Absurd deduction game

Chapter 643 Before Night

Fortunately, Yu was not hungry, not at all.

At noon, besides the plate of red meat, he ate a lot. One of the reasons was that the chef's cooking skills were really good. Although the seasonings were weird due to geographical reasons, it still ranked among the top ten he had eaten. Bit.

Another reason was that after living and dying underground so many times, his appetite for food was unprecedentedly strong, and he became ravenous.

So at dinner, the dishes were no different from those during the day, so he didn't use his chopsticks much. Fortunately, the chef and others already had a certain degree of trust in him because of what he did during the day, and they didn't worry about him eating less.

The dinner passed peacefully.

During the meal, Yu Xing took advantage of the fact that the residents were relatively relaxed and casually asked the old lady in Room 09.

"Why doesn't she come down to eat?"

Daisy was silent for a moment, as if she didn't hear anything, but little Rosie said in surprise: "Brother Yuli, have you met grandma yet?"

Yu Xing answered truthfully: "Yes, she opened the door and took a look at me."

Daisy: "...She doesn't want to eat. Why do you care so much? My residents all have their own strengths - it's not a big deal to have a grandma who can live without eating."

She had a smile on her face when she said this and couldn't see anything wrong.

However, Yu Xing was able to keenly detect Daisy's very complicated emotions towards resident No. 09.

It seems like disgust, impatience, disgust, and a little bit helpless.

"That grandma has lived here for a long time and has locked herself in the house. Even I rarely see her." Little Rosie shook her legs and looked innocent. "I'm so cute, grandma." She should like me very much, but once I went to play with my grandma, she seemed to hate me."

Kalody opened her mouth on the side, as if she wanted to say something to stop the topic, but little Rosie continued: "So I hate her too! Humph!"

The little girl pouted childishly, but Yu Xing saw that the big doll she was carrying seemed to move its head at this moment - mechanically. Like a rusty gear, it clicks.

No one except Yu Xing was aware of this matter, so he didn't mention it, cooperated with others to change the topic, and finished dinner peacefully.

After dinner, everyone was looking for a place to do some activities.

Being trapped in a small hotel all the time is boring, and it can be seen that they have tried their best to create entertainment projects that make people less boring in the limited space.

The men gathered together to play cards, and mummies and chefs were added to Kalodi and the masked face. It was hard to imagine these weird people playing cards together. In short, when Yu Xing saw it, he felt that it was like someone. Kind of a murderer's party.

The women... plus a little girl, were all on the sofa. Xixi was reading a book quietly as always. Mino and Daisy were chatting about certain clothing and jewelry. Yu Xing listened and found that they were actually very serious. Discuss what looks good.

Mino noticed his curiosity and said to him: "Don't look at us with such eyes. The pursuit of beauty is natural, no matter where you are."

"But aren't we all trapped here?" Yu Xing tried half-truthfully, "How can you know the fashion trends outside?"

"Oh, you are so cute. Where do you think the clothes you are wearing came from? Could it be that they were prepared by the hotel before the curse started?" Mino laughed softly, "Every once in a while, in the hotel's warehouse, There will be fresh food, clothes, jewelry, as well as newspapers and cigarettes that men love... Although I was trapped in the hotel by the curse, I was not given up."

Her silver-white hair hung casually on her shoulders, and Yu Xing vaguely felt a sense of disobedience in her body that was hard to ignore.

He took a deep look at Mino, nodded to show that he understood, and then sat next to the people playing cards, watching as a spectator and listening to the conversations in all directions.

During the audit, he already knew that the time for nightfall was exactly 12 o'clock in the middle of the night. Before then, the hotel could light up the lights, including the fireplace in the lobby.

This makes the whole hotel look bright.

And once it passes 12 o'clock, no matter how bright it was before, all the light and fire will be extinguished in an instant, and the entire hotel will be shrouded in darkness. People who have not returned to their rooms by then will encounter terrible things.

Yu Xing waited slowly.

Having the experience of speeding up time in the afternoon, he did not believe that the period from dinner to nightfall would honestly pass at the normal flow rate.

Sure enough, after only more than an hour had passed, Mr. Kalodi, who was playing cards, put down his deck of cards and reminded: "It's 11 o'clock. If you haven't washed up yet, please go quickly. I'll go back to the room first."

It seems that everyone has no objection to the anomaly at this time. In fact, Yu Xing only felt that something was blurred. If his life level or ability strength had not exceeded the level that this building copy can accommodate, He may also be lost in time and unaware of it.

He had already taken a shower in the morning and did not do anything else that day. At most, he briefly accommodated the strange piece of meat. Yu Xing did not want to take a shower again, but decided to go back to the room first.

Before he took two steps, he was stopped by Daisy.

"My dear, go to my room." Daisy gave him a charming wink. "The door is unlocked. You can just open the door and go in. I'm going to take a shower. I hope we will have a beautiful night."

The masked face snorted coldly, because he did not dare to disobey Daisy's decision, so he could only stay angry silently.

Yu Xing cleared his throat: "Okay, then I'll wait for you in your room."

He didn't delay, like delaying it for two or three days on the pretext that he wasn't feeling well.

Because he didn't plan to stay in this dungeon for too long. For him, maybe he should finish this dungeon tonight.

Two meals and a little entertainment time have allowed him to collect enough information. As long as tonight...

Yu Xing walked to the second floor and saw from the corner of his eye that Mr. Carlodie had just closed the door. He chuckled lightly and did not go to Room 10. Instead, he stopped directly at the door of Room 01, pressed the handle and pushed it gently.

Daisy's room is much more luxurious than Room 10.

Because Daisy doesn't have to worry about when she won't be able to live in her room, her room is beautifully decorated, a kind of gorgeous prototype of the hotel room she saw when she first landed on the island.

Yu Xing unscrupulously looked through the cabinet in Daisy's room and saw some strange records in the drawer.

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