Absurd deduction game

Chapter 579 Artificial Feeding

Klaus rambled on, finally telling Yu Xing all the things to pay attention to.

Among them, Yu Xing had already planned to violate most of the rules and explore this underground city.

But before that, after sending Klaus away, he closed the door obediently and planned to check the inside of the house.

For example, which place is connected to the cursed branches of the Ghostly Sinking Tree, like the bottom of a barrel?

What are some interesting places where he can have fun?

His eyes lingered on the tuanfu, and Yu Xing's eyes showed excitement and joy. He forced himself to pull out his eyes and turned to the bed.

The bed is also a rattan bed, which is relatively hard. I can only say that it is... not comfortable enough, but it is good for the waist.

Running his fingers across the bed, Yu Xing could not feel the presence of the curse. It seemed that this bed, like most items, came from the ghost Chenshu, but the connection had been disconnected.

He lay down and looked under the bed. There was nothing special, then he walked to the workbench.

The workbench was clean, but there were a few strange bowl-shaped grooves on the tabletop, which seemed to be used to hold something.

Yu Xing touched it and couldn't quite understand it, so he could only wait to understand it later.

The last thing left that he cared about was the bookshelf on the side. It was hard to imagine that books could be left in a deliberately ignorant and closed place like the Underground City.

He walked over and scanned them from top to bottom, and found that all the books had no names, and the style could not be determined at a glance.

Pulling out a book, the purple book cover is a bit rough and feels like frosted material. The book as a whole is not thick, but the pages inside are very thick. They should be parchment rolls. A book cannot record much content.

Yu Xing lowered his eyes and opened the first page.

The ink marks slid randomly on the paper, finally forming a strange eyeball.

Under his eyeballs was a line of twisted and ancient text that was incomprehensible. Yu Xing squinted his eyes, and just as he was about to feel the power contained in the text, he found that the ink slowly squirmed and finally turned into Chinese.

【Looking at you】

The comprehensible meaning hit Yu Xing's eyes, and his brain felt dizzy, as if he instantly felt a huge gaze full of malice.

At this moment, unspeakable fear surged from all directions, as if every invisible gap was filled with eyes, and those eyes were everywhere... all the time...

Look at you look at you look at you look at you.

The eyeballs drawn on the page are also looking at you.

The eyeball vocabulary composed of words is looking at you through the bright screen.

That's what it feels like.

Yu Xing covered his forehead, and the power of the curse instantly escaped from the limbs and bones, gradually offsetting the pollution from the book. He squinted his eyes, making the phoenix eyes look more slender and dangerous, between the fingertips and the pages of the book. A wanton smile appeared in the friction.


A single book contains so much resentment, what could be in it?

It's so dangerous. Why didn't Klaus mention that he couldn't open books when he was talking about it?

Unless... these books are not dangerous to the kind of puppet spirits who are neither human nor ghosts. For example, the text will not change, so they can't understand it.

Yu Xing's knuckles turned white, and the feeling of being watched around him gradually dissipated in the power of the curse. He turned to the next page.

[What the fierce ghost saw was a scene of hell and a node of disaster. They exist based on resentment and should crawl in the darkness until they lose their human form. 】

What's this?

Yu Xing raised his eyebrows and continued to scroll down.

[Only the purest and ultimate resentment can water the seedlings of sin, and the eyes of a fierce ghost... can be added to the range of nutrients. 】

On the next page, there are no more words, but a detailed picture.

In the picture, a bowl is placed in the middle, filled with strange black liquid. Densely packed eyeballs are piled aside, and there are more bottles and jars next to the eyeballs.

On the next page, the eyeball is added to the bowl and the liquid turns bright red.

On the next page, a swollen and huge eyeball floated in the middle of the red liquid. The eyeball was sticky and swimming, like a new life.

On the next page, the bowl tipped down, the eyeballs were poured into a relatively narrow bottle, and the liquid was poured into another bowl.

On the next page, a tamper stick was inserted into the bottle, and regardless of the eyeballs' frantic escape, the eyeballs were mashed into a ball of mud... No, it was a ball of nerve tissue, with long blood streaks distributed in the shapeless mud, surrounding it. It's a broken eye lens.

With each subsequent page, the eyeballs became more fragmented, and eventually, there was only a black mass left in the bottle.

The red liquid before was poured into the black paste. This time, the liquid was completely absorbed, and the black paste gradually became...

Not knowing how to describe it, Yu Xing looked at the darkness on the page and had the illusion of seeing the world through the darkness.

It's obviously pitch black, and it's painted with ink, but the feeling of endless resentment and the city, the mountains, and the desolation is so strong.

the last page.

This black mass was buried in the ground. When it was squirming, the slender and complicated roots broke out of the ground and plunged into the black mass. Through the book, Yu Xing seemed to be able to hear the wail of the black mass.

The rhizome absorbed the black substance bit by bit, becoming stronger and thicker, stretching thousands of miles in an instant.

Yu Xing closed the book.

I understand, what is recorded in this book is actually the process of artificially creating nutrients to cultivate the ghost-sinking tree. The man used the eyes of fierce ghosts to feed the ghost-sinking tree, so that resentment gathered in the ghost-sinking tree, so that the tree on Dead Silence Island The trees grow so exaggeratedly.

Maybe it's not just the devil's eyes.

Yu Xing looked at the more than twenty books remaining on the bookshelf and fell silent.

He seems to have come into contact with the biggest secret about this ghostly tree, but why is this kind of book placed here?

This was definitely not made by Gui Chenshu on his own initiative. It could only be left by the person who fed Gui Chenshu. Yu Xing could not imagine what kind of person could start feeding Gui Chenshu when it was still a real seedling. Until Gui Chenshu almost hollowed out the entire island's underground.

Trees can grow, but can people live that long?

Even if Yu Xing can be resurrected, he is not sure whether his resurrection ability will still exist after a thousand years.


Unless the person feeding Gui Chenshu doesn't need to live for such a long time, he just needs to jump back and forth at different points in time!

Right, witch.

A witch with time-related functions, wouldn't she be the best person to feed a ghostly tree?

Yu Xing laughed out loud. He wanted to read these books... and see what the feeders had done to the ghost tree, and also... let him understand these books on purpose. What was it? Purpose.

Just then, night fell.

Lights went out.

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