Absurd deduction game

Chapter 632 I miss you a little

Not friends, but seniors.

This is a bit embarrassing to say.

Yu Xing looked up, touched his nose, and a smile appeared on his face.

They must be regarded as friends, just this friend, progress is too fast, and while he feels a little proud of the other person, he is also a little worried that he doesn't want to admit.

Moreover, we clearly know that the other person is a very important friend, but when the memory is confused, we can't remember it, and then we think about it persistently. It is quite embarrassing to think about it even after being resurrected.

It would be less shameful not to admit it.

If Qu Nianqing were here, he would probably give him a sideways look and ask him a little puzzled: "When did you gain the attribute of tsundere?"

Yu Xing was probably crazy because of boredom.

Coupled with seven deaths and seven resurrections, his emotions and spirit were mixed together, like a mixed palette. It took him a while to restore the mixed paints one by one.

When he lowered his head, Yu Xing licked his lips and looked at the shadow in the corner again.

He is not that slow. Just now, he thought of all the companions and enemies he had come into contact with in recent years, but he could not think of Zhao Yijiao. It was like his memory was covered by a layer of gauze. No matter how he recalled it, he felt The man was a blur.

There can be no reason for this.

Zhao Yijiu is special.

Where is he in particular? Yu Xing stared at the shadow for a long time and thought about it for a long time. The last black mist slipped into his skin and disappeared under the paleness.

Is it because of the evil spirit in Zhao Yijiao's body?

Yu Xing suddenly frowned.

The evil ghost in the body silently affects the memory of others, and can even bring obstacles to him who is far away, is that true?

Special means secret, and secret means uncertainty. There is indeed too much uncertainty in Zhao Yijiu. Yu Xing has considered it with Zhao Mou many times before.

I want to go up and see Zhao Yijiu.

Judging from the remaining amount of black mist around here, it must have been more than a month.

Without the time limit, Yu Xing really felt like he was in another world, and even felt that he might have been underground for thousands of years - this was probably the residual influence of the ghost sinking tree.

Anyway, he felt that he was starting to be out of tune with the world on earth.

And those people in the earthly world have not been seen for a long time.

...To put it bluntly and frankly, he felt that he missed him a little. In the endless silence and abyss-like loneliness, the more active the figure was in the memory, the more people missed him.

Yu Xing blinked, took a deep breath, and then came back to his senses.

The surrounding environment seemed to have changed slightly. For example, before, he didn't need to breathe at all, because this core area didn't seem to require the concept of breathing.

But now, he has absorbed so many curses and has taken control of this space bit by bit, so the rules of the space seem to have changed according to his habits.

Breaking away from his subconscious imagination, Yu Xing finally had the time to observe himself.

He can't move at all now, because his ankles and other parts of the ground are covered by his long hair, and if he moves even slightly, he may get tangled together.

The body is still in the familiar shape, with well-proportioned bones and strong muscles. It is the perfect shape after being transformed in the laboratory.

But the touch was unfamiliar.

Yu Xing touched his chest and felt that the heart beating in his chest was much quieter than before.

The heartbeat was very slow and slight. If he hadn't deliberately felt it, he would have almost ignored this organ that humans cannot take away.

But the vitality that burst out from this suppressed heartbeat was more vigorous than ever.

Powerful - from the curse.

The vitality...comes from himself.

This time, it was finally no longer the curse that had the upper hand and the curse affecting his life, but him who decided the mentality of the curse and made the curse adapt to him.

The explosive power, speed, cell regeneration ability... are all much stronger than before. Since he can't find a reference, he doesn't know exactly how powerful he is now.

Anyway, he felt that as long as he had the power of the curse, it didn't matter even if he was asked to face Yiqing, who had no restraints, or to stand in front of the giant strange fish with a human face.

Yu Xing felt that he had truly become a monster - a monster who knew how to control himself.

He chuckled, a bit self-deprecating.

It's as if this is where he belongs. He stopped being a human being a long time ago, so he might as well admit it openly.

He had been put into a lot of trouble before, but now he has figured it out. As long as his thinking is his own, controlled by himself, and he won't do stupid things that he can't help himself with, it doesn't matter if he is a human or a monster. Isn't Yiqing also a ghost? When this guy is normal, he's pretty good.

Isn't there a devil in Zhao Yijiao's body, but he is also a very good person.

Suddenly, Yu Xing discovered something.

The black lines on his body were gone.

The huge energy seemed to have lost its form. The dense lines that originally cut his skin suddenly disappeared completely. When he realized this, Yu Xing was still a little uncomfortable.

What about texture?

Yu Xing dragged himself and searched for a long time.


there is none left.

