Absurd deduction game

Chapter 497 Cooperation with backstabbing

With five minutes left before the eight-hour exhibition ended, Yu Xing opened the door to the lounge with Zhao Yijiu's calm eyes.

Zhao Yijiu followed him out of the lounge and almost said, "I know you are going to do something wrong. You don't need to notify me. I will just follow you and do it anyway."

When they walked out, there were a lot more people outside. It seemed that many people had returned to the first floor from the exhibition hall on the second floor to rest. They seemed to be tired from playing. They were sitting in twos and threes on sofas and chairs, chatting, smoking, Admire the makeup and manicure.

Yu Xing looked at this pleasant and peaceful scene, smiled without saying anything, and walked towards the third floor.

On the way, he met Xue Yuan and Killer No. 37. The two men looked at him and Zhao Yijiu like they were looking at two cakes. They didn't have the desire to eat them right away, but they were just full of desire, wanting to get rid of the cake. The kind you buy in the store closet and take home.

Zhao Yijiu originally wanted to let Yu Xing know that appeasing people was no longer useful to him, but when he saw this look, he moved his fingers slightly, still showing some doubts.

It didn't look normal, like there was some serious illness.

"What are you doing?" Without any scruples, Zhao Yijiu turned around and asked coldly to the two tails following him.

"We are here to owe you a favor." Xueyuan took a look and found that the two people had not communicated before about the possibility of a boss battle at the end. It was impossible for him to tell Zhao Yijiu again at this moment, so he took a step Jumping to the result, he took the initiative to express that Yu Xing and the others were willing to exchange this help for a favor.

Yu Xing looked behind Xueyuan and found that there was no one behind them. He asked a little funny: "Everyone else has gone to find the crazy doctor and them. Why are you two the only ones coming to us? Are you afraid that your fellow experiencers will think you are rebellious?" Suspicion?"

"We were actually seen by them when we were dealing with the possessed ghosts, so they know that you and I are getting along quite peacefully. At this juncture, we come to you to reduce the pressure that the crazy doctor and them may encounter. , it’s good for everyone, they won’t mind.” Bloodyuan answered honestly without using any skills.

The two said goodbye, each leading their companions without slowing down. They walked through the corridor outside the lounge and arrived at the hall. They immediately went up the stairs to the third floor without any pause. As soon as they stepped on it, they first As soon as they reached the third floor, everyone turned their eyes over.

Everyone stood in the corridor, looking at Yu Xing and Zhao Yijiu with different eyes. The most relaxed and untouched ones were Ning Feng's team. There was still a bit of fear in the eyes of the container. The other three and Yu People who had not been in contact with Yu Xing were a little curious, because what they heard from the container was Yu Xing's terror, but what they heard later from the mouths of Blood Source and Killer No. 37 was friendliness.

Even if he didn't hear any information about this incident from Yu Xing in advance, Zhao Yijiu could tell from the reactions of these people that this copy would definitely pose a danger to all outsiders in the future.

He was not very interested and remained silent, standing behind Yu Xing like a shadow.

Compared to his low profile, Yu Xing is much more high profile.

"Hey, what are you doing standing here, holding a belated welcome ceremony for us?" Yu Xing was one of the very few among the eleven people. When facing these people, he could not see any nervousness or caution, and he was generous and generous. He met their gazes and said ridiculing words in an extremely unstable manner.

The chess player ignored his words and reminded him: "There are still two minutes for the exhibition to end. The person in charge has appeared at the beginning of the exhibition. He should also give the speech at the end. He will pass by this corridor. , if we don’t think of a reason why he agrees to our not participating in the closing process during this period, we must go to the first floor to listen to his speech with other viewers, and it will be too late to run away.”

Everyone else was thinking that of course it would be too late. This was equivalent to their flesh and blood bodies having to walk a long distance surrounded by more than a hundred ghost NPCs. It was definitely a dead end.

