Absurd deduction game

Chapter 969 Another Perspective [Ten Thousand Characters Chapter]

The resentment of the resentful spirits corrodes their sanity, making them stubborn and difficult to communicate with.

Magnolia is one of the best.

Seeing how easily she killed an adult man - and her murderer - you know that Xiao Yulan's abilities are not weak among the wraiths.

But facing Xiao Yulan's "death invitation", Yu Xing just raised an unknown smile at the corner of his mouth and looked at her quietly.

It seemed that he felt his indifference.

Xiao Yulan gloomily stretched out her pale little hand and put it on his arm. With a twist, she took off his arm and tore off his clothes and skin.

The cold blood was thick and dazzling, gurgling out along the section and pouring on the ground.

Severe pain hit, Yu Xing's smile did not change, and he just watched Xiao Yulan open her mouth and bite on the fingers of his severed hand, making a clicking sound, and then looked at him with a sinister smile.

It was as if she wanted to see him panicking and peeing like shit.

Xiao Yulan thought, after all, Wang Ermazi looked like that when he saw her. The villain who brutally killed a little girl, once he encountered a "ghost", his psychological defense became as fragile as paper.

Yu Xing, however, looked calm, as if the finger that was eaten off was not his. He even patted Xiao Yulan on the head with his other hand and said, "The teeth are good."

While he encouraged the little girl, he divided some food and thought about other things.

It's a pity that Xiao Magnolia, with the support of the entire Fengtou Town's rules, can indeed make his heart beat faster and create a sense of fear, but it is not enough to reach the critical point of killing him.

He could feel that ghosts like Xiao Yulan and Aunt Zhang, who looked no different from ordinary people and could interact with physical matter, were what they had discussed in the room: "the fear value needs to reach a certain level before they can harm people's lives." "That kind of ghost."

And they are purebreds. Unlike the figures on the wall and the mental pollution methods of ghosts and beasts, Xiao Magnolia and the others can scare people on their own.

This kind of ghost is ruthless, but the solution is simple, just don't be scared.

This little girl was already trying so hard to scare him.

Xiao Yulan was obviously a little shocked when she saw that eating his arm didn't make him shake.

Obviously, in her short life, she has never met such a cruel person. After being stunned for a moment, the ferocity in her eyes became fiercer.

"I'm going to eat you."

The little girl said the cruelest words in the most innocent voice: "My mother's chickens are starving to death. I am also very hungry. I want to eat you."

"When you die, come and find me a mother!"

As she spoke, she opened her mouth suddenly, raised her head, and the skin on her face stretched and swelled, and she swallowed Yu Xing's broken arm whole, just like the sword swallowing performed by jugglers in the old days.

Yu Xing almost clapped his hands because of this momentary vision.

He remembered that when he was a child, his grandma or someone at home took him out to play. When he met such jugglers, he was very interested in watching them, but the grandma who took him out always covered his eyes and muttered something like "Master, please don't Look." He looked worried that he would be led astray by this juggling act.

Young Master Yu couldn't understand why it was okay for so many people on the street to cheer around the acrobats, but he couldn't watch?

The fat and fat woman who was not young held his hand and taught him earnestly: "The young master's identity is different from theirs. These are the things that only the poor and lowly like, and they are dirty to the young master's eyes."

Indeed, the jugglers at that time were all working hard to make money. They swallowed swords for real, without special props or borrowed seats. There were also those who went up the mountain of swords, those who smashed boulders on their chests, those who breathed fire... there were some. If you make a mistake at the time, you will be disabled for life, or even directly meet the king of hell.

One time, Yu Xing took advantage of her grandma not paying attention and got into the circle of people watching the sideshow. He got closer and took a closer look, and found that the belly of the thin young man pushing the sword was stretched out in the shape of the tip of the sword.

Although the sword in the performance is very dull and the tip is rounded, so it cannot hurt anyone if it is struck, the visual effect is really wonderful.

Before he could take a closer look, he was picked up by the woman and taken away.

