Absurd deduction game

Chapter 410 How to escape from the hospital

If this fetishist wants to steal, let her steal it.

Yu Xing looked like he suddenly found his hands empty, and there was a trace of anger on his face, as if to say: "You still dare to steal my things at this time?"

He immediately said: "Give it back to me!"

The female fetishist still had a soft and weak expression, clutching the handle of the dagger tightly in her hand, and spoke in a long tone, which seemed to make her feel aggrieved: "Look, I am really sick... No, just give it to me. To you, it’s just a weapon. You can buy it again when it’s gone, but to me, it’s my life..."

This shameless rhetoric with a bit of moral kidnapping made Yu Xing sneer in his heart, and a green mist began to spread on the dagger, faintly, and spread throughout the room.

In a sense, photographing Qing Meng is indeed her destiny.

Take her life.

The next moment, there was no need for Yu Xing to ask for the password, and the green mist suddenly solidified into smoke, shrouding the fetish that could not react in time. The latter let out a painful cry, threw away the dagger as if it was hot, and got up from the ground. A wooden crutch appeared in his hand at some point.

She limped quickly to the corner of the room with the help of crutches. As she walked, she scolded Yu Xing who slowly picked up the dagger: "Is this how you treat patients? You want me to die, don't you?" This is murder!"

Yu Xing clicked his tongue twice: "You still have the nerve to mention murder? You are very legal-minded. Then you have stolen so many things, or in other words, with your tone of threatening others to kill you if they take back the things, it is considered a threat. ?”

"Theft and intimidation, let's do this. You go to the police and turn yourself in. Once the stations are filled, I will consider buying you a dagger to play with."

The woman's gorgeous red lips were even redder, like drops of blood, and her eye that was not covered by her hair was full of gloom and resentment. She refused to answer Yu Xing's words and just kept repeating her argument: "You just want me to die." , I feel so uncomfortable...Why do you want to take away my things!"

[Hey, you’re angry, what do you call her thing?]

[The feeling of immersion is so strong that I already vomited]

[This kind of person wouldn't be so disgusting before she died, right? Did she turn into a ghost and become like this? ]

[People upstairs, don’t tell me, there are such people in reality. Do things yourself first, then slander others when you find you can't handle them, and finally accuse others of bullying you, yuck]

This kind of female ghost who has no consciousness but is more disgusting than a scary-looking monster is really rare. For a while, the barrage started to denounce the female ghost, hoping to get rid of her as soon as possible and not let her pollute the ears and eyes again.

Although Yu Xing couldn't see the barrage, he himself planned to do that. He would lure the female ghost out, use her ability to steal other people's beloved things, and let her take the initiative to steal She Qing's dream. In this way, he would also clear the system. Qingwu, which has been weakened and restricted for many layers, can hurt the female ghost holding the dagger at the moment of its explosion.

He lured the female ghost not to get the password, but to kill the female ghost accurately to prevent him from being attacked by the ghost in the middle of cutting the lock.

After picking up the Sheqing Dream that fell to the ground, Yu Xing felt that the whole room was shaking, the walls began to twist, and green-black arms stretched out from the wall, groping in the air like a blind man. Grabbing, some arms stretched too long and almost touched Yu Xing's clothes.

Yu Xing looked at these "thieves' ghost hands". With these hands, the fetish female ghost seemed to feel confident all of a sudden. She smiled sinisterly: "Bring it here and give me back my things! "

"You don't learn well at a young age." Yu Xing replied calmly, his voice was already very cold, and he suddenly moved. The sudden explosion was so fast that most people in the live broadcast room didn't see it clearly, and they saw the end of She Qing's dream. He dragged out a wisp of green smoke and had an intimate ending with the female ghost protected by the ghost's hand.

The blade that captures Qingmeng's dream comes into close contact with the female ghost's neck.

There was almost no resistance. The ghost hands suddenly seemed to have been pressed on the freeze button, and they were all fixed on the wall. The female ghost's eyes were filled with shock, confusion and fear that had not yet had time to dissipate. As her head fell, they all became... Her last remains.

