Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 10: Advanced [Lower Demon]

After setting everything up and confirming that it was correct, Olshaga closed his eyes and let go of his mind.

Started the second step up.

The blood and power in the body automatically seeped out of the body, and began to form silk threads on the surface of the body to wrap him tightly.

Soon after, a blood-red giant cocoon several meters high appeared in the cave.

A layer of blood mist flowed out of it, filled the cave, and then gradually condensed into something similar to blood vessels, weaving a huge net around the giant cocoon, covering every inch of the cave.

Due to Olshaga's request, he must ensure that he is awake and cannot fall into a state of unconsciousness, so even now he is awake. Although he can't move, his senses are still in operation and can be activated at any time. Stop this advanced process.

At this moment, although he did not dare to move, for fear of disrupting his progression, he could still clearly feel that his skin and exoskeleton were melting, his flesh and blood were boiling, and the bones on his back were slowly being rearranged.

The whole body seemed to be soaked in concentrated sulfuric acid, and even the soul seemed to be torn apart. All of them have to be reorganized and replaced with a more perfect and more powerful state, and only in this way can Olshaga always walk in front of the demons of the same level.

Melting the tendons, melting the skin, shifting the bones, splitting the soul, these are the pains that Olsaka is now experiencing.

This is also his second experience.

He had already experienced it when he advanced to [Little Devil], which made him almost faint from the pain without this mental preparation at that time. Before that, he didn't know how painful it was to advance soberly. , Afterwards, it was a little understood why the demon would automatically be in a state of drowsiness when he advanced.

The reason I use a little word is because Orshaga's advancement is not only guided by the bottomless abyss and its own blood, but also the evolution system is mixed next to it. It belongs to the form of three-party talks, which is different from the advancement of other demons. .

However, these are not really important. In Olsaka's view, as long as he can achieve the goal he wants, no matter how painful it is, he can accept it.

This is also the reason why he still chooses to advance soberly.

He needs to maintain his own self-awareness at all times!

Even this severe pain was an experience in his opinion.

When he advanced to [Little Devil], the intense torture that could not be described in words made him almost collapse several times.

But in the end, he also understood a truth, that is, only by experiencing pain, tasting pain, and understanding pain, can it be applied to other beings.

So he began to experience the sufferings he suffered, learned to taste them, and finally understood them. Perhaps this is the main reason why his magical characteristics will automatically generate [Pain] and automatically awaken [Blood Spell. Pain Strike]. reason.

Maybe one day he can fully understand [pain], this one can be comparable to [fear], [hatred], [anger], [jealousy], [arrogance], [greed], [lust], [lust] in the negative rules The most important rule of laziness, gluttony, etc. is not a bad idea.


After a few nights, when the blood-colored star outside rose again.

The blood-colored network in the cave, like blood vessels, began to shrink and wither at an extremely fast speed.



Two huge wings with a length of nearly 3.4 meters and a wingspan of nearly seven meters burst through the shell of the giant cocoon in an instant.

Gently fanning the entire cave set off a whirlwind of flames, completely burning everything in the cave.

After all traces were wiped out, Orshaga's greatly changed appearance was also revealed from the very center of the flame.

The mutilated body parts have grown back and have new changes.

With a height of three meters and a well-proportioned body, countless complex scarlet lines appear on the whole body.

The horns on the head are bent backwards, becoming thicker and longer, the tail is 2.8 meters long and can be extended and contracted to a certain extent. The shape of the wings on the back is somewhat similar to the combination of bat wings and dragon wings. The body is covered with slender scales and has spikes at the end.

[Host: Stuart Ogalissa Asalon... Clifford Olsuga]

[Race/Level: Demon Race/Lower Demon]

【Strength: 61 (5)】

【Speed: 63 (5)】

[Physical: 61 (5)]

[Magic: 65 (5)]

【Soul: 70 (5)】

[Talent: Soul Devouring Evolution (self-evolution by continuously devouring souls), Killing Evolution (self-evolution by continuous fighting and killing), Fighting Instinct (born with a strong fighting talent), Flesh and Flesh (as long as you touch the target, you can absorb everything The flesh and blood it touches, and the essence is extracted), magic characteristic-corrosion. pain (compared to ordinary magic, it is corrosive, and can make the target taste a great degree of pain), element talent-blood inflammation (has high temperature , the characteristics of eroding flesh, burning life energy and soul), exoskeleton-thirsty blood (transformed from its own scales, has extremely high physical hardness and a certain degree of energy resistance, and can absorb blood, consume Magic power, automatically repair damage), energy vision (line of sight can penetrate most substances, see through energy), abyss contract (have the ability to accept summons independently, and can use the power of the abyss as a medium to sign contracts with other existences, note: no Who can violate the contract, even if he is a demon prince), disguise-silence (can greatly reduce his own breath and sense of existence), suffering and torture (as long as you are hurt by you, no matter the size of the injury, the pain will be greatly magnified), soul Looting (forced binding and pulling the target's soul within a certain range), Armed Rune - Scarlet (Scarlet abyss runes are all over your body and form an array, which greatly improves various energy resistances and improves adaptation to the world's oppression. sex), trans-boundary projection-simulacrum (the ability to project a self-image from a distance, the image has sensory functions and is shared with the user in real time)]

