Absurd deduction game

Chapter 315 Three Knocks

Carlos didn't know when Yu Xing discovered that he was back. He thought he was staying here quietly without making any noise.

Just like this, it was amazing that Yu Xing could still poke him without looking back.

Carlos was simply not a person who would think about these small details for a long time. He glanced at the wet ground with disgust and asked, "What can I do for you?"

"Look outside for me. I'll go into the coffin and lie down for a while." Yu Xing finally turned around and saw the paper man refusing to move, so he directly took the paper man over and placed it at the end of the coffin.

After finally sneaking it home, he couldn't wait to check it out.

"You go in by yourself?" Carlos was a little surprised.

Although their alienation line often plays cards out of common sense, there are also different types.

Like himself, he is relatively safe. Even if he finds another way, he will only do it when he is sure. After all, he is a magician. Before performing, he must ensure that the performance is successful.

Yu Xing is like the legendary suicidal explorer. This kind of person always puts himself in danger, puts himself in the most dangerous situation, and seeks clues and truth in traps.

Such alienation lines are the least in number, because most of them have overturned.

Carlos was very interested. He had no intention of persuading him at all, but encouraged him: "Okay, lie down and experience the joy of a corpse. I'll guard it for you."

Yu Xing smiled half-heartedly: "What if I disown you when I come out later and tear you apart? Remember to remind your team to go around me."

Carlos sneered: "You want to scare me again? You useless friend, please save it."

The expression on the little paper man's face was a bit stubborn, as if he had seen through Yu Xing's nature as a little devil who likes to tease people.

Not appreciating Carlos's hesitation or even a trace of panic, Yu Xing sighed regretfully and sat down in the coffin obediently.

He had already inspected it when he called Carlos just now. Just looking at it, there was nothing special in the coffin. It was even quite clean. There were no strange bugs or funerary objects. It was as smooth as new.

The coffin was huge and heavy. When Yu Xing climbed in, he felt a sense of suffocation, as if the thick coffin wall had isolated part of his body from the world when he entered it, and the cold and cold air enveloped his legs. , freezing the toes.

Yu Xing couldn't help but shiver. Carlos stood on the coffin lid, very curious: "Is it cold inside?"

"It's the same as the morgue." Yu Xing glanced at him, showed an unknown smile, then moved himself and lay down.

The paper man was too weak, so Yu Xing didn't expect Carlos to help him cover him with the quilt. He supported the coffin lid himself and slowly covered the coffin lid to the top of his head.

The light that his eyes could see was getting less and less, and Yu Xing concentrated on feeling the special features inside the coffin. He only felt colder and colder, until the coffin was completely closed, and a "dong" sound suddenly came from his ears. .

It was like a long awl was pierced into his brain and then pushed and knocked by an external force. When Yu Xing lost his vision, he felt his head buzzing.

My head suddenly became extremely painful.

At the same time, an idea came to Yu Xing's mind. Time was blurry at this moment. Only a few seconds had passed, but he felt as if he had been sleeping here for many years. He suddenly felt boundless loneliness.

This feeling made no sense, but was coming fiercely. Some strange emotions seeped into his mind from the coffin, like a silent erosion.

In the endless silence, only darkness will accompany him forever.

Yu Xing moved his arm. Since he couldn't see anything, he didn't know if he had successfully moved or if everything was just an illusion.

"This coffin seems to be able to distort people's memory and cognition..." He murmured in his heart, "Just like now, I have begun to doubt myself, whether everything I have experienced recently is just a fantasy caused by my loneliness."

He vaguely remembered that he had just laid down in the coffin, but there was a voice shouting in the dark - No, you didn't just come in. What you realized was just an illusion. In fact, you have been lying in this coffin for many years. Got it!

You can't leave, you can only continue to lie here, feeling the fantasy that will never stop and the despair when the fantasy is shattered.

"This coffin is so powerful." Yu Xing felt that his consciousness and thinking ability were being continuously deprived by a pair of invisible hands. He chuckled, not doubting his memory at all.

He didn't believe in the warnings from the dark, he only believed in himself. His character was developed through events. If he just lay in the coffin and fantasized, he wouldn't be who he is now.