As he walked, he kept nagging: "Didn't I tell the young master? You have a distinguished status, young master. Don't get together with such tricksters. If the master finds out, he will still blame you."

Young Master Yu thought to himself: My father never said no, but you are the only one who talks a lot. You are the young master and I am the young master?

When Yu Xing grew up and went to study abroad, he saw that grandma again when he came home during the holidays. She was still as annoying as ever. She spoke like a noble and humble person, and she even wanted to control his social life and tell him that so-and-so's family was too busy. She was poor and not worthy of Yu Xing's friendship. Someone's family had power and it was best to get in touch with that family's youngest daughter. Yu Xing gathered up enough excuses after listening to her for two days and kicked her out of the Yu Mansion.

He remembered that he told his mother that in order to thank her for taking care of him when he was a child, he would exempt her from being a servant, so that she would not become a poor person herself.

Some people just relied on their status as an old man in the house to do things for their nominal master. Master Yu accepted the new ideas at the time and did not want to use his status to oppress others, but he also did not intend to spoil it.

Later, when he saw a vaudeville show on the street, he squeezed in first and watched openly. After watching, he even gave some extra money.

He also met and made friends with the juggler who had been swallowing swords in the city for many years. The other party has grown from a boy to a somewhat thin young man. He married a freckled girl from the same vaudeville troupe and gave birth to twins.

On the day when the child was one month old, the juggler asked Master Yu to name the girl among them.

Just two days ago, the actor used the reward given by Master Yu to buy a piece of red jade, carved a jade pendant and gave it to Yu Xing. Yu Xing was in the stage of falling in love with it, so he gave the juggler a "heart jade" in return.

I wish this little girl is as clear as jade and becomes the most precious treasure in her parents’ hearts.

Later, Yu Xing started school and went abroad again. He was so busy with his studies that he did not return home for a holiday. When he came back the next year, he heard that the acrobatic troupe of acrobats went to perform in other places. Because they offended someone, they were all stabbed on the way back. died.

Especially the two children, who could not walk yet and were protected and held down by their parents, still did not escape the fate of being stabbed to death.

After that, Yu Xing never watched the sideshow again.

His racing thoughts came to an abrupt end when he recalled this unexpected ending. Yu Xing suddenly discovered that even when he was a young master, he had many unhappy memories.

These memories had been almost forgotten by him because they had been for too long, and he couldn't remember them even if he thought about them, but they would suddenly appear at a certain moment, catching him off guard.

Xiao Yulan watched helplessly as Yu Xing's eyes gradually became distracted and his mind wandered blatantly.

She was filled with resentment in her heart. She was not willing to admit the fact that she couldn't do anything about him for a while, but she also felt a little panicked.

How can humans be like this?

Was he transformed into one of those monsters in the stories her mother told her?

However, Zhao Ruru, who was not far away, felt pain for Yu Xing when he saw this scene, and stamped his feet behind him: "Little brat, you have gone too far! We didn't hurt your mother, and we were kind enough to help Aunt Zhang open the door. What grievances do you have against us?"

She looked at Yu Xing again and said in a weaker tone: "And you, why don't you move. Even if you don't think it's a big deal to break off your hand, there's no need to endure the pain, right? Look at this The little brat is so arrogant!”

She forced Lai Lai in her heart and scolded Yu Xing.

Just commit suicide, just rely on your powerful ability to regenerate limbs and just have fun with it, right? What if there are special rules that inhibit this? If you are so trusting, you will suffer a loss sooner or later!

Yu Xing stood up.

Because he was caught off guard and recalled the ending of the juggler's family, his original plan to deal with Xiao Yulan in a gentle manner also stopped.

I’m not in that mood anymore.

He looked down at Xiao Magnolia from top to bottom, and his tone became cold. Whenever this happened, the sharp and oppressive feeling on his body could not be concealed.

"Do you still want to eat?"

A piece of black mist emerged from the unknown void, faintly shrouding Yu Xing.

The power containing the curse collided with the established laws of this space, because the owner began to become more aggressive, and the black mist was no longer peaceful, and began to distort the air.