[Skills: Fireball (Blood Spell. 27%), Fire Arrow (Blood Spell. 28%), Life Drain (Blood Spell. 25%) Soul Shock (Blood Spell. 30%), Painful Wailing (Blood Spell. 14%) ), Fire Nova (Blood Spell.14%)]

[Evolution point: 0]

[Note: The values ​​in parentheses of the body and soul are the levels of normal newborn juvenile demons, and each point increase will increase the current strength by one-fifth. For example, 6 points are one-fifth stronger than 5 points, and 7 points are one-fifth stronger than 6 points, and they are enhanced by percentage. The percentage in the brackets of the skill column represents the proficiency of the skill. After reaching 100%, it will be advanced to a more advanced skill. 】

The talent [Suffering Torment] evolved from the bloodline spell [Painful Strike], which represented Olshaga's perception of the concept and rule of [Pain].

The talents [Soul Plunder], [Bloodline Spell. Painful Wailing], [Bloodline Spell. Flame Nova] are abilities that are automatically awakened with the progress of strength.

Even if a demon does not study spells, as long as his strength reaches a certain level, he will naturally become a spell caster, although it is basically the type that only casts spells, and the specific principle is likely to be unclear.

Call them illiterate among spellcasters.

Only [Armed Rune-Scarlet] and [Over-Boundary Projection-Simulation] are the abilities that he let the evolution system, specially evolved, these two abilities are his indispensable necessities.

Without them, Olshaga would not have the confidence to go to another world at all.

According to the knowledge in the inheritance memory of the demons, the different plane can be said to be the dream land of every demon. Although there are many dangers, there are opportunities everywhere, whether it is a street fighter among the demons or a successful person in the demon world who is doing well. They are all looking forward to going to the ectopic noodles to make money.

There is a feeling of the last American western dream. However, whether the result is to fish for gold or to be pointed at the mining hole is a matter of opinion.

Anyway, a lot of success, and a lot of direct reincarnation.

The latter should be the majority.

In the same way, most of the demons who traveled through different planes and wanted to run for profit and harvest their souls ended up like this.

And Olshaga didn't want to be a loser.

After possessing the most basic guarantees for traveling through different worlds, he did not rush to implement plane travel immediately, but decided to adapt to his current strength first.

First move the body, and then a flaming arrow shoots at the obstacle blocking the hole, directly blasting it violently.

The flaming arrow, which used to be only about one meter in the past, has now reached a length of about one meter and eighteen with the strengthening of Orshaga. It can even be used as a long spear in the hands of humans.

Although the data on the evolution system board has only increased by about a quarter, Orshaga's overall strength has at least increased several times, and some of the combat skills of the past may not be practical now.

Walking out of the cave, looking at the monsters and demons that occasionally flew by in the sky, Orshaga gently flapped her wings a few times to cause a burst of air, and after getting used to the feeling that her legs were off the ground, the wings were responsible for the force, and soon I have some bottom in my heart.

The addition of an extra organ made him a little uncomfortable, whether it was in terms of balance or habit, it was inevitable that he would feel a little awkward.

Fortunately, these wings can usually be retracted into the body!

Otherwise, sometimes they can't fly, and they can only fight on the ground with their wings on their backs, which will inevitably lead to some disadvantages in flexibility.

Although he himself felt that these wings, which were even bigger than the body even when folded, could actually be retracted into the body without any influence, and there was no visible swelling at all, and even the body shape had not changed, which was true. Magical colors!

Where did that huge volume go?

Olshaga himself didn't understand it, and he could only say that I was indeed a demon, but it was magical enough that I didn't need to worry about physics at all!

Perhaps, his legacy memory has the answer.

But he doesn't have that time for now, after all, this kind of thing is not important.

Just as most people don't care about why people walk.

It doesn't matter whether he knows the answer or not, it doesn't affect his liveliness.

When he was ready, Olshaga vigorously flicked his wings.

The strong wind surged, and the powerful thrust turned into power to push him into the sky.

Look at the cliffs that are rapidly shrinking under your feet.

At this moment, Olshaga seemed to feel a burst of satisfaction in the depths of his soul.

That is the desire of creatures for the vast sky!

It was also at this moment that the devil's instinctual talent seemed to have awakened from his body, and Olshaga felt that flying was no longer difficult for him, just as natural as walking with two feet.

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