Absurd deduction game

Chapter 544 Closed-loop world and flowing world

Rebecca calmed down.

For some reason, when she heard Oliver's dark laughter and those last words, not only did she not feel more frightened, but instead, a long-lost tranquility surged out from the depths of her soul.

Was Oliver laughing at her? No, she felt like Oliver was feeling pity for himself more.

Even if she will stay here carrying the truth from today on, it cannot change the fact that Oliver has endured the pain alone for so long.

In comparison, she was already very lucky. She was not the one who was bullied when she was alive. After her death... she was two people from the moment they remembered each other. No matter how painful she was, she knew that she had a similar person.

As for Oliver, there was only one person in Oliver's past. Who can know the pain of being trapped in reincarnation? Not even the right to complain.

"It's pretty good too."

Rebecca didn't believe that she could actually smile at this time, but her smile appeared at the right time, and with a sudden sense of relief, she naturally showed it: "It's pity, pity, From now on, if I stay with you, it will be considered as atonement."

Oliver lowered his head suddenly and used his hair to cover his expression as usual, but Yu Xing could see clearly that Oliver's hands under the table were clasped together tightly with such strength that they were directly The nails were embedded in the flesh and blood oozed from them.

"It's really surprising." The white-haired girl's sense of presence is sometimes very low, and sometimes even lower. Even if she is sitting in her seat, many people may not be able to see her.

"Rebecca, your attitude is really strange." She tilted her head and looked at Rebecca, "You are the stupid one, you are the arrogant one, you are the just one, and you are the humble one. You once followed the rumors and harbored hatred towards Oliver. I can’t understand this kind of humanity that is prejudiced and now easily accepts the fate of the future, and even begins to understand Oliver without a teacher.”

"I don't understand myself." Rebecca sat on the nearest seat, and her blood-stained skirt suddenly turned scarlet. "I just feel that the mistakes of the past are irreversible, and the future is doomed. It’s painful, but it doesn’t matter, it’s already good.”

"If I were to choose again, I would always feel that this is better. Instead of ignorantly reincarnating in stupidity and mistakes again and again, self-righteousness, and showing that ugly appearance, it is better to look at it soberly and let the pain go deep into the bone marrow. ."

"At least this way, it makes me feel like I'm real."

Yu Xing was very applauded and started to applaud: "I have to say that you are indeed very sober. I have to thank you for not letting me see a clichéd drama that gradually becomes boring amidst fear and resentment."

Zhao Mou coughed twice: "Actually, the scene of lying down and accepting your fate after recovering your memory is not very novel."

Wen Qinghuai: "..." I really don't treat myself as an outsider in front of NPCs.

"That's different. From my experience, after entering reincarnation again, Rebecca can stand up and speak out when Oliver is bullied, right?" Qu Xianqing asked suddenly, the target of her question was a white-haired girl, " Since nightmares exist and there is still the precious ability to forgive, then this should not be the same thing again."

"Wow, it seems that your experience is indeed valuable." The white-haired girl imitated Yu Xing and applauded Qu Xianqing cheerfully, "That's right. Since she is no longer following reincarnation, Rebecca can certainly do whatever she wants. Choose what you do.”

She said, staring at the stunned Rebecca: "Should you continue to play your original role, a bystander who allows atrocities to be repeated, or should you be the one who takes the initiative to break the hypocrisy when Oliver is bullied? The initiative has already been taken." Into your hands.”

"Of course, objectively speaking, I don't think you have enough ability to stop this. The greater possibility is that you will become the next target of everyone's bullying because of speaking for Oliver. Everything Oliver has experienced, Maybe it will happen again to you."

Rebecca shook her head.

The white-haired girl smiled and said: "Ah ha, it's understandable not to be the first. Things have reached this point. In fact, this kind of punishment is already a bit heavy for you. You can choose by yourself—— "

"I mean, it's okay, it's okay to be the target of everyone's bullying." A flash of light bloomed in Rebecca's eyes, "I'll tell you."