The entire dilapidated courtyard seemed to be cast under a new layer of shadow, even the moonlight was blocked.

As soon as the moon dimmed, the virtual barrier in front of Yu Xing's eyes was instantly shattered. The pain in his arm disappeared without a trace. His hand was still on his body, without a drop of blood, and even his clothes were intact.

The scene where his hand was eaten just now was the hallucination injected into him by Xiao Yulan as a resentful spirit.

He had been tricked, and he knew he had been tricked. This level of confusion and the curse he carried could be completely resolved, it just depended on whether he was willing.

Xiao Yulan's eyes widened.

The instinct of a ghost made her want to run away.

What's going on?

This brother obviously looked like a living person a moment ago, but he was a little taller, his muscles were a little stiffer, and his personality was a little weirder.

The next moment, he turned into such a terrifying ghost! This is clearly not a living person!

Could it be that there are such ghosts in the city that can mix with living people? Her mother never told her, wuwuwu.

The black mist turned into strands of curse, surrounding the entire courtyard, forming an airtight net.

A vacuum was left around Zhao Ruru. She looked at Yu Xing with goosebumps all over her body. She also saw the reality behind the confusion in her eyes. Only then did she realize that Yu Xing's body was intact and not injured at all.

Well, she was worrying too much, Yu Xing could always think of more, she shouldn't talk at all.

But...hehe, at least after she said those words, Yu Xing will definitely think that she is quite a nice person, and it would not be a loss if he treats her better~

She also reached out her hand with great curiosity and took the initiative to touch the black mist that had no real touch.

In an instant, a chill as cold as hell began to spread from her fingers, and overwhelming malice attacked her thickly, leaving her frozen in place.

It was Yu Xing who discovered her behavior and subconsciously stopped the curse from harming her, saying, "Don't be so naughty."

Even at this time, Yu Xing seemed extremely rational and his voice was as normal, indicating that he was the only one who controlled the curse, and there was no curse that could come back to bite him.

"Okay, okay." The coldness in Zhao Ruru's body subsided, and she shivered uncontrollably. She honestly retracted her hand and concentrated on watching the show.

Yu Xing still knew how to avoid her, but Xiao Yulan was a ghost facing the curse.

Realizing that this big brother was going to attack her, Xiao Yulan gritted her teeth, and her little ghost face showed the true ghost look of a resentful spirit!

The delicate little face carved in pink and jade has long been destroyed by rigor mortis, and it shows a strange green color, almost like an effect that appears under a special color of light.

There was greenish black under the big eyes, and the eyeballs and the whites of the eyes were mixed together, condensing into an invisible black haze. The lips were also black and purple, and there were dots of scarlet blood spots on the clothes sewn by hand.

This means that she is a resentful spirit who has killed people, and her karmic sins have already been committed and cannot be washed away.

"You are the bad guy!"

The voice of the resentful spirit Xiao Magnolia has a reverb-like sound quality. It is obviously a child's voice, but it makes people feel extremely noisy and makes people just want to cover their ears.

"Bad guy! Bad guy! Bad guy! Bad guy!"

Children's vocabulary is undoubtedly poor.

Her body suddenly turned into a puff of blue smoke, which dissipated with a pop and disappeared in place, but the harsh sound was still ringing from all directions.

"My mother said that those who bully me are bad people!"

"You are the bad guy!"

Yu Xing stood there with an indifferent expression, being called a "bad guy". He didn't think there was anything wrong with it. He just thought that the scene of Xiao Magnolia turning into white smoke was exactly the same as the woman who pretended to be Song Xue and knocked on their door.

It seems that this type of ghosts have human entities, but like Yiqing, they can dissipate at any time. However, due to Taoist reasons, Yiqing can exist in any form, but they cannot.

I'm afraid physical means have no inhibitory effect on them. If you want to suppress them a little, you can only use methods such as formations and spells, or, like him -

A small hand stretched out from behind his neck, and before it could strangle him, it was hit by a sudden curse.

The little girl's scream came from the black fog, which was very miserable.

