Absurd deduction game

Chapter 174 Alice Hell (7)-Fat Chef

In the darkness, two men wearing smiling masks stared at a small wooden box, leaning very close to each other. They were speechless for a moment, like a pantomime that suddenly pressed the pause button. No matter how you look at it, this scene is funny.

Yu Xing didn't expect that he had given up any hope of finding lighting tools, but suddenly he found an unexpected object in the last cabinet.

He held the small wooden box, looked at it for a while with almost no light, and scratched the box with his fingers.

There is no pattern at all on the small wooden box, it is bare, and it would be difficult for anyone to notice it unless it appeared in the wrong place.

There was a lock on the box and it was locked. Yu Xing discovered that there was no matching key in the drawer of the small wooden box.

Zeng Lai's head came closer and closer, almost touching the box. He asked, "What is this?"

He weighed the weight with his hands, and there was a slight collision sound in the box. Yu Xing shook his head: "I don't know, how about breaking it open and trying it?"

Zeng Lai: "Good guy, smash his ass!"

Yu Xing pinched the two walls of the small box with his fingers. He felt that the hardness of the box was average, and he could crush it with just his extraordinary grip strength.

However, just after he really tried his best, a faint light flashed on the box, and a deduction prompt sounded.

[There seems to be a special mark left on the box, which cannot be opened or destroyed without a key. 】

[Somewhere, you have a feeling that the key seems to be at the end of this corridor. 】

"This is the prop box." Yu Xing was a little convinced when he saw the deduction prompt. He even gave the key prompt, indicating that the deduction system wanted them to open it.

Unfortunately, they couldn't find the lighting tools in the end and couldn't immediately go deep into the corridor to get the keys.

He told Zeng Lai the hint, and Zeng Lai nodded: "Well, at least we have a target now. Let's do this. Let's take the box back to the room and hide it. Although we are not sure it is definitely a prop, at least it will be a prop. A powerful thing cannot be taken away by someone from the fallen line."

"I think so too." Yu Xing smiled slightly, and the unexpected gain put him in a good mood.

Tick ​​tock.

Suddenly, a drop of water fell at Yu Xing's feet and broke into countless pieces.

His hearing was already sensitive, but after his promotion, it was strengthened by the system. Even such a small sound could not escape his ears.

Zeng Lai naturally heard it, and he asked softly: "Why is there dripping water here?"

As he finished speaking, another drop of water wiped Yu Xing's mask and fell on his clothes. Yu Xing's eyes suddenly became interested and he looked up.

Before, they were just looking at the corridor and the walls, but they forgot to look at the top of their heads.

In a dim environment, the ceiling is really a place that is easily overlooked. At this moment, Yu Xing just raised his head, and another drop of water dripped straight into the eye hole of his mask. He seemed to feel something, and took a step back to avoid it. .

At the same time, he barely managed to see clearly the scene on the ceiling.

The ceiling, which seemed to have been soaked by time, was covered with heavy traces, and in the center, a blood-colored circular array with a diameter of more than one meter was actually painted!

The blood formation looked weird, with clear and complete lines. Just one glance reminded Yu Xing of some kind of demonic culture in Europe. It looked like a summoning formation, and it also looked like it was about to sacrifice something. The evil aura rushed towards his face. Make him squint.

The blood array should have been dry, but in the short half-minute that Yu Xing stood directly underneath it, it became moist, and the bloody lines in it seemed to be squirming and slowly coming to life.

What was dripping down just now was not water, but blood!

[You discovered the "Abyss Blood Array". Since the array is not activated, the ghost notice will not be updated]

[Tip, the abyss blood array is awakening, please stay away as soon as possible]

"Hey, let's go quickly." Zeng Lai pulled Yu Xing, "According to my experience, this should be a sensor-type ghost array. If no one is nearby, it will not be triggered. Let's stand within its sensor range. It’s gone! Or maybe it’s guarding the box, and it wakes up when we take the box. Anyway, it’s quick…”

"Oh." Yu Xing didn't need to pull him. When he heard what Zeng Lai said, he immediately ran towards the stairs and disappeared in a flash, running faster than a rabbit.

Zeng Lai: "..." Good guy!

He shut his mouth and chased Yu Xing, and the two quickly returned to the third floor branch.

After they left, the blood that had shown signs of melting dried up again. The blood array squirmed for a while, and finally fell silent.

"You run pretty fast. Have you used points to strengthen your physique..."

Zeng Lai finally caught up with Yu Xing. He wanted to sigh, but he saw Yu Xing put his hands on his knees and panted.