The last part of the process is very time-sensitive. If they arrive early, there is no reason to enter the painting room. If they break in by force, they are actively violating the rules. The painters and people in charge are not vegetarians themselves. It is equivalent to actively facing ghosts - according to the rules, they can only enter the art appreciation room once if they find a fake. Although this is not written in black and white, it is also an obvious implicit rule.

So only when the person in charge comes out to the corridor, they can take the opportunity to use their quotas and rewards to prompt the person in charge to agree to hide in the painting appraisal room. With the person in charge's consent, even if more than half of the people here have not received it. They are fakes, and the painters in the appraisal room can't do anything to them.

The chess player brought it up now with the obvious purpose of testing what Yu Xing was going to tell the person in charge.

"What does this have to do with it? There are many ways to make him agree if you take a wider road." Yu Xing looked surprised, "I don't believe that you have not deceived the NPC. With your strength, this should be a common occurrence. "

The blood source who followed him said: "...That's true, but now it's a pity that only the mad doctor, the chess player, the prey, and you two are qualified to negotiate terms with the person in charge."

"So we have to think of a way to not only convince the person in charge to let us enter the painting appraisal room -" Ning Feng pointed at the three of himself, then motioned to Yu Xing and Zhao Yijiao, and finally looked at the others, "but also We have to get the person in charge to agree to us bringing these non-contributing spectators. The person in charge is already malicious towards outsiders. If we make additional demands, he will definitely take the opportunity to do something. Ugh... I'm so nervous."

Yu Xing didn't hear anyone else's feedback on this sentence. He only saw one sentence from the faces of other experiencers - you are so nervous!

However, he has realized the meaning of the chess player and Ning Feng in leaving everyone here. Of course, what they said is correct, but they can also solve the problem on their own. There is no need to wait for him here alone. Now these His words made everyone feel that he was very important and that he was in a helpful position.

Unconsciously, I thought that others had instilled the concept that "deducers will also help experiencers", and used every opportunity to alleviate the contradiction between the two systems.

There was no movement on Yu Xing's face, but there seemed to be a devil laughing in his heart. Everyone would think free things were unreliable, cheap, and even deserved. Ning Feng was emphasizing his importance and giving him a What about the "asking price" step?

Tsk tsk, this twenty-five-year-old boy is really good.

If Ning Feng heard Yu Xing calling him Er Wu Zai in his heart, he would probably smile at him very brightly, and then insert the knife into his lungs.

The premise of "Two Five Boys" is that Ning Feng does not have the idea that the two systems must be opposed in his mind, so reconciling the contradiction is not a betrayal for him, but doing something good for both parties and giving it to Yu Fortunately, the opportunity to be a good person is also to promote this matter.

"How about it, Xing, are you willing to work with me to persuade the person in charge?" Ning Feng handed over the invitation with a smile. Yu Xing's eyes met his and he immediately understood that this was the time to make an offer.

Yu Xing tilted his head, looked around with an expression that made everyone feel cold, and then raised his eyebrows in confusion: "I really don't know why I brought you with me. It's so troublesome, why don't I just protect myself?" Okay? To you, I am an enemy, and I and my companions stole two of your spots. Don’t you hate me?"

"Could it be that... I just helped you with my front feet, and my back feet were stabbed in the back?" His cold eyes made everyone who had no quota tremble slightly. Among the three relatively unfamiliar experiencers, the only woman coughed lightly. With a cry, he stood up.

"The container has already conveyed your attitude to us. If you don't want to cause trouble, of course we won't cause you any trouble." The woman's voice was calm, with a hint of charm that was not easy to detect. It was not obtrusive, and it was easy to leave a good impression on others. The impression was, "This time we are asking you for help. Of course, our current strength is suppressed in a very weak state, and our promises are empty. You may not believe us."

"But I still want to say that I am only asking for your help on my own behalf. When we meet again in the future, if you two need help, feel free to come to me. I will never be untrustworthy." The woman His expression was very serious, "If there is still a fight between the two sides due to various reasons, I also promise you with so many people watching that I will miss two such battles."