Or, like him, he possesses the power of ghosts and fights fire with fire.

Yu Xing turned around and glanced at Xiao Yulan, who was sanctioned instead of succeeding in her sneak attack.

Xiao Magnolia's figure had reappeared, and she fell to the ground. Both hands were obviously rotten. The rot was still spreading rapidly, like black meridians, taking root in the spirit body.

She was in pain and cried out in pain.

Zhao Ruru, who was reduced to an audience, couldn't help but rub his arms.

She has her own intelligence source and knows what the Ghost Chenshu is. She also knows that Yu Xing's power is very similar to that of the Ghost Chenshu, and it is very likely that they are highly homologous.

Looking at it this way, Gui Chenshu’s frontal aggression is so strong!

She followed the live broadcast in Nanshui Town from beginning to end and compared it secretly. Although the power of distorted cognition is hard to guard against, the power of curse is simply too destructive. The two are like the difference between poison and cannon. As long as it is activated, it will become a huge killing... ghost-killing machine.

No wonder, everyone said that Yu Xing should not be messed with, and told her that since they were good friends, they should be good friends to the end.

No wonder Xu Shu is so persistent, his dream is to sign Yu Xing as his contracted ghost.

In the dark things, the battle that cannot be called a battle continues.

Xiao Yulan, who couldn't get enough fear points from Yu Xing, obviously couldn't kill him, but she could use many side tricks to cause trouble and harm to Yu Xing.

While wailing, Xiao Magnolia turned into white smoke and disappeared again and again, hiding in a certain void and always preparing for a sneak attack, but Yu Xing easily resolved it each time.

She was in so much pain.

My soul feels like it's rotting away.

The last time, she was slapped to the ground by the curse, and she almost lost her soul. She was so frightened that she shrank to the ground, like a little green ghost ball.

Xiao Yulan opened her eyes and looked at Yu Xing, crying out of breath. The resentment in her eyes was gradually replaced by helplessness and panic.

She is a newly born resentful spirit, but she still has the heart of a child no matter what. She thinks that she has gained incredible power and can do whatever she wants, so she shows her evil without any scruples.

But once they find someone who is better than themselves, or something they can't understand, the child will shrink back, want to fall down and cry, and want to find his mother's arms and hold her to hide away.

Now, she is just a wounded child.

There was no trace of unbearability on Yu Xing's face, and he raised his legs and walked towards Xiao Yulan.

Little Magnolia's dumpling-like figure swayed, turned around and crawled away from Yu Xing, subconsciously looking up to find her mother to hold her.

But her mother, who had always been watching over her like a shadow and could be seen whenever she turned around, was no longer in her favorite place, waiting for her daughter to turn around with a smile on her face.

Xiao Yulan was stunned for a moment, and slowly remembered that her mother was missing and had not come back for several days. She no longer had a mother, and could no longer be held in her arms.

Facing her bad brother, her mother would no longer protect her.

"Brother, brother! Xiao Yulan is wrong, don't hit me again! Wuwuwu..."

Finally, Xiao Magnolia opened her mouth and cried loudly.

Yu Xing stopped and said coldly: "Wait until you finish crying."

Zhao Ruru shook.

What a terrible man, what kind of blindness does this have to parents who watch their children crying while trying to achieve their goals with tears in a shopping mall?

Xiao Yulan was even more frightened. She hurriedly crawled to Yu Xing's feet, hugged Yu Xing's legs, and cried heartbreakingly: "Don't hit me, please, Xiao Yulan hurts so much!"

That look is indeed a bit miserable.

Yu Xing bent down and picked up the little girl by her collar, making her look level with him.

"I have no intention of breaking you up. You are a poor child."

"You didn't have to take this beating. I know you're in pain, but you asked for it. Do you understand? I know you understand."

Xiao Yulan wiped her tears with both hands: "It was my fault, I shouldn't...shouldn't kill..."

The word "murder" kept lingering in her mouth for a long time, but she just couldn't say it.

There is hatred in her heart, otherwise she would not become a resentful spirit.