The next second, the ghost hands shattered like bubbles, turning into bubbles and dissipating without a trace before falling to the ground, and the room returned to silence.

Yu Xing's face was calm, as if he didn't know that when he just killed a ghost that was not weak in the fear hospital, how many people remembered how quickly he became serious and also remembered him.

When the room was completely quiet, Yu Xing walked slowly to the glass cabinet, and with a few more forceful blows, he cut off the shackles of the lock. Now that there was no obstruction in the way, the task finally became more comfortable.

Yu Xing opened the glass cabinet door, took out the press pass, then opened the pass and looked at the names inside.

Well, it turned out to be the same person as the information given by Ren Yi.

He returned to the corridor, found Safuri and Siren, and told them what had happened.

The three of them returned to the ward full of bloody handprints. The ghosts in this ward were still completely invisible and intangible. The air in the room was horribly cold, showing the ghosts' increasingly unhappy mood.

The door was pushed open, and this time Yu Xing keenly noticed the flash of a shadow in the sky, but it was only for a moment, and it was more like his psychic ability was at work.

"Don't be so quick to get angry." Yu Xing said presciently to the air in front of him, then took out his press card and handed it to the front, "This should be what you want, right?"

At this moment, the three people present heard a hoarse exclamation in their eardrums. The certificate in Yu Xing's hand was snatched away by a gust of wind. It danced in the air for a while, and soon disappeared like the reporter ghost. .

"Thank you..." Yu Xing heard the sound of something falling into his ears, as if it was lying next to his ear.

It was slightly different from what he imagined. He thought that the reporter ghost would show up after getting the press card. Who knew that the reporter ghost didn't want to show up, but that there was no way for living people to see it?

"I...is not recognized by...the dean, so...you...can't...see me here." The reporter ghost was still talking in Yu Xing's ear. After listening for a long time, Yu Xing raised his eyebrows.

It’s because the reporter, an outsider, is not a real patient, nor a doctor or nurse. The normal dean does not want a healthy person to be tortured to death, and the imaginary monster dean does not want reporters to investigate the truth, so he is based on the dean. The reporter's fear was not shown in the hospital.

Yu Xing's heart moved.

He made a silent gesture to Safuri and Siren, who heard nothing and could only mutter together, and then asked softly: "Can you leave this hospital with your press card?" Already?"

"That's right... With this evidence, the dean can no longer deceive himself. As long as he admits that I don't belong here, I can leave." The invisible reporter ghost became more and more skillful in speaking, and by the second half of the sentence, he was completely Without the intermittent jerky feeling, it seemed to have regained the confidence and sanity it had when it was a reporter. It sincerely thanked Yu Xing, "Thank you, really thank you. Then I will leave now. I must Report the situation here and let the masses know about these things!”

Even if it is just a reflection of the dean's heart - the existence that he is unwilling to admit is also in the dean's mind.

But it still inherits a sense of justice, which is probably why the dean hates it.

"I wish you good luck." Listening to the reporter ghost's words, Yu Xing had a vague hunch that something different would appear as the reporter ghost's identity was revealed.

His third mission is to escape from the scary hospital!

Whether it is the normal identification process or the random killing situation that may occur after the truth is found, there is no option to leave the Fear Hospital directly, because this deduction world only covers one building of the Fear Hospital, including the building and garden, as well as railings and walls. .

No matter how real the traffic outside seems, it is just a bubble and does not exist.

Therefore, he actually had no way to complete this task before, so he was waiting for changes in the rules to provide an opportunity to adapt to the task.

Now, the opportunity seems to have come.

The siren watched Yu Xing communicate with the ghost for a long time as if on the phone. It seemed that both parties were having a good conversation, and they rubbed their hands in anticipation.

It's really amazing. Because one person solved the problem of the press pass, the ghost only recognized him and communicated with him alone. It's exciting to think about it - in all deductions, the ghost's special treatment almost means [sacrifice] Or [Props].

