Abyss Express

Chapter 780 INTERVAL丨My favorite episode when I was a kid

Chapter 780 INTERVAL·Interlude丨My favorite episode when I was a child


The enemy is at hand, life and death are at stake.

——Andrei Zhdanov

“Perhaps you don’t know much about Volvo (The Iron Knight). This all-terrain cargo truck has been modified by a gunsmith and has a maximum horsepower of 2,800 and a peak torque of 6,700 Nm. The cylinder of the D13 engine has been rebuilt and finely honed, so that every drop of oil can be evenly applied to the piston!”

“It only takes 3.8 seconds to accelerate from 0 to 100 km/h. The lightweight kit of the whole vehicle and the front shovel of the warhead are mostly made of forged carbon fiber and titanium alloy.”

“This car is the treasure of JoeStar Workshop and a representative work of the gunsmith’s mechanical finishing craftsmanship. There are seven such mud trucks in the club - they are often used as explosion-proof vehicles, assault vehicles, fire trucks, and as vehicles for the Guangling Zhixi field elite team.”

The thumb brother talked about the boss’s collection with the little finger girl who was sitting next to him.

He had never thought that he would have a day to return to the battlefield and kill the enemy and make merit. Once upon a time, Judah's Immortal Alliance was a super enterprise in the eyes of the blood-giving unit. As a fundamentalist of the Mad Butterfly Saint Church, Thumb Mana wanted to find a big leg to hold on to, and he could not get around this alliance.

It's like in real life, he is the boss of a small studio of the Almighty Hand. He wants to expand his business and recruit people to make money. He runs back and forth in various administrative districts to talk to a few partners. He traced the origins of the bosses to the bottom and asked them about their origins. Most of them were illegal armed forces supported by the Immortal Alliance.

This time, Thumb finally held a strong and powerful leg. He thought that with his resume, he should not have this opportunity to make merit. He couldn't even eat shit as soon as he got a mouthful of hot shit.

Judah has already walked on a dead end. Even if he writes a third-rate novel, all the suspense will be killed at the end of the story. He will never be able to turn over again, and he can't show any trump cards, and there is no hope of turning over. The children who were looking forward to Ultraman's red light no longer had any expectations after hearing this story. Everyone knew that this bastard was dead!

But the children who were a little quicker in thinking knew that the red light on Ultraman's chest meant that the CD big move was ready, and they might be curious about how this head of all demons died.

For Thumb Brother, this is what he cares about -

- he can step onto the stage of the final battle, which is enough.

The brothers and sisters of the Almighty Hand can also receive a golden heart medal. In the stage of beating the drowning dog, Thumb can at least stretch out a leg and step hard on the alliance patriarch, drive the "Iron Knight" dump truck with the same name as the crying general stick, and whisper to the head of Judas's minions, "I will cross thousands of mountains and rivers to hit you to death."

"Listen! Listen carefully! Little Paul!" Thumb followed the Quick Blade Armored Company and stepped on the accelerator slightly. The power system of the 13-liter displacement modified sequence clutch emitted a terrifying sound, and a whistle blew out from the aerodynamic gaps on both sides of the front of the car.

"Hahahaha! That's the wind blowing from the guide groove to the wheels! It can reduce the temperature of the tires!"

The little finger was still in the form of a girl, and she didn't know what to say: "Mr. Mana, I haven't changed yet."

"I'm so happy." Thumb patted the steering wheel, pressed the horn hard a few times, and looked at the multimedia center in the car: "This! And this!"

"This car has no rearview mirrors. For a little air force, the rearview mirrors and left and right rearview mirrors have all become cameras."

"It would be great if the ring finger and index finger were here too." Mana sighed: "It's a pity that there is no such opportunity."

Where did the other fingers go? Unlike the thumb and the little finger, these fundamentalists of the Crazy Butterfly Saint Church have no chance to redeem themselves from their crimes and are still doing labor reform in the pioneer base.

"When you men talk about cars, you get excited, as if you are full of energy." Sister Feng Jiali rolled her eyes.