Yu Xing resisted the strong will that seeped out of the coffin for a while, and thought to himself, completely denying himself. Is this the price of resurrection that has been researched by demons?

Although the dead can be "resurrected" in a coffin, after resurrection, since the past has been denied, the person who comes back to life is "another person" to a certain extent. Is such a resurrection still considered a resurrection?

Apart from the changes in his heart, the cold aura also had an impact on Yu Xing's body.

He was so cold that his consciousness became dull, and his whole body seemed not to be his own, especially his legs and waist.

If it were an ordinary person, or even many deducers, no one would be able to keenly detect the changes in Yu Xing in the coffin, but Yu Xing could feel it. He was also a deadbeat with a resurrection physique, and had no idea about the power in the coffin. Completely unfamiliar.

His legs were splitting.

Yes, it was cracking in the literal sense. Yu Xing could vaguely feel that his legs were peeling off their human skin bit by bit, revealing the wriggling flesh and blood inside.

Isn't he going to turn into a monster like a rickets?

Yu Xing was a little surprised, but also looking forward to it.

His appearance hasn't changed since he escaped from the actor's laboratory.

Not only does his face stay at the age of his early twenties, but his figure is also the same. You won’t gain weight if you eat too much, and you won’t lose weight if you don’t eat. If you get injured, your body will return to its original shape in a short period of time. appearance.

Except for the natural growth of my hair, everything else has remained unchanged for so many years.

Yu Xing was thinking, if this coffin can change his appearance, does it mean that the resurrection technique studied by Demon Dao is more advanced than the rules of the "sacrifice" he brought with him?

If not, then do the other way around.

He waited for a while and felt that the time was almost up, so he raised his hand and tentatively knocked on the coffin lid above.

Three sounds, no more and no less.

A dull sound rang in his ears. Yu Xing made sure that his hand was still normal and planned to open the coffin.

He needed light to see what was going on.

Outside, Carlos probably thought he was playing for fun, and he knocked back three times, but the knocking sound was very weak. Yu Xing estimated that this was the best effort that Carlos's paper hand could do.

Yu Xing pushed open the coffin lid as gently as possible. Unexpectedly, a drop of water dripped from above, right on the tip of his nose.

He was stunned for a moment, squinting his eyes and adjusting to the brightness of the surrounding environment.

It's still dim, but it seems different from the dimness of the ancestral hall. At least... it seems to be a lot cramped here.

Wait...where is this?

The dampness of the cave blows towards your face, and the stalactites hanging above your head are like sharp knives hanging in the sky. Water drips from the sharp corners of the stalactites.

The closed coffin was opened by him, and the hints and hallucinations that were constantly invading his consciousness stopped. Yu Xing's mind became clear for a moment, but he was even more surprised.

He just lay down on the rickets bed for a while, then got up again, why...

Came to a cave?

No, it's not a cave either. What the hell is this place?

Yu Xingzhen felt a little dazed, as if he had fallen asleep. He sat up, took out the bright flashlight from his trousers pocket, and looked around casually.

This photo made him raise his eyebrows.

He was now on a mountain wall, unable to get up or down, and was very embarrassed.

This is a large mountain wall with sharp stone walls that are often sunken in or protruding outward.

Yu Xing is still in the black coffin. The problem is that this black coffin is in a depression on the mountain wall. The stalactites on it have been growing for who knows how long. His left side is now so strong that it can’t even fit one of his arms. On the other side of the stone wall is an abyss that cannot be seen to the bottom!

Does this coffin also have the function of any door? Wasn't the rickets sleeping all the time? Nothing happened.

Or perhaps, the rickets' sleeping appearance is just an illusion, actually concealing the secret of entering this place from the black coffin?

Yu Xing made a wild guess and continued to push the coffin lid, and his legs were exposed. To his disappointment, the legs did not become as long as noodles. They were still the same legs he was familiar with. He could not even find the legs he had just seen. There were no traces of cracking, and even the pants were not stained.

Coming to this place that he had never seen before, the sense of peeping that had disappeared for a while in the ancestral hall suddenly reached its strongest level. Yu Xing could even sense the direction of the sense of peeping this time.

He slowly stood up from the coffin, bending very low to avoid being poked in the head by the stalactites above.

