Absurd deduction game

Chapter 402 Crazy State

Just for a while, without trying to comfort him, the child's face had become very scary.

There was a trace of unspeakable anger in the child's eyes that should have been pure. His chubby hands pinched the Siren's arm, ignoring the wrinkled hospital gown, and pinched the Siren's arm until it was bruised.

Although this is not an unbearable pain for the deducer, it is obvious that the baby's feelings towards the Siren are not love, but possession and resentment.

Yu Xing was too tall. If he stood up straight, he would inevitably rub against the embryos hanging up by ropes like umbilical cords. He simply squatted down and asked the surprised Siren: "I just heard you keep calling yourself mother." ?Your task is to play a mother who aborted her child?"

There was a hint of sadness in the siren's blue eyes. She held the child further away and squatted down to prevent the intact child that she had finally found from being snatched away by other embryos: "Yes, my character information is that of a beater. I felt extremely regretful after losing my child, so as a mother with mental problems, I want to find my child in the gynecological clinic."

"Find your child..." Yu Xing looked around. The gynecological clinic was in a mess, with embryos hanging up everywhere. Those embryos had not yet developed vocal cords and could not make any sounds. child-like voice.

A flash of light flashed in Yu Xing's eyes.

"Finding the child has not completed the mission. What else do you need to do? For example, comfort your child before you can end this mission?"

"Yes, it is said that my child must be satisfied with me, otherwise I will die, but there is no time limit." The siren frowned. She lowered her head and found that the baby had opened its mouth and started biting her shoulder. , I don’t know how old this child is, but the teeth are already well developed. It’s very painful to bite someone. If you don’t pay attention, you may get a piece of flesh bitten off.

She was a little distressed: "In other words, I have to take him wherever I go until he is satisfied with me. Originally, I planned to take him somewhere else first, but he cried a lot and the louder the sound, The more those embryos wanted to rob him, the more I couldn’t get out.”

"It seems that this mission is for you to be a good mother." Yu Xing looked at the plump baby, with fair and pink skin, but the behavior he performed was a bit scary, "How can you get the results from so many embryos?" Finding him under cover and successfully untying the rope hanging on him is a test of your observation ability and skill, but... you were still misled."

The siren looked suspiciously dark.

Yu Xing said: "Will it be your child who wants to strangle you to death?"

The siren was stunned, as if she suddenly thought of something, and with a shake of her arm, she threw away the baby who was about to bite her neck.

It seems that she has reacted, but it is not possible to just throw the baby away... Yu Xing thought to himself, sighed, and quickly caught the baby. He looked up and saw that the embryos were eager to get him. The outsiders were driven out, and many of them had mutated into sharp teeth or big scary eyes. If he stayed any longer, he might really be besieged.

So Yu Xing didn't show off and said directly: "The one you are looking for is already a few months old. Don't forget that you are a mother who regretted after aborting her child. Your child should not be able to grow up healthily. , on the contrary, it should also be a stillbirth."

He put his hands under the baby's armpits, lifted the baby up, and shook his head in disgust: "Just because this one is different and the only one who survived, you think we should look for him? No, including the subsequent embryos, they want to pull him back. , and you haven’t completed the task, it’s a reminder.”

"There must be quite a few women who have aborted their children in this hospital. Every embryo hanging here was once a life conceived in someone else's belly. They were abandoned by their nominal mother and restricted here by the umbilical cord - They can be regarded as a different kind of guardian spirit. This child is alive, and it is the object of the embryos' protection - to them, the mother who abandons the child is abominable, and only the child is their companion. What you just did, in their eyes, is hurting their companions."

The child was crying with his mouth open, and while crying, he tried to bite Yu Xing's hand. Unfortunately, Yu Xing's action made him unable to bite Yu Xing, so he could only use his two fleshy arms to pinch Yu Xing.

After pinching for a long time, the skin that had just turned purple turned white again within a few seconds, which made the baby feel confused.

