Absurd deduction game

Chapter 107 Memory and Nightmare

His eyes were blurry, as if covered by layers of red water waves. He struggled to open his eyes and raised his hands in confusion.

My arms felt a resistance, and at the same time there was a hint of buoyancy, which made my whole body float up and down in the small space.

Where am I?

He thought drowsily.


His hand accidentally touched the cold glass wall, and the coolness made him shiver.

who I am?

He retracted his hand and hugged himself helplessly. As he moved, his black hair was softly pushed to the front from behind by the liquid that enveloped him.

Long hair? mine?

Subconsciously reaching out to pinch a strand, he became even more confused. For some reason, in his perception, someone of his gender should not have long hair.

His ears were not clean at all, and the water pressure caused a roar, making his mind unable to calm down for a moment.

The liquid was red, and he gradually realized that he was soaked in something similar to blood, except that the liquid was more viscous, but it did not hinder his breathing.

The liquid was imprisoned in a small glass vessel with him. Outside the vessel, several vague figures in white clothes noticed him and walked towards him.

They stopped outside the vessel, holding some paper and pointing at him.

He reacted for a while, then looked back and pressed against the equally transparent glass wall behind him.

Who are they and what are they doing?

Who am I and why am I here?

Why are they looking at me?

Questions emerged one after another, but he could not speak. His voice would quietly disappear in the red liquid, as if it had never existed.

I...was locked up?

Great fear suddenly swept over him, and he became impatient and glanced at himself.

No clothing.

The muscle lines are tight and slender, and the legs are straight and slender, half floating in the liquid uneasily.

His body was crisscrossed with large and small wounds, some of which were scabbed, and some of which were still bleeding, revealing the dense white bones inside.

But he felt no pain.

He saw excitement on the faces of people outside, and the sound of conversation faintly reached his ears:

"He's awake."

"He's so perfect. It's the first time I've seen an experimental subject that fits him so well."

"Hahaha, he will become a masterpiece in our hands, and the actor will be satisfied. Look, he is like a work of art..."

"A dangerous, violent work of art!"

He was very scared and tried his best to shrink back, but he couldn't block any of the eyes looking at him.

He had no privacy, just like a commodity that had been unpacked. The shame and embarrassment from the depths of his soul made him suffer. He shook his head at the people outside.

He is not a work of art, he is a human being!

At this moment, the blood in the glass vessel became thicker and thicker, so thick that he could no longer see anything.

The pure blood color was no longer transparent, blocking everything from the outside world and giving him a long-lost sense of security.

He began to like the color of blood.

He became dependent on blood color.


There was a crack in the vessel. He raised his hand to touch it, and the crack suddenly enlarged. The next moment, the glass shattered!

"He's out!"

There were chaotic sounds all around, and he didn't know what he had done. It wasn't until he felt a strange touch in his hand that he came back to his senses and saw the body in front of him wearing a white coat with eyes wide open.

The corpse's expression was horrified and ugly. Although he had never faced it so clearly before, he knew that this was the person who said he was a work of art.

"Ah——!" There were screams all around, and people were heartbroken, making his eardrums hurt.

More screaming.

The never-ending scream.

He was disgusted by the screams at first, but gradually he got used to it. With his scars all healed like a new body, he sank into the fear of others... and gradually became obsessed with it.

He's not human, he's a monster.


"Wake up! Yu Xing!" The woman's cold and strong voice rang in his ears, which was more uncomfortable for the eardrums than the scream.

Yu Xing woke up from the chaos and groaned.

Because the other party not only shouted to wake up, but also had a pair of hands on his shoulders, using considerable force, and kept shaking him.

"Okay, okay..." Yu Xing opened one eye with difficulty, and saw Qu Xianqing staring at him seriously with a nervous look on his face, his smiling lips tightening, and then he opened his eyes All open.

He forced himself to wake up, his voice still hoarse: "It's just a dream, don't be nervous... I'm fine."

Seeing that he was awake, Qu Xianqing let go suddenly. She was kneeling on the bed with one knee and one leg on the ground for support, leaning down.

Now she retreated numbly and stood firm on the ground.

"I'm not nervous, I'm just worried that if you're not in the right state, if you lose control, it will threaten my safety." Qu Xianqing said seriously. People who don't know her might really believe it.

After hearing this, Yu Xing chuckled, without revealing her concern.

He let out a long breath, sat up on the bed, rubbed his temples, and expressed his frustration at the content of his dream.

Sure enough, I was moved by the scene...

The scene in the institution brought up his memory, and he ended up having such a confusing dream.

However, unlike ordinary dreams, there seemed to be some other forces involved in this dream... It was like a pair of hands that kept trying to keep him in the dream and sink forever.

Of course, this is nothing to him. Even if Qu Xianqing doesn't wake him up, he will wake up soon.

"When the degree of personality alienation is high, every increase will have a huge impact on the person." Qu Xianqing seemed to know what he was thinking, and explained, "Your alienation degree is already as high as 50%. If you change it to Others have lost consciousness and gradually turned into ghosts, but you can still maintain human thinking, which is already very special."

"After I saw that your alienation degree increased by 1, I expected that you would be abnormal today."

"What did I look like from your perspective just now? By the way, why are you in my room?" Yu Xing asked after hearing this.

He didn't feel anything, he didn't even sweat. Although he was very emotional in the dream, it was just because he had no real memory in the dream. If it were him now, let alone seeing glassware, even if he was imprisoned again ...There will be no psychological fluctuations.

I was too young at that time and had little experience, so I was easily affected emotionally.

"..." Qu Xianqing sighed and sat on the edge of the bed, "You don't think that the hotel door can block me. I just knew you would be restless tonight, so I kept paying attention. Sure enough, your breath just now Something’s not right, so I’m coming over.”

"When I came, your skin seemed to be cracking everywhere. I could almost see the cracks, but in the end it didn't crack and it recovered on its own."

She glanced at Yu Xing sideways: "Of course, I only lifted up your top and took a look. I didn't take off your pants. I don't know if there is anything wrong with your lower body. You can feel it yourself."

"..." Yu Xing's eyes twitched and he looked down. Sure enough, he found that the quilt had been lifted and his T-shirt was also wrinkled.

I'm fine, nothing happened at all, my upper and lower body are fine.

"I noticed that you..." Yu Xing tidied up his clothes and looked at Qu Xianqing carefully, "As you grow up, your speech becomes more and more sarcastic."

Qu Xianqing admitted generously: "You taught me well."

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