Absurd deduction game

Chapter 554 I am not an unreasonable person

Although he really wanted Yu Xing to have a good sleep, Qu Nianqing still woke Yu Xing up before going out.

"I'm going to explore the dormitory building, you go back." She met Yu Xing's slightly cautious eyes when he just woke up, her fingers trembled, and she tried to maintain her usual tone.

Yu Xing squinted his eyes and woke up completely from his light sleep. He supported his chin with one hand and looked at Qu Xianqing, with the corners of his mouth raised: "Okay."

"You go ahead, I'll leave later. Besides..." He raised his eyes and raised the ends of his eyes. When everyone looked at him from this angle, they would probably have different feelings, be it fear, surprise, or relief.

"Don't worry, I won't give you a chance to be sad."

Qu Xianqing paused, then turned his head, with a serious expression: "This is what you said. Then I'm leaving."


The door of the dormitory made a slight noise, and the girl's figure disappeared, but Yu Xing's smile gradually widened. He held his forehead with his other hand, and all the longer and longer bangs on his forehead were scattered on the back of his hand, soft and cold.

"Witch...this is your purpose."

"Let my curse and Shen's power support this ghostly tree?"


Feeling the inexplicable sleepiness, Yu Xing gradually felt madness in his eyes.

The power of the curse brought about physical weakness, and his mind would never dissipate with it, but under the influence of Ghost Chenshu, that power was devouring his spirit all the time.

This is probably because he wants to completely use him as nourishment and merge with Gui Chenshu.

His smile was almost uncontrollable. Although it was not as cheerful as the last moment in the tomb, the gloom and morbidity revealed were enough to make people "contaminated". This was the factor of madness.

"Wait for me..." Yu Xing smiled enough, raised his face slightly, and murmured to the void in front of him, "When I catch you, I will punish you."

The shadows in the darkness flow silently, and a slender figure is shrouded in the night, with scarlet eyes like gems, extremely dangerous.

"It feels so strange, so boring..."

Zhao Yijiu's tone was a little frivolous when he heard himself thinking this.

"See those branches growing at the boundary? They are densely packed, like a big net."

At this moment, Zhao Yijiu seemed to see many more transparent branches in his sight. They grew wantonly, climbed on the wall, and occupied all the space.

The branches rubbed against each other, making a huge noise. Standing alone in the gap between the branches, he looked so small.

"I'm on the Internet, so is Yu Xing, right? Hahaha... Guess what this tree did to Yu Xing to make Yu Xing's mood so unstable? If he was fine, even I wouldn't be able to see it As for these branches—"

"Shut up!" Zhao Yijiu suddenly became gloomy and yelled in his head. All those sounds disappeared in an instant, and the branches in front of him and the rumbling sound in his ears shattered like foam.

He gasped uncontrollably, and a few drops of cold sweat flowed down his temples. In the corner, the breathing of several mice was disordered for a moment, and they almost woke up.

It was Li Gui's consciousness... Zhao Yijiu frowned and unconsciously looked in the direction of the women's dormitory, only seeing the solid wall.

"..." He was silent and stood there for a moment.

To use the power of shadow, you need to use the abilities of some ghosts, which are easily affected by ghosts, but tonight the ghosts' consciousness was very quiet and did not come out to interfere with him.

But just now, he suddenly felt that everything around him had changed. Heart palpitations spread in his soul, as if there were terrifying things approaching from all directions.

The evil ghost came out to cause trouble at this moment.

Are the things he saw... real?

What does this thing have to do with Yu Xing? Ghost sinking tree?

But the feeling that just appeared was gone now. Zhao Yijie's face was cold. Although he wanted to rush to the women's dormitory immediately to take a look, he still remembered what his mission was and believed that Yu Xing could handle it... Even if Yu Xing I'm so lucky to be crazy, but Qu Xianqing is still there.

After all, every time Li Gui appears, he spends half the time messing with his state of mind, so you can't always believe his words.

He returned to the shadows in the silence, and continued what he had just unfinished along the shadows. His figure was illusory and obscure, and only his blood-colored eyes could prove that he was a real person.

William is a third-year student who lives in Room 407 on the fourth floor of the men's dormitory. It's dark at night. He turns on the small light in his cubicle and reads books tiredly but habitually.

