Absolute Honor

Chapter 966: The hijacked "predator"

Holloman Air Force Base in New Mexico.

In the southwest corner of the base, there are yellow metal houses. These houses are not large in size. They look like ocher containers on the ground.

Captain Claire took the mission briefing folder and led Lieutenant Noor to the door of Room A003, and scanned the encrypted door lock with his ID card. With a soft sound, the door was opened.

She looked at the Hamilton military watch in her hand, it was 10:30 in the evening.

Today is an ordinary and extraordinary day.

Ordinarily, this is one of Captain Claire’s countless drone control missions; what’s unusual is that his old partner, Lieutenant Anton, has been transferred and replaced by a new partner—Nur. Lieutenant.

Lieutenant Noor is a young mixed-race officer. He has a mixture of Asian and European blood. His gray-brown and extremely deep eyes are impressive.

"I am in charge of controlling the plane, and you will be my deputy."

Claire hadn't pointed to the two seats like the game console, and took the lead to sit down in front of the screen on the left.

"Okay, I can also take the opportunity to learn some skills from the seniors." Lieutenant Noor was very humble, which made Captain Claire very satisfied. This young officer from a prestigious school did not have the unpredictable arrogance of those new recruits, speaking Always put yourself very low, it sounds like a spring breeze.

"In fact, this task is very simple, not very complicated." Claire sat down and comforted Nuer next to him softly.

Noor placed his guard on the joystick, tested the feel, and then looked at Claire, "Don't worry when you say that. After all, this is my first mission."

"Tonight is only responsible for providing frontline fire support to SEAL members. This task depends on the situation. If they act smoothly, maybe we don't need to come forward at all."

Claire said: "The previous mission in the Middle East was the most troublesome. Those guerrillas always like to hide in ordinary residential areas. In fact, they use civilians as a shield. Even if our guided munitions are controlled well, they are easily injured. Once it happens, it will make things very troublesome."

As the two talked, they turned on various electronic devices and screens.

UAV pilots are pilots themselves, and they have also undergone professional training on UAVs.

Driving a drone looks very simple, as if using a joystick to simulate an airplane in front of the screen, but it is actually not that easy.

Captain Claire, sitting on the left, is the pilot. She is responsible for flying drones and launching missiles.

As the deputy, Lieutenant Noor is a sensor operator, he is responsible for controlling the camera, aiming the laser at the target and guiding the missile.

Various electronic meters and screens were activated, and the two of them stared at the silver screen, switches, and buttons intently.

This is not much different from the cabin of a modern fighter jet, as if it were just two pilots and co-pilots flying the plane.

However, being in it doesn't feel like being on the battlefield in person.

Traditional fighter pilots return to base after launching missiles, but the drones have to hover over the target for several hours after the bombing to assess the extent of the damage.

The picture that drone pilots saw was exceptionally clear, and it was usually broken limbs that reflected the extent of the damage.

If there is collateral damage, the psychological impact can make the drone operator finally have a mental breakdown.

Under their control, the Port-au-Prince Air Force Base, thousands of miles away, ran up, and a "Predator" drone slid out of the runway into the night sky.

In silence, the two slowly followed the various data and images obtained on the drone, with the most advanced GPS positioning equipment, gradually navigating the drone to Mexico and flying over the town of Cavaron.

"Enter the scheduled airspace."

Claire hung the plane into a fixed cruise route, and she switched the channel to the communication channel of the command center.

"The UAV codenamed AZF113 entered the designated airspace and requested instructions."

Each drone will have a unique mission identification code when it is dispatched, because every container iron house in this center has a two-person crew. They are like white-collar workers on and off work. They come to the base when they receive the mission. Listen to the briefing, and then enter the designated room to start various tasks.

The command center will distinguish their mission nature and specific details through the identification code, and give them instructions.

"Received, enter the cruise procedure, stand by in the airspace, and wait for the ground team's request. It's over."

"AZF113 received, enter the cruise, it's over."

According to the instructions given by the center, Claire has not yet had to let the drone hover in the air for a while, collect all the ground data, and then wait for the SEAL team on the ground to issue a fire support request, after which the command center will request the drone crew to fire.

In order to maintain the continuity of firepower tonight, another drone will take off when they are attacking. After they complete their mission, they will take over the work of the two and continue to provide fire cover for the ground team.

It can be said that Captain Claire and Lieutenant Noor are the protagonists in the air in the first half of tonight, because the Mexican side does not know the secret operation plan, because the locals are unreliable and often exchange information with them on this side, and the drug lords will After a phone rang, it disappeared without a trace.

"It's really a long night!"

Lieutenant Noor stretched, and then said to Captain Claire: "Can I go out and smoke a cigarette?"

"I don't think this is a good idea." Claire glanced at Nuer in surprise. During the task, even the toilet must be solved in the bathroom in the room. If you don't complete the task, you are never allowed to leave the house. This is because of the need for confidentiality.

"It's not suitable to be a drone pilot if you have a lot of addiction."

As a senior, she felt that she had to remind the young man in front of her who had just graduated from the military academy not to let her future become dull because of the bad habit of smoking.

"Uh...well." Nuer seemed to give up his intention to smoke, got up from the chair, stretched his waist, and then began to pace slowly in the small space of the house, seeming to relax his nerves.

"Very nervous?" Captain Claire has never left the screen. She is responsible for the control of the aircraft, and Noor is responsible for collecting shooting data. Now the battle has not started, but Noor is much more free than herself~www.wuxiaspot.com~look It's really boring to come to this job. I still like to be a navy pilot on an aircraft carrier, at least flying a bumblebee or something. "He said as he complained.

Claire smiled softly. She had seen more than one male pilot say this.

Compared with women, men are always unable to sit still and have less patience.

"I said you big man..."

She planned to ridicule Nuer, but when she was halfway through her words, a huge impact suddenly pushed her down, and she slid to the left, and finally lay softly on the ground.

Lieutenant Noor looked at Captain Claire who was lying on the ground. The woman was completely dead, and the bullet lifted off a large piece of her heavenly spirit cover, and blood splashed on the wall.

He glanced at the upper right corner of the house. There was a camera, which was originally used to monitor the situation in the operating room. However, this camera was hacked by Nuer’s accomplices a long time ago. There is a repetitive picture on it. The center simply looks at it. Nothing happened in the room.

He quickly put away the pistol, and then sat in Claire's original position.

Lieutenant Nuer's hands and feet became very dexterous and proficient, and he was totally different from the rookie before. He operated the drone by himself, but calmly and calmly.

After holding the control in his hand, Noor breathed a sigh of relief.

He had to do this, because everyone's location was fixed, and it would be useless to kill Claire before entering the room to turn on the system. The machine needed biometric identification to turn it on.

Taking a phone out of his jacket pocket, his fingers quickly typed a line of English on it-the predator got it, and you can start.

Then, he pressed the send button, and the message was sent out.

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