The exhaustion was so realistic that he didn't look like someone who had strengthened his system. If the breathing had been louder, Zeng Lai would have suspected that this person would soon be unable to breathe and faint.

He scratched his hair and his eyes twitched: "Pretend I didn't say anything."

This physique is weaker than that of ordinary people. Is Xing actually sick?

No offense intended, he was referring to physical illness, such as heart disease or cancer.

Both of them can be treated with points, but many deducers exchange their points into props as soon as they are promoted to differentiation level to comfort their young minds who stumbled and almost died before being promoted.

Maybe Xing was like this too, so he didn’t have time to get treatment? Terminal and incurable diseases require a lot of points, so that's why we delayed... Zeng Lai thought.

Yu Xing had no idea that Zeng Lai had guessed all the twists and turns in his mind. He simply wanted to escape from the bleeding array to avoid being injured and exposing his abilities.

His current speed is okay, and his explosive power is sufficient, but his physical strength cannot keep up at all. He has to rest after running for a while, otherwise he will feel dizzy and short of breath. When this deduction is over, all the conditions on his wish list will be gathered, and his actions will be much easier from now on.

After breathing for a while under Zeng Lai's unabashed concern for the disabled, Yu Xing straightened up and walked with Zeng Lai along the corridor to the fork in the main corridor.

There was a ring on the small wooden box. He was carrying it easily, and the contents inside made a dull sound.

The two of them stayed on the fifth floor for more than ten minutes. At this time, Huai and Huang Bai happened to come out after exploring the bathroom, while the remaining four deducers were missing.

Zeng Lai looked back at Huai and Huangbai who came out of the other side, and whispered to Yu Xing: "Go back to the room first and hide the box."

"Hide it in my room?" Yu Xing's eyes flashed with a trace of amusement. He thought that Zeng Lai would say that it was not safe to leave such an important thing here and keep it for him.

After all, the box they found together did not belong to him alone. If Zeng Lai wanted to take it away, he would have had good reasons.

"Just leave it to you. I'm afraid that if you leave it to me, I'll die again. That kid Ren Yi scolds me every day because I'm not calm enough." Zeng Lai curled his lips a little depressed, and then realized the expression behind the mask and Yu Xing looked at it. I couldn't, couldn't feel his complaints, and restrained myself boringly.

The two of them murmured and walked very fast. Huai behind them could only vaguely see that they were holding something in their hands, but his sight was blocked by the curved wall.

"Huai~ They seem to have found something good." Huang Bai jumped to Huai's side with his hands behind his back, "Do you want to negotiate? I heard that the reputation of the gambler is pretty good, and his character is pretty good. He should be trustworthy, right? ? We can discuss exchanging information with them!"

Huai felt a little headache for this overly lively girl: "I have considered what you said. You don't need to say it so loudly, as long as someone who cares can hear it..."

"I was wrong~" Before Huai finished educating Huang Bai, he looked like he was admitting his mistake obediently, causing the second half of Huai's words to get stuck.

This was the first time he had seen Huang Bai. What was certain was that this woman definitely had a lot of tricks up her sleeve and was not as harmless as she seemed on the surface.

But so far, she has not done anything extraordinary and has no objections to his command. From the perspective of a "teammate", she is undoubtedly qualified.

Thinking of this, Huai stopped talking and just said: "...Okay, let's see if we can get in touch with them during dinner. Based on my understanding of the gambler, he and Xing should have gone to the fifth floor. We came down so quickly. There may be obstacles on the fifth floor and we can’t check very far, so now let’s go to the second floor to check.”

The dinner time was half past six. Yu Xing and the others came and went. It was at least after five o'clock when they reached the observation deck. The open-air kitchen on the second floor turned on bright lights, covering up the light of the observation deck. few.

After the two of them realized that neither Huai, Huangbai nor the things in the blood formation on the fifth floor were following, their pace slowed down a lot. At this time, they still had the leisure to step on the crystal observation deck and face them. Look down.

From this great angle, you can see the entire kitchen.

The style of the kitchen is the steampunk style that Yu Xing is familiar with. The main colors are red and white. There are refrigerators, stoves, soup pots, basins for ingredients, knife racks, spice racks, in short, everything that can be seen in the kitchen is here. None are lacking.

Sure enough, Alice still likes this style and is very kind.

Two fat humans in white chef uniforms were stirring a pot of soup with giant spoons. The gears on the pot were rotating rapidly. The soup was steaming, and a scent floated straight into the noses of Yu Xing and Zeng Lai.

