Looking at the fierce battle between Angron and Rogar Dorne, Horus, who felt that Angron was giving him face, stretched out his left hand to Sanguinius with a very happy expression:

"Sanguinius, give up your insistence and join me. If it is you, I am willing to share power with you equally!"

Ignoring his bewitching, Sanguinius still shook his head:

"It doesn't matter what interests, I have my own beliefs and ideas."

"...That's a pity."

Knowing that there is no point in persuading him, Horus sighed slowly and could only point his weapon at the opponent.

The two best friends started a battle to decide the outcome and life and death...

At the same time, Terrana was in every corner of the war, and battles between the renegade Primarchs and the Loyalist Primarchs also broke out.

Some of them had no grudges in the past, but recently they have grudges, and some, like Angron and Rogar Donne, have always been blind to each other.

Excluding the two Primarchs who died during the Great Crusade, as well as Robert Guilliman, who was being locked in the little black house by Luo Jia, all the Primarchs have gathered together...


In the laboratory in the deepest part of the palace.

Even though sitting on the [Warp Suppressor] cannot move at will, but through his own psychic perception, the Emperor understands that in the case of an absolute disadvantage in numbers, the Loyalist Primarchs and Loyalist Space Marines even have Thai The support of the local firepower will definitely not last for too long... After all, most of the loyalists have been backstabbed by the rebel faction beforehand, and most of the genetic primarchs are also injured, so he must come forward just do...

Beside the Emperor, the prime minister, Malcador, saw the situation in various places in Terra through the screen, and he also clearly realized how difficult the current situation was.

If there is no external interference, it is only a matter of time before the entire line of defense set up by the Loyalists collapses...

Thinking of the situation after the fall of Terra, Malcador's expression changed slightly, and he also made a decision in his heart...

"Your Majesty, the Empire of Humanity needs your power now, so let this minister maintain the [Warp Suppressor] for you..."

Looking at the other party who took the initiative to say this, the Emperor nodded after being silent for a while:

"……it is good."

He understands that with Malcador's power, as long as he uses the [Warp Suppressor], there is basically no chance of him coming down alive, and Malcador himself knows that very well.

Therefore, when he spoke, Malcador must have made a plan to sacrifice his own life.

As for his decision, the Emperor did not persuade him, even though the other party was his deputy, his friend, and the pillar of the human empire.

But his importance is still incomparable compared to Terra, which is the center of human civilization.

Intimacy, in the eyes of the Emperor, is never as important as the interests of the entire human civilization.

No matter how much Malcador has contributed to the Empire of Man over the years...

It didn't take long.

After completing the preparations, Malcador successfully replaced the Emperor and sat on the golden [Warp Suppressor].

The moment he went up, he felt the vitality, spiritual energy, and even the soul of his whole body, as if he was being sucked by a huge mouth that devoured everything.

The complexion that was full of blood and vitality turned pale immediately, as if it were a seriously ill patient who had been lying on the hospital bed for a long time.

And Macado's strong and vibrant body also became thinner and thinner at a speed visible to the naked eye in a short period of time.

As for the Emperor who just stepped down from the [Warp Suppressor], even though his complexion was much better than that of Makado, his face still had a tired look on his face.

After the problem at that time, he first had a big fight with Eric Taranis, the not weak [Demon Prince], and then sat on the [Warp Suppressor] non-stop.

Forcibly closed the space channel, and supported the equipment for nearly two years by myself!

so consumed.

Even as the most powerful psionicist humankind has ever known, the Emperor has broken his roots a bit.

At least, three or two days is far from recovering!

In the current time period, there is obviously no time for him to recover.嘈鈅 Yunxuange Y UnxU\u0026# 鈅

If they don't move, some important areas of Terra will be captured and destroyed by the rebel factions, and some loyalist Primarchs are about to die, and the Empire of Humanity will be reduced by a few pillars again...

So, after drinking a few bottles of the enhanced version of the healing potion, the Emperor walked out of the laboratory with his weapon in hand, and began to suppress the rebellion...


At the main gate of the palace.

The city walls and gates, which were originally majestic, tidy, and clean, even if the guns and guns could only leave traces, have long been cut into pieces by unknown forces.

A large number of corpses were scattered all around like a paste.

Among them, there are loyalists and rebels. As for the specific cause of death, without exception, all of them are due to not knowing their own position, trying to intervene in the battle between the gene primarchs, and being harvested by the hostile gene primarchs like leeks. Little life.

Right now, after an extremely fierce battle, Sanguinius had fallen in a pool of blood and was struggling to get up again, his originally white and flawless wings were also stained with blood.

As for Rogar Donne, after being hit by Angron's sword, his body was almost cut into several pieces, and he couldn't get up again. A large number of organs even flowed out of his body. Only his breath and eyes were left to prove that he was still alive. not dead.

"Your strength is very strong. If you didn't go through the blessing of the [Ascension Ceremony], the victory or defeat between you and I would be at most four or six points..."

Holding the sharp blade in his hand, Angron looked at the unwilling Rogar Dorne, and evaluated the opponent's strength with a leisurely expression.

After he finished speaking, he raised the bloody weapon in his hand and wanted to behead Rogar Donne.

He was also a Primarch, and he knew very well that the Primarch was very hard, so it would be better to cut off his head.

Not far away, Horus, who had achieved an absolute advantage, also raised his weapon and wanted to give Sanguinius the final blow with regret!

the next moment.

Before they could swing their sharp blades down, two golden beams of light flew directly from afar. Before they could react, they gave them a powerful blow and also knocked them away like ragdolls for thousands of meters. Forcibly rescued Rogar Donne and Sanguinius!

Looking at this scene, many space warriors and mortal auxiliary troops around who were overwhelmed and underpowered, suddenly turned their eyes to the direction where the golden light was galloping.

There, a figure in golden armor was walking towards here quickly. Hu Hu Yun Xuan Pavilion yunxuange.org Hu Hu

Without any words, just looking at the other side's figure, all the opponents felt a huge pressure like the top of Mount Tai.


For a time, the minds of countless rebels who saw this scene were instantly captured, and the momentum and confidence in their bodies were also directly weakened by three points out of thin air.

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