Absurd deduction game

Chapter 205 Alice Hell (38)-The fan fell off

Because this matter is a long story, Yu Xing kept it short, omitting many irrelevant details (such as threats), and placed the current situation in front of Huai and Huang Bai.

In a nutshell, now Yu Xing wants to go down the passage, find Zeng Lai, and destroy the roses given to Alice by the great wizard on the premise that he may force Alice.

Huai was silent for a while. Although he was good at using sacrifices to get through the plot, he had never found a way to end a deduction in the first few hours. This was no different than during a 120-minute exam. You just finished reading the paper and filled in a few choices, and someone else's top student has already handed in the paper.

Especially when this top student said, "Isn't it just a matter of handing in a paper a hundred minutes early? It's not a big deal, so don't make a fuss."

Huang Bai was also stunned for a while, and finally picked at the hem of his clothes with his fingers. The girl's mind was very fast. After hearing this, her first reaction was neither shock nor surprise. She was still thinking about the original topic: "Then if you tell us this, won't you waste time looking for gamblers? What if you go late... …”

Yu Xing glanced at her: "I don't know how many people can pass through this passage. If you can help, whether you go down with me or restrain Alice in the castle, it will be enough to offset the loss of time. What a waste." This little time is nothing.”

Huai calmed down and no longer dared to look down upon the young man in front of him who was so good-looking that people ignored his strength. He originally thought that with Zeng Lai in this deduction game, and him, the two of them would be the main contributors to the deduction, but he did not expect that the person who rushed to the forefront of the plot would be the self-proclaimed newcomer Xing Xing.

Is this a newcomer?


Either a liar or a monster.

This is not to say that there is really such a huge gap in strength between deducers who have just been promoted to differentiation level and those who have been promoted for a period of time. In fact, there are only two external factors that cause the gap. One is the ability and quantity of sacrifices; It is the physical quality that points can be exchanged for, such as physical strength, strength, and acuity of the five senses, which can affect damage resistance, wound healing speed, escape speed, etc.

The two do need to be accumulated, but the former has a certain amount of luck. If you are not lucky enough to fuse a useless garbage ability, you will have to find new sacrifices early to complete the replacement. The latter has an upper limit when redeeming it, and it cannot exceed the human level. Deserve physical fitness.

The biggest difference factor is actually something abstract.

Memory, reasoning, calculation, imagination, and even experience, psychological quality, brain power... these intangible things can ultimately determine whether a person is strong or not.

Because no matter how useful the sacrifice is, you can't kill ghosts when the rules don't allow it. No matter how good your physical fitness is, you can't go head-to-head with those powerful and weird ghosts in the deduction. For example, in the Sheqing Bar, the reason why Yu Xing and Zhao Yjiu were able to kill ghosts was because the deduction at that time put forward the rule that "ghosts can be killed".

If there were no rules in that event, even if Zhao Yijiu had good physical fitness, nimble skills, and a powerful [Stop Kill] attack, he would not be able to kill the lowest-level discouraged ghost. The most he would say is "You can't kill him." Even if you kill me, I can’t kill you."

The greatest effect of these two, apart from confronting others, is to protect themselves, help escape, and assist deductions.

Only a person's thinking is the factor that determines whether he can become a star deduction, attract the attention of others, or die without anyone paying attention. Qu Xianqing's fighting power is feared by others, but her own deduction ability is not at all weak.

After all, the core of this weird and absurd world is called "deduction", reasoning and evolution, and the ultimate goal is the truth hidden under the sin.

This iron law has already taken effect as soon as the deducer enters the absurd world. At the differentiation level, the higher the level, the more obvious the understanding of this point.

The "rules" seem to be irreversible.

As a truly experienced deducer, Huai is naturally not proud of having many sacrifices. His confidence in his own strength still comes from his ability to explore plots and collect clues. He asked himself that at the current level, not many people are collecting Clues will be stronger than him in terms of abilities.

