Absurd deduction game

Chapter 394 True Ending Strategy 2

As long as it is true that the problem lies with the director himself, then all the hidden hideous images of the fear of the hospital will be explained.

Zhao Mou thought: "Although it sounds a bit cruel, the dean's father's strange attitude towards the dean... he begged the dean again and again to watch him die, otherwise he would be afraid. The dean remembers this scene very clearly."

Ren Yi looked very calm, as if he was not moved by the "cruel" truth: "Well, the dean himself is unwilling to admit his delusion, but the clues can still be found in the eyes of others. Others only think that the dean is too diligent and hard-working , but as a blood relative of the dean, the dean’s father must be able to detect the terror beneath his son’s skin.”

At this moment, several people in the office have already guessed that this whole thing may not be the cruelest, but it is the saddest part.

What the dean’s father was afraid of was not that he was facing death, but that he had seen another side of his son and knew about his son’s mental illness, and he was very afraid of that side.

Perhaps that side has threatened Dad, and the subconscious rejection of the burden caused by Dad's serious illness is reflected in that side. The dean on that side must be a person who is very scary to Dad.

That's why he took advantage of his son's sobriety time and time again to seek a peaceful death. When he said, "My son must watch him die," the focus was not on the matter itself, but on the "son."

He does not think that the other side of his son is also his son. What he begs for is a normal son to accompany him. He is hinting to his son not to hurt him with the other side.

The day the dean's father died.

The director has been performing surgeries.

In fact, the operation he performed was not on another patient, but on his father's rescue operation. The last desperate and nostalgic look of his father in his impression was his last conscious memory.

After that, the "doctor friend" side was operating on my father, and he must have said some very scary things during the operation... which scared my father to death.

Then, the contradictory love and rejection turned into the words of the doctor friend in the dean's mind. For the first time, he noticed something was wrong with the doctor friend and noticed the doctor friend's fear.

In fact, it was himself.

Yu Xing said quietly: "The story is over, what's next?"

The dean is not an innocent person, but if it really gets entangled, he is also a victim.

This kind of unclear right and wrong, as long as it does not affect him, Yu Xing always goes with him. He has seen too many things that he can't distinguish between right and wrong, and the dean's incident is not enough to move him.

Just the protagonist of another tragic story.

"Based on the conclusion just now, we can deduce that the fear hospital in reality may have indeed suffered a nightmare attack before it became a deduction. The main subject of this attack should be the doctor who noticed the abnormality of his biological father after frightening him to death. The truth, and then the dean who really collapsed into a monster." Ren Yi spoke like a teacher in class. He listed all the knowledge points and laid them out one by one. It would be too exaggerated to fail to learn this.

[So the focus is still on the unknown fact]

[What caused the dean to have such mental illness]

[I understand, the Dean in dark mode does not have the doctor friend side, that side is in dusk mode, that is, the monster! ]

[The little clever guy upstairs]

[I want to see the next step! I’m still learning. I’m still learning. ]

The barrage immediately participated in the discussion, and Ren Yi's precise strategy had allowed them to obtain information that they had never obtained before.

As a background map with a higher level of competitiveness among guests, Fear Hospital is more difficult to find the truth than normal deductions, and it almost breaks down if you make a wrong step.

"Next." Ren Yi waited for everyone present to look through the diary before taking it back. When he turned his hand, the diary disappeared.

He then said: "After the notebook appears, we should go to the garden outside the building and dig out the body of the dean's biological father. I'm not sure of the specific location. There may be more than one body there. This step can be done by one person. More people are more efficient. High Point."

He lowered his eyes and looked at the notes he had made: "After the body is exhumed, it may trigger a series of uncontrollable chain reactions. We will adapt accordingly when the time comes."

Yu Xing glanced at him again. Are these the action steps Ren Yi pieced together through the limited exploration of the guests after opening the Fear Hospital map again and again?

It has to be said that the existence of the institute is really a powerful shelter for the righteous line in the deduction system. Not only the righteous line of all members, but also their means of collecting information and analyzing the results are indeed beyond the reach of other organizations.

Pretty awesome.

Before Yu Xing could finish his praise in his heart, Ren Yi looked at him: "How many people do you think are appropriate in the garden?"

"You ask me?" He was startled, "Why, is there any place in the garden that is easy to be attacked by sneak attacks? Can't we go together?"