The beautiful lines he wanted, similar to those of Yu Fengchen, no longer existed!


As if sensing his mood, the thick branches around him suddenly surged, making a huge sound when they rubbed against each other, like thunder from the collision of clouds.

Taking advantage of such a voice, the last trace of black mist poured into Yu Xing's heart.

Only then did he suddenly realize that after thinking about it for a long time, he originally thought that he would have to die again to absorb the curse, but it ended just like that.

The skin is smooth without any wounds, and the soul is stable, no longer shivering from the cold.

The power of those curses can be commanded like an arm, and can be retracted and released freely. It no longer feels like it is consuming life force, but has become a bonus to life force.

His body has completely adapted to this huge power, which means that even without the curse, his body alone is stronger than many ghosts.

This kind of power is undoubtedly exceptional. According to the absurd system's classification of levels, Yu Xing should have skipped a large level directly and came to a field that he has never set foot in before.

Do actors also feel this way?

Yu Xing clenched his fist.

It's no wonder that most of the time actors treat others like toys and don't look at them seriously.

This is because of the cognitive gap...

Yu Xing is now experiencing that feeling of being out of place.

He felt that he urgently wanted to go to the ground and see normal people.

With that in mind, he did the same.

The branches that he controlled were no longer as easy to accidentally hurt as before. The thick branches that stretched out hugged him and rushed straight up. He passed through the soil and other gaps in this completely "dead" ghost tree. But he was like a fish in water, just like he was in the water after swallowing the water ghost Shi Wei.

Every root system is like an extension of him, filling his perception. It is just a medium with these plants. Yu Xing clearly feels that he and these branches have a clear dividing line and are not one.

After rushing for a short distance, Yu Xing stopped with a sore scalp.

He glanced at the tangled hair behind him speechlessly, wondering how he could forget about it. He was really over-nourished and his hair was growing like crazy.

It was all a burden. Yu Xing simply grabbed the long hair on the back of his head, his fingertips were wrapped in a faint black mist. The next moment, the part he grabbed was corroded and broken by the curse, leaving only a somewhat messy, just-arrived hair. Short hair at the nape of the neck.

After cutting off, Yu Xing suddenly felt that his head was lighter. He breathed a long sigh of relief and rushed upward again.

His destination is the underground city.

With branches acting as sensing "tentacles", Yu Xing naturally knew that the underground city had not yet been destroyed. At most, it was due to the loss of power that the small villages that had been opened were completely abandoned and never saw the light of day.

Those wizard believers who believe in Gui Chenshu are still wandering in the small village. The curse that maintains their survival in their bodies was separated from the previous Gui Chenshu. If Yu Xing does not remove the curse, then the wizards will forever Wandering here forever.

They will realize that they do not need to eat at all, and will realize that they are fundamentally different from humans. Eventually, they will realize that they are the ghosts they are wary of and disgusted with, and gradually assimilate and become thoughtless.

In just a few breaths, Yu Xing, like a drop of water in the sea, successfully reached the underground city in the middle of the underground.

The big pit that Yu Fengchen used to pick him up before was still there, and there were even a few more pits. It was conceivable that Jiang Jileng would not have a good experience when he was taken away by Yu Fengchen.

Yu Xing sensed it carefully, and he didn't know how long it had been since he last came here. The number of believers had dropped sharply, and there seemed to be only a dozen or so.

The power of the ghosts has also become dispersed. It seems that after a period of time, the ghosts no longer have the previous interest in the underground city, so they no longer crowd here continuously.

Therefore, the remaining wizard believers miraculously "survived".

The underground city turned into a shabby dark village, and every sunken sun lost its color.

Yu Xing stood on the edge of the altar and looked around.

After all, he still wanted to lose face, so he went straight to the reception area, trying to find a robe to put on first.

After finding it, he went barefoot again, followed the flow of the curse, and appeared in Amber Bradley's house in the blink of an eye.

He remembered that the saint's house was well-stocked.

At this moment, Yu Xing was rummaging through Amber's room like he was playing a game to search for a map. The order of the underground city was created by the special rules set by Gui Chenshu. Although he had absorbed Gui Chenshu's Curse power, but he did not inherit the thinking of Ghost Chenshu. Being a human being is fundamentally different from the weird rules of this plant, so naturally he cannot replicate this creativity.

So he could only pick up the things he had left before and use them.

The first was the mirror. After searching for a long time, he only found a few mirror fragments on the floor of Amber's room.

Then there are the scissors.

——The young master who studies art has deep-rooted baggage, and he absolutely cannot tolerate himself wearing a hairstyle that is cut from below to meet people.

He estimated that if he really appeared in front of his teammates like this, Zhao Yijiao would make him laugh - laugh at him.