Although Little Finger shares a body with Paul Blake, and [B·Side] merges their memories, there is a huge gap in the perception of personality. As Little Finger gets older, the distance between the male and female sides becomes stronger and stronger.

"No boy in the world can refuse this car!" Thumb Brother is like a child instead - he has been busy for the younger generations of the sect for most of his life, and has lived for a long, long time, but has never lived for himself for a few years. Mr. Gunsmith invited him to the racing seat of this car, and he seemed to have found the feeling of burning youth.

"Is it true?" Feng Jiali held her hands and was confused.

Thumb shouted: "Call Paul out! If you don't believe it, you can try it!"

"[B·Side]! ! Change for me!" Feng Jiali shouted loudly, and the bones of her body shifted and the color of her hair changed, turning from a woman to a man.

"Oh!!~~" Paul opened his eyes and his mouth became an O shape: "Big brother! Really! Really! Oh!~~"

The young man pinched the carbon cloth and gold-threaded door interior, saw the LCD display of the instrument panel, the racing-level electronic central control signal center, the big red lever representing the PowerPush special hydraulic brake, and the bottle of liquid nitrogen and oxygen jet tank behind them. All of this was like something from a hand-painted cartoon in the last century - children would find it childish, and adults would immediately admit that they were childish.

"I feel it! I feel it!" Paul shouted loudly: "Is it so magical?"

Thumb laughed loudly: "I'll just say it! You definitely can't refuse!"

After I changed my little finger into a male body, I was immediately fascinated by this large toy for adults. However, the armored team's signal vehicle began to flash its lights - this made Thumb's heart sink, it must be that a new mission was coming.

Within ten seconds, a dull sound of a heavy object falling to the ground came from the roof of the car.

The blue V-shaped light shone into the car window, and he quickly opened the door on the tail finger side with his thumb. While driving at low speed, he saw the gunsmith hanging upside down from the roof of the car and stepping on the chrome climbing frame beside the door.

Jiang Xueming: "There is a situation in the wetland ahead."

"Leader, what do you want me to do?" Thumb asked quickly.

Jiang Xueming couldn't help but pull the little boy named Wei Zhi out of the car, and personnel not related to the combat mission were cleared out of the vehicle in advance. He first stepped into the passenger seat, took a look at the vehicle status of the Iron Knight truck, and went to the multimedia center to observe the oil reserve and body data.

"Increase the tire pressure to at least 2.8 Bar, adjust the suspension and anti-roll bars, and the data on the front and rear differential locks. I will send it to you through the intranet on my mobile phone."

"No problem, leader." He pointed at the adjustment parameters sent by the communication tool and modified them step by step.

With his little finger still hanging in the gunsmith's hand, Boy Paul shouted in surprise and excitement: "Holy Father! Your crane! Your crane is deforming!"

In order to cope with the wetland wilderness environment that follows, the Iron Knight's heat-adjusted suspension gradually raises the body. It is like a peerless beauty with big breasts and wide butt, slightly raising its waist and stretching its limbs on the soft bed paved by the muddy road. .

"If you want to run on the mud, lock your sixth gear for me." The gunsmith said, while staring at the approaching car lights in the distance, he moved his tail finger to the passenger seat of the jeep and stuffed it next to Bu Liexing.

Axing gave a warm and friendly greeting to his thumb: "Hey! Knight!"

"Hello, General Crying!" Brother Thumb responded excitedly.

The gunsmith immediately corrected him: "Stay focused, Mr. Mana! Now I want to explain to you the content of the next mission. I believe that with your driving skills, it will be over soon - you have something to do with Galahad Knight's combat skills. My performance in driving combat is the best in history. I’m not as fast or as stable as you in driving.”

Thumb replied proudly: "Of course! I am the first to steal a car and run away when the situation is bad!"

"The tactical terrain map states that with Crescent Bay No. 4 in the Copper River Basin as the midpoint of the coordinate system, an encounter occurred in the XG045 area thirteen minutes ago." The gunsmith marked the mission location, thumbed the direction, and started from The armored team escaped, and the Iron Knight fell into the wet mud and started running.

