Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 109 Incompetent Fury

After leaving the store.

Olshaga took out a map and looked at it as he walked.

After opening it, he looked at the various texts on it, marking the various specialties of various regions of the country. He even felt like he was reading a geography magazine. He was really surprised by this, so he sighed with a smile: "It's even accompanied by a graphic explanation."

He thought: 'This thing may be a high-end version, maybe. ’

And it is.

Although the money he gave is far more than it should be worth.

At this moment, different from the time when the city gate was just opened, with the constant shuttle of various pedestrians, the streets that were still a bit deserted have become completely lively, and all kinds of messy hawking sounds are everywhere.

The left and right eyes looked at the map in their hands calmly, but the eyes on the forehead began to aim randomly, collecting all kinds of information here.

I have to say that due to the hidden optimization of supernatural power, the upper and lower limits of each species in this world are far higher than the lower-level world in terms of appearance. Just like in the bottomless abyss, you can encounter anything beautiful and ugly.

The only small problem is that the armor of female professionals is not very traditional, and Orshaga has not seen any three-point armor after searching for a long time. I have to say that this is indeed a bit indecent.

In order to express his dissatisfaction, he selectively adjusted his eyes, opened a part of the perspective function, and automatically marked the male and the ugly with mosaics, so that he found the feeling that he should have again.

Then he sensed that a young man was trying to kill.

I saw him calmly say to a kid next to him who was deliberately trying to steal something, "I personally suggest you slap yourself a few times and get out of here."

The male kid who was about ten years old immediately shuddered when he heard his words, and then he pretended to be calm with an innocent expression he couldn't understand and asked: "Big brother, what are you talking about?"

Ignoring his thoughts, Olshaga's expression did not change, and he looked at him and said indifferently, "I hate repeating a sentence, do you understand what I mean?"

Facing his gaze, although he did not feel any killing intent, the little boy who had been at the bottom of the society all the year round instinctively felt a great panic.

That is the look at the pig.

He knew he was kicking the iron.

If you keep putting it on, you may die!

Killed by the opponent like a pig!

So the innocence on his face could no longer be maintained.

His expression instantly turned terrified.

Under the puzzled eyes of passersby, he knelt on the ground with his legs trembling softly, and slapped himself more than ten times in the face, causing blood to ooze from the corners of his mouth.

"very good."

In this regard, Olshaga nodded with satisfaction, turned around and left without paying any more attention to him.

The passers-by around saw this, although they didn't know the specific process, but after a casual guess, they roughly understood what happened.

Especially after several local residents identified the child's occupation, the answer became clear immediately.

They all laughed and discussed in public.

And this is undoubtedly a kind of public execution, which makes the half-kneeling kid feel even more humiliated, and can't wait to find a crack to get in.

A young man watching the scene frowned slightly. He stood up and said to Olsaka who was about to leave: "Dude, isn't this a bit too much? You have nothing to lose anyway, don't you?"

But when he heard someone speak for him, the kid felt a little better in his heart, and hurriedly turned his face to the middle-aged man.

Although it was himself who was at fault, as a weak man, he also wanted someone to stand up for 'justice' for him at this time!

Olshaga did not stop in her footsteps,

Without looking back, he asked: "What kind of thing are you, you are also worthy of making me generous?"

There was absolutely no intention to give the other party any face in the words.

Because he hates others to be generous with his things.

That is to say, he is now going deep into the enemy's rear, and he wants to keep a low profile a little bit, and he doesn't really want to start killing people to attract attention.

Otherwise, with his temper, he didn't even want to say a word, and he would have done it directly.

And that man, facing Olsaka's undisguised contempt, who had never received such treatment, his forehead immediately burst into blue veins, and he immediately wanted to take out a weapon to compete with him.

But the companions next to him, seeing that the situation was not right, immediately stepped forward to stop his behavior, and did not want to make a big deal of things that didn't concern him and others.

After all, although he can't tell his strength, Orsuga's appearance is not easy to provoke no matter how he dresses or looks and temperament, so that these mud-legged people give up three points first and are unwilling to provoke them.

In the face of his own companion's dissuasion, the man's face was still angry, but he had to think about the gains and losses.

After all, unlike Olsaka, who doesn't even care about God, who does what he sees is not pleasing to the eye, and basically depends on what he likes to do, most normal people have to face reality after all.

In the face of this situation, the little devil's face was full of disappointment, but the onlookers who found that they couldn't fight at all also expressed their disappointment.

Some just started booing, trying to do something, come out and finish the show, typical watchers are not afraid of big things.

However, they don't know that Orshaga really has no bottom line when he starts his hand, and even the onlookers can be killed, and there is no scope of control~

In other words, the passing passerby himself is one of his attack targets, which is an additional gain of not taking anything for nothing.

At one point no demon will actively refuse.

Therefore, there are usually no onlookers in the bottomless abyss. When others are fighting, the passers-by will either participate in it or run away as soon as possible.

There, no one is innocent and everyone can be killed.

This point of view, Orshaga automatically applies to all worlds, and until now there is no existence that makes him feel unable to do it.

From a certain point of view, he is indeed the best kind of demon. Due to the residual human nature of the previous life, he is more rational and more mad. There is no mercy, and there is no bottom line.

Soon after, when the crowd dispersed, the young man had calmed down, looked at the little boy with red and swollen cheeks, and sighed slightly: "In the future, pay attention to yourself, don't mess with those who can't be messed up at first sight. People who rise up, otherwise one day they will never be able to recover.”

After he finished speaking, he reluctantly turned around and left with his teammates.

Because the backgrounds of the two are similar, there is only so much he can do, and he is more than enough to help him.

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