For him, he only has three hours of sleep, and every other minute and second is spent reading and writing test papers. His grades can only be considered average, and every major exam feels like he is on the verge of death. , always ten points higher than the dead line, but good luck will not favor him every time. Finally, once - maybe next time, he will be eliminated.

If he didn't work hard, he knew what terrible things would happen to him.

His two roommates were not asleep either. They were reciting formulas in a suppressed voice. William scratched his head and was disturbed more than once by the sound of his roommates reciting formulas. He didn't know what happened tonight. It was difficult for him to concentrate, and He was vaguely irritable, as if the surrounding magnetic field was incompatible with him.

"The third mountain range in the north...north of the Ultraman West Strait...Blackwater Ranch..."

There was a geography book spread out on the table. William stared at the lines of text, feeling that no matter whether he memorized it silently or read it out, the words could not enter his mind.

Anxiety... discomfort... and sleepiness... negative emotions swirled around him. William opened his water glass and took a sip of water, trying to calm down.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

Suddenly, there were three door knocks outside, and the endorsements of the three people in the dormitory suddenly stopped. A cold sweat broke out on his back. William turned his head one after another, as if it was rusty. He and the person who lived in the cubicle behind him The roommates looked at each other and saw a trace of uncertainty and panic in each other's eyes.

"Is... someone... knocking on the door?"

The roommate kept his voice very low, and William checked carefully before he heard what he was talking about, and then nodded in horror.

"I don't know, maybe it was another voice and we heard it wrong." Another roommate was a little bolder and said with some doubts.

"Dong dong dong!"

But the knock on the door came again, making all three of them tremble. William swallowed with fear on his face.

Oh my god, why would someone knock on the door at this time?

There are those kind of ghosts outside. They don't even dare to go out to use the bathroom, but the dormitory has always been very safe. I have never heard of anyone disappearing after a good sleep. Why today...?

That's right, ordinary students don't even dare to go to the toilet, so who is knocking on the door outside?

"Dong dong dong dong dong dong dong dong..."

Since none of the three people responded, the knocking on the door became very urgent, as if they would keep knocking if no one opened the door. The bold roommate stood up tremblingly, without letting them urge him, and walked away tremblingly. Go to the door, then look back and motion for them to follow.

Standing alone by the door, it was quite scary.

William walked over lightly and stood behind his bold roommate. Being so close, the knock on the door seemed very harsh. The roommate boldly asked outside the door: "Who is it?"

"I finally reacted. I thought I fell asleep with the light on." A very polite-sounding voice came from outside the door.

Then came a gentle voice with a hint of nobility: "Don't be afraid, students inside. We just heard that there are students in your dormitory who are very good at studying. We would like to come over and ask for advice on study problems."

So, was it because he saw the light coming from the crack in the door that he was sure that the people in their dormitory were not sleeping? That's right, they forgot to turn off the lights in the common area, which can be seen by people in the corridor.

When they heard such a smooth and non-malicious voice, William and his roommates all breathed a sigh of relief, but then, the bold roommate became solemn, and his eyes became even more frightened.

"If you have any questions, please ask them tomorrow. We happen to be going to bed." The bold roommate said, winking at William as hard as he could.

Who would risk leaving the dormitory late at night because they couldn't answer a question, and ask other students for help? Don't they know that other students are also afraid of opening the door?

And... I heard that there are classmates in our dormitory who are very good at studying. Who said this?

William scratched his head, their dormitory seemed to be full of scumbags... No, they were in the middle of the pack.

He was startled.

So people outside don’t know the true situation in their dormitory, so why should they lie? Since he was lying, he definitely wasn't here to ask for advice on study issues. What was the purpose of knocking on their door?

It's so scary. Is their dormitory going to be attacked by ghosts? It can't be opened, even if it's beaten to death, it can't be opened!

"Well, that's it." The voice outside paused, as if realizing something from their silence, "The people in this dormitory are not very good at studying."

Another voice said: "It's really bad luck. It seems like the door won't open like this..."

William and his roommate just trembled and listened to the discussion about luck outside without anyone watching. They looked at each other and were about to turn off the lights, pretend to be deaf and wrap themselves in the quilt and sleep directly when they heard the voice outside becoming tougher in vain: "Then This is what we have to do, classmates in the dormitory, listen up, we are not ghosts and are not restricted by the dormitory rules."