The reason why everyone despises newcomers is, in the final analysis, because they believe that newcomers do not have as much deduction experience as veterans, their way of thinking has not yet been trained, and their sensitivity to the plot is naturally weaker than that of veterans.

In the first few deductions, no one with any background survived the screaming and fear. They were exhausted just thinking about how to survive by hugging their legs. There was no time to train their minds and adapt to the rhythm of the absurd world. It was only at the stage of advanced deducers that this problem was barely solved - those who couldn't adapt died.

Huai put a question mark in his heart.

The question is...is this guy Xing's deduction ability really something that a newcomer can possess?

Even if there are forces like the three major families and the younger generation has a certain understanding of the existence of the absurd world, they will not do better than Xing.

Are you pretending to be a newbie and tricking your teammates?

Feeling that there was a slight possibility of being deceived, Huai finally pulled himself out of his complicated thoughts. He looked Yu Xing up and down, his eyes glanced at Yu Xing's sweatshirt that seemed to be soaked in blood, and then looked at it again. Look at the smiling mask hanging down on the side of Yu Xing's belt, and finally stop at Yu Xing's narrow eyes and the small mole under the end of his left eye.

Well, I have indeed never seen this person before, and Huai vaguely remembers the name Xuxu from the rookie competition a few days ago.

That's true, he met a new guy with great potential.

Huai remembered this face.

This is a face that will attract much attention in the future, and will be loved, admired, hated or feared by others.

Perhaps people who talk less and behave more indifferently prefer to think about things in their minds. Compared with Huai who is thinking silently, the absurdity is much more straightforward. The girl sighed in admiration, and then asked her soul: "Then you have never thought about what if you tell us so many things, but we don't plan to help?"

Huai focused his attention. He also wanted to know the answer to this question.

Yu Xing smiled and looked at the two of them.

"But you came to me and asked me to tell you what happened. If you wasted my time and didn't plan to compensate me, wouldn't you be bullying me, a newcomer?" He felt aggrieved. Luo Bai knew clearly that this man was pretending, but he still had no idea. I didn't pretend to be sincere at all, but I still felt a little "guilty".

She felt the sudden brilliance of motherhood and lamented: "Ah...beauty can harm the country, beauty can harm the country."

Huai: "..."

The corner of Huai's mouth lowered: "Then you should improve your resistance in this area, otherwise you will forget to run away when you encounter good-looking ghosts in the future."

Huang Bai: "What Mr. Huai said makes sense!"

The veins on Huai's forehead popped out twice, and he no longer followed this off-track topic. He believed that Xing must be sure that the two of them would choose to help, so he spoke out.

He tilted his head and said to Yu Xing: "We can help. After all, you discovered the passage and the clues. Let's do this. After you go down, I will try to see if I can go in again. If I can, I will go down -"

Huangbai raised his hand: "I'll go too, I'll go too!"

"..." Huai pressed his temple, "If it can only be entered by one person, Huang Bai and I will restrain Alice in the castle, so that when you and the gambler encounter the rose, Alice can catch up later. Go and give you a chance to survive."

Yes, although Yu was lucky enough to find shortcuts and hidden routes, going deep into the Rose Tunnel was obviously more dangerous than spending two days step-by-step and completing the tasks announced during the meal.

If it succeeds, all the deducers will directly complete the deduction. If it fails, only the attempters below will die.

There seems to be some sense of self-sacrifice in it.

Yu Xing nodded, his eyes falling on the steps on one side of the dark passage.

He turned over lightly, grasped the edge of the passage with one hand, held his watering can with the other, and kicked his legs hard on the next few steps. He had already entered the passage, leaving only his head exposed above.

He said: "Then I'll go down, see you later."

After saying that, he loosened his hand.

Huai and Huangbai watched his movements, and saw Yu Xing falling rapidly and quickly disappearing into the darkness, their expressions changed - what's the matter, when you go to find the gambler, do you have to go down in the same way?

