Absolute Honor

Chapter 974: position

"Veneto, I think you should let him talk about it." Garcia has always been unwilling to oppose the US government, and even less willing to offend the boss behind Dan.

"Maybe what he said is true. There is no reason why he didn't even want his own life and let the drone throw a bomb on his head! If you kill d now, think about the consequences, from then on we will have to Facing the power hunt of Yankees, it won't do us any good to provoke them like that!?"

"Garcia, you grassy pig in your head!" Veneto still insisted: "At the point of this ghost, you still plan to speak for him!? Their purpose is to eradicate us and find new puppets!"

"I didn't!" Dan screamed with a pale face, "If we wanted to replace you early in the morning, I would never risk coming to Kavalon Town to meet you! I thought the God of Wealth would come, but I didn't expect Fan Tianlong to send him. Come here, I was sold by him!"

"No nonsense!" Veneto roared gruffly: "I'm going to kill him tonight. If you want to do it with me, do it together, don't do it with me..."

Before he could say anything, a cold muzzle pressed against Veneto's temple.

Veneto shivered all over and turned his head slightly.

It was not someone else who held the gun against him, but one of the two bodyguards of Michiko Yamamoto.

Seeing that Veneto was held back with a gun, the members of Seta immediately put down their work, and all drew their guns at Michiko Yamamoto and her men.

The situation suddenly became completely chaotic.

Oleksei and Garcia's men also conditioned their guns, but they didn't know who they were pointing at, so they hesitated and looked at their boss one after another.

Oleksei was already terrified. This **** had never seen such a scene before.

He has regretted his intestines now, and he really shouldn’t have come to this so-called party. It’s better now. There is a squad of SEALs chasing him out, and he was blown up by no one, so he almost lost his soul. Ben Thinking that entering the secret path is considered as an escape, I didn't expect to face this kind of violent scene again.

"What are you all doing here, who are you helping!?" Veneto seemed to smell something wrong, "Michiko, we are on the side, you can't betray us! Don't forget, this is our only chance to stand up. , Otherwise we succumb this time, next time we will be completely reduced to their tools, and finally when we are drained of the final value, we will be thrown into the corner like broken stinky socks to fend for themselves!"

"I know." Michiko Yamamoto was surprisingly calm, as if all this had nothing to do with him.

"Knowing that you are still pointing a gun at me? What does this mean!?" Veneto angered.

Yamamoto Michiko was still expressionless, glanced at the crowd, and continued to say in that cold voice: "Veneto, I don't want to embarrass you, you can go, leave the explosive fuze, and then Dan to me, so everyone Will solve the problem peacefully."

"You want him!? What do you want him to do!?" The crow's feet at the corner of Veneto's eyes jumped slightly, and his eyes narrowed instantly. "I see, you want to take refuge in Dan's big boss!? I advise you not to be so beautiful. !"

"No, no, no! Miss Michiko, if you save me today, I promise you will be protected by us! And your organization!" Dan George seems to have seized a life-saving straw, this is his last chance to survive At first, he thought he was dead, but he didn't expect Michiko, who hadn't said a word, to actually stand on his side.

Fortunately, he secretly rejoiced in his heart that one of these people finally knows the current affairs.

Garcia has always opposed Veneto's insistence on going it alone. He was originally a fencer. Now Michiko is on his side. Since Garcia has not ordered his subordinates to point a gun at Michiko, this has already explained his position.

And that Oleksei, this guy was originally an uninspiring dude, and he said he was a wall-riding faction and praised him. This guy commanded thinking about how to save his life. Even if there was a gunfight here, he must be the first to bring him. Leave with the bodyguard, no matter who is dead or alive on both sides.

After all, Dan is also trained in intelligence, and he is considered a qualified agent. He also has a bachelor's degree in psychology. Of course, he will not miss this only opportunity.

"Miss Michiko, I use my personality and my parents' reputation to swear that the attack tonight was really not ordered by me, and the drone attack on the manor I think there is definitely something wrong with it. I must go back. I will give you a thorough investigation and give you an explanation. I hope you will not kill me with an action that has nothing to do with me. This will cause you to get into big trouble!"

"I know, all of this is a trap of the Black Sun organization, right?" Yamamoto Michiko still said in a proficient English in that plain and cold tone: "Everything has nothing to do with you."

"Yes, yes, yes! It has nothing to do with me!" Dan's head was pecked like a chicken, "I promise to go back and clean up Fan Tianlong immediately! And..."

Before his words fell, a red fire flashed by suddenly in the darkness at the entrance of a secret tunnel in the distance.

Then, Dan George's chest sprayed bleeding mist, and the person fell to the ground like a torn sack.

Everything seemed too sudden.

"somebody is coming!"

Almost at the same time, a dark object was thrown from the dark, fell on the ground and rolled near the crowd.


The quickest reaction was Yamamoto Michiko’s subordinates and herself. These people responded and reached out with unexpected agility. At the moment Dan Shichi, they had dragged the body of this guy into one of the three forks in the road. One, disappeared in the secret path.


The explosion was particularly shocking in the confined space. The roof of the entire secret tunnel shook, and then a lot of sand fell from the gap between the planks.

Several Setta members who were too late to put aside suddenly became ground gourds~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Hundreds of steel **** released by the grenade explosion instantly shot into their bodies, smashing them into a sieve.

Veneto escaped into one of the passages under the **** of two bodyguards. Of course, the old rivers and lakes of Garcia would not be caught so easily. He also led people into a secret tunnel.

In addition to leaving a few unlucky corpses on the ground, there was also that Dan, who was already lying on the side at this moment.

Maggie held the mp7 submachine gun with a low **** butt but opened fire while chasing it out.

When she walked to Dan George's side, she knelt down, felt the pulse of the latter, and then drew the pistol from her waist...1


Qin Fei's voice came from behind.

"Why are you here!?"

Maggie stood up and saw Qin Fei, she pointed to Dan on the ground, "When I rushed over, they were loading bombs. I opened fire, but this guy was accidentally injured in the chaos."

Qin Fei glanced at Dan George on the ground, and suddenly frowned.

Sweeping around, it turned out that there was a half-installed detonating device on the table. Obviously Maggie was right. Veneto planned to blow it up. Fortunately Maggie came early, otherwise the explosives would explode and he would be buried alive.

"How about Veneto and them?" Qin Fei asked.

"They all ran away. They escaped separately from different entrances." Maggie pointed to three different entrances. "I think these three entrances must have different routes and different directions of escape. Maybe it is because of Sometimes certain places were blocked, so several different evacuation points were made."

Dan George is dead, and Qin Fei is the least willing to see this scene.

My own mission this time is completely over.

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