Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 573: Invitation

Low consumption, high efficiency and sustainable.

This is the core issue that Olsaka focuses on in the two great undertakings of cutting leeks and scouring wool.

After a long period of testing, as the related technologies tend to mature.

Under Orshaga's will, the complex space-time structure of [Crimson Heaven] immediately and silently added some isolated auxiliary spaces.

Layers of enchantments and runes combined with the [Sole Dominator] directly turned those places into areas that were completely isolated from the outside world.

After the site is built.

The [Eldrazi] and [Time Sky] who were swaying and playing soy sauce in other abyss or different planes, immediately sensed it!

Begin to build some miniature transmission channels on the spot as appropriate, and transmit all kinds of negative emotions back to [Crimson Heaven] in an ultra-long distance.

Normally, this is undoubtedly a badly losing business.

The value of that bit of negativity is far from the delivery fee.

But Olshaga, who has the technology in his hand, obviously doesn't care about this.

With those negative emotions coming in.

The complex spells are immediately selected strictly for many links. The targets that are considered valuable are like pork pigs on the assembly line, and they begin to recover with the power of Olshaga!

Because it was only for their memory and knowledge, and to save costs, Olshaga did not fully resurrect them, but only restored some useful parts.

In this situation, coupled with the joint suppression of many enchantments and runes, those targets that have only been revived a small part, even if they have a regenerative ability similar to the immortal body, they have no self-awareness and action at all. .

Then, after the resuscitated people can be used, they will be decomposed into various resources and memory crystals along a special device similar to an assembly line, which will be absorbed by Olshaga...

In short, in the blink of an eye, all these things were made into finished products and batches by Olshaga.

Barely achieved his initial goal.

I have to say, this is really an improvement!

Just when Olsaka was a little complacent.

Suddenly, he felt that something special was rapidly approaching [Crimson Heaven].

On that, Olshaga did not feel any hostility, but felt a special meaning.

It was as if he was greeting himself on purpose.

After thinking for a while, Orsaga stretched out his left hand at will, and took the thing that had not yet arrived in his hand from an extremely long distance.

In terms of appearance, it was a golden sphere that was shining brightly.

But Olshaga could feel the rest of the stuff wrapped in it.

It was also what was inside the other party that was calling him.

So, with a slight force in his palm, he directly crushed the light layer on the outside of the light ball that could easily pierce through the neutron star.

Just like peeling an egg, it takes out the things inside.

It was an orange invitation card with many colorful gems attached to the surface.

The words [King of the Crimson King Kai] were written in abyss characters on it.

With his gaze, it seemed that some internal measure had been activated.

Under the projection of many gems, an illusory figure slowly appeared in front of Olshaga.

It was a gray humanoid creature with various gemstone rings on its hands.

In terms of physical structure, the other party is somewhat close to the elf.

The appearance is biased towards a handsome middle-aged man in his mid-thirties.

On his body, he was wearing a black and white robe, and several balls carved from gems were automatically suspended beside him.

After showing up.

When he saw Orshaga, he smiled slightly before introducing himself:

"Hello, Lord [Crimson King].

The first time we met, let me introduce myself first. I am the owner of the 684752459th floor of the bottomless abyss—[Jewel Cloud Sea], [Brilliant Scholar—Farthi]. "

[Bright Scholar] is a title just like [Crimson King].

Fartsch was the opponent's name.

Although the name is not necessarily true.

After all, there are a lot of messes in [Bottomless Abyss], and many times for the weak, even their own existence must be true...

Seeing the other party is just a remote projection, not even an avatar. Orshaga did not have any idea of ​​inviting people to sit, and asked directly with great interest:

"Then what are you doing here?"

"It's just an invitation to an ordinary party. After all, we are neighbors. It's always good to know more. In addition to you, I also invited more than a dozen [Abyss Lords] nearby. As for the venue of the party, it is mine. Abyss Layer, we may be able to discuss various transactions at that time..."

Between words, Fartsch is basically a businessman's attitude.

In his words, he is rich in all kinds of rare gems and monopolizes the gem trading in many places, so it is still rich.

The gem here refers to the kind that can be used as a casting material or a forging material.

Ordinary decorative gems, even slaves are too lazy to pick them up in [Bottomless Abyss], they are basically equivalent to ordinary stones.

It didn't take long.

After the other party's brief introduction, Olshaga felt that he was fine anyway, so he simply agreed to the other party's invitation.

Facing his decisive promise, Fartehi said happily:

"Then after three abyss years, I am waiting for your arrival, and I hope we can achieve a win-win situation by then."

"Okay, I'm looking forward to it."

Then the figure of the other party slowly dissipated, leaving only the invitation that was used as a token still floating there quietly.

According to Orshaga's judgment, the magic gems embedded on it contain the power equivalent to dozens of [high-ranking demons], which can be used for the manufacture of various high-level magic wands.

It can be said that their value alone is enough to arouse the greed of some [Great Demons].

But for Olshaga, this is obviously nothing.

It's really just a nice decoration.

He was thrown into a separate sealed space at will.

That way, it doesn't matter if there are any detection means on it.

At this time, Glaner's figure appeared nearby silently.

She walked quietly to Olsaka's side, leaning on his shoulder and said:

"Remember to be careful."

Olshaka comforted casually:

"I understand, it's just a little thing, just let a clone pass by at that time."

As an [Abyss Lord], it is not the right thing to rush into someone else's abyss.

Therefore, even though he agreed to Falthe's invitation, Orsaga didn't plan to use his real body to go there.

Even if he has self-confidence, as the existence of the [Abyss Lord], not many have the ability to do what to himself.

But there is no need to take unnecessary risks.

Hearing this, Gelaner beside him immediately nodded with satisfaction: "Well, that's good."

"By the way, it's been a long time since I've been to the Elsera Elf Country, let's go there in a while..."

"it is good."

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