You can obviously climb down the ladder, so why jump?

Huai coughed: "I'll try to see if I can do it."

He tried to reach out a hand, and sure enough, he received the same prompt as Yu Xing in the passage of the main building.

[The darkness here is breathtaking, even if you have a companion, you are intimidated. You find that there seems to be a barrier at the entrance of the cave, and only one person can enter. 】

[There is more than one entrance to the destination, go find another entrance. 】

It seems that Alice is very guarded and does not allow anyone to enter her passage except herself.

"Can't you get in?" Huang Bai frowned, "I can't go with the handsome guy anymore."

Huai couldn't bear it anymore: "Am I not handsome?"

"It's okay, you're too thin." Huang Baite said bluntly.

Huai paused and asked suspiciously: "Which one is thinner?"

Huang Bai: "Your figure...eh? Good guy, which 'shou' do you think I'm talking about?"

Huai breathed a sigh of relief, then felt confused.

What happened? Why is he struggling with this? Could it be that... he also has an inexplicable desire to win? But it is true that although he does not rely on physical fitness for deductions or fighting, it might be good to exercise occasionally.

At least I won't be ridiculed as "weak" several times in a row.

Looking at Huangbai's excited eyes, Huai sighed and wisely changed the subject: "Forget it, let's restore the bed and then see where Alice is."

Darkness passed around him, and the sinking feeling continued to increase.

Yu Xing was wrapped in pure black and couldn't find any point of support in the air. He could only let himself fall continuously in the invisible environment. The wind blew from below, and the black hair was slapped back and forth on his face, bringing a wave of Feeling of labor pain.

The reason why I chose to fall down directly was for no other reason than to be quick.

In the image he saw through hysteria, although Zeng Lai had small wounds all over his body, none of them were obviously fatal. Apart from the pain, it basically did not affect his movements. In other words, at least if you fall from the passage, nothing serious will happen.

For skin injuries, for Yu Xing, it only takes a few breaths to recover, and the passage is unknown how long, so instead of spending a long time climbing down cautiously, it is better to fall freely.

What's more... with his current weak physical strength, if he can't climb for a few minutes, his hands and feet will probably become weak, unable to hold on to the ladder, and then he will fall.

Whether I fall early or late, it is a fall. As long as I take the initiative, others will not see that I am not good enough.

As he kept falling, Yu Xing gradually felt that the space around him became larger and quieter. Apart from the sound of his heartbeat, there were only gusts of wind passing through his eardrums.

At the same time, a secret sense of panic spread, as if it was about to turn into reality, clinging to his skin from the air, trying to penetrate his body.

The cold aura began to surge within his body, driving away all the strange aura from outside. Yu Xing shivered uncontrollably, feeling the difference between his body and the outside world, and sighed.

Very annoying, it seems that there is something in the Rose Tunnel that can fully mobilize the power of his curse like the black coffin in the Coffin Village Ancestral Hall.

...another uncomfortable scene.

Suddenly, the surrounding air condensed, and Yu Xing felt the transformation of time and space. The next moment, it was no longer completely dark in front of him, and he could finally see vague shadows.

He glanced down and saw a large mass of something spreading its teeth and claws directly below.


Like a big rose bush?

If you come down from the ladder, the rose will be at an angle where you can admire it when you turn around. But if you fall from the middle, the rose will become a "mat"...a mat full of spikes.

Yu Xing weighed it and didn't want to be stabbed like a hedgehog.

He adjusted his posture as much as possible in the air and protected the watering can. It barely missed the flowers and hit the ground.

One shoulder hit the ground without any support. The ground was softer than the tiles, and a natural smell was introduced into Yu Xing's nose.

The impact force was far less than the distance of the fall, and it only caused a burst of pain when it hit the ground, and it didn't even allow Yu Xing to use his ability to recover.

He climbed up and looked around with squinted eyes.