Ren Yi nodded: "The accident is too big. People with limited mobility should stay away from there to avoid accidents."

Zhao Mou: "..." Why don't you tell me your name directly?

His forehead twitched, and then he showed a professional smile: "I am the only one with limited mobility here. Senior Ren Yi, where do you want me to wait for you..."

Ren Yi looked at him, then turned his face slightly: "In case you have nothing to do, you can go to the reference room to find other information."

In the data room, it was there that Zhao Mou was attacked by the evil spirit in Zhao Yijiu's body.

Zhao Yijiu recalled Zhao Mou's injury, his eyes darkened, and he interrupted: "Then the four of us will go to the garden, and my brother and I will stay."

He had a gloomy face, feeling that he would never be able to leave Zhao Mou here alone. After all, Han Yan was still outside, and he couldn't let Zhao Mou get hurt again.

"Yes -" Ren Yi wanted to say yes.

Yu Xing had a different opinion: "I should accompany Zhao Mou. After all, I am not physically strong enough and I am not efficient at digging."

"..." Qu Xianqing, who had been listening quietly, finally had a different expression. She raised her eyebrows, and then changed her position to stand against the wall as if nothing had happened, as if she just happened to be tired from standing just now.

A flash of suspicion flashed in Zhao Yijiao's eyes. At this moment, he seemed to have received some kind of signal from Yu Xing, and said coldly: "That's okay, anyway, you are in such poor health that you can't do any physical work."

It’s unknown how many people still believe this character design since the sale of Parallel Line of Death until now. Anyway, what Zhao Yijiao said seems to be true.

He guessed that Yu Xing and Zhao Mou had some independent plans that they wanted to avoid everyone doing, and now was the opportunity.

In the end, the personnel were divided into two and four again. Yu Xing and Zhao Mou stayed in the building, while Ren Yi, Qu Xianqing, Sha Fuli and Zhao Yijiu went to the garden to dig up the bodies.

The unconscious dean was taken away by Qu Xianqing. On the surface, if he stayed by her side, the chance of the dean being snatched away by Han Yan was the smallest.

There was not much time, so they made a decision and immediately left the dean's office, leaving only Yu Xing and Zhao Mou in the wheelchair looking at each other.

Yu Xing walked up behind Zhao Mou and pushed the armrest to push Zhao Mou and his wheelchair out.

As time goes by, the lights in the corridor outside become darker and darker, and the black outside the window invades, plunging the entire environment into a silent black.

They could only draw light from the lights on in some rooms on both sides, and walking in the corridor was like walking in a black nightmare.

Now, it really feels like screaming into the night. It is estimated that in about half an hour, it will be completely dark here. Unless you find a lamp that can still be used, you will be unable to see. Whether it is the perpetrator or others, the actions will be greatly affected. Restricted, only ghosts will become rampant.

Leaving the camera range, Zhao Mou's lazily sitting posture suddenly changed. The fox pushed up the glasses on the bridge of his nose, raised his face and looked back. If this darkness had any substance, he could only see half of Yu Xing's body. , the white coat was worn snugly on Yu Xing's body, and even his face was hidden in the darkness and was unclear.

The footsteps were neither urgent nor slow, and mixed with the grunting sound of the wheelchair, it was particularly strange.

To him, Yu Xing from this perspective was a bit like a perverted doctor in a horror movie. He didn't know where to push him for experiments.

He asked: "What evil intentions are you hiding?"

"Huh? This is too much to say. What bad thoughts can I have?" A smile appeared on the corner of Yu Xing's mouth that was completely opposite to what he said. He didn't notice it just now. It seemed that they were just reading this diary together. Outside The environment is darker, the temperature has dropped, the atmosphere is as cold as a freezer, and the shadows are full of ghosts that can appear at any time.

"It's not a bad idea, what are you doing here?" Zhao Mou smiled so hard that his eyes looked more like a fox, "My brother has noticed it and will directly make room for you to perform. You don't want to go around and around with me. What do you want to say?"

Yu Xing's footsteps are still steady. If you observe carefully, you can find that every step he takes is as precise as a machine. Not only the step length, but also the weight are the same. He regretfully said: "Unfortunately, I really just want to be lazy. Digging is not suitable for me. I like to be clean."

"Tsk." Zhao Mou uttered a single syllable.