Yu Xing chuckled lightly and shook the crying baby: "If you really take him away, then your role will be to steal someone else's child after going to the gynecological clinic to find the child without success. Bad woman, how angry would you be if your stillborn child didn't wait for you? So you don't have to carry him all the time, as long as you hold him and walk out of the clinic door, you will die."

Siren realized that she had just gone into a misunderstanding when he suggested, "This child who likes to pinch her so much is probably not hers." It was just that she subconsciously regarded the embryos as monsters. The monsters wanted to rob her of her children, so they were trying to thwart them. Has she completed her mission? In addition, the child kept crying and she was busy coaxing others, so she did not have so much energy to think about what was wrong.

"You're right, I was stupid." She took a deep breath and looked at the countless stillbirths, her temples twitching. "So my child is in this clinic, but it shouldn't be in this group of embryos." Among them, otherwise my mission will not be completed at all."

She stood up and looked at the cabinets in the room.

Ignore this false interference, the child she is looking for should be in these cabinets!

"Thank you, Xing. You are such a good person, and you are smarter and more helpful than I thought." Siren walked towards the cabinet, feeling a lot more at ease, but also a little scared.

Only now did she remember that it was just the first mission in dusk mode. How could it be so difficult all of a sudden?

Even the horror hospital twilight mode in previous installments has never been this harsh before.

When she was preparing the area, some people mentioned some things that she couldn't understand, such as "Han Yan will definitely play his trump card, come on for the temporary alliance, and the Kraken will die immediately without changing the rules if he dies again." "Haha" and so on. It's a pity that there weren't many viewers in her live broadcast room, and she didn't have time to ask. For her, the third round requires more preparation than the first two rounds. She should also think carefully about how to avoid being treated as indifferent. The person was sacrificed directly, so she didn't pay much attention to the audience.

Now, she vaguely felt that she seemed to have missed something very important. Otherwise, how could the first task be so difficult, and how could Xing help her unconditionally?

She is the perpetrator, but fortunately he is not her companion, so why do you trust her?

She needed to find Safuri quickly.

Siren focused on rummaging through boxes and cabinets. On the other side, Yu Xing took one last look at the irritable child in his hand and recorded this detail in his mind.

Although dusk mode is the most chaotic mode, it is also the mode with the most information. All monsters come from the dean's heart. The existence of such monsters must be because the dean has such prototypes in his memory.

When the director was managing this hospital, he must have experienced the crazy woman who robbed other people's children after having an abortion in his hospital, and the patient who was considered a murderer and died due to wrong treatment methods. Perhaps the patient's true past was known to the dean only after his death - in fact, he was just a normal person, but he was treated as a tough-talking patient.

The fault came from the dean's imaginary identity, but it was ultimately the dean's fault.

The dean will keep in mind every patient who died or went crazy because of his mistakes, eventually leading to irreversible madness.

This should be the reason for fear of hospitals.

[Note, you will enter the first crazy state after one minute, lasting ten minutes]

The system's ruthless prompts broke Yu Xing's thinking. Yu Xing raised his eyebrows. He didn't expect that the first madness would come so quickly.

He raised the baby in his hand, and immediately countless pairs of undeveloped little hands took the baby over. Surrounded by them, the baby calmed down, closed his eyes, and quickly fell asleep.

There is a Kraken here, and because of the embryonic monsters, the live broadcast room between him and the Kraken must also be open. He doesn't know what he will look like when he is crazy, so he might as well try to find a place where no one is around first.

The Siren found a transparent glass bottle in a hidden cabinet. The bottle was soaked in an unknown turbid liquid. There was a small figure curled up in the liquid.

The moment he saw it, the siren's eyes became moist.

This feels really weird. It's obviously not her child, just a character, but when she sees it, she still feels an uncontrollable sadness and joy, as if she has found the missing part of her life.

...Is this the bond between mother and child?

The Siren held the bottle, closed her eyes "happily" and held back her tears. She hugged the bottle as if hugging a small life.

