Absolute Honor

Chapter 971: RPG in the room

It is obviously purposeful to blow up the convoy.

There is only one reason-to keep this SEAL team here and delay their speed.

According to the original plan, all the cars in the garden could be used for evacuation. The person who hijacked the "Predator" drone must be very aware of this, so he put the last AGM-114 "Hellfire". The missile was used to destroy the vehicle.

Time is running out, and Qin Fei has no time to consider the issue of evacuation in the future. Now the scene is already in a mess.

Find Dan George, this is the only way to save this mission.

Climbing up quickly from the smelly ditch, Qin Fei rushed into the back door of the H-shaped building with a gun in his hand.

As soon as he walked in, the situation in front of him made Qin Fei head up.

A heat wave rushed towards him, and the dazzling fire in front of him made Qin Fei also had to push the AN/PVS-15 night vision device back onto the dried cuttlefish rail.

At the entrance hall at the back door, the room has been blown up in half!

There was a blazing fire in front of Qin Fei, but it didn't bother him. After all, over-fire training is a routine training that is often carried out in special forces.

He lowered his head, speeded up and rushed through the fire.

Behind the fire was a long corridor. Qin Fei immediately pressed against the wall. The SCAR assault rifle in his flat end began to move forward slowly through the inner red dot sight.

Qin Fei stopped when he reached a concierge. He noticed that all the interiors here are rooms separated by wooden boards. It is estimated that because of the influence of American architecture, the interior uses a lot of wood.

At least this is not a good thing for Qin Fei now, which means that these places will soon become a sea of ​​flames.

He pressed the communication button, wondering where the first Captain Noland and sniper Badis were.

"Captain Noland, this is Jack." He is now DEA agent Jack Chen instead of Qin Fei. He hasn't forgotten that, "Where are you?"

"We have entered the front of the H-shaped building, that is, the front row of buildings. You can take a look at the room on the other side. We didn't have time to search just now." Noland quickly responded.

Qin Fei probably recalled the entire manor's buildings in his mind. Because group A entered through the front door before, and group B was a little late, he was attacked by missiles from the side before entering the back door.

In addition, after the initial round of attacks, all SEAL team members are taking care of each other and intending to escape from the front door. This reasoning shows that many SEAL team members are all located in the front half of the building. Captain Noland must also search the front area in a limited way if he wants to rescue his men. .

However, the building at the back door became the least damaged and most likely place to hide the members of Setta.

Before Qin Fei knew that there were several criminal organization bosses and their bodyguards under the porch of the front door. Sergeant Sith began a raid and attacked the front door and found that all the big brothers and their bodyguards had disappeared. He wanted to shoot. After the sound, they escaped into the building under the **** of bodyguards.

Since this manor is the property of Veneto, as a famous drug lord, his residence must be the Three Caves of the Rabbit, and maybe there is a secret passage to evacuate from here.

Most of the injured SEAL players are located in the front half of the building, so that Veneto is more likely to escape from the secret road.

Thinking of this, Qin Fei changed his direction and stopped going forward.

The most urgent thing now is that he wants to find Dan. Firstly, Noland didn't like his involvement with their SEALs. Secondly, because he cared about his subordinates, Noland might abandon the search of Dan.

This was a great opportunity for Qin Fei.

Find Dan, then contact Lao Yu and his team. According to the plan, they have also sneaked into the vicinity of Kavalon Town tonight, waiting for their orders.

But before that, Qin Fei had not kept in touch with Lao Yu and the others.

Qin Fei is not a fool, and his professional training tells himself that if he continues to risk contacting the old fish or the ghost group after entering the Port-au-Prince base, it is obviously not a wise behavior.

All U.S. military bases maintain a high degree of vigilance for the wireless communication signals and wired signals sent from the base. What they worry most is that spies are monitoring every move inside or outside the base and then sending the signals to their own. enemy.

This awareness is accumulated by the US military in actual combat.

During the Mogadishu operation in Somalia, the entire US military base was under surveillance by the Somali militia as early as the stationing expenditure.

The method of surveillance is very simple. They are dressed up as businessmen on the outskirts of the base, or posing as shepherds on the nearby hillside, staring at the gate of the US army with their mobile phones in their pockets. As long as there is a convoy dispatched, these militiamen responsible for surveillance will be there. Use a mobile phone to report to the militia in the city of Mogadishu.

This was also the time when the Rangers and the Delta Unit had just been dispatched, and the tires were on fire in Mogadishu. The black smoke was everywhere. The leaders of the militia organization completed the battle mobilization of the entire city in just a few tens of minutes, almost It was the U.S. Special Forces who had entered the city with their pockets open.

Therefore, communications at US military bases today are targeted interference and closely monitored.

An intelligence information center is generally set up in the base. The role of this center is not only in wartime, but also in ordinary people on duty to monitor. Once they find a strange signal, they will monitor it.

Contacting the old fish or the ghost team there is equivalent to hunting for death~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Now, not only is the crow squad of the X mercenary group, but the ghost and himself have already reached an agreement, and the ghost squad will also be there. nearby.

As for the location, Qin Fei can open the communication channel when he finds Dan after the action, and get in touch with them.

Now, I am afraid it is also time.

I didn't intend to contact the ghost or the old fish so early, but now it seems that I have really fallen into a trap. Although the trap is aimed at whom and what is meant, I am not light at all, but one thing is certain-the person who came is not good.

He turned on the satellite phone, and while waiting to turn it on, Qin Fei suddenly heard a small voice.


Of course, this will not be the sound of the M16 rifle opening the insurance.

Qin Fei immediately remembered something, and this was something he didn't want to see here anyway-it was an RPG-type rocket launcher, the specific model was ominous.

This kind of sound is the sound of a tapered rocket stuck in the launch tube, because the tail of the rocket is an aluminum tail, like a spring, it will unfold after launching, so it will also be emitted when the rocket launcher is pulled out. sound.


Someone actually used a bazooka in the room! ?

This is completely against the operating rules, the huge tail flame will bounce back, and then even the operator will also swallow it.

But Qin Fei immediately lay on the ground subconsciously.

Just when he got down, the wall less than three meters in front of him suddenly exploded!


The blasted sawdust and cement blocks splashed around like steel **** emitted from shotguns. If Qin Fei did not lie down early, even if he was wearing a body armor and a helmet, he would be blinded and bombed. Useless hands and feet.

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