The dim corridor stretches as far as the eye can see, with semi-hard soil beneath the feet. Countless bouquets of fiery red flowers are now hidden in the darkness, as if covered with a dark coat, changing from strong dignity to silent ferocity.

The power of the curse was raging in the body, and Yu Xing's face turned paler than usual. Then he covered his mouth with his hands as usual and coughed out a mouthful of blood.

"The entrance is different, so my location should be different from the gambler's..." Yu Xing casually wiped his hands on his clothes, muttered, and took out... a lighter from his pocket.

This was something he "borrowed" from the housekeeper while the housekeeper wasn't paying attention.

It was so smooth that after he got the lighter, he didn't even bother to report it to the housekeeper. After all, if he really asked for it, the butler would probably give it to him.

"But that's not necessarily true. After all, the space has been compressed. Maybe every passage is connected to this place." He lit up the lighter, and as the delicate lighter cover made a crisp sound that belonged to metal products, a faint flame ignited. It rose up and illuminated a small area.

Yu Xing shined the firelight on the rose bushes beside him and raised his eyebrows.

He couldn't see clearly from the top just now. He could only guess from the outline that it was a large rose bush. Now with the light source, he saw that the rose bush was upside down, the petals fell to the ground, the leaves also fell off, and a trace of Blood stains lay on the ground together.

It was obvious that this place had been smashed not too long ago.

Yu Xing had already imagined the scene of Zeng Lai landing directly on the spikes... Since he was holding a watering can in one hand and a flashlight in the other, he could only cover his eyes in his mind and sigh.

This can barely be considered good news.

Zeng Lai and him ended up here after their whereabouts. In this case, he didn't have to play in the maze anymore. He could catch up with people just by walking along this road.

There is no need to worry about the direction, because only one side of this narrow tunnel is open, and the other side is firmly sealed by thorns.

Yu Xing's expression changed, and he waited for another minute. Before he could see Huai and Huangbai's figures, the cold breath had already flowed down his torso and into his limbs. Not wanting to waste time, he turned around silently and walked quickly along the passage.

Yi Qing floated out and looked around. Since he didn't want to touch the roses, he floated so high that the whole ghost was almost flying above Yu Xing's head.

"It's even dirtier here. If you water such a large area, a lot of people will die." After a few minutes, Yi Qing finally spoke.

Yu Xing was too lazy to look up at him, so he only used a lighter for lighting. Occasionally he felt a green shadow shaking above his head: "Yeah, a lot of people should have died."

Yiqing pondered for a while: "Do you know where the roses here come from?"

As he was talking, the fan hanging on his waist suddenly fell down, hit Yu Xing on the head, made a muffled sound, and fell to the ground again.

Yu Xing: "..."

Yi Qing: "Oh, my belongings fell to the ground. It's time to change to a fan."

Yu Xing: "..."

He couldn't help it and glanced at Yiqing with a strange look. He only saw Yiqing's dark blue eyes floating down to pick up the fan. She glanced at him as if nothing existed, and then immediately moved away.

Yu Xing looked back thoughtfully.

Is it a reminder that cannot be said directly? Because the system limits how much you can help him, so you can't tell him directly?

After communicating with Zeng Lai, Yu Xing actually didn't waste much time. After the process, if Zeng Lai had been more cautious, he would not have gone too far. As long as he hurry up, he can catch up in no time.

The roses were very close to each other, and even though Yu Xing was very careful, he still got some wounds. Although he recovered quickly, the little bits of blood that seeped out from the wounds were all absorbed by the roses. Thinking of the process of checking in, Yu Xing looked around with interest, waiting for his "sin" to be activated by these roses.

In the scene that Yi saw, the reason why an unnecessary door appeared in front of Zeng Lai and the "Cryer" was encountered behind the door should be the reason why the blood was absorbed by the rose.

But because these roses are not as good as the pot that was carefully held by the nun, or that pot is the flower that grew from the seeds given by the great wizard in the first place, and the roses that grow in the soil may be just derivatives, the effect is Naturally a big discount.

