Absurd deduction game

Chapter 614 The Lone Walker

The dark wind plundered wantonly in this closed underground space, plundering the smell of blood and the loopholes of death. The believers who disappeared in the darkness turned into wisps of black mist, blending into the invading and rolling "miracles", making the miracles Stronger.

The door was scratched, and bursts of soul-piercing laughter sounded in the ears of the believers.

"I never thought that our stupidity would lead to such divine punishment."

In the candlelight, Amber stood quietly in the center, close to the tree of reception.

The fire flickered, almost igniting the hem of her clothes. Her tone was calm and cold, as if after such an experience, her earthly personality had slowly recovered.

Been deceived.

Everyone was deceived, including her - the saint who was supposed to set an example for the believers and guide the confused ones.

This is her fault, and she will pay the price, but before that...

Amber raised her head and looked through the roof of the altar, as if she saw the man who was telling lies in the void.

Before she loses her status as a saint, she will find this liar and hand him over to the Wood God for judgment. It would be best if... Ling Chi cuts off his arms, then his legs, and finally pulls him out in front of his horrified eyes. His tongue was thrown out as punishment for lying.

"Amber, Mr. Claus, if there is something outside, try to break in." The blond boy took a breath and warned.

In fact, there is no need for him to say anything. Every believer in the altar can hear the sound coming from outside the altar.

"How many people...have released their ability seals?" Amber asked gently.

In the silence, someone answered: "It's all lifted."

Ruben stood in the corner and sneered when he heard this.

Others noticed him immediately, but the current atmosphere was very subtle. The underground support existed precisely because of the seal of wisdom and ability. Now that the Wood God has withdrawn the seal, a group of bad guys who once committed unforgivable crimes on the earth have returned. How to maintain that distinct position system?

The tree witch, the saint, the talker.

Do these really still matter?

the answer is negative.

Just as Ruben realized the trap of the tree witch when he lifted the seal of his IQ, the believers present weakened their awe for the saint and others, and returned to the beginning - at that time, they were only interested in giving them The new-born Wood God is full of respect.

In this case, no one will ever point out Reuben's disrespect.

"Do you have any ideas, Mr. Ruben?" Amber glanced at Ruben in the shadows, missing the usual sunshine and happiness.

"There is always a limit to stupidity. Now, I really want to see what you are capable of." The corner of Ruben's mouth curled up, but he didn't show any admiration for Amber.

Amber knew that Ruben must have realized that Roy was wrong in advance for some special reasons. This could explain why Ruben had a quarrel with Roy as soon as he returned to the underground. This specialness could only be related to the Wood God.

So now, Ruben is actually the person who has been given special treatment by Mu Shen, and he is also the most innocent, trustworthy, and leadership person present.

Amber didn't intend to refute what he said, but just followed his words and said, "Let's just watch. There are so many of us, chasing two people. If we can't do it... then it would be a waste, wouldn't it?"

The believers remained silent, and an unfamiliar atmosphere flowed around the altar.

Finally, another person who had attracted much attention spoke. Klaus lost his simplicity and kindness, and revealed his innate ruthlessness. He clenched his fists and chuckled: "Since everything People’s abilities have been unlocked, so there’s no need to tell you what to do.”

The unsealed believers are essentially ghosts. The decayed and empty bodies under their robes can disintegrate and reorganize like mist. Therefore, after calming down in the altar for a while and realizing what happened, they are no longer so afraid of the outside. Surrounded by ghosts.

If we can't fight, we still don't know whether we will live or die.

The madness in their bones polluted these already vicious people, and they set their sights on the door of the altar. At a certain moment, a believer broke away from the group and pushed open the door with the momentum of a lone walker.

This is a signal that more and more believers are breaking away from the groups that bind them and running towards their former selves.

"Amber, we each rely on our abilities." There were fewer and fewer believers in the altar, but Ruben had not left yet. He showed a cruel smile to the saint, "Whoever can find Roy will do whatever he wants. What do you think?"

"I agree." Amber responded calmly.

She could already predict what would happen next in the underground city.

The evil ghosts are rampant, and believers like them will have conflicts with the evil ghosts, but while fighting the evil ghosts, they will also find out the liars hiding in the city.

The only thing to be careful about is that if Ruben is always right, it means that Roy and the resentful spirits can indeed coexist peacefully, and he may hide under the protection of the resentful spirits.

But it doesn't matter, they will always be found. When Roy is found out, she will make him pay the due price first, even if it means risking her life.

In fact, what is more troublesome is the other alien. She has already asked, and no one has seen another alien except Roy. That is a stowaway who has been hidden from beginning to end!

In the dark corner, there was another person who did not leave, silently listening to all the conversations.

Jiang Jieleng held his stuffed rabbit with no expression on his face.

His rabbit was no longer as comfortable to hold as before, because the rabbit fur was stained with a lot of blood and was sticky, covering his hands.

There's going to be a melee.

The young man turned around and left when Ruben and Amber had nothing to say, followed the door opened by others, and walked out of the altar silently.

The ghosts surrounding the altar were attracted by the believers who came out. Under the conscious control of the believers, they tended to disperse. In this way, these ghosts would not be given the opportunity to swarm up and kill people quickly.

This was convenient for Jiang Jileng. After all, his privileges were not very obvious. At most, the curse Yu Xing left in his body could make the ghosts a little more afraid.

These believers are more willing to go alone, leaving him more room for maneuver, which is good news.

Jiang Ji Leng blinked.

If this was a game of chess, he would have to be the operator... But the general's move would have to be played by Yu Xing or Yu Feng Shen Jie, who was nowhere to be seen at the time.

In the wooden barrel in the reception area, the always warm water cooled into a cold substance.

One of the protagonists that many outside believers were looking for was humming a weird little tune. He took a bath with cold water and changed into a clean robe, taking his time.

"If one little puppet dies, Gui Chenshu will not be happy~ If two little puppets die, Gui Chenshu will not be happy~"

The disorganized tune sounded meaningless, but Yu Xing unconsciously hummed it happily.

"How many little puppets will die before Gui Chenshu will be afraid?"

Four more chapters

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