Impeccably requested.

He even thought about what would happen when the two sides were tense in the future, which made Yu Xingliangbo's expression relax a little.

"Quite decisive." Yu Xing commented with a faint smile, "Where are the others?"

"We are just like her." The last two experiencers who had not had any contact with him were very different in age. They even looked like a father and son. The older one spoke, and the younger one nodded in agreement.

The normal trend of this dungeon should be that those who have obtained the quota have foreseen the final danger in advance and come to the painting appraisal room to escape. Those who have not obtained the quota have to risk an extremely high mortality rate and cannot survive on the first, second and second floors. I don’t know how long the “riot” will last.

No one can escape from this copy safely like paddling water. Those who do not look for fake paintings because of the danger will always make up for the danger at the last moment and can take nothing away except happiness. .

Of course, this may be the outcome of those who have been to this island before. This time is different. They all come in a group. They are not familiar with each other, but at least they all know each other, and they have a reason to help each other. Therefore, having It is the optimal solution for people with quotas to take people without quotas to the painting appraisal room to avoid danger. Compared with the situation where death is basically inevitable, a favor or avoiding a fight once or twice is nothing.

Ning Feng and the other three could also take them away, but both Ning Feng and the chess player expressed in their words that they would have a greater chance of success with Yu Xing.

Xueyuan was recognized as a smart person by them, so he was naturally aware of the private conversation between Ning Feng's team and Yu Xing. Although he was helpless that his companions were facing outsiders like this, he still knew that it was a "little trap". He had to jump, and even in order to leave a good impression on Yu Xing, he even came to assist: "You have helped us once before, and this time, you have saved our lives more than once, so even if we are here If someone wants to hurt you and Lengjiu, I will do my best to stop them...I am talking about you two only."

When others heard this, although they thought it was a bit strange, they still firmly believed that it would not be a bad idea to ask Yu Xing for help at this time.

Only Yun Si had nothing to do and leaned against the wall beside him as if hanging high, shaking his head secretly in his heart.

The ten of them came to the Art Museum dungeon together. Except for the chef, the father and son were actually not good people, but compared to the other experiencers who went to another dungeon, they were already very gentle.

Their team was all present this time, and five of the eight people went to another dungeon through the mirror, and the other experiencers in that dungeon were all radicals without a doubt.

Either they have had deep conflicts with the deducers in some games before; or they think they have guessed the system's intentions and are bent on killing everyone on the deducers' side in order to seek rewards from the system. There were more, so their team divided five people to watch others, in case others did something that completely broke the relationship between the two systems while doing the copy.

Yun Si only felt that Yu Xing wanted a peaceful relationship, and with the cooperation of Ning Feng and Xiao Jiang, he successfully made the experiencers in the museum copy make a peace commitment. It seemed that more than half of the success was achieved directly, but in the end The hard part is still to come. Peace may not be possible.

Just as he was thinking about these things secretly, there was a burst of sudden footsteps in the corridor, which gradually became clearer from far to near. Everyone stopped what they were saying and turned their heads neatly to look at the corner of the corridor.

Yu Xing also looked over. The light in the appraisal room was too dark. He couldn't see the person in charge clearly from beginning to end. He was also a little curious about the person in charge with a rich voice. It happened that the lights in the corridor were brighter.

The sound of leather shoes colliding with the ground echoed in the corridor. First, a shadow poked out from the corner. The long shadow was silent. It took two seconds before the body of the person in charge appeared in their eyes.

A straight back, pressed suit trousers, a well-tailored top and even a high-end watch on his wrist, etc., are all good indications of the financial resources of the person in charge. His gray skin is glowing with a sickly red color. If you look carefully, those The red ones are all small blood openings, and some thin nerve-like fibers extend from them, waving in the air without concealment.

Yu Xing fell into deep thought.

The reason why the face of the person in charge in the painting appraisal room is so blurry is because he is originally dark?

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