"I don't need this unnecessary plot." Before Rebecca could make a firmer promise, Oliver sneered and put on a posture of rejection, "Anyway, I will do it all over again, so what difference does it make? ?Satisfy your own desire to apologize?"

His nails dug into the flesh, getting deeper and deeper, and more and more blood oozed out, but he didn't seem to feel the pain - maybe he was used to it.

"You think being bullied with me is compensation for me? Then what? You were bullied, and it will be reincarnated again. They don't remember that they bullied you! You are the only one who ridiculously thinks that you have done something great. You Wake up, there is no end to reincarnation, and what you do is just making hope run out faster."

Oliver's voice was hoarse and his sentences were sharp, making his sarcasm obvious. It was the first time he burst out and said such a long paragraph, but the deducers who were listening looked strange.

Isn't this just a roundabout way of telling Rebecca not to wade into troubled waters and try what it feels like to be isolated and bullied by an entire class?

He obviously meant well, but he had to say it so harshly, but he didn't expect that Oliver was also a player with a max level.

Rebecca seemed to be frightened and returned to a state of silence.

Oliver continued to shut up with a gloomy face. The white-haired girl seemed to want to say something, but then closed her mouth. The remaining two red armbands in the class seemed to have blocked the conversation from beginning to end, silently reading and writing homework. , as if being isolated by a mysterious power - they are already polluted bodies of St. Jonis Middle School, they are not immune to the killings of nightmares, and they are not considered a member of reincarnation, so when it comes to the reincarnation of this class itself, They couldn't hear it either.

The atmosphere was stagnant for a while.

"By the way, who still remembers how long the monitor has been in the office?" Wen Qinghuai suddenly remembered.

The monitor of this class is really weird.

As a Red Armband, he is not completely unable to participate in the affairs of Class 4, but he is not as insensitive as most Red Armband students. At least there is a trace of humanity left.

And now it's gone forever.

Yu Xing originally wanted to go out and have a look, but at worst he could kidnap a teacher and come over to see the effect, but the white-haired girl stopped him and said it was unnecessary.

"Now is the point of reincarnation. Because the nightmare killed them all, reincarnation is advanced." The white-haired girl held her chin, "At this point, after you go out, you will not be able to find this class until class tomorrow morning. At that time, everyone in this class appeared again."

She was very free anyway, and seemed to be in a good mood, so she simply introduced the transfer students to her knowledge of the relationship between the school and Class 4.

The timeline of all the students in Class 4 of Year 3 and the timeline of St. Jonis Middle School are two intersecting straight lines. There is only one intersection. It is that intersection that existed in the past that allowed the class that originally belonged to another world to merge into This school has become one of the tasks.

So the paradox does exist. Time in St. Jonis Middle School is constantly moving forward. They have a new first grade, a new second grade, and a new third grade every year, but Class 4 in the third year is always three years. Class 4, their time is an endless circle.

Qu Xianqing's slender eyebrows raised. From the beginning to now, the most terrifying type of deduction she has ever encountered is the one that unknowingly changes the cognition of the deduction, but the most annoying thing is always the disorder of the timeline: "Flow" Time and still time cannot move forward at the same time. If every transfer student encounters the same Class 4 of the third year, but they all become history in the eyes of those who come after them, then time here will be completely chaotic."

"It's not that exaggerated. According to what I remember, in order to allow the school's moving timeline and the class's static timeline to coexist, the principal formulated a school rule." The white-haired girl was clearly trying to remember, "Well , very strong balancing ability, the principal only used a very simple rule to affect the law of time, I wonder if it can bring you some inspiration."

Wen Qinghuai said: "I seem to have guessed it."

Zhao Mou: "Indeed."

Yu Xing: "If it were me..."

They looked at Zhao Yijiu.

Zhao Yijiu: "..." He really wanted to beat up these three people.

There was a strong sense of gloom in his tone, and he said eerily like a ghost: "Keep Class 4 for three years, and transfer the students to other classes when Class 4 is promoted in the second year."

In this way, the people in Class 4 of the third year will always stay in this undisturbed class, while other students will rise, graduate and die normally. Class 4 of the third year will only find that every year, the students in their grade There will be a new batch of people, but the problem is that they will be reincarnated every year, and they will not remember what the people in other classes looked like during the last reincarnation.