"Our Green Gold Reconnaissance Group collided head-on with the enemy. Without the advantages of high ground and low-lying bunkers, the half-wolf warriors fought a bloody battle with the elite troops of unknown origin. The casualties are currently unknown - —Judging from the content of the ringtone, the enemy is most likely a descendant of a giant with lightning psychic powers. This mythical creature is the leader of an elite corps."

"Sounds like a tough battle!" Thumb concentrated on driving.

The gunsmith did not sit in the passenger seat. The cylindrical outer armor of the Morpho suit could not be squeezed into the narrow competition-level seat. Even if it was pushed in, the chair would be scratched. He closed the door, leaving enough space for his thumb to welcome the impact. There is still enough space left to hang it by the car window.

"The big wolf brothers in the reconnaissance team should have run out of ammunition and food now. We have to send the ammunition in the car over. I have to chop off this giant's head, if possible."

"Leave it to me! Leader!" Before the gunsmith could finish speaking, Brother Thumb already understood the content of the mission: "I'll open the door to death for this beast!"

The gunsmith followed the Iron Knight's pneumatic kit all the way back to the roof of the car and used the car radio to communicate with his thumb.

"You don't have time to read the map, I can give you the directions."

Thumb said excitedly: "That's perfect! Leader!"

The speed of the car gradually reached 120 kilometers per hour, and it was still 14 kilometers away from the main battlefield. Although it is a wetland wilderness, there are still many rocky beaches hidden in the dark mud. Under the grass blades are layers of ditches filled with water. The terrain of the Ax's Edge Mountains is not particularly flat, and there are no big straight roads.

Swinging along with the undulating frame, the gunsmith entered the car and turned on the on-board camera. The accompanying drone in the sky could also continue to observe the terrain.

"Put full fuel on the seventh big left corner, and continue to increase the tire pressure to 2.9 Bar. The lateral G force of the Iron Knight does not need to be that high. There is a straight road of 600 meters ahead."

The thumb didn't reply, the bumps and vibrations from the wheels, this light floating feeling was the iron knight dancing gracefully.

Mud splashed along the tire towards the aerodynamic parts, hitting the fenders and creating wounds. Then there was a lightning-fast sound like violent thunder, and it exploded and roared across the low-lying ditch. The moment the tire touched the ground—— Slight force feedback from the steering wheel lets the thumbs find their rhythm.

A twig passed by outside the car window, and tire tracks pressed against the woodland at the edge of the field. He ran fast and steadily.

"Turn off the lights," the gunsmith said.

The moment the headlights go out, dazzling lightning can be seen from a very far distance, which is the giant calling for thunder in historical myths. That flash of light tore through the darkness and illuminated Thumb's face——

——He could only see a little bit of the road clearly, and could barely make out some driving routes from the soil slopes in the field. But he had no intention of slowing down. He believed in the power of the Iron Knight and his own hands and feet.

Press the pedal slightly and the downshift is halfway through.

"Follow the Nanlu side line and downshift to refuel. If you can see Nanlu, align the car window with the ridgeline." The gunsmith was about to remind him, but then he realized that his thumb had already crossed the next big ditch in the terrain map: "Well done! Mana!”

"Yes! I know!" Thumb responded excitedly: "I know! I can see it! I can feel it!"

The front and rear tilt from the chassis is transmitted to the body of the thumb without any hindrance. Unlike traditional trucks, the eight wheels of the Iron Knight can be steered independently. The feedback from the ground is like a nerve signal connected to the driver's flesh and blood.

Gunsmith: "Take off, retract the oil, and touch down naturally to protect the differential lock and let the engine breathe."

The sudden feeling of weightlessness made his thumbs naturally tighten, and the iron knight rushed out of the short slope and flew over a pool of water about 20 meters away.

Thumb: "It looks like a monster!"

