Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 1592: You really didn’t come to the wrong place~

to be honest.

Facing Zi Jie’s advice.

Although Orshiga is indeed very attracted to the killing faction.

I really want to join that kind of friendly environment and experience life.

But that kind of thing meant little to him after all.

As a guy who already has his own promotion plan and various preparations.

Killing, killing, killing, in the eyes of Orshika at this moment, is just the icing on the cake.


If you really want to join the killing faction.

Before taking action, he had to gather all his strength.

Just like when he first entered the bloody battlefield of the abyss.

All in all it's very troublesome.


Although there was some regret in his heart, Orshijia still chose to skip this goal, and asked Zijie with a little curiosity:

"So what do the other factions look like?"

Zi Jie continued to introduce:

"In general, there are indeed many various factions, all of which are led by a certain demon prince or multiple demon princes. Among the many factions that are numerous and have different acting styles, In addition to the extremely extreme killing faction, the infinite faction is also a very good choice.”

"Those guys prefer making things and conducting experiments rather than killing. The ultimate goal of the United Council to try to destroy the entire multiverse is what they consider to be some kind of giant experiment."

To this.

Orshiga also smiled and said:

"Infinite factions?"

"It sounds like it's quite interesting."

"Do you want to experiment with the entire multiverse, including yourself..."

"What a group of thoughtful guys..."

Without hesitation, Zi Jie immediately agreed with the same feeling:


"Everyone has great ideas."

"It's not boring at all like many guys in the outside world."

"You know, the guys from the Infinite Faction have been painstakingly preparing for an unknown amount of time in order to create something that truly reaches the true infinite level..."


Infinite is an adjective of sorts.


It can be used to describe various uncountable quantities and figures, representing many, very much, super much...


It can also be used to describe real infinity, an infinity that only exists in imagination.

The former is very relative.

For example, a planet full of treasures may be infinite to a mortal.

For the strong, that number obviously cannot be called infinite, it can only be said to be some.

The latter is absolute.

Infinity is infinity and has nothing to do with pure numbers and mathematics.

in this regard.

This term is often synonymous with the so-called omniscience and omnipotence.

Many of the guys who were casually slapped to death by Orshika dared to claim to be omniscient and omnipotent.

But Orshiga and the demon prince who is more powerful than him are actually far from achieving true omniscience and omnipotence, even though they can easily do almost everything.

after all.

As long as there are things that you can't do and don't know, then you are definitely not truly omniscient and omnipotent.

The word infinite has different uses.

There are naturally huge differences in all aspects.

Take Orshiga for example.

He can say that his power is unlimited.

Because his power is truly unlimited from many angles of understanding.

Use it no matter how you use it!

It will even violate the law of conservation of energy, while using it, it will increase in various ways beyond imagination, and the increase will be exaggerated enough to make mathematicians want to cry.


The true infinity mentioned in Zijie's words, the ultimate goal of the Infinite Faction, naturally cannot refer to the infinity that exists in Orshiga, the first infinity.

Affirmation refers to the second kind of infinity that is absolute.

No changes of any kind are required.

All increases and decreases are the true infinity of meaningless actions!

No matter how huge the power or how small the power, it has no meaning in the face of that level of infinity, it is equal to nothing.

Same reason.

Everything can be easily included and become a part of it with a total proportion equal to zero.

And that unattainable level...

It can only be said that it is far beyond the reach of the multiverse...

At least.

The size of the multiverse is still at a variable level.

If it stops increasing one day.

Perhaps some idle Demon Princes could try to measure its actual size.

But true infinity is different.

Totally immeasurable.

It is an immutable type.

Even if an infinite number of independent space-times with truly infinite sizes were added up, their actual sizes would not change in any way.


And under this concept.

If the Infinite Faction really creates something of a truly infinite level.

So, whatever it is, it will definitely far exceed the upper limit of the multiverse.

Even after the other person is created.

The entire multiverse will be accommodated in an instant and become a part of it, with a proportion equal to zero.

In other words, for a box with truly infinite levels.

The actual volume of the entire multiverse is actually no different from that of an ant or a fundamental particle.

In front of oneself, it is equal to zero!

No matter how many multiverses are filled in, there will still be 100% available free space.

That is a much larger gap than the strength gap between the demon prince and the most ordinary mortal!

There is absolutely no rationality or detailed description...


Now after hearing the lofty ideals of the Infinite Faction.

Although Orshiga felt some emotion in her heart, she was not too surprised by this.

There was only one expression on his face that I already understood.

After all, isn't the reason why these guys come together across infinite distances to achieve all kinds of absolutely impossible things?


Although the so-called true infinity is lofty, it didn't touch him much.

On the contrary, it gave him a feeling that he had long been accustomed to.

Because he also likes to do this kind of nonsense that doesn't sound very reliable.

Seeing that Orshiga had no reaction to the situation of the Infinite Faction, and seemed to be not very interested, Zijie did not continue to talk more, and then continued to introduce the situation of the other factions.

What was the reason for their establishment, what they have generally experienced, and what they are doing now...

After listening to this for a long time.

Orshiga learned a lot about the Unified Council from the other party.

The biggest thought is actually a wonderful feeling that ‘things are just as expected’.

'As expected, the guys in the Guiyi Council are all wanton bastards...'


‘You really haven’t come to the wrong place~’

'I really like this one...'


Through the introduction of Zijie.

Orshiga has deeply understood the gratifying fact that each of the various factions here is a large-scale lunatic contact center.

Although what everyone is doing may sound different, in short, it actually means the same thing - although I don't have any certainty of success, I just want to use the entire multiverse as raw material or testing ground. Go do something cool as fuck! !


Just the reasons why some guys join the Unified Council are enough to make people stand up and applaud!

For example, some people feel that the current situation in the multiverse is too chaotic and cruel. In order to create a more harmonious and beautiful multiverse, they have no choice but to join the Unified Council, intending to use the power of other lunatics to Come and endure the pain to kill every existing individual in the multiverse, so as to pave the way for the future order reshaping work...

How do you say this?

It's simply touching...

Orshiga feels the need to give a thumbs up! !


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