There must be scissors. These wizard believers in the underground city believe that they are human beings from the bottom of their hearts, so their behavioral rules are similar to human beings. Their hair will grow long and be trimmed regularly.

Not long after, Yu Xing took out the scissors and reluctantly cut his own hair in front of the mirror.

Bangs, sideburns... He tried to cut them as he had before. To be honest, he actually didn't want his companions to see how different he was from before.

After all, he had also learned sculpture before, and his spatial imagination was outstanding. He could easily dry his hair casually. When he put down the scissors and saw himself in the mirror fragments, he breathed a sigh of relief with satisfaction.

No one can laugh at him, no one!

After a three-second pause, Yu Xing suddenly remembered something.

There are no lights in the underground city, it is completely dark, but since he came here, he has not adapted at all.

His vision in the dark was no different from standing in the light.

This time it's completely... I got the ability to see at night.

Yu Xing seemed to suddenly understand the feeling of Zhao Yijiu standing in the shadow. It should be almost the same. He was like a drop of water in the sea in the curse. Zhao Yijiu probably felt the same way in the shadow.

It was indeed very special. When he went up, he made sure to check the opponent's personality of the evil ghost - he should be able to beat that evil ghost now, right?

With the clothes covering her body and her image in order, Yu Xing looked up, feeling faintly happy.

Next, it’s time to go up there and take a look. Without the support of Gui Chenshu, the copy of Dead Silence Island will definitely become a mess.

If the event is not over yet, he still has time to go back to the hotel and be taken away by the absurd system.

If it is over, he has obviously been missed by the system, and he will have to find a way to go back on his own.

Just as he was thinking about it, Yu Xing's ears twitched and he heard the muffled footsteps behind him.

somebody is coming?

He didn't bother to look back at all, and stopped at the table, silently waiting for the people behind him to approach. He didn't deliberately pretend, so the people behind him soon realized that he had been discovered.


The person spoke first, a female voice.

The voice was not familiar, or in other words, after Yu Xing died seven times, he was no longer familiar with anyone's voice. It seemed as if he had only heard it after hundreds of years.

"is it you?"

The female voice asked again.

Yu Xing responded lazily.

The next second, the sound of breaking wind appeared in his ears unstoppably, and then, a cold dagger was pressed against his neck.

Yu Xing smiled and turned his head against the feeling of the dagger rubbing against his skin.

A thin line of blood was left on his neck, almost invisible to the naked eye, and it quickly disappeared completely.

The woman in front of her is Amber.

In this case, this woman could still go back to her room in the dark, just in time to block him who had not left yet. It was a powerful intuition.

"Roy——" In the past, the scars under Amber's blond hair were very conspicuous, destroying the beauty, but now, the deathly silence and resentment in her eyes were much more conspicuous than the scars.

"You're finally back," she said.

Yu Xing raised his eyebrows and relaxed: "So, you seem to know that I left."

Amber's lips moved, as if he wanted to say something, but he closed his mouth again and pressed the dagger hard in front of Yu Xing's neck.

"Of course I know, I also know that the underground city was abandoned by the Wood God. The Tree Witch betrayed us, and God also betrayed us." Amber's eyes flashed with reluctance, "Why?"

"And you, all this is thanks to you. I don't hate you, because you are so powerful that I have no right to hate."

Amber bit her lip: "I just want to know, why? Why did you come here, destroy everything we have, why did you destroy God's favor for us, and then leave."

"What did we do wrong? And...where are you going?"

These questions probably imply a lot of Amber’s mental journey.

Yu Xing just smiled, stretched out a finger, and easily moved the blade on his neck.

"That's not what you said." He looked at the Virgin in the underground city and chuckled. "It was a mistake. Where did the betrayal come from."

"You, these believers, are already dead. Are the sins you have committed not worthy of this ending?"

Amber's eyes trembled. Yu Xing only showed calmness and indifference, showing a false smile, destroying Amber's remaining fig leaf bit by bit: "I even think that your disappearance was too easy. Now you Did you come to me to try a more severe punishment?"

Let me respond to some readers’ questions about the previous chapter. When the memory is in chaos, you clearly know that there is someone very important, but you just can’t remember it. For Yu Xing, he would rather find excuses to comfort himself, such as not being a friend. I won't admit that I have forgotten my most important friend.

It's just when a person is alone underground, deceiving himself and others out of boredom.

In addition, although Zhao Mou took advantage of his relationship at the beginning, he has become a friend after getting along with him. Fortunately, Yu is not soft-hearted, but kind-hearted.

And there is... my question... I saw the latest chapter, why can I be a trainee, and which end offers such a big discount...

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