You look at the blood stains on your clothes before you speak?

The white coat was already stained with various blood stains, as well as coal-like black ash from nowhere.

Yu Xing wanted to open his eyes and tell lies: "I am a young man, I really don't know how to dig."

He took Zhao Mou all the way to the data room. Seeing that he was about to enter the camera again, Zhao Mou was doubtful.

Good guy, do you really want to discuss something alone?

He was pushed in with suspicion and complete lack of trust.

The moment the door opens——

Only a loud "Peng" sound was heard.

Zhao Mou only felt that the wheelchair was being carried sideways by the person behind him, and he almost tilted out due to inertia.

After the sound dissipated, he belatedly felt an unbearable stinging and burning sensation next to his cheek. He immediately realized... just now, he had passed by a bullet.


He knew that Yu Xing would not do anything without purpose.

This bitch originally wanted to use him as bait to attract Han Yan to complete the mission of the perpetrator.

He happened to be the kind of person whose absence would not affect Ren Yi's ability to lead others on the main mission. He was Han Yan's best target.

"Why is this like this?" Yu Xing's voice was full of dissatisfaction and sounded extremely high-pitched. "You are already at the level of despair. Why are you still hiding behind the door? You are such a good person."

In the data room, the door pushed open by Yu Xing hit the wall, rebounded slowly, and was blocked by another foot.

Han Yan held his customary gun in his hand and blocked the door with one foot, with a very strange smile on his face.

He was not angry because of Yu Xing's simple ridicule and provocation. The black muzzle was still pointed at Zhao Mou, who was in a wheelchair and had limited mobility. His voice was calm, as leisurely as if he was talking about what to eat for breakfast: "It's very unreasonable, Yu Lucky. I was waiting quietly in the data room, why did you guys come to my door?"

"I'm such a bad guy, of course I'm afraid that you guys have completed some mission related to the truth and made the ghosts here murderous. As a non-combatant deducer, I should be careful not to go too far." Han Yan said This guy actually learned the art of carelessly pretending to be weak and exasperating others in a short period of time.

Yu Xing raised his eyebrows: "I expected that we would need prophecy power to come to the data room. As far as I know, you don't have it. Then, you used some kind of kid to overhear our conversation. Plus, you have been hiding in the data room for a while. It seems that you are stupid, so you would not do such a thing in front of the audience. You must have entered the data room within three minutes."

"Very smart, but what's the point of knowing this?" Han Yan shrugged, "You're just wasting your time by being so smart when it's not necessary. If you have the time, why not think about what to do for your disabled friend? Run away from me, this murderous maniac.”

After he finished speaking, he glanced at Zhao Mou.

Even though Zhao Mou was not the kind of person who was afraid of powerful falling lines, he still had goosebumps all over his body uncontrollably at this moment. A level of suppression made him feel breathless and close to suffocation.

"Of course it makes sense." Yu Xing also felt the oppression caused by the absolute strength gap, but he had even been exposed to Gui Chenshu's aura, and he had survived the despair and depression, but Han Yan's aura seemed so weak. helpless.

"If you can't pretend to be cool in front of the audience, I will be happy. My happiness is the most meaningful." He said it with certainty. At first glance, it sounds like it makes sense to anyone.

But now Han Yan is pointing a gun at his companion's head. He dares to provoke a Despair level like this. He is really stubborn.

Han Yan smiled, but as if to punish Yu Xing for disrespecting him, he pulled the trigger without saying hello.

A sharp ghost bullet screamed towards Zhao Mou. Zhao Mou narrowed his eyes, and in cooperation with Yu Xing, his whole body tilted to one side, and he dodged narrowly.

Han Yan took away his hand and fired a few more bullets. Zhao Mou took out the cane that had been placed on the wheelchair and held it in front of him. A more obvious female ghost face came out of the cane. The dark blue translucent face seemed to be poisoned. She Her mouth was really wide, and her mouth almost occupied one-half of her face.

She swallowed all the flying bullets, and she let out a sad whimper. Her face became more illusive, as if she suddenly became weak.

But she hasn't disappeared yet.

"Oh? Half a hungry ghost?" Han Yan looked at the ghost in front of Zhao Mou with interest. The next moment, Zhao Mou and the ghost were pushed out to the other side of the corridor by Yu Xing raising his hand.

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