Yu Xing looked across the abyss in this posture, shining a bright flashlight in his hand.

There was also a row of stone walls with pits on them, and there was a coffin on the opposite stone wall, just a little above his level.

What's special is that the coffin is standing upright.

It was also a black coffin, but it was obviously much smaller than the one Yu Xing was lying on. The lid of the coffin fell off somewhere, and the contents in the coffin were exposed to Yu Xing's eyes.

There was no surprise. There was a corpse in the coffin opposite.

The body of the corpse was almost turning into bones. Yu Xing also saw that its hands were folded gracefully on its chest. Before being buried, its posture must have been corrected, and it died like a nobleman.

What confirmed Yu Xing's guess were the gems, gold chains, and some small objects with unknown functions located between the bones of the corpse.

It can be said that Yu Xing lay down in the coffin in the ancestral hall, and when he came out of the coffin, he had already reached a stone wall, and a corpse that could make countless tomb robbers drool appeared in front of him.

But Yu Xing estimated that even if the tomb robbers came, they would not dare to steal from the dear friend opposite.

There is only one reason - there is no need to listen to excuses such as the cliff is steep and the road is dangerous. Simply because the body is in a weird state with bones from the neck down and skin above the neck, the tomb robbers will not dare to go there.

The face of this corpse was fair and white, and it could even be said that it was full of flesh and blood, but the bones that had spread to the entire body were incompatible with its face.

Its expression was not dull like that of a dead person, but was very agile. When it saw Yu Xing coming out of the coffin, its eyes moved around, which was particularly strange.

Yu Xing looked at each other for several seconds, confirming that the voyeuristic feeling just now came from this corpse.

This was not over yet. He shifted his flashlight light with a premonition and shone randomly on the opposite stone wall.


Two bodies...

Seven bodies...


To the end of his sight, there were more than twenty coffins embedded in the stone wall, some lying flat, some standing upright, and all of them had missing coffin lids, directly exposing the corpses.

The heads of those corpses were very complete, with vivid expressions, like living creatures, while the bodies were rotten to the point of leaving only bones.

"So it's you who are looking at me." Yu Xing touched his chin and murmured to himself, "It's strange. I have never been to this place. If this has anything to do with the surface of Chongyin Mountain..."

"Is one above ground and one below ground?"

Yu Xing tried to calculate the position, but he didn't know how he got there and couldn't calculate it accurately.

He held a relatively strong stalactite and leaned forward to look up.

There is an abyss below, but the top is obviously not that exaggerated. An uneven stone wall hangs on it, which is the top of this space, very close.

His hypothesis is not impossible.

If this is the underground of Chongyin Mountain...

This is why you can only feel peeping but can't find anyone. Because the peepers are underground, of course those who robbed the tomb cannot find them.

In other words...did he end up in the grave first for no apparent reason?

Yu Xing thought for a moment about how to leave this stone wall. He had already seen that there was a walkable road above the pothole on the opposite side.

——Between the vertical stone wall and the horizontal top of the wall, there is a space about two or three meters high.

He didn't know if there was the same road on his own stone wall as the one on the opposite side, so he could only go and take a look first.

Although he was caught off guard, fortunately he was vigilant and considered the possibility of monsters appearing in the coffin when he lay down, so he took the Tang knife and backpack with him.

Now, even if he wants to explore directly in the tomb, there is no problem, as the supplies are complete.

What about Carlos?

In the current situation, Yu Xing can basically be sure that he did not come to the stone wall with the coffin, but something was triggered when he was lying in the black coffin in the ancestral hall, and his whole body acted in an unscientific way. was sent here, and in the process entered another coffin that itself existed on the stone wall.

Carlos might still be waiting for him in the ancestral hall to push open the coffin lid and tell him what interesting things are inside the coffin.

Yu Xing felt a little guilty when he thought of the paper man.

It's one thing to like to tease people, but it's another thing to make someone wait for him in vain. The former is a bad taste that he can control the consequences of, while the latter is a waste of other people's time and energy.

However, after feeling guilty for a few seconds, Yu Xing suddenly remembered something.

Now that he is here, who knocked on the outside of the coffin three times before opening the coffin?

Today’s birthday~

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