When he heard the deep and angry voice:”I guess you are Yuanjing Industrial”,

Pullman immediately broke out in a sweat.

The other party really knows about Canvas Lane!

What should I do?

What should I do?!

Pullman couldn’t help but secretly look at Sala.

He saw the opposite party standing behind him with a calm face, acting as a secretary.

He couldn’t help but curse inwardly.

Cunning woman!

When something happens, she hides behind him and hides!


Can I only rely on myself?

Pullman clenched his palms nervously.

Thinking for a moment, he rubbed his hands and smiled:”Yes, I am Pullman from Yuanjing Industrial. I wonder who you are? Why are you blocking our way?”

In short. Pretend to be confused!

No matter what the other party says or does, pretend not to understand!

Try every means to fool them!

“It doesn’t matter who I am.”

Liuying said coldly:”As for the reason why I appear here, you know it in your heart!”


Pullman blinked in puzzlement.

“Dear sir, if you don’t tell us, how can we know why you are here?”

Liuying frowned.

She knew Pullman was pretending to be confused.


She was the worst at dealing with such people. She couldn’t help but think, if Kafka or Suchen were here, it would be great.

But now, they are not here!

Then she can only turn the areas she is not good at into the areas she is good at.

She clenched her fists.

A handful of flames burned fiercely.

Under the firelight, the cold Sam said coldly:”It doesn’t matter if you don’t admit it. I know the evil things you have done, so you deserve to die.”

The next moment.

Her back spread out fluorescent green wings like wings.

Then she soared into the sky and killed the people from Yuanjing Industrial.

Seeing this,

Pullman retreated in horror.

He didn’t expect this robot to be so strong and so unreasonable!

He shouted:”Why are you still standing there? Shoot! Shoot!”

“Bang, bang, bang!”

Intensive gunfire sounded.

A large number of bullets hit the SAM mecha accurately.

Sparks flew everywhere.

“The sound of”Ping-Pong-Pong” continued.

However, despite the thousands of bullets hitting him, the Sam mecha remained intact.

In fact, with a few sparks, he was even more thrilling.

It was like an angry demon descending from the sky!

The next moment


Sam punched the ground.

The flames attached to his fist invaded the ground. In an instant, the ground shook and cracked like a spider web.

Incomparable heat came from under his feet.

Many employees of Yuanjing Industrial looked down.

Their eyes widened in horror.

Through the cracks in the ground, they saw that the ground had turned into rolling magma!

The robot’s punch directly changed the underground environment!

The next moment


The edge of the gap bulged.

Hot magma gushed out.

The doomsday-like scene instantly burned more than a dozen employees wearing sophisticated protective gear to charcoal.

Seeing this,

Pullman was scared.

He immediately understood that there was something much more important than his reputation.


This scene of the divine fire falling from the sky made him understand what it meant to be unmatched.

What it meant to be desperate.

So, he immediately knelt on the ground with a plop.

Dignity and reputation were all abandoned by him.

He just wanted to survive.

“I’m sorry! I admit that I was possessed by the devil! Please spare my life!”

“”Tada, tada.”

The footsteps approached slowly.

A pair of silver feet appeared in Pullman’s sight.

He broke out in a cold sweat, fearing that the world would spin around the next moment.

Fortunately, this did not happen.

The guy, whose strength was so unbelievable, said:”What I want to hear is not a verbal apology.”

“Yes, yes.”

Pullman said quickly:”Vision Industrial will give up the development of this area and invest in rebuilding this place.”

“Make sure this place becomes prosperous”

“Moreover, we are willing to give each resident 50W Dinis as compensation.”

“And publicly apologize.”

Hearing these compensations,

Liuying thought it was not bad.

So he nodded and said,”I’ll give you a month. If you haven’t fulfilled your promise today in a month, I don’t mind going there.”

Hearing this,

Pullman was completely relieved.

As long as he didn’t die now, there was hope for everything.

Now there was only one problem left.


Pullman said cautiously.

“My Lord, I am just an ordinary executive of Yuanjing Company and I do not have the authority to use these resources.”

“In order to fulfill the promise, the woman behind me needs to nod.”

After these words came out,

Liuying looked at Sala.

Sala was stunned.

She never thought that

Pullman would drag her down!

But after seeing Liuying’s terrifying strength, she didn’t dare to resist.

She knew in her heart that as long as she showed any resistance, this angry strong man would kill her without hesitation.

So she had to bite the bullet and answer:”What Pullman said is what I want to say. Don’t worry, within a month, this area will be brand new!”

“Humph, you better do it.”

Liu Ying looked at the two coldly.

“Don’t try to challenge my patience, otherwise, there is no need for Yuanjing Industrial to continue to exist.”

As she said that, she started scanning.

After finding a deserted building, she raised her arm, constructed a sword and threw it over.



The whole building disappeared in the horrified eyes of Pullman and Sala.

Sala understood that this was a warning.

If they did not keep their promise,

Yuanjing Industrial would be the same as that building!

When they came to their senses, they found that Liuying had left.

The two did not dare to stay and left the place in a hurry.


On the other side.

In Canvas Alley, in an abandoned building.

Liuying returned to Nekomata Matana, disarmed and said with a smile:”Nekomata, your commission has been completed.”

“Yuanjing Industrial will not blast this place again, and they promised to fund the reconstruction. Soon, this place will be brand new.”

Hearing this


The cat stared at the firefly blankly again and said numbly.

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