Absolute Honor

Chapter 964: I am a toilet

"If we really have an accident, I believe his superiors will cut all the connections with us, and then claim that these broken things that support the kb organization are not what we call." Veneto said angrily: "That way, we will be abandoned, and then Attacked by the whole world, and they—"

"They will still wear neat suits, then put on perfume and walk on the podium, and continue to deceive his voters, saying that they are a pure and innocent saint! What about us? We are the dirty and poor mice in the sewer, everyone shouted and beaten KB element, I, Veneto, are very clear about my position. I am just a drug lord. I don't want to be a KB element. I don't want to be a shield for them and get involved in the politics of those big countries!"

No one spoke, and the atmosphere of the scene solidified again.

Garcia suddenly realized that Veneto was not aimless, and that there was some truth to it.

He thought about it and sat back in his seat again.

"Well, I will continue to listen to you, Veneto, and speak out your thoughts."

"What I want today is not compensation, what I want is..."

Veneto pushed Ding Dan George's head hard: "Let him contact his superiors. From now on, we are a formal partnership, not their black gloves, not their trash can. I want They guarantee that in the future, only 20% of the commission will be drawn, and they cannot be taken from our account, but directly remitted to their account! As for what kb organization they support, it is their own mess, don't talk about it. Let's go into the water!"

Garcia felt his chin and thought for a while, then looked at Dan and said, "Mr. D, I think what Veneto said is reasonable, don't you really think about it?"

"Do you think it's useful to threaten me like this?" Dan sneered: "I'm just an insignificant pawn. No one cares about my suggestions. Kidnapping me is useless. If you have the ability, you can go to usa and find me. boss to talk."

"Shit!" Veneto suddenly walked away, raising his hand and hitting Dan George's left cheek with a gun butt, causing his smashed face to suddenly swell up.

Dan bent his head and spit out **** saliva.

He felt that his front teeth were a little loose, and this fellow Veneto seemed to be playing with it.

"Do you think I would be so stupid to go to usa to talk to your boss? Do you really think I don't have a brain?" Veneto sneered: "Once I go, do you think I'm still dead to come back?"

"But he's right, Veneto, you kidnap this little **** here, I'm afraid it will be of little use." Garcia said.

Veneto waved his hand: "Don't worry, I did my homework beforehand."

He pointed to Dan’s head and said: "He is not an ordinary cia agent. He was previously in the Navy. He was a Major of the Naval Intelligence Service. He graduated from West Point before. And, more importantly, he can Not an ordinary military officer, Mr. D, if I’m right, your parents are from the National Policy Research Council, right? If I’m right, your parents and the boss behind you are actually bugs on the same road. !"

"It seems that you really sent someone to investigate me." Dan looked up at Veneto with a sneer: "Tell you, Veneto, curiosity killed the cat. There are things you shouldn't know you better not know."

"I know exactly what I am going to do, don't think I'm a fool!" Veneto said: "I didn't understand before, why your countries that don't lack money should come to covet our petty profits, and then I discovered it. You have your ideas. The funds for the covert operations of the United States are not visible to a certain extent, so even if there are special funds for intelligence warfare each year, it is far from enough to match your expenses, because you are often in public equipment. For private purposes, for example, if you have economic and commercial interests in a certain country, and you want to get a piece of the pie, and the current leader of that country does not obey you, you will engage in some underground subversive activities."

"You need a lot of funds for these activities, and you can't be blatant, so what is the best way? That is to set up a secret fund library, use dirty money to do dirty things, and divide yourself from these dirty things. Good limit, cut and stop loss once something goes wrong."

"The money laundering for you is the white gloves, and the dirty work for you is our black gloves. Although you look down on us and despise us, you also need us. For you, we are like a toilet. It is a necessity for you, but no one likes to sleep with their arms around the toilet, and they all like to put it in an invisible place, because you also know that your appearance on the toilet and **** is not good-looking and you don't want to be seen! "

"However, this doesn’t mean you don’t need to pee and pee. You need us so much. What you care about is whether the toilet is good or not. You won’t fix it yourself if you don’t use it. You just want to replace it with a new one. It won't hurt myself, and I will get dirty."

"Very good!" Dan George suddenly laughed, "It seems that my judgment of you was wrong at the beginning. I thought you were a brave and brave man. Now it seems that you are rough but fine. No wonder you have managed the network in Central and South America so well in just a few years."

"Yes, so I said that you can't live without me, just as you can't live without your toilet."

Veneto said: "Now, what my toilet wants to say to you is that you can't ask a toilet to help you clear your excrement but also serve as a trash can for you. We don't have those functions. If you insist on filling it, the consequence is Clog your toilet. Once we block it, your magnificent and luxurious residence will be filled with feces and urine. Is this what you want to see?"

Garcia now has a thin layer of sweat on his forehead.

He admits that everything Veneto said is reasonable, but he knows that there is no good fruit to collide with the power behind Dan.

Veneto is now a gambler, betting all the bets.

"There are suppliers among the people here now..." Veneto glanced at Garcia.

"There are distributors..." His eyes turned to Yamamoto Michiko and Oleksei.

"And I have both channels and supply." Veneto said: "If we hold a group and the boss of the calculation d does not cooperate with us, we can also survive. The big deal is to be careful in the future. We are not seen. People, it’s a big deal to get deeper into the ground."

"We must unite, otherwise we will be allowed to dominate and control us by this guy and the Black Sun organization~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Sooner or later we will end up in international disputes that shouldn’t be involved, and no one will be involved. Will pity us! None of you can be alone!"

Garcia looked at Michiko Yamamoto, and then at Oleksei, the few people read each other's meaning from the look in each other's eyes.

"Well, we support you." Garcia said to Veneto.

"But you guys..."

Veneto finally turned to Dan George.

"You can't find someone to replace us for a while. I know you will do everything possible to strangle us and re-establish a puppet network, but I want to remind you that it is not easy to build such a network, and it often takes several years. Time, and you have to find a good puppet, just like me..."

Veneto grinned and said: "During the period of falling out with us, your secret operations funds will be greatly affected, and don't forget, press urgently, we will also provide us to the institutions in the big countries you target. All the information that you know, reveal your old bottom! Think about it, I ask you to form a new cooperative relationship with you, is it harsh? d, you and I have no personal grudges, I really like you guys, I I hope we can continue to cooperate on a new foundation."

Having said that, the chattering Veneto finally listened and stretched out his hand in front of Dan George.

Dan's mind is constantly shifting, accept? Still not accepting?

He glanced at the watch on his wrist.

He knew that after how many hours he lost contact, special forces would come to rescue him.

If you guessed correctly, you are nearby now.

If you accept the conditions, you must tell the headquarters and superiors as soon as possible to let them stop the action.

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