Yu Xing's face was expressionless: "There is no right to kill people. You killed Wang Ermazi. In this city, it is a matter of course. You avenged your mother. There is nothing wrong with that."

"You are a ghost anyway. The benevolence and morality of the world are of no use to you. You can still kill more people. Just like other ghosts, you don't need a reason. I'm not a mother, so why should I care about you."

"But there is only one reason why you are in this situation now, and that is because you provoked me - when I wanted to talk to you properly."

Xiao Yulan twitched and didn't know how to react.

In fact, she has a sense of good and evil.

Her mother had taught her this since she was a child and wanted her to be a kind child.

But her mother also told her not to be too kind, because good people are bullied and they don't have the ability to defend themselves.

After his death, resentment filled the air. Xiao Yulan knew that people must be kind to be good, but she also knew that she was no longer a human being.

If you are not a human being, you do not have to be kind.

She thought that this scary brother was going to tell her something like "look away" or "relieve". Living people are accustomed to being generous to others. In their hearts, as long as the person who dies is not themselves, they can forgive anything for others. .

If she heard this, her resentment would only become stronger.

Who would have thought that the eldest brother would say that he doesn't care about her?

"What, you're surprised?"

The child's eyes were so understanding that Yu Xing sneered, first withdrawing the curse remaining in Xiao Magnolia's spirit body, and then continued:

"As a ghost, there is only one rule you have to follow, and that is to fight again if you can't fight. If you can't fight, you have to surrender. Because there is no order, no law, and no morality among your ghost group. If you mess with someone you shouldn't mess with, , there is often no chance to come back.”

He put the child down and let the child's spirit body fall to the side in tatters, lingering in fear.

Follow him in the live broadcast room.

The barrage has mixed reviews for his behavior, but more of them are afraid. As a deducer, the Holy Mother has become less and less, even on the right path.

There are also fallen lines that speak passionately.

[I can’t imagine what a happy deduction career I would have had if Yu Xing was the boss of my guild. ]

[Isn’t he really from our fallen line? ]

[Who told you "we"? When will such a disgusting way of speaking be changed? My friend, if it doesn't work, I will help you pull out your tongue^_^]

[I feel that he must understand me very well. I really hope that my partner’s whole family will die in exchange for a new partner like Yu Xing. ]

[We don't need friends in the fallen line, but I really want to be friends with Yu Xing. Although he won't do the same thing as me, he will tell me "It's okay, this is how you are, then just do it." ”]

[Who says you don’t need friends? I like my friends the most. If one day he dares to make other friends... Ha! ]

[Suddenly understand the actor! ]

[Flower Seeker: You misunderstood]

[Sorry, boss. ]

Different varieties of fallen demons dance wildly.

Some people are also asking:

[How this passage is both depraved and reasonable, the more I think about it, the more it makes sense. ]

[Chaotic Neutral! ]

[Is Yu Xing’s degree of alienation a bit high? I always feel that his speech is getting more and more dangerous now. What if one day...]

[I don’t dare to imagine what would happen if Broken Mirror transformed into a fallen force. I’m just a little worried. ]

[What are you talking about? I think what he said is right. It’s just a case-by-case analysis of specific issues. If ghosts can influence the worldview, maybe what he said will be completely opposite. ]

[Interjection, the live broadcast of the Magician of Broken Mirror has also started. If you are interested, you can go and take a look. There are many big shots there. Medusa Yanming is all there. It seems that the experiencer from before is also involved. system! ]


Zhao Ruru observes more intuitively than Danmu.

After hearing what Yu Xing said, Zhao Ruru thought about it and agreed with it. At the same time, he also wanted to admire Yu Xing's beautiful mental state.

By the way, just in case, she whispered: "Well, Aunt Zhang ran away."

Just when Yu Xing attacked Xiao Yulan.

The ghost Aunt Zhang, who had been sitting on the ground in a daze for a long time, finally came to her senses. She first looked at the miserable condition of Xiao Magnolia, with an unbearable expression on her face.

But she quickly put away her expression and turned into white smoke and left without any regrets.

