Absurd deduction game

Chapter 392 Zhao Yijiu thought, why is Yu Xing not being a good person all day long?

"No... don't..." The dean also knew that the person in front of him was not a patient, but a ghost who wanted his life.

He struggled, holding on to the ghost's hand, trying to escape.

People have many sides. Love is born from blood, accumulated in getting along, and finally settled in habits.

Love can easily go bad. Yu Xing believes that if emotions are compared to materials, love is carbon that is extremely rich in the direction of change.

It can be vigorous and vigorous, turning a thousand times, or it can be dull and long-lasting. When it meets other substances, it can turn into hatred or responsibility.

What feelings does the dean have towards his father?

Maybe... there is no love anymore.

During the long period of illness, the old man was no longer the loving or strict father. The illness changed everything about him, including his thinking.

A child's love for his parents is often mixed with admiration, trust, closeness, and security, but the dean's father could not give any of these.

Then that love will gradually turn into fear and exhaustion.

The dean will patiently comfort the seriously ill elderly man, make promises, and spend a lot of money to treat the disease. It may be more of responsibility and compassion, but also has an unexplained meaning of repaying a debt.

Of course, there are many people who still love their parents deeply even after they become seriously ill, but that's not what Yu Xing saw from the dean's memory.

"You really hate me." The old ghost on the hospital bed showed a "fearful" expression, just like the expression the dean's father had before his death.

"Let go! You're not him, he's dead!" The dean's cold sweat continued to flow out, and he felt dizzy in front of his eyes. He didn't realize that his breathing was getting heavier and heavier, as if his heart couldn't beat.

He remembered what his doctor friend said.

His father was scared to death.

His consciousness gradually blurred, and the dean's struggle became more intense, but he seemed to have lost his mind, like a desperate and trapped animal.

Yu Xing needed the dean to be on the verge of death, but he did not need the dean to suffer more unnecessary torture. The reminder had been given to them. As far as the matter itself was concerned, the dean was also an innocent person.

Seeing that the ghost was reluctant to take action, he knew to put psychological pressure on the dean, hoping that he would have a mental breakdown first, which would bother him.

Those who are grinding and chirping, if you want to kill them, kill them quickly.

Do you think he likes watching this kind of drama? He is not an actor.

Zhao Yijiu felt the increasingly unpleasant atmosphere next to him and moved away imperceptibly. He was not affected at all. Everything he had experienced in the Zhao family since he was a child made him inherently lack the ability to empathize with other people's experiences.

But Yu Xing seems to want to do something?

While paying attention to the movement outside, lest the ghost go crazy and kill the dean, he turned his head and said very quietly: "You..."

He found Yu Xing looking down at the white coat on his body.

"I don't want to wait any longer." The corners of Yu Xing's eyes raised, and a familiar sense of danger instantly emerged, "Be careful."

Be careful about what?

Before Zhao Yijiu asked, he found that Yu Xing pointed the handle of the dagger upward, tensed his arm muscles, and slammed it towards the bed board!

The bed made an unbearable loud noise.

"It sleeps so comfortably." Yu Xing felt the angrier emotion of the ghost across the board and sneered, "I'm going to lift his bed."

It was said that he was lifting the bed board. Judging from Zhao Yijiu's aura, even if he was talking about lifting the coffin board, it would not be against the rules.

The next second, there was a louder noise, and the entire bed board detached from the bed frame and flew out together with the old ghost sitting on it.

The old ghost and the bed board rolled several times in the air. Due to the inertia, the quilt was still stuck to the bed board. It wasn't until the bed board hit the wall and fell to the ground that the quilt hung down softly, revealing the old ghost's obviously confused face. and a scrawny body.

All the medical equipment inserted into its body collapsed. The incident happened so suddenly that it couldn't even continue to drag the director.

The dean also looked at the two young men getting up from between the bed frames and was stunned for a moment.

Yu Xing's face was filled with impatience. When the ghost didn't react, he stepped out of the bed frame with his long legs, pulled the dean in, and said sincerely: "Dean, we are here to save you, hurry up!"

"...Okay!" The dean was so moved that his doctor had indeed lived up to his trust. Not only did he have to face threats from the perpetrators, he also wanted to save him, and even took care of a patient without forgetting his duty.

He remembered that Zhao Yijiu was a patient with schizophrenia.

Yu Xing pulled him toward the door: "It's not safe here. Let's go out and find another safe place to hide first."

While he was talking, the old ghost had emerged from the shackles of the quilt, and his figure was extinguished like a candle.

