After laughing,

Sambo narrowed his eyes.

“Well, it seems that one outer universe flame is not enough to test their abilities.”

“Bring a fire from outer space and an ice from outer space and place them on the path they must take?”

“Or… should I just project the phantom of Cocolia in front of them?”

After thinking about it,

Sangbo shook his head:”Forget it, compared to these, I would rather act out a play with them.”

“If they can really get close to the Iron Guard restricted area, I will pretend to be a trapped civilian and make contact with them.”

Said this.

Sambo happily chased after them.


At the same time, in the reverberating corridor, two small figures were hiding behind the wall, and from time to time they would cautiously look out and look around.

When they saw the patrolling Silver Mane Iron Guard, they would instantly retract their heads, holding their breath and not making any sound. They dared not to show their heads until the Silver Mane Iron Guard was far away, and continued to move deeper.

During this process, there was always a blonde girl wearing a hat in front of them.

���The white-haired girl in a red coat put her hands on her chest nervously. She followed nervously and looked around.

She always felt that she was doing something very bad. She felt uneasy.

After walking for a while, she couldn’t help but ask

“Hook, are you sure we can meet Brother Suchen here?”

Hook was alert to his surroundings, raised his hand to wipe his nose, and said confidently:”That’s for sure! Clara, don’t underestimate the intelligence of our Mole Party… Uh, intelligence rope? Intelligence plate?”

“Intelligence network.” Clara corrected

“Yes! It’s the intelligence network.”

Hook turned his head and looked at Clara seriously.

“Several reserve members of the Mole Party saw Brother Su Chen bring Sangbo to the Reverberation Corridor.”

“Three hours ago, Sambo suddenly appeared in the upper area and then disappeared. I have reason to suspect that Sambo came to the Echo Corridor to see Brother Su Chen.”

“So just follow me.”

Hearing this,

Clara pursed her lips and nodded:”Okay, I understand.”

After comforting Clara, the two continued to move forward.

After finally walking out of the patrol area of the Silver Mane Iron Guard, the two did not need to move forward cautiously, but ran around boldly, looking for traces of Sangbo and Suchen.


Of course.

Only the two little ones thought that no one had discovered them.

In fact,

Swarlow was standing on the wall of the Iron Guard restricted area, watching the two little ones’ every move.

Once he heard the words”Save me, Mr. Swarlow”, he would go all out and rush to the front line at the fastest speed.

And Sambo, who was in the Echo Corridor, also noticed Hook and Clara.

He just felt a toothache

“Why are these two little girls here playing now?”

“If they run into these four people……”


Sambo held his chin, thought for a moment, and muttered softly.

“Seems like it would make things more interesting?”

“Well… let’s ignore them for now.”

Sambo really wanted to see how these four people would react when they saw the two poor little girls.


At the same time, somewhere in the Reverberation Corridor,

Liu squatted in front of a scrapped [Automaton Beetle], scratching his face and wondering,”What is this? A moving traffic light?”

“Good question. Yuzhen shrugged,”I can’t figure it out either.”

“Moreover, what I want to know more is that the weapons I saw before were all from the Middle Ages, and the architectural style and clothing style were also from the Middle Ages.”

“Why is there a traffic light? Is this empty technology tree a mistake?”

Yuzhen’s words also represent the thoughts of others.

Obviously, everything else looks very old, but there is a high-tech product like a traffic light robot?


Since there are robots, wouldn’t it be better to use this technology to create stronger weapons?

The four of them thought about it for a long time, but they couldn’t figure it out.

Hoshimiya simply gave up thinking.

“It seems that this hole cannot be examined with common sense. Let’s keep going.”

The others nodded.

Following Xing Jianya, they continued to explore deeper.

Along the way, they killed many world-breaking creatures.

Then, at a corner,

Xing Jianya’s ears moved.

His right hand was on the hilt of the knife, and he raised his left hand to stop the team members.

Seeing this, the other three people fell silent.

When the section chief made this move, it meant that there was danger ahead.

They all pricked up their ears and listened

“”Da da da.”

Two running sounds were heard from the left passage.

The sound was getting closer and closer.

When she confirmed that the distance was about the same,

Xing Jianya slowly pulled out the knife.

Then, she swung it. The next moment, her pupils shrank and she stopped quickly.

Because, at the moment she swung the knife

, a little girl who was only about 1.3 meters tall walked out of the corner and appeared in her sight.

Her knife was only 5 centimeters away from the little girl!

This scared Xing Jianya.

She quickly pulled back the knife.

Just as she was about to say something,

“Who are you? Why did you attack me?!”

The one who was really scared must be Hook!

As she was running, a sharp blade chopped towards her.

If the opponent hadn’t stopped in time, her precious hat would have been chopped off!

But who is Hook?

She was only scared for 0.01 seconds.

She turned around angrily, raised her little hand and pinched her waist.

She began to blame Xing Jianya.


Clara was really scared.

She put her legs together and carefully grabbed Hook’s clothes.

She secretly looked at Xing Jianya and the other three.

When she saw Cangjiao, she pursed her lips subconsciously.

When she saw Xing Jianya… To be specific, Xing Jianya’s ears.

Her fear subsided a little. She had a desire to touch them.

And when they saw the two little lolis,

Xing Jianya and the other three were completely dumbfounded.

The previous guess came true.

There were actually living people in this hole!

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