She died saving people while she was alive, and her memory was blurred after her death. Now after seeing her body, Aunt Zhang must have thought of it all and decided not to meddle in other people's affairs.

Yu Xing said: "I know."

If it weren't for his permission, Aunt Zhang would be wrapped in a curse and wouldn't be able to escape from this courtyard.

Zhang Shen is not a very important existence.

To be honest, Yu Xing originally admired this little Magnolia. After all, he turned into a resentful spirit the moment after his death, and he killed Wang Ermazi, the person who had hurt his mother, without any hesitation.

Therefore, when he first talked to Xiao Yulan, he was gentle and gentle.

But Xiao Yulan insisted on killing him for no reason, so there was nothing she could do except teach him a lesson. Now that he was corrupted by the curse, the pain of his spiritual body was unavoidable.

And when Yu Xing took action, he discovered that he really couldn't kill Xiao Yulan.

Just now, Xiao Yulan almost lost her soul. He vaguely felt that there seemed to be a thread between heaven and earth moving. It seemed that his behavior had touched the most fundamental rules here.

If Xiao Yulan is really gone, I'm afraid he will be noticed immediately by the existence that forms the rules - here refers to the evil god himself in Yin Yang City.

The person who made their character fall into a coma and enter the stage world may be the evil god's clone in this deduction, but the formulation of the basic rules still comes from the evil god's body. These rules are like the 0s and 1s on the evil god. If one is touched, it will It seems that there is a bug. The evil god himself will not only go to fix it himself, but he will at least come and take a look.

Just like [He] has a way to come in his true form, Yu Xing does not doubt that the evil god in this deduction also has some opportunities to come in his true form. He doesn't want to be noticed by the other party yet, especially when he is not sure of the other party's character.

It was also because of the opportunity that the rules were triggered that Yu Xing had determined that in Fengtou Town after nightfall, ghosts really could not be eliminated and could only be suppressed.

Sir, times have changed again and your gun is useless.jpg

Because of this, Yu Xing said what he said after he found out that he couldn't kill Xiao Yulan. Half of it was sincere, and the other half was based on the principle of giving a sweet date with a slap to increase his favorability.

At least, as a ghost, Xiao Yulan should know a lot, and she should be the type who can run around and do something for him.

After a while, Yu Xing took back the black mist that filled the yard into his body.

Xiao Yulan has calmed down a little now. Most of her resentment was consumed in the battle, and now her mind is much clearer.

"Big brother……"

Seeing that Yu Xing had returned to "peace", Xiao Yulan slipped over miserably and turned into the pink and tender appearance of a human little girl. She raised her little face and said, "Aren't you going to hit me?"

Yu Xing restrained his energy and showed a friendly smile again, but this time the smile was obviously much faker: "Enough beatings, but if you want to do something to make me angry again, I will continue to beat you. "

Xiao Yulan's soul trembled.

I always feel like the big brother who is smiling has become so scary.

"Then, when will big brother leave?"

When Yu Xing heard this, he raised his eyebrows: "You want to drive me away?"

Xiao Yulan is not the kind of ghost who will start to rely on the other party after being beaten and coaxed for a few words.

She only has fear and no love.

Now, while her mind is clear, Xiao Magnolia keeps praying in her heart, uninvited guests, the sooner they leave, the better!

Zhao Ruru, who had been left alone, came over now, wanting to increase his sense of participation.

She knelt down and said with a smile: "Brother and sister are really good people. There is no harm in entering this yard, but you have bad intentions against us, so you need to pay a price."

She is also a master at shearing wool, so she knows exactly what Yu Xing wants to do.

"What price?" Xiao Yulan picked at her fingers.

"It's easier to ask a god than to give him away. Although I'm not a god, I'm not easy to dismiss either." Yu Xing spread his hands and said, "Answer me a few questions first. I won't force you if you don't know, but you have to tell me truthfully what you know. "

Upon hearing that it was just an answer to the question, Xiao Yulan's soul wiped away the last tear: "Okay."

Yu Xing and Zhao Ruru looked at each other.