At this moment, she received a reminder that the task was completed.

For her real baby, just a hug would be enough, but she had been comforting someone else's baby for so long just now. It was... so stupid.

Siren still wanted to cry.

She thought of herself, wondering whether the role assigned to her by the Fear Hospital was a coincidence or necessity... She was once an abandoned child.

After being thrown into the sea, she didn't remember what she had experienced. She only remembered the endless darkness at the bottom of the sea and the waves caused by the creatures that swam past her.

It was a strange feeling. Her mood at that time was probably the same as that of the abandoned babies here.

The sound of footsteps brought her back to reality. She carefully let go of the bottle and found that there was only turbid liquid in the bottle. The little figure she had just seen disappeared, as if it had never existed.

She sighed softly.

In reality, how can an aborted child be found? What a woman comes back to look for after going crazy is just a sustenance. Maybe she thinks she has found it, but in fact there is nothing.

A dream.

She turned back and called Yu Xing who was about to leave: "Wait a minute! The monsters outside haven't dispersed yet. At least wait until they are far away before going out! Well... thank you for your help. Do you need my help with your mission? The place?"

Yu Xing didn't look at her, put his hand on the doorknob, and said in a strange tone: "It will be too late when they leave."

"Why is it too late? A time-limited mission?" Siren thought for a while, walked over and patted him on the shoulder, "Then I can help even more."

She was the perpetrator, and she could have struck at this moment, absolutely unnoticed. She could even say that it was a ghost that killed Xing, but for some reason, the Siren felt that her usually decisive judgment had been affected.

Her soul didn't seem to want her to do this, and a deep intuition told her that this person was a bit kind.

Could it be... that he was the light group who talked to her and saw her secret?

Siren made random guesses, and Xing came directly to help her, maybe because they had communicated in a pure soul state.

No matter how her thoughts turned, the depth and mystery from the sea did give her an extraordinary ability to associate. She tentatively touched Yu Xing: "Can you tell me? Your mission. I just received you I will not turn around and repay kindness with hatred."

Yu Xing paused.

He actually wanted to leave just now, but there are indeed too many monsters out there, and they are of various types. It is impossible to deal with every one of them, and not every one of them is particularly evil. For example, the baby embryo monster in the gynecological clinic is just like that. The kind that tends to be kind.

He hesitated for a moment, wondering whether he should break through at all costs, as that might have a negative effect on his subsequent whereabouts.

And if you go out directly, it will be counted as an encounter with a monster. Opening the live broadcast room all the way is the same as staying in the gynecological clinic.

Before he could think of a result, the Siren stopped him.

Otherwise... just stay here and wait, hoping that the Siren can withstand his madness.

After his muscles relaxed, Yu Xing turned back and smiled at the sea monster.

"Okay. Next, I only need you to do one thing."

"What is it?" Siren let go immediately because she had a premonition that something bad was going on.

"Don't be frightened, and don't die inexplicably." Yu Xing warned, "Of course, it's possible that nothing happened..."

Maybe he can hold it completely.

As soon as he finished speaking, Yu Xing's expression changed.

The minute ended exactly at this moment, and a state of madness enveloped him, making his eyes look very different from just now.

Before the Siren could figure out what his advice meant, he felt as if he was being stared at by a poisonous snake. The hair on his body stood up and goosebumps arose on his skin.

In the room, the baby embryos, which had no longer made any move towards them, started to stir. However, contrary to before, they all hid behind and squirmed towards Yu Xing's distance.

"Uh..." Siren sneered and took a step back, "Actually, if you want to go out, it's not impossible. I think you're quite powerful. Maybe you can get out successfully -"

Before she finished speaking, Yu Xing grabbed her hand.

The rose mask was also affected by his madness, and rose patterns materialized on his face, which looked strange and dangerous.

Yu Xing asked very clearly: "Have you ever lived in the Undersea Dragon Palace?"

Before the Kraken started to struggle, it became sluggish: "?"

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