"Open the door for us now. We are just going in to chat. If you don't open the door, we will break it down~"

"Don't listen, this must be the rhetoric of ghosts. I heard from classmates who have experienced ghost attacks that ghosts will imitate the tone of living people to deceive us in order to achieve their goals!" The roommate took a step back, almost Stepped on William's foot.


What he responded to was a crash, the dormitory door trembled, and a thin crack appeared in the stunned eyes of the two people.


William was horrified and his heart beat wildly. He fled back in terror, leaving his bold roommate behind to guard the door alone.

"Damn, coward! Are you loyal?" Just as the roommate complained, the door was hit hard again, and the dull sound could probably be heard far along the corridor.

The cracks on the door are real. If the door is really knocked open, let alone tonight, it is unknown whether they can live here from now on.

It's also possible that it's not that troublesome and they will be gone tonight.

The bold roommate quickly shouted: "I'm opening the door, don't hit it, don't hit it!"

With trembling hands, he pulled down the door bolt and opened the door a crack. It was dark outside, and there was indeed a figure standing outside. There seemed to be two or three rats running over on the ground, chirping.

Zhao Mou always paid attention to the movements of the rats that had woken up. After finding that everything was okay for the time being, he pushed the door open with a smile on his face: "Look, I told you not to be afraid, we really just went in to study."

Of course he was the one who knocked down the door. It is not very realistic to expect Wen Qinghuai to have such a black hole in his physique.

"You, you, are you really alive..." William heard his roommate's voice and huddled in the cubicle and stuck his head out.

"We are transfer students from Class 4. We don't know the rules of the dormitory very well. We just wanted to ask some questions to the top students when we came out. Unexpectedly, there was no one there. It was too quiet. We must have fallen asleep. So we walked along the corridor After walking for a long time, I only found a light in a crack in the door of your dormitory." Wen Qinghuai leaned out from Zhao Mou's side, and his gentle voice was easier to comfort the student who was almost collapsed at the moment.

"Since you are alive, then you can come in." The bold roommate had no other choice. Anyway, if he said he would not let in, the two people would definitely force their way in. He let go of his hand and put the two of them into the dormitory. , and then hurriedly closed the door, looking at the cracks in the door distressedly.

William looked at the intruders. From the walking posture and body shape, they seemed to be normal living people. He slowly came out of the cubicle and asked the timid roommate: "Then why are you doing this?" He wants to break down our door...wuwu..."

"Haha, because of your mother-in-law, I was sent to this school to be reformed because of a fight." Zhao Mou's expression gradually darkened, and he began to scare these poor students, "I asked you to open the door in such an angry voice, but you don't listen. , then can’t we just threaten?”

William: "..." It's so scary, so unreasonable!

But as long as they are living people, then everyone is brothers, which is much better than ghost attacks.

"So what questions do you want to ask? Let me explain in advance that the learning skills in our dormitory are not very good. If I can't teach you, you can go to another dormitory!" William took the vaccination first to avoid having to wait for a while. This gentle-looking violent brother wearing glasses punched each of them.

"Of course, I'm not an unreasonable person." Zhao Mou pushed up his glasses and looked very calm. Although he didn't even bring a book, he still said calmly, "It wasn't so urgent in the first place. But there are a lot of rats outside, and I’ve been afraid of rats since I was a child, so I can’t help it.”

"Rat?" The roommate showed a sympathetic look, "I'm also afraid of rats. There are rats running around in our dormitory at night. Fortunately, I haven't heard of them hurting anyone."

On the surface, Zhao Mou disliked mice, but in fact he was already deep in thought.

If he and Wen Qinghuai tried to knock on the door, they would definitely alert the rats, so they simply tried to knock on the door of their dormitory after Zhao Yijius and Yu Xing left. Sure enough, several rats listened to the sound. They came over, but they didn't leave the dormitory. The mice wandered around the door twice and did nothing.

After that, Zhao Mou walked out of the dormitory in front of the mouse. The mouse stopped and seemed to be looking at him. He thought that those who opened the door to use the toilet would not disturb the hidden mouse, but it did not attract the attention of the dormitory manager. Then I had an idea.

Perhaps as long as they don't look for things in the building that the dormitory might have hidden, the rats won't behave too aggressively.

So even when he and Wen Qinghuai were in the corridor, they pretended to discuss the purpose of finding someone. The mice were originally restless, but after listening to their conversation, they became much quieter and just followed along.

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