This is a ghost who can communicate!

The information Xiao Magnolia can bring to them will definitely supplement and overturn those twelve rules.

Now, after experiencing what happened in Widow Li's courtyard, they have been able to determine the sixth rule——

[When you meet strangers while walking at night, please ignore them, don't talk to them, and don't believe them] This item is a confusion item.

Aunt Zhang and Xiao Yulan should both be in the category of "strangers".

Facts have proven that violating this rule will not result in punishment according to the rules, but the consequences of understanding, talking to, and believing it completely vary from person to person.

For example, Aunt Zhang, if the deducers just met Aunt Zhang on the street, such an innocent ghost who can't even remember the concept that she is dead will not have any bad influence on them.

But for ghosts like Xiao Yulan who would really be killed by her without any abilities, it was best not to pay any attention to them.

Yu Xing asked first: "If this sister and I turn around and leave when we see you, can you still attack us?"

Xiao Yulan shook her head.

"I will kill you only after you have seen my mother."

Zhao Ruru asked curiously: "Why?"

"Because... I don't know, because it's always been like this." Xiao Yulan couldn't understand the need for any causal connection.

"Then how did you know this condition? We should be the first ones to open the courtyard door after your death." Zhao Ruru tilted his head, "Where did you get this conclusion?"

Xiao Yulan said: "I will know after I die."

"Are all...well ghosts like you like this?"

"Yes, it has always been like this." As an aboriginal of Fengtou Town, Xiao Yulan's knowledge is very deep-rooted. She wiped the cracks corroded by the curse on her hands and face, "My mother told me before "When I grow up and leave her to live elsewhere, I must remember not to talk to strangers at night. As long as I pretend not to see, strangers will not hurt me."

"Oh~" Zhao Ruru was a little happy: "At least the warning in Rule 6 is correct. As long as you ignore it, 'strangers' can't kill people."

There should be different measurement standards for the reasoning mentioned here, but generally speaking, if you keep silent when you encounter someone, and ignore everything the other party says, you can definitely prevent a disaster from the source.

Yu Xing asked: "All people in this city will turn into ghosts after death?"

"Yeah." Xiao Yulan nodded.

"How many kinds of ghosts are there?" Yu Xing said, "It means those who look different from you and Aunt Zhang after death."


Xiao Yulan thought about this question for a while.

She was taught by her mother before she died, and she did not encounter many terrible things at night, and her understanding of the night situation was limited to the stories her mother told her.

After her death, she stayed in the yard and did not run out.

"I don't know, I only know my kind, and the annoying uncle who often talks on the wall of my courtyard." Xiao Magnolia glanced at the sky again, and then said, "Oh, there is also a kind of paper doll!"

"That kind of doll is annoying. It makes different sounds. It likes to lie on other people's windows and doors, asking them to open the door, crying and laughing." Xiao Yulan lowered her head, looking a little depressed, "Sometimes this kind of paper The human doll would come to my house when I was sleeping, and my mother would cover my ears and tell me not to listen."

"I hate them. They are noisy. They are noisier than the little brothers and sisters I see in other people's homes. When they come, my mother will tremble and I will be scared."

Zhao Ruru immediately heard that this was the kind she had encountered before! It will make laughter and crying sounds, corresponding to rule two.

Yu Xing nodded: "But as long as you don't open the door or light the lamp, they can't come in, right?"

"Well, mother said, you must not light the lamp at this time."

Xiao Yulan couldn't think of any other types of ghosts.

But it's possible that she was too young and heard about it sometimes, but didn't pay much attention.

Yu Xing recalled the rules and tried to list two: "Is there anyone who likes to knock on the wall in the middle of the night? Or will he appear directly in the house, but will not start immediately?"

"It seems... there seems to be." Xiao Yulan remembered something again. "Once, I woke up in the middle of the night and saw an uncle standing next to the bed. That uncle was so strange. Water was dripping all over his body."

"Just when I wanted to call mommy, mom reached out and covered my eyes and mouth. She hugged me and turned me over. I knew she wanted me to pretend to sleep, but she was shaking very hard."

