Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 1663: [Ancestor Civilization]

Regarding the various thoughts that just emerged in [Ma Teng]'s heart.

It was like a ridiculous farce clown performance.

Orshiga had no feeling of disgust.

A guy who doesn't know how to count.

That's too much.

A magic hat that blocks psychic powers?

It's really not even as good as a toy.

Might as well put a magic hat here and perform a magic trick, and pull out a rabbit or something.


Even if he plans to act as [Magneto] here, Orshiga is not [Professor X]...


If Orshiga wanted to read minds, she actually didn't need to use her spiritual power.

Just take a look.

He can understand what almost anyone is thinking through facial expressions and body behavior.

If you eat too much, you will naturally understand.


It didn't take long.

With the help of the power of magic, [Ma Teng] passed the order to [Dharma Monk] and asked Orshiga:

"Your Majesty, next, shall we begin to formally arrest various [Psychic Persons] in different [Worlds] and form a [Breaker Force] dedicated to destroying [Beams]?"

In this [Dark Tower Plane].

[Psychic people], this group of people who can use psychic power have many special meanings.

Including but not limited to destroying the stability of the [Dark Tower] and destroying the [Beams] that can fix the [Dark Tower].

But their ability to protect themselves is very worrying.

It belongs to the type that an ordinary person can KO with a pistol.

They are simply dumplings with lots of filling and thin skin.


As a villain.

Before causing trouble, it is natural to capture a group of [Psychic Persons] as a resource reserve.

Orshiga agreed directly:

"Okay, let's arrange for the people below to catch him."

After solving another problem.

[Ma Teng] continued to ask:

"We have been conducting excavation work on the heritage of [ancestral civilization] for some time. We have also gained a lot from the management and maintenance of various old equipment. Now we can carry out destruction operations on the [Beam] at any time. …”

The so-called [civilization of ancestors].

It actually refers to the past [human civilization] or [previous generation of human civilization].

A [human civilization] that once had sufficient dominance over the lower levels of the [Dark Tower].

In its heyday.

Their technology has reached the level of [Conclusion Time] and [Conclusion Space].

It can connect countless [universes] and higher-level [time and space], those things composed of countless [universes], according to ideas, to form roads for themselves to be employed in lower-level towers, and ultimately allow residents to do whatever they want. Traveling through various [worlds].

Even the six [Beams] that penetrate countless [Time and Space] and firmly fix the entire [Dark Tower] have some of their work in them.


The [Human Civilization], which will be called [Ancestor Civilization] in later generations, was undoubtedly very brilliant at its peak.

From planet to starry sky.

to the rest of the tower levels.

With the support of various technologies.

Even inside the upper level of the [Dark Tower].

Those powerful [Eternal Seeds].

They are all quite afraid of it.


Through [Ma Teng]’s words.

Words that unearth the other person’s legacy.

We can still easily draw a conclusion.

The other party is already finished.

And this is indeed the case. The other party was destroyed tens of thousands of years ago.

Who did it?

What's the reason?

Even [Ma Teng] has a little understanding of the specific situation.

All he knew was that the collapse of [ancestral civilization] was rapid and sudden, almost before everyone and forces could react, and the entire civilization collapsed.

Technologies of all kinds were destroyed.

Various resources were lost.

The population also dropped off a cliff.

Only some dead species are left in various [worlds].

To this day.

In every corner.

You can always discover a little bit of their heritage, such as intelligent robots, super large bunkers...


It is worth mentioning that even without any sufficient evidence, he still deeply understood that the man behind the destruction of [Ancestor Civilization] was probably the existence in front of him - [The Bloody King].

This evil existence is trapped at the top of the [Dark Tower]...

in this regard.

Because [ancestral civilization] was destroyed too quickly.

Even after years of painstaking investigation.

[Ma Teng] only knows the things that destroyed [ancestral civilization] at that time, mainly a large number of different types of viruses.

Among the many terrible viruses that are still popular in later generations.

There are two more viruses that are the most feared.

To this day, he is the protagonist of a chilling horror story.

One: the Red Death.

Airborne, waterborne, body fluids, high and low temperature resistance...

Blood is its symbol, its symbol. The blood is red and terrifying. The patient will feel severe pain, sudden dizziness, and then death from massive bleeding from the pores. Once erythema appears on the patient, especially on the face, it is a ban on the rescue and sympathy of his relatives and friends. The entire process of this plague, from infection, onset, and death, is said to only take half an hour. Death is almost inevitable if infected.

Second: Blood Cross.

It can be spread through body fluids or air.

Infected people will have strange bloody red cross-shaped markings on their faces, and their personalities will be distorted. Their wild and ferocious nature will be fully released, and they will become smart, irritable, cruel, and bloodthirsty. They will also become smart, flexible, proficient in using weapons, and able to A murderer who makes various plans..., and [Blood Cross Infected Persons] can also be infected with various viruses including [Red Death], and are immune to their direct lethality, so that they can carry various viruses around with them. , becomes a mobile gas tank.

It is said.

Back then, it was the army of [Ancestor Civilization] that was first infected with [Blood Cross], which caused them to go crazy and release all kinds of weapons of mass destruction everywhere, which led to the rapid collapse of the entire [Ancestor Civilization]...


Although the details have long been unable to be verified.

But in terms of results.

The fact is already obvious.

The powerful [ancestral civilization] certainly succeeded in destroying those viruses.

But in the end, because the price paid was too high, it soon collapsed.

Only a few dead species survive alone in a corner...


Walking behind Orshika.

[The King of Blood], [The Ruler of Disease], [The Spider King Who Devours Everything], [The Great Terror]...

Just thinking about the various sources and rumors of these names, [Ma Teng] also has a feeling of trepidation and conspiracy.


That's why.

He will become even more excited...

he thinks.

The secret of why the opponent is so powerful probably lies at the top of the [Dark Tower].

He longed to one day be able to set foot in it and obtain its great secrets.

to this end.

He can do whatever it takes, even if he needs to destroy his hometown - [Jili]...

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