When the eight wheels completely touched the ground, the wheels that were speeding through the mud were as steady as a mountain. The frame swayed slightly for a few times. The aerodynamic force completely stabilized the overall posture, and the lost speed was regained in an instant.

The front windshield crashed into the rain, which meant that they were very, very close to the enemy.

"How far is it?" Thumb asked.

Gunsmith: "Three point eight kilometers, very fast, very close."

The regiment led by the Son of Giants did not notice this beast at all. In the dark night, the sentries wandering on the edge of the battlefield might only hear the roar of the engine and the flash of a huge shadow.

It feels like a vixen sitting on the ground sucking dirt. The aerodynamics and transmission structure of this truck are designed for bad roads. Its top speed can reach 270 kilometers. .

Every time I slow down and change the route according to the road book, the hydraulic continuous braking is like smoking a big cigarette. The car body trembles with the slightly curved mud and gravel in the field, and it is like rowing a boat. It cuts corners to avoid obstacles and pushes out. At the moment of cornering, the engine sucks in oxygen and lets out gasps - the sudden push against the back is so reassuring, it will never lose control.

"I saw it!" Thumb suddenly exclaimed.

At the end of the road, on the leeward south side of a low slope, in a bunker that could barely be called a high ground, the Giant's Son was hiding there, accompanied by fourteen or five officers and soldiers.

"Good eyesight!" The gunsmith saw the enemy soldiers from the drone accompanying him: "There are still about two hundred and twenty meters."

Thumb: "What to do?!"

Gunsmith: "Stay there!

Thumb: "Scandinavian Pendulum!? That slope is a bit steep! Hit it directly? We will fly out!"

"You are the left rudder! You can always observe the impact surface of the cargo compartment!" The gunsmith was already prepared for the impact.

Turning in the opposite direction from left to right, the engine quickly downshifts, and the transmission gear set roars like a charge at the moment it explodes.

Its headlights lit up, bursting out with a dazzling ray of 1,800 lumens——

——The son of the giant was four meters tall. He grabbed half of the body of the servant and stuffed it into his mouth. He had just eaten half of it. He was seriously injured in the fight with the Great Wolf Scouting Group and needed to eat people to restore his health.

Just when it tilted its head slightly and was attracted by the light source to observe the wilderness beside it, the headlight of the Iron Knight almost blinded it, and the golden eye lines were filled with pure white light.

The cargo compartment slid sideways with the front of the car, and followed the trend of the ground up the slope. I grasped the steering wheel with my thumbs and gritted my teeth, and lowered it to first gear to release all the low-speed torque and all the mechanical energy of the car. The two legs But it's like giving a massage to an iron knight, you have to carefully control the oil and flick the tail!

The heavy box and the rapidly rotating rear wheels rushed up the slope, taking away six lives, and then hit the body of the giant's descendant - it almost fainted on the spot, and its sternum and spine crackled and cracked cleanly.

Its body became flat, like a piece of biscuit under the influence of the huge impact. It followed the pendulum movement of the carriage and spread out more than twenty meters away, like a ball of rotten meat on a fly swatter! It has become the trademark LOGO on the anonymous logistics truck!

The gunsmith kicked the car door open. At the moment when the monster was trapped in the door of death, the tires on the front of the car had not completely stopped. He jumped out of the car, took out his gun and fired to examine the body. He ran all the way to follow the target - Divana's gun line gradually stopped. The rear of the car drew a half-arc, locking the monster's head, and it took two magazines to completely cease fire.

The bullet almost turned the head of the giant's son into a honeycomb. The natural distribution of the ballistic trajectory was affected by the wind. It drew a black mass of flesh and iron on the car body, and the flying shrapnel cut a series of shocking sword marks. , but it’s certain——

——This man-eating beast is dead!

Remote footage from the frontline drone was transmitted to the jeep.

Bu Liuxing looked serious and said to Boy Paul: "Little finger, have you learned it?"

The little finger responded proudly: "Once your eyes have learned it, you can do it!"

Bu Liuxing laughed——

"——It doesn't matter! I can't learn it either!"

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