The original rose can generate corresponding ghosts according to each person's sins, while the derivatives can only create some obstacles that are easy to break through.

But where did these derived roses come from?

If something could be found for him, he might be able to detect it, but unfortunately, his body was imprisoned by the cold air, and he was a little sluggish when he lifted his legs.

However, although Yu Xing thought so and was somewhat expecting that these roses would bring him some interesting trouble, until he saw a familiar figure from a distance, the roses did not bother him.

The figure from the back is Zeng Lai.

When Yu Xing saw Zeng Lai, Yi Qing turned into blue smoke and retracted into the [Photography Dreamland]. The next moment, Zeng Lai also turned around as if feeling something. Suddenly, Yu Xing's hand holding the lighter stiffened. For a moment.

He frowned slightly and didn't speak directly for a while.

"Lucky?!" Zeng Lai stood in the dark tunnel, his whole body almost blending into the surrounding roses.

There was some surprise and hesitation in his voice, forming a medium-sized echo in the space.

"It's me." Hearing Zeng Lai's voice, Yu Xing paused for two seconds and shook the lighter so that the other party could see his position better, "I'm here to find you."

"Awesome brother, how did you get down here?" When Zeng Lai saw someone coming to see him, he did not continue walking forward, but moved towards the bright place.

There were footsteps, knocking several bouquets askew along the way, and Zeng Lai finally arrived one or two meters in front of Yu Xing.

The light shone on his face, allowing Yu Xing to have a clear view of his appearance.

Roses, roses, roses.

Zeng Lai's body is covered with roses.

Dense roots protrude from the small scratches, and the thin green rhizomes become harder and harder as they go up, with small green buds at the top.

Some flower buds are already half-open.

A sharp thorn grows on the rhizome. It is a wheat color that makes blood coagulate more than black. It is the same color as Zeng Lai's skin.

But his young face was full of the same cheerful expression as before. He seemed unaware of his situation and was very happy with the arrival of his teammates.

Zeng Lai came closer, raised his hand and patted Yu Xing's shoulder, which was in line with his habit: "Strange, aren't you injured? Are you so skilled?"

As he moved, the roses on his arms swayed.

Yu Xing felt that the blood in his body was slowly getting colder. He looked ugly, stared at Zeng Lai, and moved his fingers unconsciously.

"Hey, now that you're down, tell me what's going on up there?" Zeng Lai said, "I guess you can't come down to me without knowing anything. You-ah!!!"

In the middle of his words, he suddenly let out a scream and looked towards his chest with wide eyes.

There, a rose was violently pulled out by Yu Xing and uprooted.

He saw that Yu Xingxian's pale fingers, which were as long as works of art, were pricked with blood, and a large amount of blood flowed out from the place where the roots and flesh were connected on his body. The severe pain as if his limbs were forcibly torn off made him lose the ability to speak. Ability, cold sweat soaked his back instantly.

After waiting for two seconds, Zeng Lai said angrily: "You...hiss...what are you doing! It hurts so much!"

He pushed Yu Xing back violently, but did not push.

"It hurts? Do you feel pain?" Yu Xing's eyes were colder than ever before. Regardless of Zeng Lai's screams, he pulled out the rose completely, and the warm blood poured on his hand.

Thanks to [FORever1314] for the 10,000 reward~Thanks to [Yu Shengxuan] for the 10,001 reward! Thanks to [Have Blessings] for the 10,000 reward~Thanks to [Uesugi Yuki] for the 2,400 reward! Thanks to [Langbai] for the 2333 tip! Thanks to [Dragomir], [Teng Luoyue Tong Shoes], and [One leg is broken] for the 500 reward~Thanks to [Yu Yuchen] for the 105 reward~Thanks to [Wu Qi], [Mo Mo Mo Jian] 100 rewards from [Black Cat], [Book Friends 20180625144845941], and [Green Arrow S]!

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