No need to ask him for confirmation!

Why would he say that?

This shows that he really thinks the same as he does! He had been to Beloberg before!

And this before means a long time ago.

After all, their relationship is too close.

It doesn’t seem like they can have the same relationship just after they met.


How could it be?

Didn’t the Beloberg Void just appear for a day?

How did Su Chen and he see it?

Could it be that the city of Beloberg has also appeared in other voids?


Beloberg is a civilization on another planet, and for some reason it appeared in New Eridu in the form of a void?

If so.

What is the connection between the reason here and Su Chen?

Was it because of him that the Beloberg Void appeared.

Or did he take the initiative to connect the two civilizations?

In any case.

Zhe realized.

This neighbor who suddenly came to Liufen Street more than ten days ago.

Is an [abnormality] that is more mysterious and more worthy of exploration than the void.

His strength is absolutely powerful to an unimaginable degree!

Thinking of this.

He was subconsciously frightened.

There was awe in his tone.

“I understand. I promise you that as long as they are customers from Beloberg, we [Phaethon] will definitely take them out of the hole safely!”

Ling looked at her brother in surprise.

In her impression,

Zhe had never said anything like that.

Guaranteeing to take people out of the hole safely…

Even the most legendary people would find it difficult to do that, right?

Why did Zhe suddenly say that?

What did he think of?

Ling was very curious.

But at this time, Suchen and Swarovski were in the store, so she couldn’t ask.

“For something that even you know you can’t do, there is no need to promise me. If you encounter something you can’t handle, remember to notify me as soon as possible.”

Su Chen smiled and patted Zhe’s shoulder.

Then he looked at Swarovski and asked,”Do you have anything else to ask?”

Swarovski walked to the shelf and picked up a few discs:”Movies carry culture. Can I borrow a few discs?”

In his opinion, movies are also carriers of culture.

Perhaps through the movies of New Eridu, we can judge what kind of culture this city has.

Zhe certainly wouldn’t refuse.

He nodded and said,”Please feel free to do as you like, but if you want to understand the culture of New Eridu, I can recommend you a few movies.”

“Is that a movie you recommended?” Lingsheng complained.

“It’s obvious that you must have recommended those boring documentaries to Mr. Swarovski.”

Zhe glanced at Ling helplessly:”Maybe boring, but you can’t deny that documentaries carry more culture.”

Ling tilted her head and thought.


She hated watching documentaries the most, she really didn’t know.

But Swarovski agreed with Zhe’s words.

“Analyzing…Analysis results: Documentaries carry 67% more culture than other types of films.%”

“Zhe, please help me choose some documentaries.”

Zhe looked at Ling and smiled triumphantly.

Then, based on the recommendations of the owner of the video store, he selected a dozen discs for Swarovski.

It can be said that each of them is a”classic handed down from generation to generation” in his mouth.

Ling rolled her eyes.

After the formal discussion and the selection of movies,

Suchen and Swarovski said goodbye to the brother and sister and left the video store.

When the two figures disappeared, the brother and sister returned to Room 6 where they usually work.

Ling asked directly:”Brother, what happened to you just now? You are completely different from your usual self.”

Zhe asked in surprise:”Did you see it?”

Ling rolled her eyes:”Of course, I am your sister. It would be outrageous if I couldn’t even see this kind of thing.”

Zhe thought about it and it made sense.

He turned and stared at Ling seriously:”I just suddenly discovered something, sister, who do you think is the strongest in the new Elido?”

“Eh? Why are you asking this question all of a sudden?”

Ling looked puzzled, but still answered:”One of the seven [Hunters], right?”

“I originally thought so, but if……”

Zhe said seriously:”Su Chen is more than one level stronger than Xu Hunter?”

Ling blinked in disbelief:”Brother, what are you talking about? Those are Xu Hunters! They are recognized as the seven most powerful people in New Eli. How can Su Chen be stronger than them?”

Seeing that his sister was unwilling to believe it.

Zhe did not continue to explain, but rubbed her head:”Anyway, let’s just be good at being [Rope Makers] next.”

Ling didn’t understand the situation, of course, and wanted to continue asking.

But no matter how she acted coquettishly, Zhe didn’t intend to speak.

This made Ling depressed and angry.


And it’s not just Ling who is depressed.

Swarovski is also depressed.

If you want to know why,

——He just walked out of the Impression Store and was about to go back to the bar.

But he was entangled by a woman.

The woman wore goggles on her head.

She had short hair and a top tied at her waist. She looked very capable.

But… her behavior was a little abnormal?

As soon as they met.

She ran over with stars in her eyes. She looked at Swarovski infatuatedly.

At the end, she said shockingly:”Well, although this is the first time we meet, can you let me hug you? I promise, I will never touch you! Hehehehe……”

When had Swarovski ever met such a mechanical nympho?

Seeing that Grace was about to pounce on him at any time, he raised his arm without hesitation.

“Warning: Do not approach”

“Scanning in progress, scanning completed: The body is full of various metal elements, judgment: the person is in contact with machinery for more than 12 hours every day, and is obsessed with machinery”

“Verdict: The desire to disassemble this machine is as high as 83%”

“Conclusion: Keep your distance.” Grace became even more excited after hearing this.

“Wow! This intelligence is totally different from those children in my family!”

She raised her hands to show her attitude

“Sir, don’t worry, I just want to touch you, I will never dismantle you!”

Although her words sounded confident, the silly smile on her lips still made Swarovski alert.

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