with exaggerated surprise. "You are here with me. Are you enjoying hostage treatment?"

"Let me wear handcuffs and send a dozen people to look at me. Isn't that a hostage?" Dan George sneered.

Veneto was taken aback for a moment, and then said: "Forget it. But do you know what I want to do?"

"Normal people can never guess what a madman is thinking, because I am not mad." Dan George looked like two knives and went to Veneto.

"You said you want the God of Wealth of Black Sun to come over and transfer the compensation to me personally. This is what you said, but I haven't seen the God of Wealth come to me these days. It seems that your order doesn't seem to work well. Now." Veneto's words were full of profound meaning.

Dan George said: "Yes, the God of Wealth will indeed not come over, and Fan Tianlong will not let him over. I miscalculated on this point, but you kidnapped me here. Now it seems that you seem to be even more miscalculated."

Having said this, Dan stretched his head forward, looking at Veneto like a beast approaching its prey: "You tie me here, don't you know what the consequences will be?"

"Of course I know!" Veneto suddenly dropped the knife and fork, and stood up and said loudly: "Others don't know your details, I know! Don't use your cia agent status to press me, my Veneto is not afraid of you bureaucrats! "

He slowly walked around the table, thoughtful of Dan George's side, and dropped his head close to the other person's ear.

"Do you think I only care about the 300 million? There are only a few hundred million that belong to me, and the rest belong to these people here. As long as they don't feel bad, my Veneto won't feel bad!"

Speaking of this, he straightened up.

"But what I want is the cooperation between us in the future, and the rules seem to be changed."

"What do you mean?" Dan's eyes narrowed like snake eyes.

"A few years ago, you let Hei Sun join our shipping network in the Americas. I was thinking that you could provide us with accurate information and that you could make our goods sell unimpeded. Go to North America and Europe, but now it seems that you have violated the agreement between us first."

Veneto cleared his throat, picked up his wine glass from the table, and drank as he said: "You and Hei Sun will account for 30% of the profits of all the goods we sell~www.wuxiaspot.com~30%! You know what this is. Concept? We can only take 70%. Of this 70%, I have to send a part to the local police in Mexico. It is only 50% profit in my hands. I spend money to buy safety. That’s right, so I Acceptable, but how about peace?"

Dan George licked his lips and said stiffly, "Can you deny the special passage and help we provided you before because of a cargo accident? Without us, you can ship things to North America so smoothly? Europe? Your Seta Group was just a small local gang a few years ago. Who helped you become the biggest leader? Don’t forget that in Mexico, there were dozens of big and small gangs. Those leaders were either dead or imprisoned. Do you think you settled them? Naive!"

Finally, Dan George raised his head and stared at Veneto's eyes unrelentingly: "Don't forget, this time something went wrong, not only was our intelligence omission was exploited by dea, but your people also made mistakes. Twenty Tons of goods are shipped across the border without knowing whether it’s safe or not. Are you stupid? Don’t know how to batch? Don’t know how to put the bait!? What about drug dealers? You can sell burritos. You starve to death!"

As Vinito listened to Dan George's endless remarks, his eyes grew colder and colder.

The atmosphere suddenly froze, and the surroundings were quiet and terrible, only the sound of the water from the fountain falling in the pool.

Veneto walked slowly to his position and grabbed the meat cleaver in the basin.

Everyone's hearts were raised.

Garcia felt even more dry as if his throat had turned into a desert.

"Veneto, don't mess around! He's from Cia!"

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