"I could always hear the sound of dripping water, and the uncle was still walking around in the room. Later, I fell asleep. I don't know when my uncle left."

"But it was only once. I never met that uncle again after that."


As soon as the keyword came, Yu Xing immediately became more energetic.

Is it a water ghost? No, that shouldn't be said. Water ghosts should not be able to go ashore if they stay in rivers and lakes.

No matter what form these dripping ghosts exist in, they must be related to Yejiang, and may also correspond to the flood six years ago.

"Then, did you and your mother do anything special the day you saw Uncle Dishui?" Zhao Ruru asked.

Rule three is a bit abrupt. The previous rule is about how to prevent ghosts from entering the house, but rule three directly mentions that if you see "them", close your eyes and pretend to sleep.

How did they get into the house if nothing was done? Why did it suddenly appear in the house?

Xiao Yulan opened her mouth: "Let me think about it, I don't remember it."

However, Yu Xing suddenly recalled the scene he saw in the psychic recollection - Widow Li was about to go back to the house with Xiao Magnolia in her arms. Suddenly she remembered that the lantern outside the courtyard was unlit. The panic on her face flashed away, and she immediately went back to the house to look for it. Lighting items.

He has had this question before, since lanterns attract ghosts, why do every household still light them?

Excluding Zhao Ruru's outrageous conjecture that "ghosts guard homes and courtyards", the people could only do this because the consequences of not lighting lanterns would be more serious.

He reminded Xiao Yulan: "Did your mother light the lantern that day?"

"Ah, maybe not!" Xiao Yulan suddenly realized, "Anyway, after that night, my mother has to check the lantern every time before dark. I have never cared so much before."


That makes sense.

Lighting a lantern will attract ghosts on the wall. This thing will not actively leave the light range, so as long as people don't go out or pass by the area lit by the lantern, they will basically be fine.

But if you don't light a lantern, a dripping ghost will come to your door. This kind of ghost can enter the house directly without a living person opening the door, and the level of terror will skyrocket.

The only buffer is that this kind of ghost may only hurt people who are awake and spare those who are asleep. Whether they are asleep or not is not the real criterion. It only needs to make the dripping ghost think that the living person is asleep.

However, even if it is determined that the owner of the house is asleep, such ghosts will not leave immediately, but will linger in the house, and may not disappear until dawn.

Rule three is correct.

"What about the one knocking on the wall?" Zhao Ruru was excited about their life. It felt so good to be next to a big boss!

"I haven't seen it." Xiao Yulan shook her head firmly this time.

Rule 1 is questionable.

"How did you get along after you died? Are different types of ghosts antagonistic? Which type is stronger?" Yu Xing still remembered the shadows on the wall. The two shadows were chatting happily, but one of them got angry. So he ate the other one. The angry one was Wang Ermazi's friend, and he prevented Aunt Zhang from entering the yard every day. Apparently they were able to communicate.

Xiao Yulan: "Ah...it's a bit...strange...I can't tell."

"I hear people talking on the wall every night. There is a nasty uncle who talks bad things about my mother!"

"But I just didn't have the thought of pulling out his tongue. Why didn't I do it?"

The little girl was obviously confused.

She didn't know that she was restricted by some rules.

After hearing what she said, Yu Xing was basically certain that the two ghosts, the "figure on the wall" and the "stranger", would not actively conflict with each other.

Otherwise, with Xiao Yulan's aggressiveness, she would have crushed that disgusting shadow to pieces.

As for the other ghosts, Xiao Yulan probably couldn't explain them either.

After thinking for a moment, Yu Xing asked the last question: "When did Fengtou Town start to act like this at night?"

Zhao Ruru pricked up his ears.

"Ah...it has been since I was born, right?" Xiao Yulan was a little confused about this, and even asked, "Isn't it like this in other places?"

Yu Xing: "How old are you this year?"

Xiao Yulan counted on her fingers.

"The day my mother died was my sixth birthday. In order to make a little clay figurine for me as a birthday present, she almost forgot to light a lantern!"

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