The absurd deduction system has always encouraged deducers to explore, and does not want deducers to be perfunctory and act like cowards and fools. Therefore, the closer you are to ghosts, the greater the danger, and the easier it is to get clues about sacrifices.

The final sacrifice obtained in this way will definitely have a very high degree of fit with the person's mask, and is likely to receive a "very strong" evaluation from the system, which is incomparable to the ability to fuse the sacrifice after purchasing it from the sacrifice trading center.

She also wants to get one.

When can she break away from Safuri's protection and surveillance, act on her own like Yu Xing, and give herself a sacrifice that suits her personality?

The siren looked at Yu Xing with vague envy, and sure enough he saw something extra on Yu Xing's hand.

It looks like a red fragment.

Yu Xing also glanced down. In his hand was [Collection: Fragments of Press Card], which was left for him when the reporter ghost left just a second ago.

The purpose of the fragments states that there are five fragments scattered in the Fear Hospital. The fragments will eventually gather around him due to various causes and effects, but what kind of danger does the fragment bring? Can he get it? It depends on luck and strength.

If you collect them all, you can get [Press Card (Complete)], directly announce your departure from the Terror Hospital, and complete mission three. After the deduction is over, the press card will become a sacrifice that is highly compatible with Yu Xing.

Of course, if the original sacrifices have reached the maximum number of six at the Struggle level, and you don't want to give up any of them, you can also give up the sacrifices fused with the press cards.

This is a benefit visible to the naked eye, but obviously, there is no such good luck in absurd games. Why is it that when Yu Xing receives the mission, he is destined to start collecting press cards and then get a powerful sacrifice? ?

Everything has a price.

The price is that if Yu Xing fails to collect five fragments after the game is over, then all the remaining ghosts in the Fear Hospital will regard him as an alien traitor and attack him endlessly, and he will be punished because of the "press certificate" "Incomplete and mentally exhausted, restless and unable to resist", he was deprived of all ability to resist and was besieged by ghosts until his death. This was used to confirm the outcome of failing to complete the third task - "you will die".

Yu Xing knew that others must have their own special tasks. Maybe everyone's third task was to open a special rule for individuals, or maybe he was not the only one to receive the task of escaping from the terrifying hospital.

Although his mission three is largely due to the fact that his character is a bound madman, so he has to escape. It is basically impossible for a character like Siren to come back to find his children and have an escape mission, but who knows? Are there other characters with similar fates?

In this case, the only way to escape the hospital is to get a press pass.

He shook his head and said to himself that he was thinking too much and that this was not a very important matter.

After solving the commission given to them by Ren Yi and getting the clues to complete the third task, Yu Xing was in a good mood. He smiled and glanced at the siren who was secretly observing him, and said "If you don't take us with you, you will get a lot of exclusive benefits." "It's great," Safuri said teasingly, "Okay, we can go back to the first floor and give the clues to Ren Yi to record~"

"Ha... It's really enviable. My little brother's strength and luck are both surprising." Safuli covered her lips and winked at Yu Xing charmingly, "You really don't plan to come late at night? Anyway, Qu Xing Qing Ye listens to you, you can obviously bring her with you."

"Didn't your late-night guild have a conflict with Qu Nianqing?" Yu Xing turned around and looked into the corridor. Because several ghosts wandering from other floors were approaching, he closed the door again.

"Hey~" Safuri recited the word over and over again, fully expressing her disapproval, "Look at what you said, conflicts are trivial, and our biggest harm to Qu Nianqing is , it just burned her hair, didn't it? If she really joins the late night, and such a powerful and potential beauty comes in, who will remember the contradiction? "

Shafuli blinked and said suggestively: "Conflicts are always based on different interests. If her interests are consistent with ours, the contradictions will naturally cease to exist. Between me and Xu Shu - I believe you have heard of it, We dislike each other. But if we are really in danger, he and I are comrades in arms, and we will definitely help each other."

"You see, having a force to rely on is indispensable in absurdity. So, why can't it be us late at night?"

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