Its disappearance does not mean safety, but makes the atmosphere in the intensive care unit even weirder.

Yu Xing walked to the door without any obstruction and stretched out his hand to twist the door handle.

The handle was not disturbed by the mysterious force and could be opened casually, but Yu Xing was nervous and turned around suddenly: "The door can't be opened!"

The dean was still sweating: "I'll give it a try."

His hand reached for the door handle, but Yu Xing grabbed it.

Yu Xing's expression became strange.

"I said it can't be opened, but it just can't be opened, Dean."

He smiled: "Don't you believe me?"

Zhao Yijiu watched with cold eyes, wanting to see what Yu Xing was up to.

The dean was so horrified by his smile that he had a bad premonition, but he had just been rescued by Yu Xing, and he was still willing to believe Yu Xing: "I...then what should we do?"

"Then just stay here. That ghost doesn't seem to want to kill you." Yu Xing complained, "The ink marks look like that. If it is really your father, it may still retain family ties."

"No, he's not my dad!" The dean twitched instinctively and tried to deny it, "It looks nothing like my dad, and my dad wouldn't look at me with that expression."

"You wouldn't do it before you were alive, and you wouldn't do it after you're scared to death, right?" Yu Xing grinned, "I regard you as a friend, so I'm willing to remind you."

"Your father was scared to death because you were not here. You were unwilling to open the door of the emergency room at that time, and you still want to open the door now?"

Yu Xing saw the dean's body trembling: "Even if you are right, it is not surprising at all that it hates you."

I treat you as a friend...

Hearing this sentence, all the fear in the dean's heart surged up. He didn't know that he was so afraid of this word, and was stunned for a moment.

Maybe the smile on Yu Xing's face was too familiar, maybe it was because Yu Xing was wearing the same standard white coat, or maybe it was because Yu Xing was talking about the old man being scared to death, but the dean immediately thought of his doctor friend.

A dull, desperate feeling spread again.

That feeling was so strong that it was enough to destroy his reason. He didn't even hear the contradiction in what Yu Xing said: "No, my dad, he won't harm me. This is not my dad..."

"This is it!" Yu Xing raised his voice, and his words seemed to have some kind of magic power, which was transmitted to the director's eardrums when he was in the most dazed state. "What are you deceiving yourself? You will become like this, and this hospital will It’s all because of you.”

He imitated the voice and tone of the doctor friend in his memory. At this moment, his voice was almost 100% similar to that of the doctor: "It's all because of you that I am like this."

He is hypnotizing.

Hypnosis sounds magical, but in fact it has sufficient scientific basis. Once you master the essentials, you can really achieve a certain level of suggestion.

First, bring the dean into an environment similar to before, and use the dean's fear to make the dean feel in a trance. The trance state is the most receptive state to suggestions.

At this time, the director basically forgot where he was and what he was doing - in the horror hospital, this was completely blurred by the rules.

He is now caught in a weird circle, knowing that he is in danger on the one hand, but on the other hand, his attention is focused on the nightmarish memories of the past.

It's not good to cause mental harm to the dean, but if he can get different clues... Yu Xing can only say sorry.

He just lifted the coffin board, no, before lifting the bed board, he suddenly thought that his role as a doctor had a certain degree of overlap with the doctor friend recalled in the dean's memory.

The memory of the dean that I just saw clearly stated that the dean used to specialize in surgery. Although his friend was not a surgeon, he had the best relationship with the dean and seemed to be about the same age. Yu Xing guessed that the doctor was a subordinate to the dean in addition to his boss. There are other relationships.

It might be a former classmate, or a friend who went out to eat and play together in private.

But the director’s father didn’t know this doctor and said he was a “stranger.” That was very strange. Logically speaking, they were all in the same hospital. The director’s father had lived there for so long and he still didn’t know his son’s best friend in the hospital. ?

That doctor doesn't usually visit the director's father's ward?

Therefore, these details were unreasonable. Yu Xing estimated that there was definitely something wrong with this doctor. The doctor friend represented another existence that made the dean extremely afraid besides his father's death.

what is that?

Will the dean's father really be scared to death? Or is there any reason for it?

Did the dean really...didn't he have time to look at his father?

Yu Xing did this deliberately just to test the dean's attitude towards his doctor friend.

Sure enough, something started to go wrong with the dean.

The fear on the dean's face seemed to fade away, but it did not disappear. Instead, it hid deeper and more extreme. He broke away from Yu Xing's hand, and a blush spread quietly in his eyes.

