Absurd deduction game

Chapter 571 Cross-examination

After politely sharing the delicious Oriental tea, the principal became a little unable to sit still.

He was waiting for the sofa in this office to swallow Yu Xing up, but for some reason, there was no movement on the sofa.

As everyone knows, Yu Xing is also looking forward to it, because he has just confirmed that the lines on the sofa are there. Even if it is the same tree, because it is too large, the consciousness of other branches should not be transmitted to this branch so quickly.

He could already feel the sound of branches squirming from deep inside the sofa...

The outer branches of the Ghostly Sinking Tree are already ready to move.

Yu Xing put down the teacup and looked at the principal quietly.

Then, he took the initiative to mention: "Director Jean said that you came to me to consider whether I can stay and work in the school after graduation. Now, have you made a decision?"

"Of course." When he mentioned this, the principal smiled like a successful person, "I welcome you to join this school."

Not joining the faculty, but... joining the school.

In what capacity do you join?

Is fertilizer okay? Join this school forever and never leave...

There was a smile in Yu Xing's eyes, and his eyes wandered to the principal's head. In fact, if he tried hard now, he should be able to blow the principal's head off.

Because his cursed power was very well replenished on the short walk before entering the office, and he was surrounded by the same source of energy, rounding him off at home.

But since the other party mentioned that he still wanted to find Yiqing...

Yu Xing decided to let the principal go once, at least not to prevent him from getting out.

The branches of the ghost tree under him were very patient, dormant like a tiger before hunting. He coughed lightly and suddenly stood up.

Stretching out a hand, Yu Xing made a gesture of honor and said with gratitude: "Mr. Principal, thank you for your recognition."

The principal's dark color remained unchanged, except for a little suspicion in his eyes.

You were so yin and yang just now, now you are so good?

But no matter what, if Zhi Zhi didn't take action, he had to leave the person behind first, and he had to show off his kindness, so the principal extended his hand gracefully and shook hands with Yu Xing.

Yu Xing held it and did not let go, staring at the principal's eyes hidden behind the monocle: "I saw something in the school history that made me very curious. Since the principal welcomes me so much, I wonder if I can do it for him. Can I answer a question or two?"

"Sometimes being too curious is not a good thing, but..." The principal also wanted to see what kind of medicine was sold in Yu Xing's gourd, "Tell me about it, kid."

Yu Xing smiled and made a straight shot: "In the school history, the student who was executed for stealing, what did he steal from you?"

The principal's expression changed.

It seemed that someone's very important interests had been touched. The sudden surge of vigilance and the anger of having his territory violated appeared on his face at the same time. He let go of Yu Xing's hand and his tone became indifferent: "This is the principal's office. "Of course what was stolen was my personal belongings. In order to maintain order, it is necessary to punish such students."

"Are you right? Roy, who is about to join St. Jonis Middle School."

"Personal items...how strange." Yu Xing murmured to himself. Seeing that his voice was not soft at all, it was obvious that he was talking to the principal.

The principal didn't want to follow his lead and ask what was strange, so he just looked at him coldly.

Yu Xing still muttered to himself and looked around, as if there was something particularly interesting about this small room with all the furniture made of tree branches: "I can see that you are a very frugal principal. Office It’s almost unobstructed.”

"If there are personal belongings, there seems to be no place to put them... is it in that cabinet?"

Yu Xing's eyes rested on the large cabinet leaning against the corner, but he was looking at the principal calmly from the corner of his eye.

An angry smile gradually appeared on the principal's face, but there was no other reaction to his question.

"Oh, not here." Yu Xing said.

"That's in your desk?"


"It doesn't seem to be here either. Is there any other place to put things in this room? Oh~ Since it was stolen last time, you have moved that thing somewhere else." Yu Xing said to himself, The principal's expression became increasingly uglier, and he almost looked at the ungrateful student with a scolding look.

"But there will be no safer place in the whole school than your office. It's so troublesome to get in. You need to go through a forest-like passage, and you are sitting in person carrying a big axe. How can there be any safer place than here?" It’s safe.”

"Let me guess, the goal of that student at that time... Well, it seems to be a bit vague." Yu Xing's eyes lit up, and in the process of talking to himself, he sorted out the clues in his mind, and thought of another possibility.

School history must be approved by the principal.

That student died at that time, and indeed because of the existence of many witnesses, records of going to the principal's office were left in the school history.

But the specific cause of death may not be exactly the same as stated in the school history. When the student entered the principal's office, was he looking for an item or something else?

For example, a person, a truth, an evidence.

Because he got it, he was killed and silenced.

"I understand, it must be related to the secrets of this school. Mr. Principal, do you think it was the student who knew about it and came here to find evidence, so he was punished by you?"

Yu Xing's eyes were crooked, as if waiting for an answer.

The principal lowered his head, pushed up the monocle on the bridge of his nose, and suddenly moved.

He slowly walked towards Yu Xing, then affectionately, as if he were treating his closest junior, he put his arm around Yu Xing's shoulders, and slowly pressed him back onto the sofa cushion.

The principal smiled and said: "Roy has a very rich imagination and is really full of youthful energy. But when talking about things, it's better to sit down and relax."

"Let's talk now - let's get down!" Before he could finish the first half of the sentence, the principal suddenly showed a ferocious expression and pushed Yu Xing into the sofa fiercely. The branches below had reached the hunting moment and no longer concealed themselves, but It blooms like a flower.

The branches twisted and wriggled like worms, wrapping around Yu Xing's limbs, waist and abdomen, as well as the most fragile neck.

The black lines on it were constantly changing, and the rough bark caused Yu Xing's exposed skin to sting, but his expression was very calm, and he even finished what he had not said just now.

"You're afraid that students will know the truth, the truth about St. Jonis High School."

"After students enter the school, everything they see is what you want them to see, including school history, books, and newspaper reports. I want to know, as you said, the outside of the school will change because of a student Do you judge it as rubbish if your grades are not good?"

"You went to participate in the preparations for the auction, so you must have met the people from the art museum, right? I have met them too, and I did not feel the concept of performance first among them."

“Is what the students here know really what the world is like?”

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