Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 1704: Things that must be faced

Is it possible that the situation of [Demogorgon] could be hidden from Orshiga?

It's obviously impossible.

But he likes the situation where the other person is full of hope but can only face despair and can only swallow his anger.

Orshiga at this time.

It has spread its footprints to every [point in time] of the current [plane].

Everything from the past to the present unfolds before his eyes.

As long as he wants.

He can tamper with it at will.


This is just an insignificant part of his power.

As [eternal evil].

Orshiga's influence has long spread to every [space-time plane] in the [multiverse] and even to almost every [plane] in it.

It's completely effortless.

Something that comes naturally.

As long as [malignant factors] appear in any area, Orshiga's [Will] will instantly accept the summons and automatically spread to the corresponding area.

Such as the current [Multiverse Plane (DND Plane)].

Even if Orshika had never set foot here before.

But as long as any [malignant factors] have occurred in this [plane], Orshiga's influence will automatically expand here.

Even if the so-called [malignant factors] are just some malicious thoughts of one being towards another being, it's exactly the same truth.


Those thoughts with malicious intent do not need to be implemented, and do not need any rationality. As long as they begin to sprout and emerge, they are the real media, the media belonging to Orshika, and his [will] will automatically come!


The [concept] he symbolizes will also be automatically covered in the relevant areas, allowing him to use his power at will in the corresponding areas.

even. _o_m

Those malicious sprouts and encounters do not need to be fixed targets, they can be some kind of [destiny], [phenomenon], [things]...

For example:

A certain guy encountered the malice of [fate], and some kind of bad luck happened. He was hit by a dump truck, was cuckolded, and was struck by thunder while walking on the road...

Or one [Plane] is eroded by another [Plane]...

Or maybe a big stone has been worn away by wind or sand...

Orshigadu will still feel it.

The [concept] he symbolizes.

It is by no means a single [phenomenon], but all tangible and intangible malice and all malignant influences.

That is something ordinary people cannot fully understand.

At most, it can only be roughly understood as an abstract [special concept].

Just like the [Tao] represented by [Haotian God].

[Tao], although it seems to be just one word, if you really want to analyze it, who knows how many words are needed to describe the content?


Even if they are both abstract [special concepts], their forms of expression are completely different.

For example, the [Tao] of [Haotian God] is more inclined to [Ideology], [Philosophy]... and the like, and has many [Preachers] including [Three Pure Ones] and [Six Imperial Guards].

Orshiga, on the other hand, is more inclined towards [phenomenon], [good and evil]... a type that does not need to expand at all.

Because any individual or even all kinds of tangible and intangible things will always encounter disasters, times of misfortune, and times of exerting a malignant influence on other people.

Not only [human beings] will experience birth, old age, illness and death, [immortals] will experience the decline of heaven and humans, and [the world] will experience the decline and fall of all things...

Same reason.

[Light], [Darkness], [Matter], [Idea]... the same is true.

This is something that even the immortal cannot avoid.


Even though the [Multiverse] is extremely huge, boundless, and infinitely expanding, any [plane], a [world], an [individual]’s mind, or a [basic particle] may contain an infinite number of [ Complete universe], and those [complete universes] can be divided into infinite numbers. (This chapter is not finished yet!)

Chapter 1,704: Things that must be faced

[Dimensional Universe], [Dimensional Universe], [Thinking Universe]...and even the infinite number of [Complete Universes] that are cyclic matryoshka dolls that start over and over again. There is no actual end, but any area in it is different from any individual or any individual. A group... will eventually hit Orshiga's hand at a certain [time period], [point in time]... due to some unfixed [matter].

It didn't hit his hand for the time being.

It's really just temporary.

All tangible and intangible things will inevitably encounter Orshika at a special time.

This is the [eternal truth] that cannot be changed by will.

Therefore, [Eternal Evil] will be called [Uncertain but Necessary Malice] by Orzhiga!

He is bound to be everywhere.

It will inevitably exist in any region and at any level.

No one can completely escape his influence.

At most, the specific situation when facing him will be different.

In short, there is no need for birds even for the bullshit principle that every cause must have its effect.

It's directly "meeting me is an experience you must endure".

Ignore cause and effect.

Ignore fate connections.

It is something that must be faced!


For Orzhiga. First update @

Those who know me, know me, and think about me are also media.

Like the previous [Demogorgon].

When he recalled Orshika in his mind.

It will automatically summon Orshiga in his prime state in his mind.

A being who is even stronger than [Demogorgon] himself.

There is no need to consider any rationality in the whole process, and things like the [Law of Conservation of Energy] are of no use.

As long as Orshiga is willing.

Even if an ant in the [multiverse] is sunburned by the sun, he can differentiate into a prosperous [body] and step on that ant with such insignificant harmful effects.

There is no time difference on the way.

Didi hits people, and orders will arrive immediately!

Plus the basic ability to ignore [time] and [space].

Be a guy who has gone through all the history of the [Multiverse] from ancient times to the present.

Even those things that have been destroyed long ago.

In Orshiga's eyes, they are all targets that can be influenced.

For example, a certain guy is already dead.

But as long as the opponent doesn't die from [Prince of the Abyss Level] or [River of Styx] or something like that.

Even the ashes are gone.

Even the basic particles that make up the ashes are gone.

As long as Orshiga is willing, he can go over and beat him up at any time.

After all, [life] and [death] are almost the same state for Orshiga.

If he feels that the other person is alive, then the other person is alive. If he thinks the other person is dead, then the other person is dead.

Only the two guys who symbolize [life] and [death] can have absolute priority over Orshiga in terms of relevant [authorities]. .

Chapter 1,704: Things that must be faced

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