This kind of red usually indicates either crying or extreme anger.

Dean seems to have both.

"What do you mean it's because of me? Why do you say it's because of me! It's you - it's you who turned me into this. Get out! Get out of here!" He screamed hysterically. He covered his ears happily, he had good hearing, this was torture for him.

Zhao Yijiu wondered why Yu Xing was not a human being all day long.

The indifferent Yu Xing was still talking: "What about your father? He died so uneasily, wasn't it because of you?"

"I didn't feel sorry for him! He was the one who felt sorry for me!" The dean glared at Yu Xing angrily, "I didn't blame him at all. He didn't want to get sick, and I spent money on treatment voluntarily. I am his son. Who else should do this if I don’t support him until his death! But why does he torture me again and again, why does he always put so much pressure on me, why does he always want to tie me to him!? He said he can’t live without me , I dreamed several times that the ghost came back the night he died and said he still couldn't leave me and wanted to take me with him!"

"Should I do that!?"

"It's because he owed me after he died!"

As the director spoke, the temperature in the intensive care unit gradually dropped, and he didn't realize that his breath began to condense into white mist.

The disappeared old man's ghost appeared silently behind the dean. Yu Xing didn't even know that it could appear in the form of a spirit body, so how could it be actually blown away by him just now.

Even after flying out, he climbed out of the quilt very politely, and then disappeared on the spot.

...That's not important. Now, the old man's ghost is floating behind the dean with a malicious look on his face. Every time the dean says something bad about his father, his face becomes more distorted.

From its current perspective, it was naturally face to face with Yu Xing. It saw that Yu Xing had lied to trap the dean here, and even pretended to be the doctor to hurt the dean. It felt that Yu Xing should be one of its own, so it didn't care about what happened just now. Things, staring at the dean intently.

It raised its hands -

Grab the director's neck!

Before the dean could finish expressing his grievances and anger, it seemed to come to an abrupt end. He couldn't see the scene behind him, and could only feel a pair of cold, dry hands pinching him so hard that he couldn't breathe.

The touch of those hands was very similar to when his father pulled him on the hospital bed and forced him over and over again to swear that he would watch him die. The dean struggled with horror and tried to break off the ghost hands, but he felt that the hands were getting worse and worse. It got tighter and tighter, and his feet gradually hung in the air, fluttering in vain in the air.

The dean's expression was very painful. He seemed to suddenly wake up and looked at Yu Xing in front of him for help. His face gradually turned red and then turned purple...

Yu Xing just looked at him quietly, observing the dean's eyes.

It wasn't until the dean's pupils began to dilate that Yu Xing said, "That should be enough."

Before the last word could be spoken, a black blade swiped across Old Man Ghost's wrist. The first thing he reacted to was the force of gravity. The dean fell to the ground with a plop, seemingly uncertain of his life or death.

The next person to react was the old man.

The old ghost stared blankly at his broken wrist, which was so smooth, and then let out a heart-piercing scream with a hoarse voice. It was hard for him to be an old man, and he suddenly burst out an earth-shattering high note.

Zhao Yijiu didn't want to put away the knife in his hand, so he slashed again and cut off the old ghost's spiritual head exactly.

Yu Xing felt a deathly silence at this moment, so quiet that even his breathing seemed to have stopped.

His eyes couldn't help but fall on Zhisha in Zhao Yijiao's hand. After not seeing him for a while, Zhisha seemed strange again following Zhao Yjiu.

Very funny.

The spirit of the old man ghost turned into black smoke and dissipated. Zhao Yijiu discovered that Yu Xing was "coveting" his knife, put the knife away, and said coldly: "Carry him and go back."

"Why are you looking so wary? Isn't this the [broken heart] your brother gave you back then?" Yu Xing curled his lips and carried the principal, who had only one breath left and had fallen into a coma, on his back, "I'm not going to grab it. , you voluntarily showed it to me back then, man~ It turns out that the more you get along, the more heartless you become—"

"You are no longer the cold-hearted person you were then—"

"Just take it and watch it, shut up." Zhao Yijiu roughly snatched the dean away from Yu Xing's back, and thrust the kill into Yu Xing's hand like a hot potato, and then the man who couldn't bear to hear that he had a cold face and a warm heart The cold air generator released a certain amount of cold air and kicked out the door, leaving only Yu Xing's back.

Yu Xing looked at the cold and silent Zhi Kill in his hand, played with it and chuckled.

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