It's a very coincidence, and it's also a very inevitable information gap.

"I knew you could react. You must be much better than the principals in this world, right?" Zhao Mou pushed up his glasses and smiled like a fox.

"You are indeed smart. It seems you don't need my reminder at all." The white-haired girl pouted.

"It turns out that we are constantly reincarnating in this way." Rebecca murmured thoughtfully after listening to the whole discussion, "I really still want to stop their atrocities in reincarnation."

"Didn't you understand what I just said?" Oliver's tone was very unkind.

Rebecca took a deep breath and said to Oliver, who had spikes all over his body like a hedgehog: "How do you know if you don't try? Endless reincarnations are the same process and the same result, so what if I change the process? ?”

Obviously, after hearing more truths, the chaotic memories that emerged in her mind had gradually been accepted by her, and she quickly found a loophole in them.

"As long as we can change the trajectory of this process, there will be more and more possibilities. As long as there is a slight possibility for them to realize their mistakes, then..." Her pupils dilated, "If you keep trying, there will always be someone like me. The same people, like me, will no longer be reincarnated, but will recover their memories and gradually remember everything in countless reincarnations."

"In this case! Although it will take a long, long time, as long as more and more people are forgiven by the nightmare, just six or seven are enough! As long as six or seven people stand up and speak for you when you are bullied, You will not be isolated and helpless. A class can isolate one or two people, but it cannot isolate a group. As long as the people who want to bully you know that their bullying will have no effect, they will give up on you. So……"

Rebecca spoke faster and faster, and her words made Oliver gradually loosen his clasped hands and startle.

"Without the conditions for being bullied, the meaning of reincarnation is gone."

"If reincarnation lasts for one year, and we prevent you from being bullied on the first day every time, the whole year after that will be normal... at least in this aspect, it will be normal. Then reincarnation will no longer exist. It’s scary, the worst outcome is that we always live in the same year, but this is already much better than the current darkness, isn’t it?”

Rebecca's eyes were bright and she looked at the white-haired girl with a hint of hope: "Is this feasible?"

White-haired girl: "..."

The being responsible for controlling the task process fell silent.

Because what Rebecca said is completely achievable.

But in all these years, no one had raised this possibility, and Oliver gave up resistance again and again in despair, numbly using nightmares to seek revenge for himself.

There is nothing that can be done about it. Every previous reincarnation is exactly the same, a dead end. The reason why Rebecca transcends the past ending this time is because a transfer student provides a breakthrough.

There have been many transfer students before, but those transfer students may not necessarily meet Rebecca in the cafeteria on the first day. They learn about the entire school from Rebecca, so they establish contact with Rebecca and let Rebecca pays more attention to transfer students.

There would be no transfer student like Yu Xing, who not only sat at the same table as Oliver, but also sent himself to the center of the whirlpool in a high-profile way when Oliver was bullied, causing Rebecca, who was an outsider, to subconsciously participate. Come in.

Anything less might not make Rebecca feel enough regret to be forgiven by the nightmare.

Only this time, the unexpected success was the result of countless possibilities.

But it only takes this accident once. With someone who can actively change the process, why should we be afraid that the outcome cannot be changed?

The ending is changed again and again. Anyway, it takes a long time. In the invisible and distant future, there is always the possibility of the forgiven appearing again. As long as the forgiven form a small group to protect Oliver, bullying will not occur.

This is a mission, and without bullying, the mission would not exist.

The mission does not exist, and reincarnation... does not exist.

The white-haired girl discovered that if she really did it, the ending would be better than what Rebecca said, reincarnation would disappear completely, and their time circle would be integrated into the time of St. Jonis Middle School, and then the people in Class 4 of Year 3 They can follow this timeline, graduate, and step into a new world that only exists in false memories for them.

Although it is bound to take a long time.

Although it is very difficult to graduate from this school.

Although this new world is dirty, chaotic and twisted.

But it is a living, flowing world, not a closed loop.

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