There is also a chef of the same size who is holding a plate of vegetables with his fleshy hands and walking towards the chopping board with his fleshy legs.

"Holy shit, is this a chef?"

Zeng Lai was not fooled by the smell. He looked at the chefs who were covered in fat and asked questions in a low voice.

Because chefs are so unlike normal people.

The tall hats were worn on the heads of the chefs, which were one size larger than those of ordinary humans. Judging from their expressions, they seemed to enjoy the process of cooking. Le Dian Dian smiled so hard that his eyes almost disappeared from the smile.

This is the first expressive castle employee that Yu Xing has seen so far, but just looking at their appearance, they are not as normal as the nun tour guide and the old housekeeper.

While the heat was rising, a range hood was working, making a unique mechanical sound, booming, booming, booming. The movement was quite loud, making the kitchen seem lively.

The smoke subsided slightly, and Yu Xing saw the faces of the chefs clearly. He found that the three of them looked exactly the same, and the kitchen and the observation deck were very close. He could infer that these chefs were probably a little shorter than ordinary men, but The horizontal area is huge, with meat piled on top of each other, definitely over three hundred kilograms, and the whole person is in an extremely deformed state.

The chefs did not look up and did not notice the two tourists who were watching the excitement on the crystal. They were just cooking happily. They didn't talk to each other, but they cooperated tacitly and cooked very efficiently. Zeng Lai was a little shocked: "They are like the fat guests in Spirited Away."

Yu Xing was silent for a moment and corrected: "More like the chef in Little Nightmares."

Little Nightmares is a horror game released in real life. It was also very famous. Yu Xing bought it and played it. The game experience was okay, so the memory is still fresh.

In his opinion, the three chefs at Alice's Castle were very similar in appearance to the chefs in that game, and they looked like monsters.

"Can we eat the food they cook? We won't become like them after eating it." Zeng Lai felt a chill. He didn't have the airs of a star actor at all. He patted Yu Xing on the shoulder, " Isn’t there always this routine in horror movies? The more you eat, the hungrier you get, and the hungrier you get, the more you eat, and finally you turn into an animal or a monster that only knows how to eat, tsk, will you have dinner later?”

"If you look at the ingredients they use, you can actually see that they are fresh normal vegetables, as well as the meat placed over there -" Yu Xing pointed to the meat shelf on the other side, where he could see the freshly slaughtered cattle, sheep and pigs, and the meat The origins are open and transparent.

The ingredients are very healthy, and at least you don’t have to worry about eating something that humans can’t eat.

He glanced at Zeng Lai: "Senior, you should know the answer to the question you asked, right?"

"Hey, I wanted to test your skills, but you saw through it." Zeng Lai shrugged, "Yes, the food should be edible, because the main theme of this game is not greed and gluttony. In terms of pitfalls, there are no pitfalls. Food, otherwise the kitchen wouldn’t be in front of us.”

After watching the cooking process of the fat chefs for a while, Yu Xing lost interest and took Zeng Lai back to the room.

The room Alice assigned them had handles inside and outside, and they could be locked by twisting the knob from the inside, but there was no key. That is, anyone can enter someone else's room when no one is in the room.

Just thinking about it makes me feel unsafe at all.

Zeng Lai first followed Yu Xing into Yu Xing's bedroom, watched as Yu Xing put the box on the bottom of the bookshelf in the room, covered it with books, and then turned his head to look at the time.

Five forty-eight, time passed slightly faster than they perceived.

"There are still forty minutes left for dinner. Should we go to the first floor to have a look?" Yu Xing asked.

There were four stairs in the lobby on the first floor, and they only walked through one. If they went there in advance, they might be able to get a rough idea of ​​where the other three paths lead.

"Okay, I'll go after five minutes of rest." Zeng Lai said, "I'm going back to my room. I'll call you in five minutes."

Yu Xing nodded and replied: "Okay."

Zeng Lai walked out and helped close the door. Suddenly, Yu Xing was the only one left in the bedroom.

He took off the mask and let out a long sigh, sighing again that the mask was stuffy.

The dagger on his waist moved at this moment, and Yi Qing, who had followed him all the way, appeared and floated in the air. He mocked politely: "Weak and sick, too weak."

"...It will be fine soon." Yu Xing glanced at him and felt that Yiqing was in a good mood after seeing several ghosts and the chef of the castle, so he took the opportunity to ask, "Can you do me a favor?"

Yiqing shook the fan in his hand coolly: "What's the matter?"

Yu Xing raised the locked small wooden box in his hand: "Can you use smoke to help me quietly put the box into Zeng Lai's room?"

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