Absurd deduction game

Chapter 678 Are you in love?

For this reason, Yu Xing had nothing to refute for a while.

The gamers have been in this dungeon for an unknown amount of time. There should be sufficient food reserves at the survivor base, but those who stay in the city have to find food by themselves.

Supermarkets are definitely the favorite place for people who are still alive, followed by restaurants. Even if the ingredients cannot be kept for too long, there are some seasonings, drinks, teas, etc., which are best found in restaurants.

It sounds like Zhao Yijiu's reason is so simple and unpretentious.

"The mercenary company is a type of bodyguard company in this world. It is allowed to wear weapons, but the company's address is hidden." Zhao Yijiu said plainly, "The company is built underground, and there are not many people available. I have a natural advantage."

The implication is that these armed equipment are hidden in a place that needs to be found, and everyone is also at the Despair level. Their strengths vary, but they are definitely good at different things. People like him can travel around in the shadows. , people with particularly strong mobility are very suitable for taking on the tasks of "exploring" and "searching".

However, there are many ways to find things, such as Zhao Ruru's divination, but she probably has never used her ability in this regard.

When Zhao Yijiu entered the underground employment company, two people had already arrived at about the same time as him. They were not familiar with each other, but the good news was that these two people had a good relationship with Po Jing.

——The surviving investigation team, a record officer Yan Ming, and a fat man Lu Xiaorong.

These two guys seemed to have quite cheerful personalities. After discovering Zhao Yijiao, not only did they not show any desire to hold on to their equipment and eat alone to expand their advantages, they also actively invited Zhao Yjiu to act with them, but he was rejected by him who was used to walking alone. .

The Broken Mirror Team has had contact with the Survival Investigation Team this year. The two teams have a good relationship. Every time someone broadcasts the deduction live, someone from the other team may go to the barrage to interact - if they are free enough if.

They knew some details about each other. Zhao Yijiu had been told by Zhao Mou that although the recorder Yanming appeared to be very cheerful and his strength seemed to be quite average, in fact, just like Zhao Ruru, he had been hiding his clumsiness. Even, Yanming is much stronger than Zhao Ruru.

Zhao Mou also privately judged that Yan Ming's information gathering ability should be the best in all deductions, because the other party's sacrifice was really too defiant in this aspect, and it completely fit him, similar to Qu Nianqing's evil Grace is the sacrifice of a supermodel.

In order to prevent the other party from unknowingly recording information during the relationship, Zhao Yijiu said on the surface that he was not a gregarious person, but in fact he was very defensive. After taking some equipment, he ran away with the box on his shoulders.

After inspecting for a period of time, he hid the box in this restaurant, because this restaurant is actually not a very good place. The view is not wide, which is not conducive to observing the surroundings. There are too many glass doors, which are fragile and not easy to cause spontaneous damage. Baohe defensive layout.

In addition, the restaurant itself is enveloped by a powerful Wraith Virus. Those players who are strong enough and think they can challenge this virus contamination will also consider whether it is worth it.

Zhao Yijiu told Yu Xing all these things. The clearer he told Yu Xing, the more Yu Xing felt that Zhao Yixing was growing up very quickly.

Cautious, tenacious, and even learned psychological control, the child in the abandoned factory who was fooled by teasing and gave up the battery to a complete stranger has disappeared.

This is indeed a gratifying thing. Yu Xing thought that during his absence, Zhao Mou and Carlos must have trained Zhao Yijing's mind.

Yu Xing changed his clothes while listening. Compared with the uniform he was wearing and the tattered rags under the uniform, the allure of a complete set of equipment was indeed not small.

Fortunately, there was no one else in the restaurant, and there were no surveillance cameras. The table was in the corner, surrounded by walls and partitions. He simply took off his coat so generously, and smiled under Zhao Yijiu's somewhat puzzled eyes: "What are you doing? I haven't seen any refugees before."

Zhao Yijiu: "..."

"What happened to your clothes?"

"It's nothing, it was separated by space." Yu Xing didn't intend to hide it. After the moment when Zhao Yijiu was feeling a little out of sorts, he finally remembered Zhao Yijiao's stubbornness.

Zhao Yijiu had blamed himself before for not being able to help. Children always felt that it was because they were too weak that they were not allowed to know the tactics in advance.

In fact, most of the time, Yu Xing didn't intentionally hide anything from Zhao Yijiao, but he just didn't bother to talk more when he felt it was unnecessary. But this time, considering Zhao Yjiu's mentality, unnecessary things became meaningful. got up.

Now that he talked about the origin of the damage to his clothes, Yu Xing simply explained everything about the teleportation array and the hotel copy. The flow of time was beyond his control, and the feelings of people in reality must be different from his.

Yu Xing tore off his torn shirt, and there were no wounds on his body. His muscles looked much stronger than usual, which greatly reduced the feeling of weakness that always made people feel sick. Coupled with the suppression of his height, even if he stood there , all have an indescribable and terrifying powerful temperament.

Zhao Yijiu frowned as he looked at his skin, because Yu Xing's self-healing ability was so abnormal that he would quickly return to his original state every time he was injured.

But in this case, as long as he doesn't say anything, others won't know how horrible things he has experienced.

"A year has passed since reality." Zhao Yijiu said, "Yu Fengchen's people have looked for my brother and roughly told you about your situation underground. Everything else is fine... Qu Xianqing is most worried about you. She I’m afraid you can’t find your way back.”

"Ha, she really has to worry about it." Yu Xing laughed, Qu Xianqing was always like the kind of daughter who worried about everything in the family.

But speaking of this...

He disappeared so suddenly that Zhu Yan must have come to look for him. It was not a big problem. As long as Qu Xianqing was around, Zhu Yan would not pursue his whereabouts.

Zhu Yan has always known that there is such a special system in the world, but he does not let her come into contact with it. When Zhu Yan meets Qu Xianqing, the two girls who have known each other since childhood tested each other and knew what to say and what to say. It’s time to ask.

"Speaking of which," thinking of this, Yu Xing still decided to inquire. He put on his vest, changed into tactical trousers, and asked, "Brother Jiu, has a girl named Zhu Yan come to see me?"

"...You mean the other girl you raised." Zhao Yijiao was stunned for a moment, but he reacted immediately. He really knew.

However, there was no immediate answer to the question.

Zhao Yijiu's usually gloomy eyes drifted for a moment, and his knuckled fingers were intertwined in front of him.

This abnormal behavior made Yu Xingpin feel something bad, and he narrowed his eyes: "...What happened?"

Zhao Yijiu: "It shouldn't be a big deal. She did come here. But, I did..."

"?" Yu Xing had never seen such a hesitant Zhao Yijiu, and suddenly felt that the situation was serious, but Zhao Yijiao said it was not a big deal.

For a moment, he ran through countless possibilities in his mind, all of which were ridiculous. He even asked tentatively: "Wouldn't it be possible for you to fall in love with each other and then fall in love...?"

"..." Zhao Yijiu's hesitation disappeared immediately, and the veins on his forehead stretched, and he looked at him with some disbelief and complexity: "What are you thinking about?"

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